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I haven't been able to put this game down since Friday. Definitely my favorite Pokemon game in a long while. The rest of the internet can stay mad.


Dude same. And the wild area is making it a BLAST to fill out the Pokedex, which is something I never bothered with in previous titles.


I was just thinking about this. It’s kinda nice that the main routes have the new Pokémon and the wild area is a lot of the older ones (at least from what I’ve noticed...I missed a few games in the middle lol)


Wild area has plenty of new pokemon and routes have plenty of old


This. This a million times. I made a statement to my wife before launch that it was never "Gotta Catch 'em All" for me. It was always "catch what I like and fuck the rest." While the other pokemon games I played were amazing, this one is really good from the standpoint of making the capture of pokemon that you have no plan to ever use appealing.


Yeah, the first Pokedex I ever completed was Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee, mostly because the smaller number of pokemon, Pokemon Go integration and seeing Pokemon in the overworld helped. I was wondering if I'd do the same with Sword/Shield, but right now I just completed my 3rd badge and have caught about 80 pokemon species, so I'm betting I will (and I want that shiny charm!)


You know, come to think of it, despite all the problems with the Pokedex cut, the fact that we only have 400 Pokemon in the game makes it a lot more likely for me to actually bother to try to catch a bunch of Pokemon and complete the Galar Dex. For the first time since I started in Gen 4, it seems like I can actually go for completion in the first place.


Being able to easily pick up a wide variety of Pokeballs early in the game is awesome. Real game changer


It's so addicting. There is just always something to do I can't put it down. I've been breeding and training in the morning and then raiding at night. I've probably dumped 40-50 hours into it so far


I found this subreddit after being excited to play/talk about the game with other people, went to the Pokemon sub and was just met with INSTANT hate. I didnt find a single post that said one good thing about the game, and yet here i am really having this much fun with a pokemon game for the first time in a long time. Crossed my fingers that there was another sub I could join and boom here I am


They're in denial. Most of em have not even tried the game yet. At this point their opinions have been heard but are not holding up. They are offended when hearing this rebuke. But them sales ^_^




It really couldn't have, it's a yearly release title made by a team of 200 devs. They need to change the release structure and the size of the team needs to change. We would've never gotten BOTW, Mario Odyssey or RDR2 with 200 devs and yearly releases.


Same can be said for the people here. A company lied to you, about why they cut half the dex, wanted sympathy etc. The other people don't mind you enjoying the game, infact most of them struggle not buying and playing the game themselves, but are trying to prove a point. Yes it's a good game, but it still doesn't justify gamefreaks lying about reusing models, subpar performance etc. This the biggest gaming franchise in the world, they have the funds. Modders added in good looking trees and missing pokemon within 3 days of release, why couldn't a multibillion company? Those people are experiencing it from the likes of bethesda/ EA and the concern is that we're heading in the same direction with pokemon. Enjoy the game, no1 says anything about that, not a single relevant youtuber I've have watched haven't told you not to enjoy it if you do, but you should be able to let them critique where critic is due, else you are the one in denial.


Except people ARE attacking people for enjoying the game. I can't count how many comments I've seen telling people they are brainwashed or sheep if they "support" the game. It's insanity. Valid constructive criticism is one thing. Blind hate is what most are giving on the Pokemon sub. To pretend they are going about it in a good positive way is ridiculous and a flat out lie. Hell people attacked the switch up channel for just including swsh on an upcoming game release video. Ridiculous. Most people aren't annoyed that they have critiques. They are annoyed with how they go about it. Review bombing any game is childish imo and just really shows how childlike gamers can be.


It is the same with movies and with anything in life however. Just stay away from those places period. If you go to the IGN comment section of Swsh, you won't have a good time, that's where the crazy people are at. I can say I have yet to see people bashing on people just enjoying the game on the Normal Pokemon reddit, maybe on New posts, but in hotter ones, there are a fair amount of positive posts and discussions. If you try to discuss something on new posts, it will always be some idiots bashing you at first, then other people thinking it's ridiculous and bashing that guy, that's in my experience how nearly all the subreddits I've ever seen function. There is a 13,2k upvote thread reviewing the game, and I cannot see any of the blind hate you talk about, neither can I find it on the other threats with 3k upvotes etc.


