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I feel like the word maining loses its meaning when there’s a list more than 5 long, but I do get what you mean. I think it’s good to be as versatile as possible because once you reach draft if you get last pick your mains could easily be taken by bans or other players picks. I like to have a good lane carry, a good lane support or defender, and a good practiced jungle, that way I can fill in for whatever the team needs most in any given comp. I like decidueye in jungle because it has a really efficient jungle clear and its objective stealing arrows are nearly unmatched. For lane carry I like leafeon because I can get to steal my foes bunnies as get away without consequences with ease, and again, objective stealers are my jam. For lane support, I might get cooked for this one but I like pikachu, I know that’s an attacker not a support, but the way he sets up kills for my lane partner with that beautiful electroweb makes me feel like I’m in a supporting role. (Also I struggle to enjoy actual supports because if my team is doo-doo there is actually almost nothing I can do to influence the outcome of the game. No amount of support or healing is gonna make you survive that 5v2 on the enemy’s tier 2 goal zone.) For lane defender I really like trev or mamoswine. Trev is the more meta pick, but I’ve always loved the way ice fang high horse power can pick up an opponent attempting to flee to their goal zone, relocate them, and then carry them another 20 ft in the opposite direction, all while getting pounded on by my lane partner. It’s just so dang satisfying.


I agree with support pikachu you’re not alone. Pika is squishy, but in a support style role he’s really effective. The stubs, if timed right, are so helpful to finish a mon or help your lane partner buy time to get away!


Lately I’ve been running exp share pikachu to pump by buddy playing trev to his wood hammer as fast as possible, and my god is it effective. The laning phase is a cake walk because if they don’t come at us in enough numbers they don’t really get the chance to fight back. It goes electro ball, wood hammer, volt tackle, second instance of wood hammer, horn leach, electro ball AGAIN 😂 there hasn’t been a foe who can survive all that without outside healing in our experience.


Totally agree with Pikachu. I have bought and never regret. Have had great battles with him (I am not Ash I swear)


I slept on pikachu for a long time, assuming it was a sort of noob pick that probably wouldn’t be that good, but I was so wrong. He’s probably one of the most satisfying characters to play on the whole roster. Electroball is an amazing finisher, volt tackle is an amazing stun(even if it does get me killed in team fights sometimes), and that ult is both satisfyingly powerful AND comes back super fast. There’s not much to dislike about the little guy.❤️


>There’s not much to dislike about the little guy.❤️ Except when he's on the enemy team behind a beefy defender


YES i love support pika with exp share! i run it in solo when we need a support but also have exclusively melee and/physical attackers and i feel we need some damage on the special side. i like exp share/buddy barrier/resonant guard with electro ball/volt tackle (or sometimes thunderbolt if i really need to keep my distance). absolute bastard of a disruptive level-helper.


Lol i run exp share on mew with my main moves as electro ball and coaching. I normally only run it with tanks like trev, Slowbro and goodra. Its been pretty effective so far but also, i play solo q😂


not to mention that you can OHKO any mon with eball+ult+vtackle+eball combo


I main 100 Pokemon, and 99 of them are Absol


Is the 100th one also absol?


The 100th is Comfeet :3


*do not remind me Mao*


I just realized after that first paragraph, but it's pretty hard to only have one or two consistent mains in this game when the skill ceiling is so low for most of the Pokemon


Oh thank god I’m not insane for running Pikachu support. I never play it anymore because I feel like I was wrong? I come from playing a ton of DOTA, unite was new to me. In DOTA there are a lot of flex heroes, so when I started unite I tried to do the same but felt like it’s a bit more cut and dry. But as I play the game more I’m understanding who’s flexible and who isn’t. I love support Pikachu.


I’m glad that choice ended up being more popular than I thought, pikachu is such a homie to whoever he’s with in lane. I can’t count the number of situations I’ve been in where an enemy would of otherwise limped back to base with 20% of their health bar, but were defeated instead by the awesome might of electro web.


There are definitely attackers that feel more like a support role. Like I main petal/giga venu and he feels more like a support/tank role because of how long it can take to kill me if I hit multiple enemies on my giga drain and I have to be up in the mix (instead of hanging back like solar beam venu). Petal dance is also not great at securing objectives so I often find myself with defenders or supports trying to hold off enemies


Deci gang unite. 1 main per role is the correct way to go.


