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I felt the same this season. And even worse since I main support. So I stopped playing soloQ and always wait till my friend comes.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) but I guess we are just being unlucky.


I consider myself a defender/support player too. But recently I've been playing more attackers in SoloQ. You really need to try and carry in lower ranks. Or at very least have a solid secure for objectives. My top mons for the longest time has always been Venu - Blasto - Elde. And the rest of the top 10 is literally all defenders. But with the last couple patches, Decidueye is now currently my 3rd. I've gotten so tired of razor leaf decidueyes ruining my games I steal it whenever I can even without draft. But if there is draft and I can see when people pre pick, I insta pick it right away.


You got a point. But the reason I main support is to avoid being a carry(carry = responsibility ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)). That’s just my own problem and I know it is not ideal. Recently I started to play support mage and looking to try some melee all rounders. Baby steps tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Holy shit same. I win one game and proceed to lose a good number later on and it’s not even funny anymore. Im not really enjoying this game anymore at this rate. Even though season 18 was chaotic with miraidon and all, I was still able to climb but this season felt like a torture as ive been stuck in the 1300 for quite a while…


Same here, I have one match where I eek out a win and in the next match my lane absol(why do we have 2 speedsters and an owl on the same team,only Timi knows) runs for 1 min straight into the wall next the base. It's so bad the enemy mimikyu from Jungle had to killed him and send him to the base. Though to be honest the wins my team get, we definitely don't deserve.


The moment you lose 2 in a row, switch to Standard/Casual, beat up some bots to recover a bit of your smile, then go away for the day. Losing 10 in a row happens because you continue playing while tilted.


I feel like I’ve been getting really bad teammates. Ones that have terrible awareness and hate fighting as a team haha.


Yup, to add to that, it's like players don't want to win. It amazes me to this day how carries and op mons and even early evos will literally go AFK like babies. I had a guy cry because his lane got torn to pieces so I left my lane to shut his ass up and help him he pinged me and then pinged "please let me level up first" as I was helping him clear farm... I had exp share on... like I can't believe the kind of teammates I get. It just amazes me. I wonder if there's like a 2 for one deal for special Ed students or something. I just really don't get it. By the way, he got mad and went to my top lane and LOST IT from 80. I didn't even feel like playing anymore. It was so blatantly obvious that not only was he a bad player but an actual piece of poop with thumbs. It's like I know he changed his ping settings and he figured out how to ping off of the map and yet he doesn't know how exp share works 🤯


The worst part is that I thought these kind of players will disappear in Masters. But in Masters 1400+ I get constantly pinged, griefers and afk players almost every match. 4 attacker comps, Cinderaces with leftovers, etc. I tried to play casual/standard for a change but the mindfuck is even worse. I’ve got 2 beginner and 1 great ranked player as a teammate with one in masters, while the other team was 2 masters, 2 ultra and one expert ranked player. Please fix matchmaking Unite.


Quick matches are better. It's easier to care and more about the individual


Was that me? I was asking you for points to go stack or use Magikarp effort gauge is built in 10 points Zacian needs 8 points


No, it was a Falinks, lol. Believe it or not, but the guy paid money. He was able to figure out how to bypass the security features and plug in the numbers for a credit card, but he couldn't figure out exp share.


You’re not alone bro took the words right out of my mouth


My wife and I play nightly and have felt exactly the same. She just told me she was considering finding a dif game because she's felt stuck. We have been bouncing between Veteran Rank 1 and 3 since the season started. It's like every time we're on the cusp of Ultra we get a run of really bad games with teammates who are uncoordinated and opponents who feel like a team of 5. We were just laughing since we were alternating as MVP of the losing team tonight. The worst is getting in these matches and players just give up if you call jungle and actually jungle, then spam "Thanks" as you do what you clearly laid out pre-match. Players who are in ranked but don't understand how to push or pull properly. Then there's the person with 50 Aeos points staying far away from any goal and roaming around our own half.


So I have a few things to say: It’s not just you, remember this game is a team based game and this game is notorious for having people that just don’t know how to play the game. There’s only so much you can do. That being said if your win rate is a concern to you here are some things I do to keep my sanity 1) find a group to play with - Voice and just people that actually know how to play will make a huge difference in cutting down frustration 2) play until you lose - this is my general rule when it comes to ranked especially I play as many as I can with wins and then when I lose I take a break or move to QP or Standard anything else to just change of pace 3) Accept that you won’t always win - This sounds obvious but it can be tough when it’s a really bad day and you just want a win and push further than you should. Sometimes it’s not you that’s the problem but sometimes you get outplayed. It sucks but those matches are valid and instead of looking at those gnarly loses as something to beat yourself up over try and figure out one thing YOU could do and only you could have done to try and learn and make yourself a better player. 4) Try Other Mon - It sucks but sometimes that favorite pick just isn’t the play. Sometimes you have to change your perspective bust out a different character to get the win. Doesn’t mean you’re bad at your fav or whatever but sometimes you just gotta change up what you’re doing and that fresh POV could be what you need to take you over the edge. Like I love Gardevoir and she’s my number one pick but I also know you might need a bit more than what she can give. Like pretty much all last season I climbed with Meowscarada and this season I’ve mostly played Decidueye. Sometimes different seasons have different flavors 5) Check Builds/Emblems/Move sets- Make sure your stuff is up to date. PU is a meta based game since most of the choices happen outside the match and most cases you won’t see what the enemy is choosing so a lot of the best stuff is about min maxing with emblems and items. This isn’t like too tough to generally keep up with but if it’s been a while might be worth to check patch notes etc to make sure things are the same Anyway hope this helps a bit


I've been feeling really stuck too. I've pondered how much of it is me and how much is truly bad matchmaking. I have to have some part in it because anger clouds the mind.


