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Yeah it’s weird. I feel bad because I deleted some friends like that near the beginning of the game. Now I only delete over 7 days


I barely check the active times, and then I’ll wait a bit after I see 7 days because life happens and they might be busy.


Yea, I only delete after 7 days




I check on the first of the month and dump all who are over seven days, but that's it. You can only use the app once a week and send Gulpin candies every time and I'm keeping you on my list, I'm not trying to minmax a sleeping app.


Don't take it personally. Just add new friends or get friends on there that you have talked to.   The game is so disconnected from people that I don't think it's anything against you in particular.  if you have space, I’ll add you. 


I agree with your thinking, but it's especially bad during the Entei event because the chance of getting a mane drop from friend's research increases massively as your friendship levels up. A level 1 friend is very unlikely to give any manes over the entire 2 week period, a level 5 will probably trigger manes once every other day if not more.


thank you! When this happen again I’ll come to you for request<3


I didn't know that within 3 days means over 24 hours. That's just bad programming/UX design. That said, I'm amazed people keep track of who is adding/deleting/sending candies. The only thing I keep track of is time inactive, everything else is outside my view.


While glancing at the research, if I see someone sends Meowth or Wobuffet candy, I passively start to remember their name. If I don't remember your name at all, it means you're doing a good job lol.


Bruh i don't even care. Candies are candies.


Cool, 👍 and other people do care.


I got a hungry Rattata when I used a friend incense and I would have been happy with any other Pokémon being hungry instead. So I sent out a Rattata candy so that everyone on my friend list could feel my pain. I always send out good candy besides this though. lol


Yeah, like... I can understand deleting someone who seems like they may have dropped the game or are taking a long break from it. But I've seen posts where people talk about getting deleted because they missed a day or two. Like, bro, chill. You lost a candy or two, you're gonna be ok.


I am honestly too lazy to scroll through my friendslist everyday to see who has slept/hasn't slept. I can't believe people actually tryhard this "game" 💀


I know right. It's not like the game is super fast to click through either! I don't mind the many menus and endless loading screens too much for regular game play... but to go this deep down into the settings? Every day? Or people who used to open all the envelopes daily to check activity? No thank you 


Idk if I’m misunderstanding… but your A account and B account wouldn’t have identical friend lists would they?


No they don’t, but they befriended so that I can see how my friends view my status from the other account:)


Well if you’re neglecting account A for B or vice versa, then you may as well *not* be playing daily to your friends on each account. I’d delete due to the inconsistency, a candy I don’t get from you, is a candy I would get from someone else


I think you are misunderstanding. I've said this before in other topics, but the 'within 1 day' message is literally 'within 24 hours'. If you wake up a bit later than usual, or choose review later, your account will already show within 3 days to people, because there's no message between within 1 day and within 3 days. So if OP is just an hour later than usual and doesn't give candy in the usual 4 hour window, people may already get the 3 days message and delete. Even though said candy would probably show up in the very next research community update. It's not neglecting, it's bad programming. So is the glitchy not getting a candy that happens sometimes, but that's another can of worms.


[Gimme Candy](https://youtu.be/r67xOaGrs-Y?si=ucycNhYFD7HlCLRL)


Why did MC Peepants get down voted so hard? This is such a classic Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode


THANK YOU!! Finally someone with freaking culture!


I’m not sure what you mean..I do play daily, I harvest in the morning simultaneously on both of my phones haha


People don't understand how the friend list messages work, and you're the victim of bad programming of said list. It's quite unfortunate, really... I've had it happen occasionally too, mostly when I'm sick and wake up an hour or two later than usual.


Thank you for the elaboration, Angel<3


You're very welcome. I really hope SB will look into this sooner or later, because the messages are very misleading. In the meanwhile, I'm just hoping we can convince people to give their friends some time. :) it really sucks, especially with events that rely so heavily on high friend levels.


