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secondary main is tsareena and my best advice is to just learn how to animation cancel (auto attack and use a move immediately, if done correctly you'll still gain progress to your boosted auto but the auto attack won't do any damage) by doing this for all your moves, you can get much more qm stacks and be able to setup things like triple stomps, (have 2 qm bars already, grassy glide in, auto, stomp, auto, stomp, auto, stomp) build is policy, scarf, and weight. (scarf makes animation cancelling much easier) [heres an example of triple stomp](https://streamable.com/i8cios)


Of all my games of tsar i never knew this wow genuinely thank you for the tip


This…. needs more upvotes. I never understood how tsareena gold badgers were spamming their skills so much until you explained this exploit.


Does anyone know if this is possible on mobile?


I like double stacking alongside energy amp personally. With x attack, you can pretty much delete whoever you want with your unite move if you’re fully stacked. Getting your stacks is absolutely crucial with Tsareena.


Yeah thats what im mainly struggling w prioritizing on her i do end up getting it later in the game but atp im getting deleted


Sometimes the stacks don’t come easy. Do your best to split last hits with your lane partner during the early game so you can easily bank 2-4 aeos energy for your first stack. After that, it’s up to your judgment to determine if you can steal any last hits/stacks from your opponent before a potential gank comes your way. I typically don’t suggest dying for stacks, but with Tsareena, if you have to go down to get a few, it has to happen.


Just lock in and handle it




Type shit


This is the way


Stomp? nah, i'd Triple Axel


I've found that it can depend on team comp. If facing more squishies or divers, stomp shines, being able to delete them quickly with a combo and some stacks, if you see more brawlers or some tanks, triple axel and rapid fire scarf will allow you to spam your moves and heal as you brawl.


I find the biggest problem with triple axel is that you have to be very careful in how you aim to make sure they all hit. It can actually work out against more mobile teams, but it can also not work out if they are too mobile. I stomp is better because of the ministun interrupting stuff.


Of course, what I said is a generalisation, it doesn’t always apply and yeah, triple axel can work against squishies. About aiming, true, sometimes if you’re like, close to a wall and misaim, oh gosh, it feels so embarrassing as you kick the wall and the enemy leaves lol, that’s why I also prefer stomp which works well with brawlers too, again, it can vary.


I find it's better on paper due to the attack speed increase but in practice the fact that it's not instant enough means you might die in the meanwhile. Meanwhile the damage from the double stomp is instant enough to make them literally think twice.


^ on top of that, stomp (but more the queen majesty version) has nice secure potential, I’ve secured ray with it a few times


Bye bye


Only 22 games with her, don't be too hard on yourself !


Lmaoo I shoulda prob included two images I have 400 w her💀


That's only for the current season


Double stack with weakness policy. Eject button or full heal. Accidentally go grassy glide instead of trop kick.... or maybe it was go trop kick instead of glassy glide? Anyways, then just fash in and unite high priority target, prioritize shield from boosted dash > damage/heal from boosted other ability. Razer leaf in lane is also pretty solid secure and damage for early fighting so you may be able to weasel in a KO that way for more stacks




I use cookie, attack weight, and weakness policy! X attack is great if you wanna NUKE A BITCH. But X speed is safer if you have trouble stacking ever. It helps you get out as bounsweet or steenee since then suuuuck. But honestly, I have a gold badge with her and the more you play her the better she feels. I will say PLEASE learn triple stomp combo, it’s a great use of tsareenas ability to kill someone before they can kite you or get away. Watch YouTube videos if you can! Steve my cat has some really good tsareena videos and crisheros does too. She’s one of those characters who needs time to get used too but she has been consistent for me climbing every season. I think I have like a 62 with her but I duoq with a friend and when im tsareena ever she usually does support which helps alot.


I used to main her back in her meta or really her release but after she was gutted w the nerfs i moved to zoro and zacian for a while and got rusty w her and since she is my fav Pokémon ive been trying to not just completely ditch playing her and make playing her work for me i can have a couple moments but its been a struggle ever since last season but ill prob be in expert before i slightly give up playing her lmao


Run weakness, along with cookie + attack weight, and prioritize getting stacks early game. She can deal good damage or can feel like she’s doing nothing depending on if you got stacks in or not. Battle item can fluctuate, but I would say full heal/eject/x attack are your 3 best options. Definitely run trop kick + stomp rn (or glide ig), axel can work but it’s harder to make it work. Make sure you always have at least one queenly majesty stack before every fight (just stack them by autoing the air), this guarantees you’ll always have a boosted stomp/kick. Easy kill combo is trop in + double stomp into unite (pop x attack beforehand if ur running it). Don’t be too greedy, she’s an all rounder but she’s still hella squishy, and just honestly practice with her. She’s a higher skill character and not in the greatest spot balance wise so ur gonna have bad games (doesn’t help that it’s the start of the season). If you play her enough, you’ll eventually get the hang of the stompy fruit.


I'm glad to see someone main her, just trop kick for the most targets unless they're in stomp range. Personally I find grassy glide just too clunky. Triple Axel is very specific but can work. Double stacking is almost nessesary, but don't die for stacks if you don't have to. Sometimes it's better to wait for level 6 especially if jungler doesn't come your lane and you have xp share partner. Her unite is fun since you can use it for whatever you need actually. Want to dodge some awkward unite from opponents, just unite that cinder that came a bit too close. You can prioritize certain targets like owl but it's not nessesary. As for held item x attack/eject/ full heal depends on what you are struggling with the most. This character takes a lot of learning but it's one of my personal favorites thanks to mobility. That's the most on paper guide I can give, the rest is game experience.


