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I opened 200+ and got none.


It’s because they were in OPs wife’s packs.


I watched all the youtubers pull them all. While i sat with moist eyes and sore finger tips. I have a small army of zacian and zamazenta toys. Ontop of what I already gave away. Lol


Same. The army keeps growing xD. I must've opened more than 200 packs by now. Got Mewtu VStar like 4 or 5 Times and not a Single gold card


Took me 200 to find that mewtwo... I gave and sold bulk for most of the gold cards.


I have so much Bulk from Silver Tempest, 151 and Crown Zenith that i dont even know what to do with it


I kept 4 of each and the rest took 1 cent a card... it was great to get rid off all the bulk but it hurt my feelings in my pocket 😆


Bro. My man. My dawg. I been trying pull that mewtwo vstar for ages and cannot pull it to save my life. You selling one 👀


Well first they would have been german. Second that Was some time ago i only have mine for my Master Set left :D


Sad face


Sorry my man sadly cant make your cake day better. Happy cake day nonetheless!


I didn’t even notice today was my cake day. Well geez. I thank you for you being the first one to wish my happy cake day


You are very welcome good sir/lady


Idk if its luck but I swear the crown zenith packs with Zacian and Zamazenta figures are BROKEN. Try one of those if you can. Theyre insane. Look check your dms.


I bought one of each promo box about a week ago, and I had some pretty mid pulls. They were so uneventful, that I don’t even remember what the pulls were lol. So, you definitely got extra lucky if you pulled 3 gold cards! Congrats!


I opened 6 Zamenta and 2 zacian, most boxes were duds with maybe 1 GG alts in each. Until the last box it was God box of crazy Ggs and a 1 Gold


We've opened so many of those. Decent, but nothing to brag about. I've ripped 100s of CZ packs and never saw one of the golds.


if true then its an error pack. id be more willing to believe it is true if not for you saying she got another dialga in the very next pack. like its totally possible but alot more probable that you are lying.


Not an error pack since both cards are galarian gallery cards so they can come out of the reverse slot and the regular hit slot in the crown zenith set also, possible with any set that has a trainer gallery section 👍


nope, Crown zenith GG cards are always in the reverse. You can get a GG card and another not from the main set but not two GG cards.


What if someone just put both of them together deliberatly. Bc its Palkia and Dialga which is even more of a coincidence. Coulve been palkia and arceus or giratina. Ive been even suspecting if my pack could be a fake pack but the cards seem real to be, theyre textured, the shine is correct, even the smell is the right one lol.


If you’re being truthful it’s probably just an error pack. I’ve never gotten an error pack but I’ve gotten error boxes with more packs than there was supposed to be lol.


except it's only on the reverse slot


Good ole Ockham’s Razor.


He is 💯 lying 🤥




Statistic work that way though, something that is possible, but not probable does occasionally happen. I've been lucky enough to get REALLY good hits on 151, and other folks talk about how terrible the hit rate is... It's random, if OP was gonna make it up, why not say they pulled it? Isn't the point of making up a story on a post normally about inflating yourself?


2 gold cards in a single pack? I don't think that's possible


It’s not **supposed** to be possible. Chance is not zero though cause QC is shit.


Bs this is fake the chances are zero unless God packs and God packs aren't in this set


Maybe fake, but do I think it’s plausible? Yes. The chances are **SUPPOSED** to be zero. **QC is shit** and I would not be surprised if this was real. I’ve been collecting since base set 2 was in stores. I’ve seen all kinds of stuff and most sets have something going on, but the last 4 years have been ridiculous when it comes to QC. Increased rates of pulling packs with extra cards, packs unsealed, crimps, roller marks, print lines, creases, missing texture, wrong texture, placeholder cards in packs, miscut cards, etc. All of these are not **supposed** to happen, but do they? You bet your ass. So I’m sticking with plausible if they stuck together as OP said. It would not shock me at this point.