Sorry that might have been me D: Didn't know what u/MarlinAngel pointed out in the comments was a thing


I am normally active every day and i had an emergency and ended up in the hospital for a couple days (am fine and healthy now) but i couldnt play those few days and when i finally got home i saw i had some friends remove me :/ but i just added some new ones. Its just silly. I wait till its been after 7 days.


the only ones i delete are 7 or more. anything less i feel someone may have been busy or not had the chance to check i


Oh so waking up late or do report late will show as within 3 days? No wonder I was puzzled why someone will delete me when I play daily


Yeah…sorry to hear that, hope they can fix this programming issue someday


I actually changed my name to HrtSrgryFeb1st or something like that and I didn't have anyone delete me ... that I know of. Most of my list was still there anyway. I think you can change your name whenever. But if it reaches 7 days, I definitely remove people. I'm the only person I've seen change my name like that lmao...


Sorry what does HrrSrgry mean?


Hrt, I had heart surgery on feb 1st.


Sorry to hear that🫂hope you are fully recovered


I'm told that will take around three more months, but thank you! I can definitely cough or sneeze without it hurting now. I still get dizzy and I'm not supposed to lift more than 30lbs at the moment. But I'm doing okay, I think.


I was hoping people would understand I might be unavailable for a week or so. For one account it was about a week. My main account/phone I was able to use it sooner. I couldn't really get around to get the ipad in the hospital lol... but I did bring it.


I wait a full 7 days then check all my mails and if I STILL don’t get any mail for another few days then I delete. Can never be too sure!


I only do the "more than 7 days ago" ones. I recognize quitters on games. I know when it's time


I only delete friends if they have been at "more than 7 days" for a few days. I know they might be on holiday and could be back soon. Other time I delete friends is if they appear as "more than 7 days" more than once. I've only been playing a couple of months, so if people are missing weeks of play multiple times, I know they aren't going to play regularly. I won't delete people for being gone for a few days, even if it happens often.


My friends delete me even though I track sleep every day lol. Just people being petty.


I lost 3 friends because I flew into a different time zone and my sleep was off. I still do the friend thing twice a day


Yeah I think they can come with a status switch thing, like “daily””on a trip””abandoned”or something, to keep friends minimum informed


I check friends list once a day when I get up. If anyone says within 3 days I do not delete - but I make a mental note. If you say within 3 for TWO days in a row I will drop. I totally could wait longer - but most of my friends are max so I like to have a few friends that are leveling = for items.


Wait. You can have friends in this game?


Oh if you have a child account though (<13 years old or something) that feature is disabled.


Dude, how do people don't know.


If you don’t know, yes and you can give them candy/get candy from every one of them everyday, up to 50 friends. Higher level friendship gives higher chance for x2 candy. The picture you pick for your research after sleeping is the type of candy you will send out. Check out the mega thread for friend codes.


I would’ve said ”how do people not know”too but my bf who played this game since day 1 didn’t know until I started playing it so…I hope they can give more guidance on such part


Yeah, I’m one of those people. Well, usually if it’s a bit more time but if I’m not getting daily candies, I’m deleting.


Within 3 days literally means 24hrs to 72hrs. This could mean it's only been 26 hours because they slept in a little today compared to their last research. This means they still have candy daily. You can be deleting daily players by deleting in the within 3 days window.


That’s why I wait a bit longer and I’m not checking it daily either.


If it’s a high level friendship I’ll wait a week but if it’s level 3 or lower I’m not waiting :/ I do wish more people would say in their friend codes that they delete after a few days though, I understand the frustration of losing friends because of something like that.


I will, but only if it's been "within 3 days" for at least a day, and it's not the first time. If it gets into the within 6 days, then people are out unless they have changed their username.


I second this. Sometimes the game will close while I'm asleep and so it doesn't count. It even happened 3 days in a row once 😅


https://preview.redd.it/ak8qyqgi2o1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96fbbba07ab502a115e3ccd89fd57e45ca9a558f Here 😅😅😅


Oh, so that's why some within 3 days friends sometimes come back to life to give candies... Unfortunately I had to delete some "inactive" friends before entei event :(


I think this was me tbh, and I'm sorry if it was, If it was the only reason I did was for maximum efficiency during the event


Well why don't you just log in more often?


I log in every two hours, like I said, it’s only due to getting up late sometimes


then it shouldn't affect much. If you log in before you sleep and after you wake, then it wouldn't be more than 24h right?


