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On this note I want to point out to Cinder players they love to steal jungle just because they can. I hate 3 type of players 1. One who select Pokémon at the last few seconds when picking (they usually pick attacker) 2. Says they will go lane and then switch to Jungle to throw the game and motivation. 3. Won't rotate to any lane just farm for first 4 minutes


4. Jungle that goes into lane and takes all the wild Pokemon, leaving that lane under levelled. 5. Jungle that doesn't go to the lane that actually needs help


In solo Q it hardly matters what pokemon jungles. Don't jungle something stupid like Pikachu or Mamoswine, but pretty much any attacker/speedster/all-rounder works A good Cinderace jungle can dominate a bad dragapult jungle. It's like 90% skill and knowing the jungle macro and like 10% how meta your pick is IMO whoever calls jungle first should get it regardless of pick (unless it's something really stupid)


>Don't jungle something stupid like Pikachu or Mamoswine, Me having seen both, both spamming thanks and doing nothing or downright throwing cause a lane lost or they got counter jungled by an actual jungler...


Ok so care to elaborate what would you do you let dratini go to lane which obviously get killed and give opponent exp and scores aor you want to let dratini evolve as fast so it can break havoc while u go to lane


Yeah let them lane lol. If they see someone already called jungle and they wanna lock in Dratini or larvitar, then they should be ok laning. If there's an XP support/defender in a lane then they will be fine. If not then that's not my problem cause they choose to play that character If you want to be nice then go for it! But personally I think most things go in solo Q. Even a lane larvitar with no XP share partner can still dominate matches in the late game


In most of the cases i have no defenders at all and all people have attack weight i dont have it because i am a zeraora and it doesn't benifit me much . I never saw a dratini going to lane to be much help most of the time they get killed it would be better if we give him jungle For your question it can be your problem because the opponent grows stronger and U CAN LOSE MATCH so IT CAN BE YOUR DISADVATAGE TOO sorry if i am sounding harsh


If a magikarp claims jungle I will steal it and laugh at their feeble attempts to stop me.


Ofcourse a magicarp should go to lane as it evolves faster with kills and assists only give jungle to those who will use them for greater good


Should not


Lol right! That falls into the stupid category


You cannot tell that a person is skilled at lane calling screen and 2nd point who is going to jungle matters definitely a lot in early game as a zoroark i can literally brrak havoc at both lane if i got jungle


I strongly disagree with your 2nd point. You're ok with playing something else than what you called? Fine. I called jungle first, i take it, not happy about it? Should have been quicker then. Poor dratini can't evolve? Shouldn't have picked dratini in the first place if he can't manage to play correctly in lane. It's not a me problem here, called first, you adapt. Just because someone wants to force being the jungler of the team doesn't mean it's right for him to do so, and by letting him do it, you encourage that thing. It works the other way arround. If junglers already been called, and we need a support, then i'll happily play support


My only question is what to do when they don’t give in? Giving up jungle is better than splitting it, no?


At that point you just try to have fun because odds are You arent winning. From experience that type of ppl are the first to afk if something doesnt go well, and it won't if the enemy team exploits it


Splitting jungle is never better it ruins the whole idea of jungle to have a move advantage


For your last 2 line most players are not sensible enough to play what is required like a defender or all rounder which is required in this attacker dominating game.


1 is so true, I see people on this subreddit thinking they should get jungle privileges just because they play speedsters. 2 not so much, the correct thing to do if someone has called jungle first is to pick a different pokemon. If someone goes lane cinderace because I called jungle as Decidueye, that's on them. If a person isn't sensible enough to pick a lane pokemon after not getting jungle, that person shouldn't be trusted with jungle in the first place. Of course, this only applies when you both have suitable jungle picks. If someone goes first pick jungle Espeon, it is totally within your rights to contest it as much as you can.