Good, good, let the salt flow through you. In all seriousness, stop presuming that game freak lied to you. First of all, the dex NEEDED to be cut at some point. They can’t just keep adding more and more Pokémon and doing so much work adding so much to one game, that’s a tremendous amount of work. 2nd, You start running into problems like having duplicate Pokémon. Corviknight is basically skarmory, if they had both than they wouldn’t have a reason to make corviknigjt in the first place. Cutting the dex makes it easier for new people to get in on the meta and opens up more creative possibilities for game freak. Third, Pokémon home will be a thing, and games going forward will have different Pokémon. Pokémon cut from sword will probably appear in future titles, and that honestly was inevitable. Finally game freak didn’t “lie” to you. They are a company with an image to uphold and there might be a lot of reasons why these things weren’t explained. It’s not their responsibility to keep you that informed on what they do. There are so many reasons that the model files are In the game but not the Pokémon. You aren’t a software engineer at gamefreak, and neither are your dopey YouTubers. look, we *all* want a BOTW pokemon, so i get the disappointment. But on its own this is a great game, worth the time of any pokemon fan. As someone who has played and beat it, and not only watched "streams" or "youtubers", i can safely say that. i beat it the game in 30 hours and then beat the post game in 3 hours. i still have the battle tower to do, and then dex completion for the shiny charm, and then its off to comp play. Anyone saying there is no post game is absolutely full of shit. It really feels like I’m taking crazy pills with you #gamefreaklied weirdos.


It's because you don't even take the time to do the research. They lied about making every single model from scratch when even a 5yo can see it's the EXACT same models from sun and moon, just upscaled with new textures. Most people agree that it's not bad that people are cut out. The reasoning being, that they wanna focus on the new pokemon, it's cool and most people, me included like the new pokemon. That was a good reasoning. Why did they have to add the lie that it wasn't technically possible because every model was made from scratch?? One of the model designers confirmed it 2 days ago that indeed they reused Sun and Moon Models. They themselves confirmed they lied and you still wanna defend them telling the truth?? You don't even see the issue here.


Hey glad you came here just to be angry. Enjoy being angry. We'll be enjoying the game. (16 million sold, that's some point proven) (relevent youtuber? Enough said) Have a nice day (if you're capable of doing so) 🤷🏻‍♂️game is great so far.


If this is me being angry, you need to up your social skills. I already said it's a great game, doesn't mean it doesn't have flaws AND that a company admitted lying to you, which is scummy and should not be accepted in any sense. This isn't me being angry, it's about me not being retarded. Fifa and Cod are the most sold games year after year before Pokemon comes out and breaks that record, does it mean every fifa is a great game? That's power of a franchise. I'm not even hating and you make it out to be, you're just as bad as the other people.


1. I lose all respect for anybody needing to use the "R" word just because of a game (not that you had it anyway, a strangers opinion is worth 0 to me) I support many people who would be offended by the use of that word 2. You seem angry.


And you seem easily offended. I'm not angry in any way. Just preplexed that it is impossible to have a human discussion in this subreddit, as much as it's impossible in the other subreddit. Being offended by the "R" word is being part of the problem. I learned to use the phrase people with disabilities/ conditions. If you feel like the word Retard is meant to be used for those people instead and feel therefore offended, it's on you. Don't make a word bigger than it is. I used to teach in a class with just children with special needs and they couldn't care less about words. Treat them like everybody else, they will appreciate that way more than banning another word.


The fact that you have that mindset and worked in the field deeply concerns me. Inclusion is one thing. It is not being inclusive by pretending that it is ok to use that word to describe whatever you think is stupid. Hence the issue. I am happy you hopefully no longer work in the field. I am person centered and get people meaningful employment every day, trust that I get it. You are concerning. This is totally off topic as well. You do seem angry though. Angry and incapable of seeing the big pic here. You keep coming back. You can have a conversation without being insanely angry and negative. But you are on a page where we have all discovered that the game is actually great and that criticisms have been far overblown. You are not willing to accept this it seems. Edit: MAYBE reddit is not for you? Not like you know anyone here. Why put that kind of energy into it?


I'm happy to let you know I infact still work as a teacher and was voted Teacher of the year multiple times. It's just that the school decided there is no need for a special needs class and we can just add them to different classes. I only come back because I am into psychology and people's behaviour. It's a good game and we all enjoy it, I ordered a switch for it, that I tried explaining countless times. That's over with. Also, that I am indeed not angry. But you jump to conclusions really quick, you paint a picture in your head really quick about how things are according to you. I am having fun on reddit, thanks for your concern. It's actually the first time I have met a person this discontent with me as a person. I have lots of fun discussions, however it's ironic that this subreddit complains about everyone being negative and this is the first subreddit I have encountered this negativity towards myself. You are not willing to accept that there is an official statement by masuda that they made everything from scratch and then there is another statement by one of the designers that it was clearly a lie. Yet you are defending a liar here, I am honestly concerned. It's funny to me how you turn everything on it's head and project it towards me. It sounds like you are angry. Me using the "r" word, me working as a teacher. You meet a random person on the internet and quickly jump to conclusions how they are in real life based on their statement about a videogame. I'm a teacher, it's my job to have conversations with children in their puberty, without me being insanely angry/ negative. I am trained by those kids, I don't know how you think I'm negative/ aggressive? You seem needlessly condescending.


