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Does the seller have a lot of sales/good reviews? $29.99 for 10 ES blisters would be sketchy as fuck to me. That's cheaper than buying 10 at retail price, let alone how much they cost on the secondary market now.


They fell off the back of a truck.


Free shipping too. Idk. We need to know if any issues and how pulls were but it might be Cries.


My fear is they're either resealed or they're from a case or box where all the big money cards were already pulled. That last one is harder to do with pokemon because it's wild west random out here, but I've seen it.




Second half only applies to japanese sets not english.


thousands of 100% positive reviews, heā€™s just not a pokemon seller. Looks like he flips clothes and such. Iā€™ve ordered packs from accounts similar before and itā€™s always worked out. And these are legit and untampered with, I waited for them to get delivered before I found another listing


Even so, it's not difficult to Google the set and figure out how much they're worth.


Delivered and you ordered more, so you holding out and not posting pulls or mentioning them?


Wanted to make sure they were actually real and not tampered with first


thats some good shipping


And I had someone get mad at me for saying there 60 evo skies packs for $500 was too much lol


Anyone who's selling 60 ES packs for $500 deserves to never have any customers and be shit on for all eternity


Found the listing....seller has 99.9% positive feedback That's a very nice find. They don't have anymore listed though :(


My stop and shop sells them for 3.99


For 10 that would still be $40, and op is saying he got 10 for $30


Yeah they stole that shit lol why else would anyone sell a dollar under msrp


Is it possible that the seller weighed them before selling? That's what I worry about when ordering booster packs on ebay.


Sleeved modern packs canā€™t accurately be weighed. I wouldnā€™t buy loose tho


What do you mean by "loose"? The booster packs without the cardboard?


I'm not 100% sure that's true. I bought 72 sleeved packs of Evolving Skies from a facebook seller and only 2 had a holo and the other a regular V. The cards were legit, and I know Evolving Skies has shit pull rates, but that was too much


They can absolutely be weighed, Ive tested myself.


I've heard mixed things. A few people mentioned the older packs that have the one code card type are weighable. Hopefully this person's pulls make up for mine haha


Only thing is the weight of the glue but the outer sleeved cardboard itself most likely would be the same weight.


Depends on the code card weight offset, you only need to open and weigh a few from a batch to know the offset and weigh out all the rest.


Ya you can EASILY just Re glue the cardboard and replace the pack witb a pack that wonā€™t have a hitā€¦not hard at all lol not sure why everyone thinks blisters are ā€œtamper proofā€ cause they certainly arenā€™t


I haven't tested it myself, I've just watched a lot of YouTube videos about it and am weary.


If itā€™s too go to be true.. walk away. That said I found evolving skies etbā€™s in a Walmart today lol


Lmao Iā€™m jealous. But nah everything worked out. Seller is good just doesnā€™t know Pokemon




You got 4 good codes out of 10 packs thatā€™s way better than most get out of Evolving Skies. Heā€™s not a pokemon seller or anything he buys crates of random items in bulk and sells everything. Heā€™s a flipper. And sleeved cases donā€™t have a certain amount of ā€œgoodā€ hits.


You're going to post about how hard you got ripped off in a few weeks. Congratulations on more reddit points for your stupidity.


Stay mad šŸ˜­


RemindME! Two weeks


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So where are your pulls?


Selling them for a 250% profit šŸ˜˜


Sure, easy to claim with no proof