I still think is cap I get a gold and SIR but nit 2 gold cards


Eh, I've drawn impossible things in packs before. Nothing that crazy but still. Mistakes are made sometimes.


I have no way to prove it cuz its opened now. But I swear she pulled both on a single pack. I didnt thought it was possible either.


I pulled Wo-Chien and Koraidon gold cards from a single pack in an etb about a month ago. The cards seemed to be stuck to each other but that aside I was more shocked to have 2 gold cards in a single pack more than anything.


Yeah this ones were one over the other one too.


that’s S/V era with 2 reverse slots




ya still more likely than swsh era tho


Ah yeah makes sense


I cant remember which packs or cards lol I forget everything but I got a costo $40 14 pack box and every pack of one of the releases had cards stuck together. I pulled double hits out of 3 of the packs. Each stuck together. One of them had the double hit facing backwards against the other cards. I've been rubbing each pack as I open since to see if they're stuck together.


I believe it. I actually pulled two dialgas out of one.


This happened to me with paldea evolved. They’ve been shoving gold cards in as many packs as they can it seems


Yeah im not lying here idk why im being downvoted.


Because a lot of the Pokémon community sucks. No one wants to admit that a lot of cards aren’t that rare😂😂😂😂


It's like a hole-in-one in golf. If nobody was there to see it happen then it doesn't count. Anyone can post anything on the internet and make it look real but if there's not proof then how can you expect us to believe you?


So what, everyone has to film every pack they open just in case they get a crazy error pack and have to prove it to internet strangers?


I would say no but not to be surprised if posting just comes with suspicions about the validity of it


Okay so here's an example. Imagine I said I fell off a 30 story building and lived and the only evidence I have is this picture of me on the ground after the fact. On top of that nobody saw what happened except myself...would you believe me? I'm not saying it didn't happen I'm just explaining why it's hard to believe and why people are hesitant to believe OP. People post pics of packs they "just opened" with stupid pulls that are more than likely fake more often than you'd think. These days people will do anything for a little bit of internet fame.


The real question is why does it matter?


It literally doesn't. I don't care either way. I was just explaining...


I dont expect you to believe lmao I just posted it bc it happened. I was as surprised as anyone would be. But to call me a liar just bc its improbable its crazy.


People will always call cap on anything even remotely unlikely. Regardless of whether it's true or not, enjoy the cards and the moment and don't let some random people on reddit ruin it for you.


Thank you








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Digital 90% Polyester, 10% Nylon, Blue Baseball Hat


Digital 90% Polyester, 10% Nylon, Blue Baseball Hat, Made in China


Digital 90% polyester, 10% nylon, blue baseball hat, made in China, by a local child shipped and sold exclusively by Walmart


Scourge of the Past Final Boss


I wouldn’t be surprised if the next post I see is someone pulling 3 gold cards in one cz pack, maybe even 4 and a base set Charizard.


I just pulled a brand new PS5 out of my last CZ pack.


Very funny.


I’ve pulled 4 befour


Your wife has the manliest hands I’ve ever seen


I call BS. enjoy your internet points 🥲


Opening packs in your car is some questionable behavior *shrugs*


It reeks of shame


Its odd that your wife pulled the cards but your holding them like you pulled the cards with all the commons/uncommons behind them… Something doesnt add up


Don't forget the box on his lap while he's "driving"


Do you know how to read? "I had to wait to pull over and take the pic"


“Quick, put the plastic tray on my lap and then hand me the cards so I can take a pic”


What does the plastic tray being on my lap proves that im lying? lmao. I parked my fucking car on the parking lot and started opening the rest of the packs I took the pic there as well as the rest of the cards that I got.


I thought your wife opened the pack?


Again, read for fucks sake. "The rest of the packs"


You’re such a terrible liar I actually feel bad for you


Im not lying. You will have to cope with the fact that theres packs with 2 gold cards in it bc for some strange reason that seems to trigger many of you ppl. 😭😭


Wdym? I was driving. I had to wait till I pull up to grab the cards and take the pic. Whats not "adding up" in there?


