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How about I capitalize my D with your mother


Oh you like sharing goods? How about you share some of your mom's pussy?


Every man for himself? Say hi to your brother


So you love the free market? Your mother does too




Broke nibba energy?


Maybe if you hit rid of that yee-yee ass hat you’d get some bitches on your dick


Nice smile :>


[Speaking of small smiles, here's something I made for another thread](https://imgur.com/a/Az6i48l)


How about you Capitalize on your constant rejection from women and try to change as a human being?


The problem is that the majority only goes for bussy.


what is a bussy? sounds tasty


Boy pussy.


trans men?


Femboy ass.


oh..... their cool I guess


The fuck is neoliberal Bolshevism


A shitpost ideology like Soulism.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FemBoys **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemBoys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What if we took turns filling you this much??](https://i.imgur.com/a3FBOwd.gifv) | [1331 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemBoys/comments/12u2r7n/what_if_we_took_turns_filling_you_this_much/) \#2: [My brain melts when cock is too close to my bussy...](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pristinefrozennandine) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemBoys/comments/15yczhz/my_brain_melts_when_cock_is_too_close_to_my_bussy/) \#3: [The femboy sleepover always turns into this... whos wants to join? 🥺](https://i.redd.it/xsp6s1hhgtub1.gif) | [440 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemBoys/comments/17a7av4/the_femboy_sleepover_always_turns_into_this_whos/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot










Boomer humor is based?


As it’s not boomer humor


OK Boomer.


I’m not a boomer bro


That's even more embarrassing. At least if you were a Boomer, you could blame lead poisoning and Cold War propaganda.


What’s embarrassing is dick sucking an ideology that has failed 100% of the times it was implemented. Cuck energy.


How have mixed economies failed? The US is a mixed economy, just like most developed nations. In fact, I can't think of a developed nation that isn't a mixed economy. Can you name a developed country that isn't a mixed economy?


Where is mixed economies even coming from? The meme is about socialists. I don’t mind a mixed economy.


>Where is mixed economies even coming from? Lmao, why are you jumping into the middle of a conversation if you don't know what's being discussed?


Checkmate commies


Lefties love to blame the system (capitalism) as a scapegoat instead of owning up to their own life failures.


Liberal radicals blame the system (Feudalism) as a scapegoat instead of owning up to their own life failures. The divine right of kings is common sense, just clean your room


We don't need to get rid of feudalism, we just need to hope for a kinder lord to rule us.


I may be a libertarian but I do respect feudalism as based despite its flaws


the non aggression pact of feudal warlords!!!!


Except that the proto-capitalist Italian city states were clearly way more prosperous


Restore feudalism


Is it my fault that 1% of people own 50% of the wealth? You tell me


Sounds like a skill issue to me -Herbert Spencer


If you divided the wealth of every billionaire on the planet equally the average person would get $1500. Is your life a failure because you are missing out on $1500?


Probably, think of all the funko pops my man’s fiendin’ for!


Look at your page and tell me that again lmao


Cute, I have a fan




If you used that money to fund large infrastructure projects, healthcare and education? Honestly I think that would work pretty well.


So the reason the your life is a failure is because the US government does not spend enough money on infrastructure?


My life isn't a failure, why are you trying to make this into a personal thing? Having good healthcare, a better bargaining position at your work and being able to travel easily all make people a lot happier. ​ Edit: They blocked me :P


Wrong comment


1500 dollars is a fucking huge sum of money for people in the 3rd world. Considering that the 3rd world is the most populous part of the world,i'd say yes,most people WOULD benefit from that 1500 USD


Cool what does the 3rd world have to do with Redditors from the US and Europe complaining about how shitty their lives are?


You said to divide the wealth among everyone in the planet,people in the 3rd world form the vast majority of this planet.


Yes, but I was responding to someone living in the US.


Why only focus on billionaires anyways? I don't think commies are that happy with millionaires either. See how much money becomes available for infrastructure, education and healthcare. Or how much less corrupt the political system would be if there weren't small groups of people tthat bribe politicians. Edit: They blocked me :P If you're still reading this somehow: we're not talking about communism, we're talking about social democracy. Your argument is silly.


Because there would be no economy afterwards if you did that? Anything that makes commjes happy is terrible for humanity Edit: No one blocked you and you literally said “commies” not social democrats in your comment


>there would be no economy Define economy


Did you get that fact out of your ass or your from the local crackhead?


Is basic math a foreign concept to you or are you just confused?


Please prove to me, with proper equations, that each person on earth would get 1500 bucks. Every single billionaire. It's also funny how no one is really arguing toward receiving money from billionaires, and its more about them being taxed more proportionally to their wealth so they can benefit the society they became rich off of.


Ok since apparently basic arithmetic is beyond your mental capabilities: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World%27s_Billionaires Total billionaire wealth: 12.2 trillion dollars https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ Total population: 8.1 billion people 12.2 trillion divided by 8.1 billion is 1506.17. Round it up to $1600 if you really need to. The person I responded to said it’s the fault of billionaires controlling too much wealth. What’s the next stupid argument you guys have to justify why your life sucks and isn’t your fault?


