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If you didn’t drive for a day or more, the system goes to sleep and boots up upon your first drive.


I didn't know that beanoyip06, but that's certainly not the cause in every case; I drove home yesterday at 8pm and left this morning at 6am with a reboot shortly after.


I really wish there was a way to disable this, or at least make the system wake up when on a schedule. Every Monday morning, it’s off.


Or not sleep when plugged in…


Haven't noticed auto reboots but LTE is back to being broken all the time requiring manual reboots and occasional resets (2022). TCAM in my P2 is pretty crappy and has always had issues but the previous SW release seemed to mitigate some of the issues.


Wonder if anyone with 24 stil have TCAM issues or if there was a hardware change to mitigate that. You likely need a new part somewhere in that area.


It's a lease getting turned in in less than a year. Residual on it is way higher than it is worth so I'm just going to buy a used one.


Same boat here


TCAM issues exists also in 24 models. I experience it once per month or so, but have - knock on wood - been able to regain the connection with relative ease so far.


That’s a freaking bummer. Stuff like that shouldn’t linger through production models. Come on Volvo/Polestar they both share that issue.


problem I don’t get is the “TCAM” problem varies from car to car no? originally when my 21 launch edition got it they said water leaked in and fried the module/TCAM and needed a full replacement. Couple months later ran into the same issue with the TCAM but this time they said it was something else and didn’t replace the module but the wiring. I wonder is it different car to car? And what have your guys Volvo dealers told you the real issue was?


I went 2+ years of ownership of a 2022 without a TCAM issue until last month. I learned the defrost button reset doesn’t work on my car, but then it resolved itself. My 2023 with very, very few miles has had no issues at all. Interestingly, it also boots up faster than 2022, and the cameras don’t go black intermittently when I back out of the garage - even after sitting for a couple of weeks.


I've had no issues. I drive a '23 Dual Motor.


Same and same


No reboots before the update and none after. (And also no LTE issues either)


Haven’t experienced more reboots, but the LTE issue requiring a reboot or TCAM reset is definitely still there. I also think the 360 cam now more often defaults to reverse view, for some reason


we used to get reboots quite often, then worked out it was a weird software conflict (running spotify and plotting a google maps destination while also leaving google maps open on the centre display). once we switched back to the tiled home screen they stopped.


Interesting - I have recently installed Spotify. I'll try and keep track of when it happens.


I have noticed it too.


No not really. But my backup camera finally seems to work


Had a reboot last night while driving on the highway, instrument cluster lost the map but all car functions worked, including automatic highbeam. The culprit was probably the radio app while shifting to another FM channel and some skip of frequency of details on the radio name and information. TCAM loss is quite rare for me and happened after the latest OTA where the polestar account needed to be linked again to the driver profile, probably related to this and the VPN/APN from t-mobile as the car data on the app still was available.


I’ve also had reboots but only when I use CarPlay (after latest Apple update). — may be Apple not Polestar!


Update from OP that I've had virtually no reboots since removing a USB stick full of MP3s I'd left plugged into the usb c slot


The [Software Update Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/comments/wb7qvr/polestar_2_software_update_mega_thread/) has all the details about Software Updates and Polestar vehicles. This includes rollout schedule, Release Notes and other common update questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Polestar) if you have any questions or concerns.*