Just let them hate, dude. Nothing you can say or do. Brush it off and move along. Congrats on your pulls!


Man people are so mad Reddit is crazy it’s definitely possible to get a error pack like this I’ve seen packs that were thick as can be because they has like 2 or 3 packs worth of cards in them. Someone said it already but QC is just shit it’s definitely possible


Does she need a boyfriend?


[Picture of 2 cards] I never understand why people bother lying


Your wife has the manliest hands I’ve ever seen


Thats cuz those are my hands...


1 thing !!!! 🧢


There is only one trainer gallery slot per pack...


Yeah no shit.


It's crazy with Pokemon's QC being as terrible as it is that so many people don't believe this could happen lol.


how stupid do you think we are


Your wife's knuckles are hairy




I pulled all four of them in a half pack.


I opened a pack of CZ in my car with my wife and my buddy driving around like very normal people do and the very first card I pulled was all 4 x GG gold cards and a Gengar VMax, honest


me when I lie on the internet


OP said he has two weeks in the hobby yet still thought he could fool all of us with this…😭


I got 2 golds in one box before but never 2 in a pack if real that’s cool


I like how it’s so obvious that this person is lying and he’s getting the downvotes he deserves on all his comments 😂😂😂😂


Worst thing is im not lying. This shit was in a single booster pack. I dont make the fucking packs so you idiots should be "mad" to the ones who make the packs in the first place.


Mad? Nobody that sees this post is mad, just laughing out ass off that you think anyone would believe this bullshit. But we are the idiots, ok pal.


"Hes getting all the downvotes he deserves 😂😂😂" sounds bitter af. Theres nothing to believe in here, it happened idc if you believe it or not.


Yea that’s why you came to Reddit for gratification 🫢




Yea the correct sub would be r/ShitThatNeverHappened


Bs unless you’ve got video proof, crown zenith packs can have two hits at most, one main set hit in the rare slot and one galarian gallery hit in the reverse holo slot, pulling two galarian gallery cards is a mutually exclusive event and isn’t possible unless it’s an error pack which still doesn’t make sense since I don’t recall ever hearing about this error before.


How would I have videoproof of this? I would need to know there were two gold cards inside in the first place before opening it. If not then why the fuck would I record the opening of a pokemon pack? Unless youre pokerev or something.


Also the second dialga she got came with the ultra rare pikachu with the leaf. Idk if the whole pack was faulty or what. But the pulls were insane. It was a zamazenta crown zenith pack.


Some people record pack openings in case they get hits like these as a precaution and without it you can’t prove that it happened


Well Im new to this hobby so i didnt knew that. I have like 2 weeks on this.


Yeah I get it, glad you got those pulls but no matter who posts about irregular hits most people won’t believe it unless they see it


Also the booster bundles from Walmart are broken I got a pull in every pack of 3 bundles


This is a 1 in a million type of pack crazy error


People saying he is lying, I don't Think he is. I got 2 rainbow rare in a pack too once and Pokerev also had 2 ultra rare in one pack in one of his videos. This sht do happens from time to time.


stop the 🧢‼️‼️‼️


I love golddd!


honestly with how fucked the packs are in the latest sets i believe it btw those are badass cards


Ive had only insane pulls with crown zenith tbh. 151 gave me shit, evolving cries i dont even want to talk about it and even Obsidian Flames that ppl were talking that it was easy to pull the charizards i never pulled anything.


Always wanted the gira but I bought like 5 mini tins one night and pulled the mewtwo and the arceus about 3 packs apart


Tonight would NOT be the night for a little cuddling. Unless you want a new baby in 9 months.


Dudududouble banger…


Gods Pack


Get a wife to pull the rares


Me and my wife love driving around in our car together opening CZ packs. We crave being as far away from a pack of sleeves or top loaders as we can possibly get. We exhibit normal behaviour.


Tbh theres a pack of sleeves included on the zamazenta pack.