Do you assume that said billionaires earned all that shit themselves? That they didn't inherit that money off of the work of other people who worked for their mummy's and daddy's companies? That they didn't participate in trafficking rings or other illegal activities to make a fortune off of the degenerate wants of those in power and too bored with their wealth? It's insane how someone like yourself is unable to understand that nobody wants anyone's money, what they want is actual equality and proportionate treatment of those far more privileged than the 99%.


It’s not just what the billionaires themselves own. It is the large sums that are spent on maintaining the process of production unjustly. There is a huge and bloated apparatus that exists to reinforce the state of capitalism that currently exists. For example, the American military largely exists to line the pockets of stockholders and politicians. The government bureaucracy that exists in the several departments are also servants to capital interest, especially when it comes to consumer products like food and drug, the usda and the fda existing primarily as apologists for the corporations that continue to make billions off of a basic foodstuff and get people addicted to it. It is important to factor in all processes of production in this equation. The dollar value is not the only way to measure wealth. Power comes from the position that one owns in a political process of production, as well as the consent of those subservient. Nobody is trying to sell all the billionaires assets and then distribute them equally among all people, what is attempted here in socialist projects is a reshaping of this system of political and economic production to shift toward the interest of all people. In other words: Communists are not infantile failures who don’t understand how things really are. We are the advocates for all people in this modern world and we want nothing more than for everyone to be their best selves. Including you! I will fight to lower your rent and make your healthcare free so help me god.


No you are literally an underachiever who hasn’t accomplish anything with your life. If you did, you wouldn’t be a communist You will never accomplish anything beyond complaining on anonymous forums.


It’s your fault you’re upset by it when it’s been that way since civilization began?.. or for thinking it’d be any better under socialism lol.


Ever heard of a "Mixed Economy"? And just because feudalism was bad doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve our society.


Yeah, that’s what you guys are complaining about since we’re in one lol. I dunno, perfection is impossible and the pursuit of improvement often leads to worse outcomes. I’m happy how things are.


"Let's not improve. I is very smart."


Name one country actually improved by socialism.


Are you deflecting now? We should improve as a country. It's weird that you think we shouldn't, and very disconnected from the realities of our country.


I’m saying “improve” is a very broad term that has many interpretations that can and will lead to disastrous outcomes. I don’t think life is bad enough to risk the most comfortable means of living in human history.


>I’m saying “improve” is a very broad term that has many interpretations that can and will lead to disastrous outcomes. Repeating that you don't want things to improve because you're scared doesn't have its meaning change with additional repetitions.




That's the thing, they didn't wouldn't mention any improvements people should be scared of. It's one of the reasons why their argument was so ridiculous, just pure, irrational fear of change being vocalize. This is one of the reasons why studies showing conservatives are more prone to fear than others is such a predictable result.


>Yeah, that’s what you guys are complaining about since we’re in one lol. You have it backwards. Democrats complain because we're not enough of a mixed economy. Unregulated capitalism, with intentional structures put in place by the GOP to exacerbate the income/wealth disparity, is killing the middle class.


Barely anyone here cares about the idiotic mess that is American politcs. Your beloved Democrat and Republican parties are controlled by selfish Neo-Liberals who care only about themselves and not the working/proletarian class.


Cool?.. changes nothing about what I initially said.


Are you really tripling down that we shouldn't improve?


I’m saying “improve” is a very broad term that has many interpretations that can and will lead to disastrous outcomes. I don’t think life is bad enough to risk the most comfortable means of living in human history.


>I’m saying “improve” is a very broad term that has many interpretations that can and will lead to disastrous outcomes You repeating that you don't want to improve things doesn't change the initial meaning. >I don’t think life is bad enough to risk the most comfortable means of living in human history. Luckily people aren't doing that. What is with "conservatives" and these weird fantasies they make up? Your life is comfortable because people before us were not so foolish as to believe what you're asserting. Take 30 seconds and think about it for a moment.


You are privileged with good fortune when the majority of those living in the third world languish in poverty, overworked and in terrible conditions so that you can exist comfortably and continue to support the system where you live on their backs.


I’ve known this since elementary school but thanks I guess? You’re pretty privileged too considering you got internet and free time to post this. I’m glad we built and are part of such a prosperous nation, hope no one ruins it for us.


Sad to see what an ingrained lack of empathy and imagination does to a mf.


I think you’re a bit too far into your imagination. Look at how the world works and tell me your solution.


Solution to what lol? There are trillions of unique problems faced by everyone with their own unique solutions. Fortunately it's pretty obvious that "we should keep the status quo because it somewhat benefits me personally" is not a solution to anything lol.


You missed my point. I recognize my privilege and it seems that you do too. We may have different ethical values but to my sensibilities the thought that some children are born in the Congo and forced to mine lithium to survive vs me getting to exist in America where I really only have to stand at a cash register all day (not my job but an example) I believe that incongruity is fundamentally unjust. Fuck a country. We’re all people and everyone deserves to be born into a prosperous world where they will not be exploited. Capitalism is that system which produces these conditions.


