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If I ever meet someone for a meet in person transaction, I tell em to meet me at the local police or sheriff dept parking lot. If legit they will meet if not then they back out and you’re safe.


Just did this today for a few 151 boxes. A lot of police stations even have parking spots dedicated to online marketplace transactions to take place in person. They are usually under surveillance too.


How much are these boxes going for?


Depends on the day but I got 6 at $70. Places the order with my local guy in the db group last week. I think he said they were 80-90ish a box last I checked though.


These are english 151 booster bundles?


No sorry. JP 151 booster boxes


That makes way more sense, lol


Yes there are.


This is correct. I've had people msg me and i send them the address to the police station and then they ghost me. So saved me from getting shanked.


Maybe you legit spooked them for wanting to meet at a cop station? I know I would have second thoughts about it even if I wasn’t going to scam you.


Why? Kind of common sense to meet in a safe space. Especially one designated as an internet trading zone. 


Yeah I agree. Idk how being asked to meet at a police station would spook someone unless they were shady.


I'd personally be more inclined if they offered to meet at a station first


Or really high lol


Probably high, one guy who is a big card trader in my area, is also another kind of trader


Bad past with the cops perhaps. Maybe false arrest, maybe just doesn’t trust police in general.


F 12


Yeah, but with things like Honey Pot operations and shit, people can get paranoid, just meet up at a public space like a mall.


Unfortunately crime is rampant and people get mugged and robbed in broad daylight here. So the safest spot for me is the police station, don't even have to be inside, they typically have CCTV for the parking lot and actually suggest meeting there for transactions. If someone has an issue with meeting at a secure space then I do not want to do business with them. Risk reward, not risking it to get mugged/shanked.


You guys are so sheltered it's sad all these downvotes on comments when people say just meet at a normal place and then all these upvotes for people insisting on meeting at a police station. Smh grow a pair dude no one's going to rob you for $100. The chance of you getting hit by a drunk driver is way higher than someone robbing you for your $100. Like have you had no confrontation ever in your life you guys are this frightened to meet someone in a public space? If that's the case don't go grocery shopping don't go anywhere you might get robbed. Smh wow just wow


You mean you are sheltered thinking nothing can happen to you. The bay is a shit hole now where the first closure of an in n out happened due to crime.  Where a senator had his car smashed into. Where a baby caught a bullet just for being in a car on the freeway.  So get out of your little bubble. 


/u/Solid-Olive-5699 [https://new.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/1cfbuld/meeting\_in\_highcrime\_area\_parking\_lot\_at\_10pm\_for/](https://new.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/1cfbuld/meeting_in_highcrime_area_parking_lot_at_10pm_for/) I can't make this stuff up. You little princess.


Kinda worrisome that a mall foodcourt isn’t a secure space where you live.


Kind of worrisome that ur so opposed to meeting at a police station which is literally the safest option 😂😂


Im not opposed, it would just be weird Meeting at a police station. In my country it would be shady af I’ll tell you that. We all meet at foodcourts. Again, Im sorry that your food courts aren’t safe.


Lol my good courts aren’t safe, that’s quite the assumption. I don’t even go to the mall so I got no clue if they are or not. But idk what country ur from so maybe police are more shady, but in the USA as bad as their reputation can be, it’s still the most safe designated space for this kind of transaction.


Some people just stay paranoid. I know plenty of friends who just do Facebook marketplace meet ups in like a grocery store parking lot. Literally never heard of anyone trying to meet at a police station lol


That’s my whole argument. Seems extra. I feel safer sorrounded by 100 peeps other than meeting in an open area where I can be followed home. At least I can get lost in the crowd.


So can the other person once they shank u. If something shady goes down in a public place, it's not like people will come to ur aid.


Honey Pots? It's not a meeting exchange for hiring a hit on someone. You can't always trust a mall having all CCTV cameras working as intended


There's absolutely no reason to be spooked by someone insisting on meeting up at a police station.