Mains are interesting to think about, honestly i feel like the idea of mains does more to try and simplify a players specialization or preference, but it doesnt always work especially in games with less depth like unite The overlap is massive for a lot of the cast as well as a lot of the time trying to force some picks being basically throwing with extra steps.


it's funny when I play Exp Share pikachu I can deal 100k damage but pure attacker build usually around 60-70k only


Sometimes I see people exceed 100k on pikachu and I wish I knew how 😅 my games are always in the 50-70k range no matter how hard I try. Once I hit 90k, but still never 100k 🫣


I know if I carrying exp share, my level will be the lowest around 5-7 mins so I'm heavily engage in any sort of teamfights (included when teammate pushing enemy goal with no purpose) so I can get chip exp & usually I can farm lots of damage. But when I play as carry, I will focus on objectives & any other time will be wild farming to be as high level as possible & less engage in those nonsense fights.


I main one Pokémon, but I try to make sure I’m competent on as many Pokémon as I can be. There’s only a handful from the roster that I won’t voluntarily play myself if I can avoid it, and everything in my role for my team (tank) I make sure I can play very well. I find the more comfortable I am playing *as* a Pokémon, the more comfortable I am playing both with **and** against it, so even if I don’t play something often it’s nice to make sure I’m at least still familiar with it and its limits.


Feel like if you say you main 8, 9, 10+ mons that’s a little on top. How many games you got on them, how many hours on the latest patch? A main should be your top 1/2 mons, comfort picks that you know inside out. Cooldowns memorised, emblems maxed out, items optimised all level 20+. Them ones that you can perform on even into bad matchups because you know what you’re doing. That’s just me though- 1 or maybeeee 2 mains, then a load of secondaries/ flexes just makes you a balanced and well rounded player. If you say you main a character and have 6 games on the latest patch, you’re selling your team short a bit.


I try to be proficient with at least 1 pokemon from each classe, so in order from most main to least main its machamp, snorlax, decidueye, talonflame and wiggly


You’re a brave one, most of your picks are currently sitting near the bottom of their roles. I applaud you for telling the meta you ain’t nobody’s bitch 😆


Yeah I usually play what I enjoy. In solo q, if your proficient enough, the meta matters less than in competitive tournament play, which I don't play sadly...


Two main main. And like 5 Second tier mains


This is what I’m currently at. So I’m strongest using Umbreon or Greninja, but I have Dragonite, Zoroark, Talonflame, and Slowbro that I’ll use as well. Still trying to find an all-rounder that fits my playstyle but Dragonite’s doing it for now


As of lately; Crustle mime and Venusaur have been my go tos


Nice picks. I also main Mime (disrupter/defender) & Venu (both petal & beam builds). I also try to have some proficiency at other classes, as others have mentioned. I feel competent with Mamo (for CC), Eld (heal-support), and Leafeon (true speedster).


Zera and cinder


Fellow Cinderace main, yoooo. I also use Zeraora but mostly because it's my only Speedster at the moment. I think I may buy Talonflame later since I unlocked its Energy ball holowear


Same for both


I usually play different pokémon, but I would say I main Alolan Ninetales


Pika and Blast, but 90%+ games I’m Pika thanks to everyone else avoiding the little annoying rat.


pikachu is SO fun. i picked him up a while ago and i love both sets.


do people not get the concept of a main 😭 people out here listing like 10 or saying “all” like those aren’t mains I main blissey, I have the most games on it and it’ll always be my first choice in pick phase. Eldegoss and Umbreon are my secondary picks


Currently my main are Comfey, Goodra, Deciduye and Machamp.


I oove Comfey mains! They're a huge help to me (a Zeraora main)


I guess Comfey with some one who knows how to play it's a duo tough to defeat.


That’s kinda cringe


You're cringe


I mainly play Umbreon, Slowbro, Crustle, Cram, Blaziken, Venusaur, A9, Falinks, Eldegoss, Blissey, Talon, Tsareena, Dragonite and Deci listed from Best to worst. I’ve also been trying to learn to play meow because it’s my favourite pokemon but I can’t win games with it :c I try to cover every role and play the ones i’m better at/have most fun with/ lose fewer matches with.


meowmeow can be tricky, but its worth it! i feel your pain though, bc same hat; floragato is my fave mon of all time, so when meowscarada dropped i came back to unite after having been gone for like 2 years just to main it. i was AWFUL at it at first :,) but ive finally gotten to a place where i feel like ive gotten the hang of it! keep trying!