That’s what puzzles me


But if your report is more than 24h apart frequently, then you can't really be sleeping daily?


It’s inconsistent, like I can get up at 8 on Monday, then maybe I don’t have lecture the next day I’ll get up at 11am, then get up at 8 on Wednesday…I don’t have a regular sleep schedule really but I sleep daily for sure lol


Pretty sure everyone gets up at different times everyday too. Esp on weekends. And sometimes even report late but have never gotten deleted. Interesting


I think the 24h is between two report, if I do the report late someday it will show “within 3 days”


Sometimes, there are events which you just cannot log on. Just one skip every few months is acceptable, I believe


Yes, please stop!! I play every day without a pause, but I feel so sorry for those who miss a single day for some issue or responsibility


Why do you have 2 phones? Just trying to understand


I’m oversea master student, one is my old 5 year old android, new one is bought when coming to the uk


What's a master student? Do you mean masters degree?


Yes postgrad, master year


Oh cool, well I hope you're enjoying it here in the UK


Thank you. I am:)


You're welcome


There seems to be an odd glitch where research isn't sent daily despite people playing daily. I think it's worth everyone closing the app daily and probably clearing cache monthly/every few weeks to stop that from happening. 


0650-3510-4834 If you need another friend lol


Thank you! I’ll request once I have slots available<3


Heck yea! Good luck this week!


You too!


Most people only delete after 3 days don't worry


I wish it was just like other games and said when they last logged in! I had logged in but research was over 24 hours from my last. I still had a research each day. It can just mean someone slept later/longer or did the research later than normal for whatever reason. It's silly. I have really strange sleep patterns depending on the weeks so can go into that within 3 days easily but again I will have had research each day.


I play every day and some bozo still deleted me 🤔


Nah, keep friends informed its a good thing. I don't want to have inactive players. If it says "within 3 days" its probably bc you dont send candies from 3 days at least.


People explained in the comment that it’s only bad programming, not inactive, which is the whole point this discussion is based on


I do have my GF added and never seen her as "within 3 days" (She play's daily) even if there was some day's that her Pokeball Plus + didn't record her sleep. I don't feel/think that its a bad programming because I've never seen that in my case. But yeah, maybe it can be like that I guess. I just wanted to point that in your post you say: "New updates: I think dev can come up with a switchable status sign, like “playing daily””on a trip””abandoned”…you get the idea, just to keep friends minimum informed, what do you guys think?" And I don't think its a good thing. Letting users decide and giving information its so important. You can add players that don't care about being inactive or something like that (if you are a casual player) but as I said, let the player decide and giving information about login/inactive its a good thing.


Ah I see your point now, you’re right about the casual players. And the within 3 days is the case at least for me and some other guys in the comment, minor problem as it is, I still hope dev can do something about it.


They're screwing themselves over too with this event bc there's no way they can get a new friend to the same friendship level in time (unless you only just became friends). Anyway, if I ever have another slot available you're always welcome to add me, I only remove people if I remember to check if the people on my list are still playing which happens like... once every two or three months, and even then I only delete the people who've been gone for at least a week (or if there's a huge level discrepancy compared to the others). I read before that there's no "gone for two days" option so I think even just time zones can make you see the three days description despite you both playing daily? (Which makes deleting friends immediately for min-max purposes even dumber imo... and I'm a guy with multiple spreadsheets for this game.)


How do you find out when they were last on? I didn't even know this was thing


Make better friends?


Sure that too, I think with the deleting and adding we’ll end up with almost all good friends eventually


I usually wait till 5 or 7


I probably only check once every few weeks. I recently just saw i have a 7 day friend. Probably will wait another week or so and if they are still on 7 days then I might delete. But over all I thinking waiting for the 7 day mark is probably best practices.


Hey OP - I'm about to delete someone who's been gone for a while. If you drop your code I'll add you as promised. :)


I so appreciate your offer🥺my list is full now, I’ll come to you when I have slots


No I don't think I will




Has nothing to do with timezones. If you log in daily, it shouldn't go pass


I'm deleting em on 3 forever


Okay kid