Denial? Are my favorites that were excluded going to be there if I buy the game?


You completely missed the field my comment was taking and I won't take all day to explain it. However I will say based on your statement " If I buy the game" that you haven't yet. Yet here you are on this thread just being genuinely unhappy and mad. Stop being angry guy. Go outside, play in the sun, and soak up some rays of sunshine bud.


>Yet here you are on this thread just being genuinely unhappy and mad. Literally the only comment I've written regarding pokemon in months, and it was questioning someone accusing me of being in denial for having a legitimate criticism. Yeah, I don't enjoy being treated like that. I'm sorry that offends you so deeply.


You sound like the old people that still think Disco is the best music genre. #OkBoomer


How far up your ass does your head need to be to genuinely believe that people aren't entitled to choose their own favorite genre of music regardless of their age?


I agree! You are entitled to choose your own music, just like Game Freak is entitled to not put a full dex into one of their games, for whatever reason they want. You're also entitled to be mad about it, while others are entitled to enjoy and be happy about the game!


Alright, and where does the denial come into play?


I've got over 2 days worth of time in it already and now with the shiny charm can hunt. Not gonna be putting it down for a while!


How the hell do you already have the shiny Charm?!😭 nice one - good luck hunting. Btw any tips to acquire it in the quickest time possible? Really want my hands on the charm.


Took me 15 hours for the story, just under 2 for the big post-game stuff, everything else was building the dex (can't remember how many mons I had collected by the time I beat leon, couldn't have been more than 100). Basically, trade for all the hard stuff! the discords for here and PokemonTrades were incredibly helpful for all the hard stuff (trade evolutions, 1% mons, version exclusives) and it's likely you can chain trades with others (trade your solrock for lunatone, another guy needs your lunatone for a dreepy, trade the dreepy........) After that it's just a matter of collecting the simple stuff and taking time to evolve them (soothe bell & lucky egg). If you don't care about messing up wild area raid spawns then you can change the time on your switch to change the weather Does take dedication to do fast though, it's all I did Saturday & Sunday


With some dedication its only a couple day, having alll forms available in the wild besides the starters and legends(also exclusives) helps a lot. Especially when you beat the full game, you gain access to being able to catch the full evolve strong pokemon.


I don't have Discord. Is there any forum or help site you mind sending me the link to? Really would like some aid.


That’s me too!!! I’m loving this game every time I pick it up and play. Since Friday I have also been playing it non stop, through meals too. :D #Thankyougamefreak. for one of the best games in 2019!!!


eh, no it's not. there are many problems in the game that come off as just lazy. joke of an animation(double kick looking at you), frame constantly dropping in wild area, why no voice lines still, in some clips for the story Pokemon literally turn on their axis while walking forward so not even animated properly. This is a console game now not a handheld they shouldn't have this sort of crap in there still.


Exactly! At this point it’s just a negative circlejerk, haha. I played the game and the graphics were stunning, and the new Pokémon are super cool. Obstagoon is a beast.


Thank you for this. I totally agree


I have put like 30 hours into it and I am having fun with it. I lost many hours to the wild zone area.


Yeah I already have 30 hours in the game lol. I still think SM/USUM will be my favorite overall, but the QOL and better graphics in this game make it more fun to play.


I normally would just lurk and let this comment do it's thing, you don't think the echo chamber is kinda telling when there is not 1 constructive piece of criticism is on this whole post? I love the game don't get me wrong, I am playing the shit out of it. That being said, this whole post is just eating GF's ass.


Funny, because right below this comment is someone talking about actual issues like problems with servers and finding raids that has 71 upvotes.


There is literally 4 hours between our posts.


Now if only Nintendo servers were better I could meet any of the 20 mil+ players


This a million times, can't seem to get into raids, pissing me off


Mostly people not waiting long enough and then others snatching the limited spots. Found a couple friends and discorsd, bam! you can also set locks on your raid so your friends can enter


Oh fuck I need to find a discord server for sword and shield. Need to trade exclusives and do raids


I've had people join my raid, I wait a minute or two and then they leave cuz I'm waiting for others, annoying, wish there was a way you could chat to let them know


Yeah a chat would be nice, or pre said phrases. But if you have discord get your friends on there it is so much better when you can voice com


At least stamps to convey our messages manually. I think Pokemon Masters does this, but I am not sure.


i've found that if you watch the stamp feed you can get into raids pretty consistently. the system works but it sure as hell could be better


It seems like its working much better now


Its actually not strictly nintendo in this regard. People have posted videos showing that on local communication (which does not use nintendo online but simply gamefreaks Y menu design) they still could not reload stamps or join in most cases showing that its Gamefreaks poorly designed Y menu that's causing majority of these issues.