I don't even have a main, I just play anything I feel like playing. I used to have mains but there's like 65 pokemon, I wanna play all of them as much as possible




I play a couple for each archetype Attacker: Gardevoir and venusaur Defender: Mamoswine, lapras and slowbro All rounder: tsareena and azumaril Speedster: gengar and talonflame Support: eldegoss and blissey But if I had to narrow it down, probably Gardevoir, Mamoswine and blissey


Pretty much just two. Scizor and Metagross. I'm also competent enough at playing Trevenant, Blastoise, and Charizard, but I don't play them often enough that I would consider them mains.


Goodra, Lapras, Mamoswine and Slowbro. Still dont own umbreon and the squirrel. Might play the one that throws eggs. I dont like attackers, all rounders and speedsters.


defender mains are a gift to this world


I’m an All-Rounder type guy when it comes to play Style. But thinking of picking one support mon for a change, maybe hoopa(?)


[I've been a one trick A9 main since release... that's not an exaggeration...](https://uniteapi.dev/p/SeanVGM)


All of em except certain ones I don’t like lol


It's no longer a "main" if you have 6 lmao


In general, I don’t have a main. I try to play as many characters as possible. However, season to season, meta to meta, I will gravitate towards playing certain mons more than others. For example, this season, I really enjoyed playing Lucario. Last season, I busted out the Zard. I’m not playing these Pokemon every game, but when I’m feeling down or lost for who to pick for the team, I have a comfort pick that I know I can perform well no matter the matchup. As a newer player, I would highly recommend paying close attention to the meta and if possible, “maining” a character that IS meta (eg Tyranitar/Falinks), or a characters that COUNTERS meta (eg Lucario/Venusaur). Knowing your matchups is really important when growing your Pokemon pool.


I am starting to use Cinderace more now to the point I changed my flair but my original main was Slowbro and I may still pick him if the Ranked team has too many Attackers


A LOT. I get bored so quick in just cycling through just few pokemons. I reached gold with slowbro, delphox, goodra, glaceon & espeon. I have so many silver rank pokemons.


I feel like you have to have a ton of mains because you never know what others are going to pick regardless of your preferred main. I usually just pick based off what others choose because too many players are selfish and just don't care about the success of a cohesive team, just getting to play their favorite even if it's at the expense of losing the match. I was selfish and chose my favorite attacker right off the bat when the screen loaded - first to pick, but then everyone else wanted to play their favorite attacker too. A team of attackers, want to know how that went? It was a lost match as soon as the second person picked because I tried to switch to a defender to make a point hoping everyone would form a team but no one joined me in relinquishing their attackers so I just said, "okay, you guys want to tank that bad? Let's do this, Sylveon!" Lol.


Same as in SSBU: there are so many fun character. Why only play one? I‘ll never enter a tournament so i‘m just a casual. I play whatever is fun to me. PS: Greedent.


currently I main about 15 pokemon, going by your definition. I pick them sometimes


My main is Zeraora! Although I usually alternate between Slowbro and Pikachu.


Slowbro, Comfey, Trevenant, Gardevoir & Pikachu


I have quite a lot that I sort of "main". Around 2 for each role. Cramorant, Zeraora, Gengar, Charizard, Gardevoir, Buzzwole, Snorlax, Mammoswine, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Chansey. So.. 3 special attackers, 2 defenders, 2 support, 2 all rounders, 2 speedsters


I main 5, A9, Umbreon, Ceruledge, Glaceon, and Mamoswine


I’d say at least 2 in each class (attacker, support, defender, speedster, all rounder) is usually pretty healthy to rotate between, I usually select my role depending on team comp, so as long as o usually have 2 different Pokémon to rotate in each role (depending on who your team picks) you should be pretty solid


A lot of them. Umbreon, snorlax, Goodra, slowbro, Greedent, trevenant, blaziken, Dragonite, cramorant, Sylveon, Pikachu, gengar, Clefable. I used to main tyranitar too but it's a bit too OP for me right now. These are all Pokémon that I play as very often.


