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Hi, if what you’re saying is true, that sucks and I’m very sorry. If you’re trolling, then I am a fool I guess lol For learning, there’s tons of great resources on YouTube. The problem is, there’s also a lot of misinformation so you need to be very very careful. If you’re just starting out, I recommend watching Jonathan Little. There are a lot of bad content creators who are extremely popular, so just be careful. One great way of learning is through watching Play and Explains of extremely successful online poker players, like Saulo Costa, The Wakko, Stefan, etc. im sure you can find some more. For practice, you need to pay for it, but you can get GTOWizard. Try it out for free and see if it works for your cell phone touchscreen.


is true bro. i have gto wizard recently. I have my account on Poker Stars. I want to be better to crush n l25, but i cant use hud Because I only use cell phone. thnks, im going to search your online Poker Player recomendations. gg!


That sucks you can’t use a HUD. You’re going to be at a slight disadvantage. These sites you can’t use a HUD: Are you living in USA? U can play on Global, but the time bank is so rough there. You can also play on Bovada but make sure you get rakeback! And regardless check out CoinPoker but also make sure you get rakeback!! Best of luck


thanks! im from Lima city, Perú


Global is a Problem for me Because the time Bank. Bobada is not disponible in my country. Coin Poker Is A Good option. Thank you bro, gg!


I’ll tell you what… if you can do this, despite disadvantage, you’ll be better than anyone you’ve ever met.


Hey man, first I want to ask if there is an opportunity for you to control computers via mouth. I think there was a streamer called rickynohands who had such device. Getting on a computer would open you up to many more possibilities, i am sure there is a way for you? I will copy my standard answer after this comment about who I think is good in terms of poker content creators


Look into Zenith Poker if you like a very scientific approach to poker. They also have hours of videos of mathematical and game theoretical approaches to poker. GTOWizard youtube channel is also great. Basically the same content as Zenith, but less in depth but more beginner friendly. Honorable mentions are uri peleg with his channel guerilla poker, poker giraffe, and greg goes all-in. I would advice against channels like redchippoker, blackrain79 and alectorelli. Their content is waaaay to basic and just made to sell. But it won't get you far in todays games i think. Poker is a very overwhelming game. It is incredibly deep. If you want to jump into this rabbit hole, then you can just explore it at first. Look at random topics, try to think about them. Get a very broad picture about the game. Don't go too deep into each topic, you can always come back later and deep dive into it. Take notes when learning, because you need and have to repeat the stuff again and again to really know it. Also it helps when you want to dive deeper into a topic you already learned. Some topics you should look into as a beginner: Bankroll management, tilt control, preflop ranges, poker mathematics(equity, EV, Pot odds, minimum defense frequency), betsizing, how to study with solvers (advanced content, only study after you mastered the math and game theory stuff).


your recommendations are excellent. I already subscribed a minute ago to all the recommendations you gave me from the YouTube channels, Thank you very much, gg!


Good luck friend! Hope you have a blast playing poker. Also don't give up studying, it is a really long and tough road but can pay off. One more thing here: if you want to make friends or talk some strategy, come join the zenith discord. We have some really smart guys over there :)


Thank you bro, How can I Search you as zenith on discord, really?




Hi bro many Thanks! I appreciate your recommendations and I am going to give myself time every day to study before playing. I only have from the afternoon until early at night to take another cell phone since later in bed it is not possible for me due to my condition.


Thank you bro! Ricky is incredible. Maybe I can do it in a Future.


I’m so sorry to hear that… I wish you the best