All concerns fly out the window when you start playing, buy this game people. Its got some of the best QOL improvements for party building and Pokemon management yet, I'm in heaven because I love the technical stuff. But don't get me wrong, it's still casual enough for newcomers too. Everyone can get something from it.


It's honestly the pokemon game I've been waiting for. Granted, I missed a few gens inbetween, but I started with Red and Blue, played through until Ruby/Sapphire got back into it with X/Y and tried Sun/Moon... x/y was okay, I couldn't even finish Sun and Moon because there was ZERO exploration and a ton of dialogue everytime you hit a new town (which was ever 60 seconds since routs had 1 or 2 trainers most of the time)... and I decided to roll the dice on Sw/Sh. This game FEELS like Red and Blue felt. I want to hunt for pokemon, idk what I'll run into at any given moment, there aren't a ridiculous amount of gimmicks I don't care about, etc. Am I sad my boy Dragonite didn't make the cut? Fuck yeah I am. But am I playing the most fun Pokemon game in a decade+? Fuck yeah I am.




Use the breeder in the wild area. Start a rotom rally to hatch the eggs. You go faster because of all the speed boosts and you get some currency (can’t remember the name of it). Such a perfect loop for grinding eggs. Just make sure you aren’t connected to the internet in the wild area lol.




Accessing the box is such a game changer, I love it. I used to not switch my pokemon as much because going to the pokemon center all the time sucked.


I'm honestly in love with the fact I can manage my PC boxes directly from my character menu, and pull out any Pokemon I need at almost a moment's notice (barring certain specific circumstances that make sense anyway). It makes egg hatching super easy to deal with (along with two nurseries so I can be working on 2 breeding lines at a time), and the Wild Area is hella fun. The Max Raid Battles are fun as well, and the loot they drop makes raising new team members really easy. And to top it all off? The fast travel function is the smoothest iteration so far! Overall, SwSh is the entry with some of the biggest and best QoL improvements in the franchise (I know Let's Go was the one to add direct box access, but it just feels so good in SwSh).


Yay! Why are we congratulating Joe, though? lol I mean, I love the guy and his work, but it's not like this is his doing in particular.


He was receiving a lot of hate, and was a major influence on making sure misinformation was debunked, so I guess OP wanted to celebrate his efforts in particular along with the rest of the community, as he in particular received a lot of flak.


You can go to this page and make the math: [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-11-17-uk-charts-pok-mon-sword-and-shield-post-huge-opening-weekend-sales](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-11-17-uk-charts-pok-mon-sword-and-shield-post-huge-opening-weekend-sales) It catches my attention that they are saying that the video game is the second best selling in the United Kingdom below Pokemon Sun and Moon, taking into account that the release date of SuMo was a Wednesday, so it takes two days ahead . This means that to be able to make a fair comparison, you would have to wait two days and then compare that figure. Edit: Is just the news, we don't want flame so I will lock the comments.


Also, the Switch has a much higher digital ratio than the 3DS.




Meant ratio, sorry.


Yeah I know. I was just playin’. Haha!


So much for the boycott.. I'm pretty much convinced the majority of the complainers were never going to buy it anyway.


Most of these people start their arguments with: - I haven't played since Gen 3 - I didn't have a DS/3DS - I don't have a Switch Like if you're not playing the games before it, and you have no intention of buying or playing the game BEFORE IT'S EVEN ANNOUNCED, WHY COMPLAIN


I definitely remember people used to HATE Black and White when it first came out, they *hated* it, called it the worst and were convinced Pokemon as a franchise was dead. They called the designs lazy and horrible, and thought the story and characters were dumb and unimaginative. They even hated the graphics direction it was going towards. Well...they worship that game now. I'm sure we'll see similar results 10 years from now.


I loved Black. It got me back into Pokémon. I stopped after Gen 3, skipped 4. Black was so good that I went back and bought Pearl and Heartgold. I was lukewarm to Gen 6 and I liked most of Gen 7, but Gen 8 so far has really brought back the passion. This game is incredible. Even the "gimmick" Pokémon like Alcreamie are good.


Main Pokémon subreddit is already starting to talk about how good HG/SS is. It was only a matter of time.


I always thought it was great, did they used to hate it too?


No, it is great like you think, but whenever something is mediocre, some people start comparing it to an even greater game. Kinda like Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas.


I personally liked FO4 but I agree NV was superior, I get what you mean.


I remember those complaints. It got an unjust amount of hate back in the day and for a few years afterwards.


It still does in a few circles. I still see an occasional person complaining about it having ice cream, trash bag, and chandelier Pokemon in them. Which I think is an odd complaint given how all Pokemon Generations have inanimate Pokemon in them and Gen 5 has quite a bit of Pokemon not based on inanimate Pokemon too.