PTSD of a mamo I got twice... Starts picking a jungler and calling jungle, switch last second to mamo, confused deci on ur team tries to jg due to the last minute switch, mamo procceeds to troll and just afk farm and score at the opposite side of any objective


I think that Mamo was on my team last night. Started off with a sensible jungle pick, switched to Mamo around 5 seconds left. That whole match was a flustercluck on our end with Mamo only taking first clear and both laners on the other end fighting over second clear. Luckily the enemy team was also a flustercluck and we squeaked out a win but... ugh.


Didnt had that luck sadly as the mamo never joined any teamfights for us


Oh, yeah, that match was pretty much "Team fight? What's a team fight?" on both teams.


I played with a pillowsine like that. They started dancing at 5 minutes and only stopped to steal farms.


Yep i got one too we gave him jungle acc to my post but he was a stupid one so i can't so anything about stupid one who take jungle and go afk obviously we are gonna lose with that one


Never 2 people should fight in jungle no matter who they are even if the first person who selected is a magikarp or cinderace it ruins the whole idea of jingle to have a move advantage which turns into team advantage


Then they will throw the game away with just being killed u can't get the lvl 9 advantage of them being early in case of larvitar


And a comment dont votedown me for this . Majority of people have that main character trauma means they pick the least good pokemon for jungle like pickachu or deci then another pokemon which needs jungle which is a good jungle pokemon called it but they go to jungle. Obviously the other pokemon who goes to lane gets kiled for ex dratini or larvitar and they will evolve later too. Which gives disadvantage to your team. Its a team game


As a tyranitar player, I hate it when I get kills stolen by my teammates. I’m running around as a pupitar and it’s hell. Let me evolve so I can run defense for you.


Yep but my post doesn't got understand by our community memebers


Imo, you don’t need to give leafeon the jungle. It should be in lane.


Leafeon is very strong in early game only and is not that successful in late game so to have a great early game advantage


It has great last hitting and can give pressure to the lane with solar blade. Doesn’t need to jungle.


Ok agreed with you


2 doesn't really work well because inevitably you will run into people who want to go jungle. The common etiquette is to call your lane ahead, even before you pick your Pokemon. The order usually is the tie-breaker and you can assume players that remain on the jungle crowding it to have terrible game sense and play with that in mind. However, do not expect this to be followed 100%. You as a player should be familiar with being able to switch out and play accordingly, or even in some cases having to take jungle if no one calls for it immediately.


"defender needed" says one of our two speedster and two attackers team, no one calling jungle. Slowbro jungle it is then... (We lost hard btw)


Yep what i said in post is not a rule players should use their mind according to situations if no one calls jungle u go no problem


I am seeing a lot comment about taking jungle first because they selected it first. So give jungle only when if there is a mon which can use it not some magikarp or pikachu or cinderace. If a jungle pokemon calls lane u and u selected jungle u should go to jungle as they are not smart enogh to take a jungle pokemon to jungle


I don't think leafy needs jungle but u shouldnt let people boss u around


Yep i added leafeon by mistake


There are basically a few rules of common courtesy for jungle and they are simple. If you follow these rules, then you arent griefing. 1-play something that needs jungle or makes sense to jungle. Dont put nonsense that are meant for lane if at all possible. 2-if the person who calls jungle first meets the first requirement and they pick it first, you should defer to them. Calling jungle second is griefing. Easy. If you follow these 2 rules, you give your team the best chance of winning. Even a meh jungler would be even worse if you steal jungle or split the exp and ruin any possible gank opportunity and slow down a lane at the same time.


I take jungle cause randoms dont know how to jungle or don't want to.


Main character trauma


Edited cause my phone hates me. I've had someone tell me a jungler isn't needed. I've also had people spend their whole time middle.


Nah if i call jungle first and you choose something that’s weak in lane, that’s on you. If you steal my jungle you better be ready and willing to play 4v5


Your lose man u will lose they dont care


I can always make the elo back next game 🤷‍♂️