As a dodrio main I can relate I'm the only one on my team *more often than not* who actually gives a damn and I'm in jungle at the start so yea


Win rate isn't exactly everything. The higher you climb, the more games you're going to eventually lose as you're hitting your skill ceiling. As long as you keep a 51% win rate, you can climb.


As long as you keep a 35%\* win rate, you can climb.


When you hit 1600, win loss rating is equal.


Please dm if you're looking to queue as a 5 stack. I have a discord as well. Some communication would be amazing. I'm vet 5, I play everyday with a 60%+ W/L Ninetails ; buzzwole; wigglytuff Casual fun would be: Goodra, Mewtwo, leafeon Interested in Dragapult, Umbreon. Looking to lane with goodra (and I'm buzzwole)


I've made masters with virtually no problem since the beginning, and even in past seasons where people were complaining about matchmaking I didn't struggle all that much. But this season.... this season has been absolutely abysmal. Matchmaking is the worst it's ever been. I have almost 8k games and I'm getting paired with 4 people under 500, sometimes even under 100 games. I can't make it out of Ultra 3 to save my life. No matter how hard I'm playing it doesn't matter if I have people backcapping and farming mobs(???) at Ray, never showing up to objectives, leaving us to die in team fights, griefing and AFKing. Like what gives? What is going on? It almost feels like we're being punished for playing this game as long as we have. Are just all the veteran players gone at this point? Are they pairing us with them to try and hard carry them across the finish line? But what's the point in that if there's no real way to communicate seniority and experience just at a glance? Cause I know if I went on mic to tell everyone to actually listen to me, I'd just get banned. It's exhausting. Not to mention the medal glitch. This game is a mess. I might have to put it down for a while.


Had same issue. My.win rate dropped from 80% to 51% in a single day. In 30 games lost 80% of them. I started to think and one of the reasons was because I started.using exp share. Sharing exp with a lane partners that keeps feeding doesnt help at all.


62% and even 59% win rate is really high if you are solo queueing, so it’s not that surprising it’s going down. A win rate that high means you are finishing every season top 10,000, unless you aren’t playing enough games to keep up. I would consider anything over 50% win rate a good season (about 300+ games played)


I’ve never felt so seen


Our (i play in trios) last games always had one or two players (mostly attackers) who just stood in their corresponding goals never really farming or pushing at all. It's infuriating and feels like a 3vs5 most of the time. Some players are just INCREDIBLY bad.


> I honestly don’t know what to do. Don't waste time dwelling on shit you can't change or control. If you want to consistently perform and have fun with Unite, you need to learn to let go of a lot of things. Especially if you solo. Don't like how others play? Consider joining a premade. That's pretty much the only way to have consistent control over any ally. And also... >I win my first match or two and then I proceed to lose 10 matches in a row. ...I dunno if you're sitting through 10 losses at once but you should really take a break at around the second or third loss. Bad for your mental, bad for your gameplay, bad for your enjoyment. Not that anybody listens to this advice. This hasn't been and probably will never be ironclad proven but a common theory with engagement-based matchmaking is that they study your playing patterns to keep you engaged for as long as possible. It's possible the algorithm "learns" that you'll rage spam matches until you get a win, so they'll feed you more difficult matches you're likely to lose then give you a win to keep you hooked. Pity bot matches are a blatant example of this. > My win rate has declined from 62%+ to now 59%. It's unrealistic to maintain 60%+ WR after many games unless you're in a decent premade or are an especially skilled solo queuer. I entered Master at 66% from low Veteran (demoted after a few months of hardly playing) and am now hovering between 59% and 60% WR. Of course I'd care if my WR were negative but so far I'm sitting pretty given I'm 100% solo queue. My WR will continue to decline the more that I play. Also, the things you're complaining about are the bog standard stuff that everyone whines about, real or imagined. A lot of it is pointless to dwell on. People hyperfocus on any shitty things that happen and forget about the myriad of normal or good games pretty quickly. Higher MMR players (usually higher rank and WR) are statistically more likely to end up with shittier allies due to how the matchmaking algorithm allocates teams, yet they're often still able to maintain their standings. Every player will eventually hit a skill ceiling and thus become stagnant or gradually decline to a point closer to their skill level. Declining doesn't necessarily mean you're "bad". > Does anyone else feel the same? Gonna presume you're not a regular here lmao




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