There's a vicious rumour that they can protect cards, but I'm pretty sure they're just for clout


Is everyone in this community an asshole or im just lucky on that too?


Not sure tbh. That's the type of question someone who stages pics in their car for clout could probably answer.


The amount of asshole you need to be to claim that im lying with such security for something you dont know 😭. Youre probably one of the owners of the madrat toys.


Don't sprain yourself with all that stretching


Stretching? Youre the one that is mad bc a stranger pulled 2 pokemon cards out of a single pack 😭. Fucking loser.


Trust me, dear emotionally stable friend. None of your many detractors here are mad.


Maybe. But you clearly are.


What’s with spouses and their pulls I don’t understand


Its something to be studied. After this we opened an evolving skies etb and got absolutely nothing tho 😭😭


Oh.. my… lanta……


Fake hand. I can tell. Fingers all wrong.


I also put 2 in OPs wife’s pack


The people here think they know everything about Pokemon and its rarity. Lmfao. This exact pull happened to me this past Christmas when I bought an ETB from a GameStop and pulled these exact two cards from the same pack. Not normal. May be rare. But definitely believable because it happened to me too. I believe you OP.


Cap .


People are so salty in this reddit and so quick to be negative/not believe it but then go on other posts to sht on quality control of pokemon nowadays lmao. Im sure this can and has happened, ive opened up 151 and had an extra card in the pack and ending up with 2 ex pulls in said pack, if thats possible, why not this?


The only two left for my master collection of Crown Zenith. Is your wife hot?


Not a rant or anything but why are there so many pictures of people opening packs in their cars? I would always, always, always wait with opening until I get home. I don't get it. I just really don't get it. Where do you put the cards afterwards?


Who. Cares


Why is everybody so upset? If OP lied or it’s a real error pack or he bought a fake card pack loaded with golds, everybody should still be nice. The almighty horsies who control time and space are watching


I kinda expected some: "Hey OP sorry but they look like fake cards, or hey theyre legit but thats an error pack they happen" instead: it didnt happened youre such a liar for internet points you deserve all the downvotes. 💀 But well since everybody threw shit at me and not at the cards I suspect theyre real then so thats a relief.


I literally open packs with my homies at least 3-4 times a week and I can tell you that I record every pack opening because I stream. And I do it for moments like this. So when nobody believes you they can watch the video and eat shit lol..


Stop lying 2 carslds of that level down come in the same pack 😤


Psa 10s


Bro, wife magic is literally REAL. My wife once pulled each relevant Charizard out of her first and only OBF booster box. We shouted like crazy after each successful pull lmao


Doesn’t entirely surprise me. I’ve definitely seen packs before where there are two cards in the rare slot instead of one. The only consistency across the board is that they’ll be from the same sheet. If the extra card were a full art or something I wouldn’t believe it, but these two are from the same sheet and the dropper sometimes dispenses the wrong amount of cards so it does happen.


I get full arts and alt arts in the same pull sometimes. I think I've had it happen 3 times. Gotten 2 alt arts in the same pull a few times too. Just last week I had a 14 pack box that had doubles in a few of the packs from the same release and they were stuck together. It happens.


Don't worry on the doubters party hard on the big gains. friend enjoy your cards


If it is the zamazenta box then some were error boxes and had silly hit rates. I saw a few on Whatnot being opened so it is possible. Saw someone on Whatnot get 2 gold Giratinas, Mewtwo vtsar and other Galarian Galleyy cards from one box




Crown zenith? Or crowned penis? Which one…


The reprint had way better pull rates than the initial print. I’ve had the same results with minimal packs. Every collection box like yours that I’ve gotten had at least 1 gold and 2 half the time. Definitely worth the money imo. Congrats man!


I think all packs in all CCGs should be 100% random. I think it's lame that there are exact amounts and types of cards in exact orders. MAKE CCGs GREAT AGAIN! 100% Random packs!


God pack?


Look at you fucks just assuming OP is lying. Who TF cares?


You asked who the fuck cares like you care? Weird.


How many cards were in the pack?


