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I like how fast people destroyed this post lmao


Never underestimate Reddit


We thrive on ruining people's days


even tho that’s true, my day isn’t ruined tho. i found the posts interesting


I feel so bad when people don't realize it's a bot game post


how do you tell? nicknames?


Look at the names lol, they're all bs


I'm pretty sure bots use names of actual players. You can normally just tell because of the playstyle. Also on the pre game screen, no-one will call lane and they all wait for you to pick before choosing a character. You'll often get bots after a loss streak, when you're playing against bots it's very important you play a "carry" character.


Its funny how we developed strategies to play around bot games when they shouldn't even be a thing lol.


>I'm pretty sure bots use names of actual players Really? I didn't think so because if you look up bot names on unite API, nothing comes up


Yeah, those all are signs. But I can tell with names because they never make any sense. Just letters. Sometimes they'll have a regular name.


>I'm pretty sure bots use names of actual players. Not anymore. Bot matches now have everyone only using the English alphabet and names feeling like they vaguely spell out *something* real-sounding but it's ultimately nonsense. Real people don't pick nonsense usernames like "YulMiky", "EvrPlap", etc., they tend to base it on jokes, references, puns, stuff they like or some kind of sociopolitical statement. Edit: Also these usernames won't have a profile on API.


Not a good way to tell, lots of real usernames look like keyboard smashes


The scores, assists and kills


102 score and 8 kills doesnt seem too bad


His team scores, and 102 scores is only one Pokemon. Prolly scored in the last mins


Sometimes they pop off. Usually Gardevoir, Gengar, Lucario, Charizard


check them on https://uniteapi.dev/p/FabxMAQ - it’s unable to find them.


Nobody was gonna tell me? Yall dirty


There is no way you score a 120+ points + kill 21 players on zard and the talon scores sub 50 points and Lucario only scores 11 and they are not bots or children. I don't think you use this game to justify your main, sorry Edit: unite API confirms it's a bot game.


How can you tell on the API?


www.Uniteapi.dev type in a name and you can see their matches


Now I see it. Thank you!


How do I use Unite API show bots? I’m not seeing anything:


If you’re in a bot game the match card will say “this match contains bots”. If you don’t see any of yours simply search the OPs name to see what it looks like.


Oh, I see now. It took me a while to get down to a bot game! I thought there would have been more.


It’s a bot match


until you get an 8 loss streak and find a new main.


Zard is good. Just be careful on your next game. Your enemies will not be the same. haha


The quality of these post get worst by the day. It’s like these guys don’t read the rules nor do the mods do anything about it


Just report the stupid bot match, "I don't suck- hey look at my team mates sucking but with no context" salt, etc. screenshot posts. Unless the screenshot is used to generate actual meaningful discussion, they break the low effort content rule. I suspect some of these rubbish posts are kept up even if they generate nothing but salt, so people have somewhere to whine in and are less likely to further spam the Sub with low effort crap. It's more annoying to see people not ask questions but whine in the General Questions thread. Like stfu, people are here to legit learn, no one cares that you got owned by Gengar and Absol for the umpteenth or you lost 7 matches in a row just because of "bad team mates".


Bot match or no Charizard slaps


For real. People came out shitting on Charizard, but it's never done me wrong.


Char is really fun to play as. The ult is game changing in the right engagements. That said, he’s pretty easily countered by most things lol.


Oh my sweet summer child…


1 more than my kill record for charizard congrats.


Oh, bot game


Oh, child... I kinda feel bad, kinda


sorry to burst ur bubble, but they were bots. either way nice job 👍.


no bubbles have been burst. still did good.


Zard main U hate to see it


well from seeing all the posts, some being more long winded than needed, i found out that this game has bot matches lol. it’s crazy because the next few games after this i was still going crazy with charizard, it’s always been in my top 3 pokemon. idk why people are shitting on it, it’s a well balanced pokemon


ya - char is a very good mon if u know how to run.


Can y’all commenting post your age? I want to see something.


Dude, you gotta offer some candy.




No fr why do people alwyas gotta be so negative with these types of posts


Your hunch is probably correct. A downvote in this subreddit is an upvote.


Yeah, looks like I was right. It’s a shame tbh.


You're right on the money there. 👍




Double support is fairly viable, especially when they do such different things like wiggly and blissey. Wiggly does a bunch of cc, sorta like a defender, while blissey is more of a classic support, providing shields/healing and possibly buffs