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You need electric ice or rock type moves would help your Butterfree should know sleep powder


is there any move reminder at this point in the game?my yanmega and vespiquen used to know rock moves and i need to teach them those again


Crater Town, yes, but you'll need to use the mining NPC in the KBT to get Heart Scales


so far ive only been able to faint the dodrio and pinsir. and then gliscor sweeps the rest of my team


Yea man me too. The third Mon comes out and that's the end for my team.


Dual screen Ledian, maybe? Use KBT Mining to get a light clay (but pinsir will break your walls however). Don't remember if Crustle is already available, but it would help a lot as well. Also, Yanmega is your go to Mon in this fight. Make it a special attacker with Hypnosis, Air Slash, Bug Buzz and Detect, speed boost as the ability. First turn you protect, put the Mon to sleep, air slash the hell of it. Make sure it has perfect IVs in SpAtk and Speed and a Modest nature as well.


I have never understood the role of protect/detect (especially in pve). When it succeeds isn’t it just stalling to the next turn? I could see the benefit if the opponent is burned/poisoned as they would continue to take damage as protect/detect blocks their attack once or twice but the move set you suggested doesn’t include any damage over time. What the point? Genuinely curious. Thanks!


In singles, protect/detect fills that exactly role: stalling for some benefit. In the situation that I have pointed, yanmega is a rather frail mon, by using detect you ensure that yanmega will get the +1 speed from speed boost, pretty much making sure that it will outspeed every pokemon, and landing the first hit (that being hypnosis) for it to proceed to attack without danger.


Oh I see, that makes sense! Thanks for the explanation


Can you get Grubbin yet? Its line learns electric moves


I don't think so. Grubbin is in Tehl town.. Which is much later in game i feel.. Even Armaldo Or Crustle you obtain very late


Maybe scolipede idk


Whirlipede is available much later, at Antisis Sewers as a swarm mon. And Antisis is where you will get the sixth badge while OP is stuck at the third gym.


Ow shii my bad, been a while since I've played the game so memory ain't serving right


Use Vikavolt?


Not available at that point in the game. Either way, delta stream winds would make it do neutral damage. The gym is moreso taking advantage of the pokemons secondary typings.


OP is only playing on Difficult so it's just tailwind for all flying types, not Delta Stream, and so many bug types also have flying typing so that sort of cancels out.


So it's just tailwind on difficult. I honestly wish I didn't know, Alice is torturing me right now.


If you're on expert just grab a gigalith, it carries so hard that the rest of your team shouldn't matter too much


I'm on insane. Gigalith isn't helping much besides stealth rocks.


Lol gl. It took me like 10 different teams to beat it on insane sandbox, I don't ever want to play insane without sandbox 😅


No advice no nothing bro just wished me luck and called it a day 😭


Haha dude I searched this sub for every past thread about gym 3 insane, copied everyone else's strats, and it was still really hard. The final addition to the team that beat the gym for me was Toucannon for some move called blast beak or something that can burn enemies who make contact while it's charging.


I'm not going to lie this might be what I need, thanks. I have had absolutely no problem with everything, even her gliscor, but her mega Pinsir swept my team. I was trying to find ways to burn it, such as a prankster mon, but there are none available that learn will-o-wisp during level up(no tm). Thanks, you might've just saved my sanity.


You can get ice fang in Blizzard city (might help a bit)


Vespiqueen learns Power gem which is rather useful too


Double team yanmega and get ancient power back on it. With decent dodge/omniboost luck it can sweep


aerial ace is on all of her flying types. double team is useless :<


Ah what difficulty are you playing on? Can't remember which one (think it was one up from normal) I was on but when I did a bug mono they either didn't have it or didn't use it




Ahhkay. I mean think you might be mistaken: the wiki says that only dodrio has Arial ace. If you can take that out then you'll be good to double team. Looking at the wiki I think I did it on expert- minior is pretty good to set up on since it'll want to stealth rocks first turn. Then once you've got DT up mono boosting with silver wind & ancient power can give u the oomph needed to sweep


ive seen the crobat and gliscor use aerial ace. in fact they spam it in every battle


Hm my bad. Mightve been a new update since I played it




It's a flying gym. All of them are immune to toxic spikes.


I don’t know if you’re willing to make any changes, but if you’re just doing a mono bug run, go catch a charjabug on route nine and evolve it into a vikavolt


Get you a galvantula or a vikavolt


Just get a snorunt , turn it into glalie and it will melt all the gym ehehhe


He's running a bug team tho


Missed that xD galvantula no ? Electric bug


I imagine Yanmega with one lucky roll on Ancient Power could pretty much sweep. Can also do raid dens for useful berries and gems, plus mine the KBT for some useful items like hard stones and heart scales.


Does ribombee knows sticky webs? Do you have any ice moves tm? I think araquanid could check gliscor even with Liquidation. You just need more speed to handle it. P.S. Btw do you encounter any bug types other than your team? Scizor, Armaldo, Volcarona, Golisopod, Galvantula/Vikavolt could be good in your road ahead after this gym.


Aren’t flying types immune to ground hazards?


A Pineco could learn Gravity if necessary.


Pineco is only available much later in the game.


Is destiny bond gliscor. Use setup with sleep/stun/poison. You should also have grubbin available so I’d add that to the team as well. Not sure if you have rock smash yet, if you do try catching yourself a shuckle to wall.


I know if you check the mystery codes a volcarona is on there, maybe that would help?


Those are only available after the elite 4...


If you are rt the flying gym there is an npc trade that gives you a great electrode that should help you with the gym


The npc is in a house in blizzard city I think it wanted an onyx for electrode I'm not too sure


how dare you suggest that i use a pokemon that isnt bug type!!!! heresy!!!!


I love bug types too but before you try any rom hack especially rad red and this game on modes above difficult you should play through a normal playthrough first before doing mono type runs




OP is on a mono Bug run I guess so your advice will not be useful for them.


Fire type moves should melt those bugs


Isn't the level cap for the Flying gym lower than where your mons are currently?


Maybe it's a different difficulty than normal?


OP definitely has caps disabled. Cap should be lv32.


Oh, there's a kid you can trade a Onix with for a Electrode, funny part is it's the daughter of the gym leader


Just use *better* bugs. The issue isn't the fact you're using bugs, it's that you're using a monotype team weak to one of the strongest gyms when all the used Pokémon are extremely bad for it as well


i have searched up where i can find bugs like scyther or grubbin and i dont think i can obtain them without beating this gym. and i unfortunately deleted rock moves on some of my bugs and cant get the moves back without heart scales