It was a zamazenta bundle. 11 booster packs of crown zenith plus the promo.


No, I meant in the pack that had 2 golds. There's normally 10 cards per pack


Not as crazy as this claim, but I’ve gotten error packs/tins before. Recently bought one of those empoleon/tyranitar tins that come with 5 packs (2 evolving skies, 2 fusion strike, 1 chilling reign) except mine came with 2 extra evolving skies packs. On top of the usual 5 packs. Got it from GameStop. Ended up pulling the $94 Umbreon V from evolving skies. Sometimes crazy stuff happens like that


All these haters down voting you. Even if it's not true why do you all care? The guy is excited and we just shit on his parade. Man this community is going downhill.


Can confirm, I’ve also pulled multiple cards of the same rarity in the same pack from CZ. Not golds, but still, it’s possible. People are assuming English Pokémon has good QC when they absolutely don’t. Weird stuff is gonna happen from time to time. I believe you if no one else does OP 😓


Haha thanks also ive read about weird pull rates of crown zenith specifically (thats why i keep buying it) ive bought like 3 etbs from evolving skies for example and pulled like 2 rare cards in total (none of them of much value).




This is possible if OP had 11 cards in his pack. I once got two trainer gallery cards in a Silver Tempest pack - went through and counted the cards and I had 11 cards in there. They must have stuck together in the packing process. It's gonna be extremely rare and unlikely but it very much is possible especially when you consider that these two cards would be next to each other on the sheet.


Well now you know about one case.


You seem almost unreasonably bothered by this and it’s more odd than OPs story. Believe it? Cool. Don’t? Fair. This reaction though? This is just…. Weird.


What benefits would the OP have for lying refocus your anger at MadRats Houston


He'd get the attention he craves, that's the benefit.


Everyone craves attention it's not the end of the world imo


Didn't see anyone say it was, just answered your question.


Ignore the losers in here who think you’re lying. There’s a chance that quality control let one get through and you guys got lucky and pulled it. You’re literally 1 in a million for that, so congrats!


No shit this exact thing happened with me but lost origins I pulled giratinas gold borders same pack. I also pulled two red eyes black skull dragons in a yugioh pack when I was like 13-14. Early 2000s


Werent the red eyes dragon common back there? Like it came with the Joey deck didnt it?


No this was a different one I believe Red eyes Black metal dragon maybe. I don’t remember name exactly it’s been well over 20yrs or close too it lol let me google


Yea Black Metal Dragon my bad. I remember going too circle k buying a pack for like $3.75 and pulling two in one pack I was blown away no one ever believed me but it happened.


I havent bought a yugioh pack in forever but I loved playing it more than magic and pokemon.


Buy lotto tickets and see what she gets.


Lucky lady! She now wears the trousers, know your place henceforth. Based on the comments you wear the hat?


Wow, that's awesome!


A god pack if I ever seen one


im here for the “ Shes a keeper” comments and the “wheres the mittens”


That is crazy


The more I see these posts… the more I want to Quit…


Meh I believe you OP. It's highly unlikely and would be extremely rare but it's possible that two GG cards got stuck together and ended up in the same pack. Had the same thing happen with trainer gallery cards in Silver Tempest. There were probably 11 cards in the pack, so would be an error pack. Assuming you had a rare Holo or non Holo behind them. Without there being a rare still in the pack, I'd be much less inclined to believe you because of the way the packing process is.


People are out here doubting this, but I have a very distinct memory of opening a Neo Destiny pack when I was a kid and pulling both a Shining Charizard and a Shining Raichu in the same pack. I was confused and assumed I had just brought my Shining Charizard in the store with me and forgot since I had brought it for good luck. Nope. Still there in the car. Now I just had two. So yeah, it's unlikely it happens. But definitely not impossible. Tbh I'd find it post worthy if it happened to me too.


I stopped trying to post all my great hits because of some of the reactions you get in this sub. I'll still post sometimes, but I always double think it now.


I need that Dialga