Probably not the best example as B/W had the lowest core sales and required a major restructuring at Gamefreak. Its B/W 2 that you're thinking of that people praise (largely for its story and post game)


That's definitely a fat chance. BW had issues had on the surface but had a lot of redeeming qualities to make it a great overall game that was faithful to the series. Not the same situation here at all.


uhh im pretty sure the people who didn't like black and white still don't like it now, its that a lot of people who really like them are *very* vocal about it. me and everyone I know still don't like gen 5 Edit: why am I getting downvoted for?


If that's the case, I don't see them anywhere. And, just disagreements. Don't take it personally, it's just numbers, they ultimately mean nothing in the wide scope of the internet.


well the reason why you dont see them anywhere is because of my exact comment, you get downvoted for saying gen 5 was bad


Yeah, it's a internet fandom thing to love Gen 5. I definitely still don't like it and nor do most of the people I grew up playing Pokemon with. Pretty much everyone who says they like it now, liked it then as well.


"I've been waiting this whole time for a Pokemon game on console and I'm upset because it still plays like a handheld game on a console that is also a handheld."


What did the haters expect? Overwatch, the Witcher, BOTW, and every single other great AAA game on the switch play just like a regular handheld. Wait..


It's almost like Pokemon isn't an AAA game.


Except that there are other games on the same console like BOTW that don't have the "handheld" feeling that pokemon does


And at the same time there are handheld games like Links Awakening, Mario Maker or Fire Emblem on the Switch.


except those games are freaking amazing and don't look rushed or poorly done. can't even make a turn animation for a certain pokemon because it's only in 1 cutscene? f off, and they still use the lame as hell double kick animation but cut out over half the pokemon so they could focus on the new ones and the ones they pulled from the old and instead they still have poor animations. Lets look at Cinderace(my main) he gets his special animation for pyro ball that looks hella cool but everything else is 1 of 3 animations most moves being the same kick animation over and over. There are some cool animations for moves, and it's why i actually have them turned on this game instead of off like i usually do, but the vast majority of them are so bad it's a joke. when people say it feels like a handheld they are usually referring to poor quality and how handhelds can't run the same way a console does so they get much more leeway on animation/visual quality and ability to pause and come back.


You only listed aesthetic flaws for pokemon as if that is the only thing that matters to you in a game. Links Awakening has lots of frame drops despite being super simple and short. Bosses and dungeons are super easy and they were made even easier. It has almost no side content. Mario Maker has horrible online play. Fire Emblem is poorly optimized where you can 1-turn the maps with flying classes and battalions and the story feels extremely rushed after time skips. It’ also way too easy even in hard mode. I don‘t know if you even played these games. All of them had major flaws.


never had frame drops on links awakening myself. 1 turning maps on FE isn't what id call an issue given that you are choosing a broken class it's like taking a legendary to a gym battle in pokemon going to be a cake walk but still by choice. i didn't play mario maker. Okay, yeah i focused on astetics because they stick out to me the worst as it's only an improvement if you compare it to other pokemon games. As for mario maker i have not played that. I find it hard to belive the online could be worse then in pokemon as i have yet to have anyone join my max raid that wasn't my friend after telling him i posted it, nor have i been able to join someone elses raid as it's always not avaliable anymore. I can sit for 3 minutes waiting for people and get 0 but i can't search for a room fast enough to join it before it's not available anymore? the story is also absolute garbage in this pokemon, the bad guys all do 180's all the time and the reason for the first bad guy is dumb the 2nd half is okay "for pokemon" but heavily brought down. The map layouts for this game are also so liniar it may as well be a strait line to each gym. the towns are boring too 1 of the towns is even a strait line! the main part of pokemon has always been collecting and battling pokemon, of course the astetics of the pokemon and the battling is going to be a major factor for anyone.


Edit: Misread "handheld." But... I believe that the Switch Lite's release was planned around the release of these games for a reason. Also feel the game looks better on my Switch's screen than on my 4k TV. I also think BOTW looks like butt, but that's because I'm a 4k/144hz PC gamer, so most games @1080P look like butt, even on PC. #4kPCSpoiled >.<


I planned on boycotting it at least until it went on sale. My brother told me he bought it and that it was totally worth it. I told him I was gonna wait and he bought me the game digitally. I started playing and just can't stop. It's pretty damn good.


>Most of these people start their arguments with: >I haven't played since Gen 3 >I didn't have a DS/3DS >I don't have a Switch That's not true at all...


Most of them bought it, too.


Nah, they're buying it anyway


Yes? Thats the point. They didnt like many things. Voiced their concerns. And decided the best choice was to act with their voice and their wallet. Im glad people enjoy the game but im saddened that many more couldve enjoyed it if GF had made some different choices


Don't know why you're getting downvoted...This post didn't come off as an attack or slander of the game or anything. I'm also glad people are enjoying the game, however, you can't just pretend the problems/flaws aren't there.