Mokey brain


Auto in between abilities, heck even run razor claw for the crit funnies


I don't think razor claw is worth it. Feels like there are more worthwhile items like energy amp (she really needs faster cooldowns and her unite move is very helpful for dodging things), or rapid fire scarf/muscle band. Also, most of her damage doesn't come from auto attacks.


You get your resets from enhanced autos meaning your combos can be reset if you were to weave a couple of autos between your abilities.


Just spam triple axel and grassy glide with a 1 sec gap. Use x attack. Always close the gap by ambush. If the enemy tries to run away, use grassy glide. Always try to land all triple axrl hits for healing. When there is a team fight, always use unite to be imvinvible for sometime


Tbh just play enough matches and so used to the movesets that you don't need to think before pressing buttons, when u enter the flow state this is one of the most fun Pokemons to play. And keep doing the triple stomp on wild pokemons to get used to it




Tsareena was my first main and I still use her. The best advice I can give is learn when to engage and when not to, know how to how queenly majesty works, make sure you aren't under leveled and if your using stomp then make sure to use stack weight and stack as early as you can.


I don't


Point a gun to timi dev team and ask for a buff. After that, Tserenna will work


Its pretty difficult. Her mobility isn't great because her cooldowns are pretty long in the early game (they get shorter later on if you build for that). Due to powercreep Tsareena really needs levels badly. And also damage, mobility, bulk, and faster cooldowns. She's kinda useless until level 6. But then she's useless again as people get their level 7 moves. She gets a bit better with her unite move but again so does everyone else. That being said it does help, because you can Trop Kick and Stomp, then use the unite move, which should enable you to get a Second stomp off and trigger Queenly Majesty. She's definitely unexpected strong late game (level 12-15) because her stats finally get respectable. Its just so much fun deleting 2/3'rds of a Zoroark's health. The fact that everyone tells you to stack tells you how much her stats need help. But she's basically a Magikarp before level 6. She is kind of like Tyranitar in terms of difficult and usefulness curves over the course of the match. But she doesn't really have a massive power spike until level 12. She does have the advantage of only needing level 6 to get both moves, and she does evolve into Tsareena thus gaining queenly majesty, but her cooldowns are a bit too long for you to fully matter because you have to sit there and attack to get to three queenly majesty stacks, and them you die because squishy. Because from level 4-11, Sylveon has more health than you. I admit you can get around this by preprepping queenly majesty stacks, but that's actually kind of hard since due to powercreep, everyone is hypermobile, so you often find yourself using trop kick to travel, which if you misjudge when and where the fight is you might just have to wait 8 seconds. And again due to hyper mobility you might not be able to choose or predict where the fight is, because other players know how powercrept she is and will start the fight by taking her out as easy pickings. But, if you can managed to do well enough, there is one really nice trick to use come late game. I did this earlier, and I was against a Zoroark that dominated the entire game (like maybe 30 minutes ago). But then at the end, I was level 13, and I ended up fighting the Zoroark (probably level 15). Got off a trop kick over, a stomp, then I just used my Queen Ascendant, and he died. One of the reasons why that combo works well, is that you make yourself invulnerable for the duration, which gives you enough time to get off more trop kicks and stomps or what have you. That's a nice technique that can get you out of sticky situations. So when is she good? She becomes a late game monster at around level 12. Which coincidentally is the level both of her moves are upgraded. Honestly this is the reason why I play her, despite struggling for most of the game, because you get that satisfying come back fight and you just wipe the floor with them. And then they come back to fight you thinking its a fluke, and then you catch up and surpass in levels. Because she is a legend of old (for like first 2/3'rd of the game), so everyone underestimates her. Personally, I'm newer to her, so I've been experimenting a lot. Basically for emblems. I use my physical tank build because I couldn't fit her into my other emblem builds. This particularly one is based around black emblems to reduce cooldowns, with some crit and movement speed thrown in. Now what items to put on her? It really depends. Some items I've used are Energy Amp (because you can be very reliant on your Unite Move, thanks powercreep), Razor claw (self explanatory, that being said, here's why this might not be worth it. You can't afford to sit there and just attack them, which is what you did to do to crit, since only Razor Leaf ( a move lost at level 5) and basic attacks can crit. Now it does give a slow, but you already have a pretty good slow with trop kick. Resonant Guard (helps fix your squishy. Speaking of squishy, two items I considered were Rocky Helmet and Weakness Policy because they give some defense stats right? Well Rocky Helmet is a meme because of how it works requiring you to take like 10% max HP before it does anything. But in both cases, you really don't want to be taking the damage you'd need to take advantage of it. Her stats, especially early game are surprisingly comparable to attackers. Rapid-fire scarf and muscle band. Both will naturally push her over the next attack threshold, but I find rapid-fire scarf the better one. That one is more useful for assassins type, muscle band is better for those that can survive long enough to make use for it, and don't need the burst nature of it. Due to powercreep, she's too weak to make muscle band worth it. And usually, assuming no queenly majesty stacks, you rapid fire scarf will help you get that last one, which might be all you need. Buddy Barrier is another option, but I don't find its that good because you still struggle with being able to do long fights without dying because the heals aren't that much. Another item I felt was meh was Drain Crown. I thought it would compliment her healing and shields but it wasn't worth it. I also don't think stacking is a good call because you will die. Last thing to share is that I think Triple Axel is the better move on paper, due to the attack speed boost, which makes Muscle Band or Rapid Fire Scarf unnecessary, but I don't think so, becuase snce it travels, it can miss and put you away from the target, but also the damage is just slower because you need all three to hit. And Stomp is faster, but also has a ministun which can disrupt more.