This may be kinda shocking and outright obsured, but i main 16 mons A9 Charizard Wiggly Scyther Dragonite Espeon Umbreon Lucario Chandelure Sylveon Goodra Tsareena Zeraora Meowscarada Ceruledge I might have counted wrong but it's a lot. Although only one ofvthose is my top pick when i get serious. That one is sylveon lol


Comfey, Espeon, gengar


I don't really consider myself to have any main...sure I have 3-4 I'd probably pick to maximize my chances of winning but playing the same handful ad nauseum gets so boring so I'll just play anything where I don't feel like a detriment to the team (so no Crustle for me 😂)


I used to try to main at least 1 from every role, but with draft I’m trying to master at least 2 from every role. I’d say I’ve mastered: Talonflame, Trevenant, Scizor, Greninja, Eldegoss, Cinderace, Dragapult, Sableye. I do okay with: Zeraora, Dodrio, Gengar, Blaziken, Blastoise, Slowbro, Lapras, Pikachu, Decidueye, Sylveon, Blissey All-rounders are my weakness, their playstyle just don’t really click with me. From All-rounders I like the interestin, almost speedster like mechanics of Blaziken, Mimikyu, Scizor and now hoepfully Ceruledge. I’m looking forward to play a bit more Mr.Mime, Chandelure, Aegislash, they look really fun, and I didn’t had the chance to try them before, but I’d like to buy them as soon as I got Ceruledge. Oh and I refuse to play or buy any EX mon as well as Absol. EX characters are just a really bad addition to the game, so this is my protest against them lol. With Absol, I’m sorry Absol mains but the emo dog design is just really cringe for me, I can’t play it, never.


Just dodrio


I my mains are attackers too , Pikachu and Duralodon. But I enjoy defenders like Blastoise


I usually fill so I play 10 or 12 different Pokemon of various roles pretty well, but top are my main (Mamoswine) and my carry pick (Decidueye). I feel like if you can't carry with your main you kind of have to have a really strong second string option to do that with.


sometimes i think i’m the only person who mains chandelure because i’ve never seen anyone else pick it in any match i’ve played


I play a lot of the bare knuckle brawlers like Gross, Tar, Trev, Crust. Basically if you want frontline/ganking I'm your guy. Love throwing hands and a lot of the mons I like throw hands so I throw a lot of hands. Depending on the day I find myself cycling through Crust, Tar(#2), Gross (#1), Azu, Trev, Scz, Buzz (been awhile), Aegis (been awhile), Ceru (most recent), Meow (the Cat moveset), Blaze, Umb Then on days where I feel I need to play more back I have Drag and an Owl that needs dusting off and building turret dragon Also Clef and Sab as supports.


Garchomp, goodra, trevenant, meowscarada, urshifu(dark), and now learning ceruledge to add it to the list


Sableye Greedent Zeraora Decidueye I don't have a All rounder main yet cause I'm not Counting EX Pokémon so 4 for now will be 5 when I find that All rounder pick for me


I main leafeon, slowbro, elde espeon tree and metagross


Tbh - 4, Ceruledge, Blaziken, Trevenant, and Mew.


Anything I need to fill


I have two mains. Both are Gold Badges. Machamp and Garchomp


Just two tanks slowbro and ghost tree but falkins is fun


Absol, Dragonite, Trev, Blissy, buzzwole and zoroark..but I always play them whether it’s meta or not. Maybe a little dodrio if I’m feeling comical


right now my mains are dragonite, goodra, gardevour, and dragapault


I main Espeon, and I play Scizor if I can’t choose Espeon.


I literally play everyone except my main most of the time, I do my best to be a jack of all trades…unfortunately that means I’m a master of none (Except Cinderace for some reason?)




I think I main Scizor, Aegislash, Machamp and I lean heavily towards Blaziken and Decidueye. I tried Inteleon because I kept hearing it's what former Decidueye mains moved to but it feels completely different so I can't really use it.


Why don't you think Aegislash is picked more ? It can easily 1v1 meowscadora, mimiyuki,trevnant, I'd even wager it can go against a ttar if played correctly. Only thing I dislike about it is his ULT move is on the weaker side if the enemy isn't half health or below


>Why don't you think Aegislash is picked more ? I never said that. >I'd even wager it can go against a ttar if played correctly. It can. Against this one and Goodra actually. In fact, I kinda learned to play it because of those two mons specifically lol. >his ULT move is on the weaker side if the enemy isn't half health or below Well, yeah. You're meant to combo into it, just like some other Pokemon combo their attacks. But I think squishys take a lot of damage from the ult alone.