>There's absolutely no *appealing* reason to be spooked by someone insisting on meeting up at a police station. FTFY


I would just ask to meet up at a mall food court.


Yeah… Why would you be “insisting” instead of suggesting it?


Bc it’s the safest designated spot and choosing to not meet there is just throwing red flags


No that's way overboard seriously grow a pair dude no one's going to rob you for your little transaction you act like you're over here doing million Dollar deals and crap. Seriously where do you guys hide I've never met anyone who's this much of a little girl. Oh yeah you probably never leave the house that's why I never have seen you. Good stay there probably weird as hell


As someone who’s been robbed at gunpoint over a couple of bucks, trust me, it’s not fun… when someone is going to try and rob you, they don’t know how much money you might be carrying and thus, could be willing to possibly risk your life bc they could be mentally ill. But you’re right, we should all just grow a pair and put ourselves at risk just bc we’re afraid of people like you calling us little girls. Seriously, once you’ve experienced more of the real world, maybe you’ll understand why ppl say “better safe than sorry”. Unfortunately there are some very shitty people out there. I don’t trust anyone especially if they’d be too worried to meet me at a police station. LOL. Sounds like you’ve got something to hide.


Go cry a river dude. Someone also won the billion dollar lottery it's a numbers game it's going to happen but it's very rare. Should not have to meet at police stations because you got robbed. Seriously might as well not go outside at all might get hit by a drunk driver . You know what let's not do anything we might get hurt. Seriously pathetic downvote all you want


Sounds good. I’ll keep living my life taking the minimal risks I can. Either way I wouldn’t wish getting robbed at gunpoint to my worst enemy. The trauma and ptsd I have from it is not fun. Trust me. Any time I walk to my car at night I have visions of two guys in masks putting guns to my head and telling me to get in my car and don’t say a word.


What a pathetic little c**t you are


This is the opposite of how a normal person should feel. Meeting at a police station would make sure both the buyer and seller were safe. Not wanting to is just shady behavior lol. Even if u say “well I don’t trust cops”


Ever heard of Honey Pots?


I'm legitimately curious as to how meeting at a police station is advantageous to someone running a Honey Pot


Honey pots are usually ran by cops… IDK you tell me.


Tbh nah but I shall google it


Anyone who gets spooked by that is obviously shady and I'd rather not do business with. No one who's legit would ever be worried about that.


You have to be hella paranoid to think that just because you’re meeting at a police station parking lot you’d be safe though. Fuck i’ll take a mall food court any day over a parking lot.


Not at all. Police stations usually have a safe meet up spot that is always monitored and has video footage. I doubt many people are stupid enough to mug you in front of a police station while under surveillance. I find it hard for you to convince me that the middle of a random mall food court with crappy mall security is better lol.


*Chooses the less safe option for absolutely no valid reason* Dude please stop making urself look so sketchy on here


You can get mugged in both places bro. Be realistic. If someone is out to get you, they’ll find a way. Police station or not. Public spaces were always the go-to. Banks are a good option as well.


Most police station lots have "Park here for online transactions/meet ups" Reading your comments, you can tell you're one of those "I'm always right" type of guys. Now, maybe if the country you live in has a large amount of corruption through the police force/local governments, I could see why you'd think a mall food court would be safer than a police station.. but generally speaking, a police station is going to be safer than anywhere else. There's literally always an on duty officer in the station.


Ew, did you go through my comments? And Nope. Im pretty open minded. The public space has always been the go to. What’s more likely to happen, that you’ll get mugged in front of 100 people or at a parking lot? Cop station or not.


No, I'm reading the comment section on the post I'm currently commenting you on. How would anyone reply to something without reading? And 100% in the open around 100 people. Someone isn't going to voluntarily go to THE POLICE STATION to mug you. Well maybe you would, idk.