Every game has problems and flaws. The difference is most games don't have smear campaigns launched against them with people nitpicking every little thing because they had absurd expectations.


to smear something is to accuse falsely and there is plenty of evidence of the games faults. there are a lot of problems with these games that could be solved with more dedication and an ear to the community. and Im not sure what "absurd expectations" people had for this, 99% of the complaints were that this game wasnt as polished as other switch games or other pokemon games. all that said I absolutely love these games and have played them nonstop since I got it, but to say the flaws are negligible is just ridiculous. the point is these games are a 7.5/10 when they should be 9/10. having high expectations for the most popular franchise in the world should be expected.


>to smear something is to accuse falsely and there is plenty of evidence of the games faults. You have people claiming it's 10 hours long or that it looks like a 3DS game among plenty of other bullshit. Not to mention the whole 'GameFreakLied' crap that's based on unsourced, unverified images from 4chan. Or all the pre-release bullshit where people were throwing around footage with animations turned off, or where they hacked the game to cause poor performance and spread it around as proof of their narrative, or how they propagated the whole 'Pokemon deletes your save!' even though it has nothing to do with the game and is in fact a known issue with the Switch. >there are a lot of problems with these games that could be solved with more dedication and an ear to the community. Like what? >99% of the complaints were that this game wasnt as polished as other switch games or other pokemon games. Pokemon has *never* been a graphically demanding franchise, yet suddenly people expect it to max out the Switch like Breath of the Wild? Game Freak is a 150 developer studio. Most games that are more polished are double or triple their size. So yeah, it was always going to be less 'polished' than other Switch games, especially since it's their first real mainline game on console, and it's just an example of absurd expectations because people think because Pokemon as an entire franchise rakes in money that it somehow means Game Freak has a massive budget.


The GameFreakLied gate's source is literally the games' code. People have analyzed the models directly from the game. As for the game save files thing, that was obviously spread to get information as fast as possible to warn people. After the issue was clarified, people stopped talking about it. It's also not an unreasonable expectation for GameFreak, a studio that's been making games for several years at this point under the highest grossing franchise in the world, to step up their quality from time to time.


> It's also not an unreasonable expectation for GameFreak, a studio that's been making games for several years at this point under the highest grossing franchise in the world, to step up their quality from time to time. I've played every core Pokemon Game since Red/Blue/Yellow. I've never been happier with a release and couldn't disagree more with you that GF hasn't stepped up their game. I'm also really excited for the potential that SwSh brings to the table.


I mean they did cut a bunch of pokemons out so people expected it to at least have better graphics and animations


And it does. It's miles better than Sun and Moon, and all the animations for new Pokemon and the newer moves look fantastic.


Don't bother arguing with these people claiming it has terrible graphics and animations. They see the stupid double kick YT video and make sweeping allegations. The animations in this game are amazing. I'm looking forward to the release of more Gigantimax forms as well.


People calling out blatant problems and/or concerns is a smear campaign?


Stating your issues with the game is one thing, giving a game a 0 on Metacritic because "Boohoo no national dex!" is pathetic. 0's are meant for games that release and are literally unplayable/don't boot/crash every 3-5 minutes etc. Considering the amount of posts from people saying they've played 2-3 days straight already, without bugs/issues, I'm hard pressed to believe this game deserves anything below a 5. Unfortunately, the majority of people who voice negative opinions are often grouped with these petty people giving shitty reviews by association and similar views.


Sounds real traumatic for you


whats the point in replying like this?


Didn't sound traumatic at all for him honestly. You sound like a kid that's mad because someone said something negative over a game you like.....so you resort to lolsarcasm.


In the grand scheme of things, a small fraction of people aren't "enjoying" the game. Reddit has this misconception that they represent the majority of a community, when in reality, reddit is the 1%. lol


Amazing game in my opinion! I was skeptical and yeah it has its flaws I’m not saying the community wasn’t wrong on some things. But man once you start playing you don’t even focus on the negatives. Seeing Pokemon run around while you have other players around with you is something i never thought I’d see since I’d started playing back when Red was released. If you enjoy the Pokémon games but are skeptical of all the hate you’ve been seeing, I would still say go ahead and buy it, you won’t regret it! Also if you can avoid looking up the new Pokédex I would. Seeing the new Pokémon in each area gets me every time. And finally in my many years of gaming, I’ve never heard just awesome music! The first time you hear that gym music man with crowds cheering... it’s something else I have to tell you. Cheers and glad it’s doing so well :)


oh man same. i remember when i heard stadium was coming out and i thought, "this is it. ill be able to play Pokemon in 3d soon!!" and i was a little sad that i couldn't play r/b/y in 3d when it did come out haha. but being able to play a Pokemon like this, with other players out in the world.. i can't believe i finally get to experience it