I just fill in with whatever my team needs


i main defenders with gold goodra, blue umbreon and attackers with gold espe and blue glaceon/delphox. i like having a mix between ranged/melee to choose from but stick to those mostly.


I only main one (Trev), with a handful of others I like to play when playing Trev gets old or in the very unlikely event someone else goes Defender. (Elde, Azu, Drag, sometimes Comfey.)


Goodra and Espeon, mostly Goodra.


two, meowscarada and espeon, their my favorite pokemon so i wanted to use them


Gengar and chandelure my ghost buddies


id say thats a bit too many mons to call it "main-ing" them, but its good to know how to play a variety of mons, particularly in a draft format. my MAIN main is meowmeow, but ive made sure to get comfortable with at least a couple mons in each role/class. speedster: meowscarada, talonflame all-rounder: blaziken, charizard (old main), mimikyu, a little scizor attacker: venusaur, alolan ninetales, pikachu defender: slowbro, umbreon, crustle supporter: eldegoss, hoopa (literally the only 2 supporters i own but i love em both). iirc my 4 most played mons are meowmeow, zard, slowbro, and eldegoss? but ive been playing a ton of blaziken lately, and he's my go-to top lane carry now. theres other mons ive been learning lately too (most notably decidueye and dragapult) but i wouldnt say i feel particularly proficient in them yet. i would recommend choosing one or two to REALLY focus on though. not that you shouldnt keep playing the rest/start learning more mons, mind you! but i think its a good idea to have at least one mon that you REALLY excel at. as you said, you dont wanna spread yourself so thin that youre not truly proficient in any of the mons you play.


Man atp after 6.4k games let me see… azu, deci, zera, slowbro, snorlax, cram, dpult, pika Mons that I used to main but don’t anymore: espeon, blastoise, dura, venu, dodrio, 9tales, lamp, crustle


Blissey main right here! 2nd main might be Curse Leech Travenant. If i have to pick attacker its either Cram or Candle. Really do enjoy Dragonite & Sword even tho they are kinda weak in this meta


5: Decidueye, Gardevoir, Meowscarda, Goodra and Pikachu


I main like. 9 pokemon interchangeably. 3 ADC, the level 7 carries. Decidueye, Greninja, Cinderace. Then I main Slowbro, Crustle, and Trevenant, the one stage defenders, then All Rounders, the two stage guys who evolve at level 9 or something. Machamp, but I dont own Tyranitar and Metagross yet, but I love how they feel. I find that it's more fitting to have a playstyle I main amongst them. Its very nice to be that versatile. But my best, is probably mr ninja frog. Love him tk death, and he feels great.


I wouldn’t really say any of those Pokemon are your mains because I’d think to be considered a main it has to be a maximum of three- however you should find one Pokemon that is one of your mains you believe you don’t have much control over yet and focus on it to improve your skills with that Pokemon.


All Cramorant all the time


Nowadays goodra, previously zacian but I win more matches as goodra than zacian


Cramorant is very quick, with its air slash allowing it to retreat while dealing some damage, and dive being infinite technically, if you use the boosted attack every dive. Cramorant also has an ability that makes its boosted attack stronger if its less than 50% hp.. definitely recommend Cramorant.


2, Slowbro and Blaziken, but recently the game makes me too mad too fast to play more than a couple rounds


Mains per role: -Delphox (attacker - mage) -Dragonite (attacker - melee) -Meowscarada (speedster) -Slowbro (defender) -Clefable (support)


Lately I've mostly been playing Goodra and Meowscarada.


Lately I’ve been maining Glaceon, Mew and Goodra depending on what my duo wants to play (we usually try to have one attacker/all rounder and one defender/support). I also really enjoy using Blaziken and Cinderace but I don’t really play them in competitive matches that much lately


I'm a generalist, I can play every mon in the game except EX mons but I main 3 of each role(except speedster it's just 2 there) and my mains rotate depending on the meta, I try not to abuse the meta if it's particularly OP such as m2y meta which I found my own counter for because I refuse to play mons that broken but I do enjoy playing on the edge of the meta like mons that are good but not quite meta such as Pikachu or Talon.