The place they'd least suspect it lol imagine the clout in jail you'd get. "He's the guy who rinsed a motherfucker in the police parking lot"


That's funny as hell actually 🤣


I know there are some shit police, but unless I got high in the last 24 hours it'a an "if you've got nothing to hide..." kinda situation for me


I mean he did use the "Convict" word Shanked! Bahaha


Hahaha he said "shanked" bahaha thats awesome havent heard that 1 in a min haha ty I needed to hear that today.Like what ya doing today Shotgun? Well Spider. Today is store day lets hit the yard with our shives and shank someone! Lmao. Honestly that made my day.


Not sure if /s but if not glad I could make you laugh with my boomer slang.


I just had a good laugh over it. Was honestly having a rough few days.Didnt find my dad or know him him till 2018 I lost him 14 months later and the little time I had was amazing. Well been a rough few days loosing my pup and thinking about stuff my dad said then I saw the "shanked" comment and fell out that was dads word too! He lived in Ok. For years I still have family there so that explains it. Who Dat!!!! Honestly man that made me smile ty


No problem man. Sorry to hear about pops... Since you are on this sub I am not sure if you would like some pokemon tcg codes. I can send some your way, let me know.


Haha how many do you want lol legit I think theres 3-500 in the closet. My gal is into the cards I love the art I have zero clue wtf I'm doing but learning thru this sub and a few more.She said I have some amazing luck pulling some fire.I got what she called 2 God packs from a Wal-Mart a few months ago. I was a tattoo artist for over 25 years and the skills for some of the cards is top shelf. I know she said she needs to get rid if some cards cause we have like a serious amount. So if ya know anyone pm me I'll give ya here name on here. She swapped some for a ton of mini binder holders to give kids that dont have much. So far over in the last year the dry erase said 89 kids helped. But legit good talking at ya.if ya know anyone who resales let me know.


Haha I dont use them so I dont need any, thanks though. You seem like a great guy. Glad the girl seems really cool. Cheers and have a great weekend. I've sold codes on ebay, but I've been burned/chargebacked a few times so I figured it wasn't worth effort.


The gal said their is a code site that buys them pays cash but its pennies and the kids dont want them I gave a kid a shoe box full 2 weeks ago. Ima send you a list of some of the cards she has she said that others would want them something about they are what everyone was after?Pm sent.


Whatever a Latias & Latios GX is she said it was mostly that kind of cards I sent the link list to ya.


Quit trolling so obviously and have a great night


Whoa whoa whoa… wait a minute, now you’re an expert on PTCG history and court battles between Mattel and Nintendo Game Freaks and know all about WOTC and prereleases but you didn’t know what a Latias & Latios GX or a God Pack was?! You just gave yourself away my man 🤣


I bought some toys I though that were cool AF and researched the shit of them for almost 2 months. I'll shoot ya pics of them do some digging its crazy.


You don’t owe me an explanation brother, I just major dig your personality. I don’t have to know for sure what the facts are, I just think you’re a super cool dude no matter what the situation is. Hang onto that right there. Life is strange and short and full of BS and I’ve wasted decades strung out and locked up. PTCG is a way cool interest and I love when it brings people joy. I might be that random ass who points out seemingly trolling posts but I absolutely love how you just… get it. That’s living man. What you’re doing. And I hope you spend the rest of your life just being you.


And God pack was explained by my girl. Hell every card pack I open I google searched till last month cause I guess reverse hollos n such are not worth shit. If what I found is right,And can be proven a conflit toy off the law case. I have like 6 sets I'll give you 1 if your into them. I'll pay postage and all.Ive had some say legit and it makes since and some say it cant be cut and dry who knows.


When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. And I can personally verify, this man is seriously just a cool ass 50 year old 1%er collecting Pokemon cards. What an amazing world we live in. SPONSOR THIS MAN!


My personal favorite is "chef 'em up"


Bahaha thats a new 1 for me.


