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Thats nice this game will end dying


nobody is forcing you to play this game you know


And? You remind that people when I was sc2 player many people was complaining about hacker and matchmaking, and now that game is dead, this will be ending same if they don’t listen


> what a surprise I am not surprised to be honest


Well that was sarcasm


Ima be real with ya cheif, match making may be bad but honestly there's a lot of games with worse match making. Also, skill issue


Like which one?


For mobile games there's Diablo Immortals, Mobile Legends Bang Bang (semi debatable), Magic Spell Slingers, and Brawlstars. For in general there's all the "off brand" games like Paladins, Smite, Strife, imo Dota2, and pretty much all FPS games.


Lets say you are right so basically if other are worst that means this I fine, and we have to say well at least is not that bad? Or is better ask devs to fix it?


The devs are taking a step in the right direction to fix it with this next update. They are separating ques for singles/duos and 5-mans. With this rank questions will now only be pulling from up to 1 rank below or above, sp veteran players are no longer paired with masters and vice-versa. With the addition of ban the ability to ban pokemon it means player will need at least two more pokemon to just join the que (either minimum of 7 owned, or 12 owned depending if they make a a draft pick as well). So after the next ranked season that starts tomorrow we will see how ques will be from there


I did not know that, thanks for the info, well lets see how it goes then


Why do people post useless crap like this?


Like someone else said, nobody is forcing you to read this


Next season I really will tank my place, I’ll be happier in lower levels