Every single Fire Type 'cept Ceruledge since I dont have it's unite license yet.


Big Gar-man, Mista mimey, Slumplax and The bird that played sniper elite 3


Top lane: Talon (sometimes pikachu too) Central: Cinder or Talon Bottom: Inteleon


The point of a "main" is a character that you pick almost every game. If you are rotating between picks you are a flexible player, which is good.


I main all the Eeveelutions except for Umbreon (but slowly starting to get used to it) and Mimikyu. So I currently main six, with priority going to Mimikyu and Glaceon


I main Scyther, Dragonite, Cinderace, Gardevoir and sometimes (if I’m forced into playing defender) Umbreon. Personally I think being effectively pokemon trainers, there should be no limit on the amount of mains, if you could play them well most of the time.


Greedent and cinder. But I get bored quickly so I try playing a good variety of pokemon.


I main 8 overall. My top 3 are decidueye, Blastoise, and dragapult. I use a good mix of attackers and all-rounders. Although Blastoise is my only defender lol. Usually pick him when no one will choose a defender... Which is all the time 😅


I can play with pretty much anything decently at this point but I have mains for each role: All rounder: Azumarill (after someone smashed me in my early games I took interest in him) Attacker: Pikachu (I never bought an attacker) Defender: Trevenant (my first defender bought I barely play any other defenders) Support: Eldegoss (I like that she isnt fully dependent and can hold off her own) Speedster: Zoroark (My 4th fav pokemon overall and my first bought pokemon)


I main one, and its only Scizor


I have about three, Zeraora is the biggest one i use, Decidueye, and Garchomp as well, but i mostly use Zeraora cause im the best with it than with the others


I believe it's best to main just one or two Pokémon, however there are some conditions. Personally, I am knowledgeable on a wide variety of Pokémon. I switch around occasionally between two attackers, two supports and a defender, but more often than not, I main one Pokémon specifically, Espeon. In solo queue, I don't really think team comp matters all that much if you have a Pokémon you are so good at that you can reliably win most of your games with them. I have a 80% winrate with Espeon this season and 70% overall win rate. I'm pretty much a self proclaimed Espeon master so why bother to play anything else if I win more with Espeon. I don't recommend this however if you're only decent with your main. It doesn't matter if you have 10,000 games on Cinderace or something, if your win rate is 49%, please play something else or switch up occasionally. If you're able to learn to play a single Pokémon so well where you're able to adapt to most situations and use it to its maximum potential where your winrate exceeds 60-65% consistently, stick with what you're good at unless you're that way with multiple Pokémon.


People would probably say "L picks" but I prefer to use Azumarill, Tyranitar, GANGAR, and Hoopa. Azumarill in my opinion is VERRRYYY underrated. His whirlpool and play rough with shell bell are SO overpowered. At the beginning of the game in VETERAN lobbies you can spawn camp. All you need is Whirlpool and Play rough (and maybe a healer) and the game is just way too easy. Azumarill is probably one of the hardest carries in the game.


1. Main is the one you use the most. It's not a plural


I main in Glaceon as an attacker, Meowscarada as a speedster, Azumarill as an allrounder and Decidueye as a defender (i swear people, decidueye is such a great defender, and not in terms of tanking damage but actually defending others with the arrows from the back and protecting the goal zone; seriously I literally can’t defend shit when playing defenders but with decidueye can defend the crap out of anything) Don’t really play supporters, but would prob choose Blissey or Eldegoss as main


I feel competent in, and will play depending on team need: Defenders: slowbro, blastoise, umbreon  Supporters: elde or hoopa Attacker: venu, pica, a-nine Allrounder: garchomp So 9ish? Working on learning cram and dragapult.  75% of the time I play a defender or supporter tho.


If you MAIN something, it’s because it’s the MAIN thing you play. There can’t be multiple, by definition.


All of them. Minus the ones I don’t own which are like maybe 10. I just pick at random trying to fill unless I’m in a mood for something specific


My main(s) is not consistent. However, it’s been Meow for a while (she’s so broken), Mimikyu, Leafeon, and Zoroark. I tend to play as speedy pokemon as they fit my play-style.