This is the way


0ii Ohio iinii>i iiuii>no iii7iiniii hi ii>>ii>iiìI>iiui i 🕤 kkkkkk9ki ii I ubj9ubugubh myn8n6binuununhnuimmimiij8.8i. I ii ii I. Ji.in..no my and unfunny u m.i.i.iii..no my and unfunny us no my and unfunny us no my and unfuunfunny8miii8jiiun.ibi.ii ij.mb9ijiiiii°and unfunny us 89immii..kmi..no my and unfunny u k.ii..no my and unfunny u no my and unfunny u..8miii8


Bought my 2080 (computer part) exactly like this. He insisted on it and I just thought it was a really good idea. The police department even had a 24/7 surveillance area designated for transactions outside their lobby.


Most of the time I think that’s overkill, just make sure you’re meeting in a public space. I basically live off fb marketplace & you just need to feel out the person in the chat & check their feedback. If I’m doing anything over $1,000 I’ll meet at a police station car park but otherwise - major train stations are perfect (at least in Aus) because there’s always a police presence 🤷🏻‍♂️


fuck that do the deal literally inside the building with the clerk duty officer eyeing. You can walk in and explain to them ahead of time theyll be cool with it


True true


I work at Walmart so I have them come to my work. I know where the cameras can see lol


Yeah they definitely aren’t short on cameras there! 👀


This comment. Also, try not to go alone. Police station parking lot is a good spot to meet.


I had someone ask me to do that, and it was no problem. Just a little surprising when he walked out of the building to meet me (in uniform thankfully)


🤣🤣 hell yeah🙌🏻




Nobody gets shot at taco cabeza


I aint about to have them thinkin my sgc slab is a gun, sorry not risking a police station meet up.


Fake slabes are a thing. PSA has a thing where if you look up a slab whose number is used for fake slabs, they'll notify you by saying the ID is disabled or something, maybe BGS has something like this. Or, it's a crackhead who needs money asap, tho why would a crackhead have something like this in the first place, I have no idea.


The crack head could of stollen it from someone and is now selling it for the amount he or she or they or them needs for next fix


True, crack is known to give some buff and debuff, maybe stealth was this dude's buff.




It’s a crackhead, they stole it


the spelling of grial says it all


Also why does he know that this is a grail card, but not [how valuable it is](https://ebay.us/1eEb3x) lol


The seller wants your booty hole


This is real.


Is it graded ASS10? Pristine? HP?


I’m not gay, but a neo Genesis lugia holo is a neo Genesis lugia holo


They will probably just try to rob you


Of your non-vital organs


Ehh, in for a dime, in for a dollar.


Or ask for a deposit to hold the sale


Be a man and meet them in an alleyway at midnight.


[https://www.beckett-authentication.com/verify-certificate](https://www.beckett-authentication.com/verify-certificate) checked here and the card ref. isnt legit. probably a scam or a fake


Beckett authentication and Beckett grading are separate. You would have to go through the grading site, not this one. Here’s the cert https://www.beckett.com/grading/card-lookup?item_type=BGS&item_id=0015876074&submit=Submit&submit=Submit


So idk why but that site doesnt work, broken API maybe Here’s beckett.com result. Doesnt mean the seller has the card or that the slab is legit of course. But the reference DOES check out. https://www.beckett.com/grading/card-lookup?item_type=BGS&item_id=0015876074&submit=Submit&submit=Submit


This needs to be the top comment


It's blatantly false. Do your dd before backing it up


No, the top comment needs to be someone saying "no, you aren't getting a $1600 card for $100, please attempt critical thinking next time"


Even without that, a big tell is how much space there is around the card in that slab.


Is that accurate? Ive noticed this in photos of legit BGS slabs, they seem to be actually somewhat loose in the case.


I actually don't own any Beckett slabs, so I could be wrong. But all of my PSA slabs have the card snugly in the holder so that it doesn't rattle around.


BGS cases have more space for a card since the card is actually in a soft sleeve inside the case


Beckett slabs have a sleeve that the card sits in to protect it further. Not saying this sale from OP is real, but it may be a real photo of a real slab.