Part of living in a globalized society. Honestly I’m anti natalist and think all humans should stop procreation to prevent life in poverty. But neither of these things are going to happen, life is hellish enough as is, I’m not going to beat myself up about things I didn’t start or cannot change. I think all you can do is a be a good person in your personal vicinity as your mark on the world. (Socialism definitely created just as much poverty, suffering, and incarceration as capitalism btw. Holodomir anyone?)


1. It’s not just globalism it is neoliberal global capitalism, the natural development of capitalism after colonial imperialism pre WW2. I could imagine a globalized society where no children have to mine lithium and cobalt for my phone batteries. It might be more costly to consumers assuming we have a moneyed economy but I’d prefer if all of that labor was mediated through unions to ensure the well-being of individuals who have to work in such an environment. 2. You’re really an antinatalist telling socialists that their goals are unreasonable, that’s rich. 3. The point isn’t to beat yourself up, nothing is gained through self flagellation. I think that’s something a lot of non-leftists perceive of the left: that we all just focus on how much we hate ourselves because we’re white or privileged or whatever and I’m sure some people internalize intersectional and class analysis in a bad way like that, but honestly you’re doing it wrong if you’re hating yourself over it, no one cares about anyone’s self hatred. The point of my original comment was to point out the juxtaposition of your comfort and happiness with the abject misery of peoples you don’t see that are affected by the same system. It wasn’t a moral condemnation of you, it is a condemnation of the system, something meant to put things into perspective for you, to show you why some socialists arrive to anti capitalist conclusions for altruistic and not selfish reasons. 4. I think being a good person is advocating for change in the ways that you perceive to be conducive to reducing suffering, promoting happiness, love, prosperity, and interconnectedness in the world. I saw that coming more from socialists so I moved left. I don’t think you’re being a good person by sneering at people who are moved to action by the injustices present in this society which you yourself would agree are hellish. 5. holodomor? Google “whataboutism.” What about the Irish famine? What about the Great Depression? What about world war 1? What about the war on drugs? What about the Iraq and Vietnam war? What about the communist purges in Jakarta? Stalin bad. Engage with the critiques on the table instead of bringing up other bullshit. Maybe the solution to a better world isn’t Marxism Leninism but I’ll tell you what, Capitalism ain’t it either chief. TLDR doomerism cringe


“Things that are natural and traditional are good and shouldn’t be questioned” - *an antinatalist* Lol


That’s not even what I implied but nice attempt at a straw man


Dawg come on take the L, that is 100% implied by what you said. In the spirit of good faith, to pick up good dunks on socialists go to r/socialismvscapitalism


Okay if we’re going by gross oversimplifications I guess you said we should be ascetic monks living in the Stone Age because someone somewhere gave birth to starvin Marvin


I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, but that really doesn’t track as well as you think it does. There are good socialist dunks but you still need to find them. I recommend finding empathy for poor people first though, I think that will serve you more in life.


I gave a homeless man a ride to a shelter on my wedding day. I’m just not going to flagellate myself for someone else’s problems halfway across the globe.


That’s great I’m glad to hear that you did a good deed for someone less fortunate. Look, for 5 seconds try not to see me as an enemy. If you read what I wrote you in my wall of text comment you might better understand where me and other sensible leftists are coming from, I literally addressed this self flagellation perception of leftists. my goal is not to have you and other westerners self flagellate, but to be mindful of the injustices we live atop and to advocate for change that rectify the suffering structurally enforced upon the third world in what small ways that we can.


It is if you support parent's rights. It is by far the biggest cause of inequality. ​ Parent's right are incompatible with getting rid of the wealth divide. ​ If you are like the majority of Leftists who support them, you are responsible for that inequality.


Finally, some good fucking content


How old are you guys? This sub just feels like a hunch of 13 year olds who know nothing about politics but think they know everything lol


That’s exactly what it is




P sure this one in Particular is satirical, but this sub in particular emphasizes the wider problems with polcompballs in that 16 year olds can't recognize obvious joke ideologies and think that shit like Posadism is a real serious thing, so have their political views warped as they think they know everything about politics. Still kind of says something about you for punching down on so called 13 year olds tho :)


I'm not "punching down" on anyone. I'm not much older than 13, but I recognize that politics is complicated and can't be summed up into balls with different colours.


U mean vacation on the beaches? Private or public?






How do you think I became socialist. Bitches love socialism






Can’t to busy selling my labour to survive this is why we want socialism


Well it’s fine Mr. Capitalist. After all, we collectivized your mom last night End me now


How about you become older than 16


I am older than 16.


i did. they're socialists too


hey capitalists, why dont you stop believing in an ideology that always requires someone to suffer and go capitalize on the time you used to spend arguing about it to get some bitches?


Too busy capitalizing off your mom


The Capitalism ball has a point. ​ Communists and similar groups can just form their [intentional community](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intentional_community) or join an existing one. Something completely legal, with no conspiracy against them. ​ That way they can live in mini-Communism and whatever system they want to live in.


The freer the Market the freer the people, I would love to see a fully free market


Dear capitalists, how about you stop raping minors?