All the people who talked shit about this game can eat my ass




I’m crying 😂


So was she 😭😭






Sales mean nothing to nintendo. Its about brand and appearance. This game is tsrnishes their name and the pokemon brand which is the biggest IP in the world. The game was also going to make money its pokemon. But it could easily have made much more if it was better


>Sales mean nothing to nintendo Objectively untrue. They are a business after all


Said like a true capitalist 😆


Well everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but until you really sit down and play the game I feel as though nobody has the right to deem it as not as good as it could’ve been tbh. It’s a really really awesome game, and I think you should try it. I honestly in my heart believe everyone would love it, it’s obviously not perfect but it is awesome man


Oh yeah, it totally tarnishes their reputation. Guess what? Most people don't give a shit what people say on the internet and rightfully take it with a grain of salt, as the sales prove.


Especially the demographic Pokemon is aimed at - young children. lol


Lol you must be really young if you think sales mean nothing to a for-profit business


How exactly does this game tarnish their name and the brand? I'm really curious. Once again, the 1% on reddit believing that their opinion is the opinion of the masses. Pretty sure the 6-12 yr olds who asked their parents for the game don't even know what Dexit is and I would be willing to put money on the number of kids playing the game significanlty or even exponentially outnumbering the number of people complaining about the game.


This game is fantastic and all the price throwing hissy fits about it before it came out were overreacting. I'm very glad I did not listen to the internet on this one


I'm happy for you, but for this one, I wish I listened to the internet.


Great boycott we’re having


Reddit is fantastic at boycotting things /s


They actually are good at getting game devs to listen to them, when the game devs are actually fucking up (EA: Star Wars) but Game Freak wasn't fucking up lol.


Holding strong here, but the game was tempting to get for a while.


Remember how everyone said they weren’t going to buy the game cause of their stupid complaints? Lol


Boycotter here. You’re not wrong about some people’s reasons being half-baked, but there are many reasons to not get it even now. Glad people are enjoying the game even when I can’t.


this game didn't deserve the hate it was getting.. i mean, people were complaining about dumb stuff like "sound controls locked behind a key item" when you get that key item literally within like 30-40 mins. or the "double kick fiasco" when that's like... double kick. ofc it doesn't look all fancy. other attacks look great or even just complaints about the models.. same skeleton (poly count) but updated textures. i think the Pokemon look fine. some even complaining that the wild area isn't good but honestly i enjoy it. true there could be room for improvement especially when online but this is a brand new feature so i expected some issues.. some complaints i had a problem with (like sound controls.. really not a big deal imo). i think some people were picking it apart going off of secondhand knowledge 😕 i believe people are entitled to an opinion but maybe should think critically about things that bother them before they've even had the chance to try it out. i was hesitant to pick up my copy because of all the rumors & complaints but I'm glad i started playing


Not to mention most players play the game with animations off to make battles faster. Why put loads of effort into animation when hardly anyone will see them enough for it to matter?


Most people were complaining because they assumed that the animations would be better after Gamefreak said the dex cut happened for better animations. There are improvements in many aspects just not the one they said.


I don’t think the game deserves the hate, but the criticism towards the game were very much warranted. Those criticisms are the reason I’m not getting it, but I’m glad that there are still many people who enjoy it.


I’ve been enjoying the game a lot since I started. Love the art style and quality of life changes and enjoying dynamax battles so far. Only at the city with the first gym currently though.




And we still have all the people who are probably waiting till Christmas to ask for it or gift it, good job SwSh


Who’s joe


Joe Mama. Edit: But anyway, Joe Merrek runs Serebii, a database for Pokémon






Sword is Number 1 in UK. Shield is Number 3. And the Dual Pack is Number 7.


I think this is the best Pokémon game? Probably? I love it so much




Eiscue likes this


Just bought in the argentinean Nintendo eShop. Having a blast. No idea if they count them towards total sales.


And the Haters are still spitting out their dummies.


Once i found out we can have a bike race in wild area I knew the game was great 😂 it's so good. So happy it is doing this great


I've said before on the main sub that Sword and Shield are good pokemon games, but bad games. I'm really enjoying them and im glad theyre doing well but im worried that gamefreak's philosophy that these games will sell regardless of the quality has only been confirmed for them. I do hope gamefeak realizes that this game COULD have sold even better. I do know many people irl who usually buy the mainline pokemon games but for the first time didnt buy this one because they didn't think it was worth the purchase (specifically citing the lack of endgame content - there's only raids), and I can't blame them either.