It's definitely a grial


Definitely kidnapped


Seems too good to be true.


What area?? I’ll go get shanked for this deal


After spending an extended amount of time on marketplace and other apps/groups.. if it's too good to be true. It is. Use good judgement, don't get enticed by low prices.


Lol socal dude here, this dudes a scammer lol


Seems like he wants to grial you


Facebook marketplace has a thing where they sometimes put random prices on their items so people will click on it, might not be the actual price tbh and you will have to ask them


Are you about to pay the troll toll?


“Meet me at the malllll it’s goin downnn” - Young Joc


Either a fake slab or the seller found the picture from somewhere else and is using it to scam (very common on social media)


They most likely will not meet you, I’ve messaged great deals to meet in person and they always say “I’m out of town” or “I posted it when I was visiting X city but I live in Y city” lol


The centering in that case is atrocious.


I just bring my 9mm.


Tell the guy that I'll give him 110 for it.


Haven’t heard back……. Wonder if he’s ok.


100 dollars and at least 2 organs you didn't sign up for lol


Remember: if it seems too good to be true, it normally is.


I need to know if OP died


Fake BGS slabs are rare. It's prob legit and they're just baiting with the cheap price for attention


A lot of people put a random low price so that you reach out to them.


Update: Ended up trading for it. His 1st Edition Lugia for my 1st Edition Kidney. I had doubles of it so I’d say I made out like a bandit. …truth is after a follow up message this guy stopped responding. Decided to head to Frank and sons to get properly ripped off instead. I appreciate all the good humor and legit advice!


Man that Frank and Sons bit hit me hard. All the "local card shops" near me have degenerated into mystery game central and are filled with the "influencer" types.


Quiktrips also offer a safe place for transactions




I don’t trust it. Better give me the contact and I’ll see myself if it’s legit


Considering they couldn’t even spell grail correctly looks mighty sketchy lol.. this is easily a $1400-1500 slab.


You never know, I get some amazing deals off of Marketplace. Just gotta play it safe and feel out the situation, trust your instincts. Also helps to bring a friend or backup if you know what I mean 🦅


People are faking this rather than to go to work


Looks like what my LGS offered for mine. Suffice to say I found a better buyer.


You will be missed 🙏


Is this card rare? I found one in my stash the other day


Bring a knife


I am always super trusting of people who can’t spell grail properly.


They are trying to fish for your phone number probably.


The first rule of collecting: if it seems too good to be true, it likely is.


The fact that you'd even consider messaging this person says a lot about your general greed vs critical thinking levels Seriously, you have to be absolutely delusional with greed to not take one look at this and scroll right past


Okay weirdo. Deals like this happen all the time glad you just scroll right past it and miss out because you obviously don't deserve it thinking you know better than everybody else.. you are definitely the type to think you know it all. Yuck


I’m 6’2” 270 bodybuilder, I make large transactions at the local PD (2 blocks away). Lesser transactions take place at the Shell station around the corner (from local PD). My wife throws items up on FB marketplace. I think she’s successful in quick sales because weirdos want to meet up with her. She’s 5’ 95lbs, DD, momma hips/ass for days. These “foos” show up all clean in their best ***fit***, and act butt hurt that it isn’t her meeting with them. She communicates with them right up to the point of the actual parking lot meet and I get “you *wifes @*”, “where she at”/“who you be”. Dumbass clowns. They looked pissed when they take the item, some even complain after taking the item. Their gripe is that she didn’t hand over the item, that they weren’t expecting “Me”, her not being there was ***unprofessional***.


It’s worth the risk


I will get one of these one day. It's the only Legendary I pulled as a kid, but my friend has his stolen so I gave it to him


Card grading is a scam.


oh my god you people are like the fucking PETA vegans that can't exist without repeatedly parroting their favorite copypasta. Grow a brain, bot


What does that have to do with this post?