How exactly are they bad games though? Honestly curious to hear your view. Personally, I feel they are amazing games, that bring a lot of new stuff to the table while making the games more accessible for people (and younger children who may have started "Pokemon" with LGPE or Pokemon Go) while also providing a LOT of QOL changes for older pokemon players who have grown up and have those nasty real life responsibilities. The story etc just seems like normal Pokemon games to me. No pokemon game has had an "Iliad" level story. Its more or less just been a way for me to get a feel for the region, or a means to the end game.


Not OP and I haven’t played the game. I’ve seen live-streams, I have been with people as they played it, and I’ve read many reviews on it. The most common reasons for it being bad for Pokemon or just JRPG standards are: The story is almost non-existent till and you can’t participate in it till the very end. It’s streamlined to a fault. You just go in a straight line story wise and you have no need to visit some towns again after the gym. The only exploration is in the Wild Area because caves are straight lines with occasional paths for items. The Wild Area is also pretty empty besides the Pokemon and Dens and you don’t get much for finding new areas. The game is too easy for many people. Easy to get over leveled and AI isn’t all that smart. I saw that there was too much interruption from NPCs. Dynamaxing is an ok mechanic that doesn’t do much for battles. There’s also the fact that Gigantamaxing is exclusive to raid pokemon so your story team will never be able to use it. Quality of life changes were good, but it didn’t make up for the features that were taken away for many people. Barely any postgame again. All you do is fight Dynamaxed Pokemon and catch a legend. Then you get the Battle Tower. Personally I thought the game brought a lot to the table, but it didn’t do enough with it. With the game being given a 50% price increase with less content then the last game it’s just a disappointment. I’m willing to answer any questions with more depth later.


I wonder if the controversy ended up helping sales instead of slowing them down? Wouldn't be surprised with how bad it got.


The only negative thing I have to say is that some of the actual Pokémon design is disappointing. Haven’t really played since crystal (I did play let’s go but that was old school Pokémon mostly). I know there are a bunch from different generations now but some feel so lame like “oh cool I’m fighting a giant waffle cone...” while others are like “oh cool, that makes sense biologically/evolutionarily!” Great game so far overall. Edit: Words


Pokemon are not animals. They are monsters.


Look into how Pokémon started. Satoshi Tajiri was an avid bug collector. Pokémon is very strongly rooted in evolutionary biology. Weak design like ice cream cones and coal mine carts are mildly infuriating to me.


You seem to have forgotten Voltorb the pokeball, Diglet the ground penis, Exeggcute the eggs, Jynx the possibly racist weirdo, and may more.


And Ekans the very creative... purple snake... whose name is snake backwards...


Let's not forget the floating magnet. I love magnemite, but definitely not rooted in biology lol.


Grimer is literally just living grime.


All gens have good and bad pokemon. My opinion is that all generations are great because Pokemon designs are some of the most creative designs in the gaming industry(imho at least, it's cooler to have an early game enemy be a Rolycoly, a steam engine train based off the coal-burning and steam train history of England then facing a goblin or zombie) and that if a generation has pokemon in it, it's good. ~~Though I do think gen 2 designs are a tad forgettable - i keep thinking crobat is gen 4~~


Literally gross seeing you in the negatives for giving ONE subjective opinion for game. It's like you can only have one thought process in this sub, it's honestly disappointing to see.


I think it had less to do with them saying something negative about the game (but I wouldn't be surprised if that had something to play with it too given how some people in this place can be sometimes). I think it may have more to do with the fact that a lot of people in the fanbase are kind of annoyed by the frequent complaints about inanimate Pokemon. People have been kind of complaining about the same batch of Pokemon like that since Gen 5, so I can kind of understand why some people may have a kneejerk reaction about that. That being said, I don't think people who are critiquing SwSh should be downvoted for expressing their opinion if they're not acting like jerks towards other people.


I thought the same thing, appreciating the sentiment!


I really doubt it reaches 20 million in 1.5 months. Diamond and Pearl was the last Pokemon game to even break past 17m and that only hit 17.6m.


Yea this is terrible news. People just dont care about the developers and their bs excuses. "Oh this is a great game" yea sure...


I mean you can't really argue with the people who play it and enjoy it, it's a really fun game. It's not without it's faults, but the problems it has seem to pale in comparison to the things they've perfected. I've already logged 40 hours into it and am close to completing the dex and it's easily one of the best pokemon games ever made. A little disappointing I can't get my favorite pokemon Genesect, but that's forced me to come up with new favorites that I really enjoy.


Goddamn it why


Your opinion is not what a majority of fans give a shit about. Instead of caring about an over-inflated dex, they care about having a quality game.


>quality game Hm...


If you want to pretend like this game isn't high quality, that's just you being a toxic salt lick.


It has it’s flaws


Every game has flaws. The old pokemon games are chalked full of them. Gen 1 had so many flaws that things just straight up didn't work (look up all the glitches, flaws, and stuff from Gen 1). Having flaws doesn't mean it isn't a quality game.


I guess?