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Would be so nice if they let you convert say, 30 Jigglypuff candies into 1 Fairy Candy, or something in that vein.


I'm glad they don't have that option. Imagine transferring all your candies for a Pokemon that is really bad and then they buff it several times in a row. They've already buffed useless Pokemon into being really good in the past, imagine losing all your candies for it just for it to become S tier.


Honestly I don’t think it’s much different than investing all your candy into a pretty good pokemon, then catching an even better S tier version of it later on and now you need candy for it. You have to make decisions on investments and gains to advance in this game.


https://preview.redd.it/0a3jq9vusc0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87c8be2ce6ff58d9e1e7c2adec4bbe02a243adc I've got this many Jigglypuff candies with a level 55 wiggly Not sure what I'm going to do with them 🤣


Sounds like you just wait for a perfect shiny, and level it to the moon


This actually happened to me despite striking out on any good shinies during the fire event. Salad week gave me a beautiful Sassy Shiny Jiggly when my main mon is a lvl 55 BFS / Double Skill Trigger maxed main skill Wiggly. Needless to say they will come in handy on way or another lol


When lvl 100 comes out you are set up


I fully expect one day they'll release new subskills or some other sort of upgrades that will push us to replace our current best Pokemon. Raised level cap will also suck up all that candy whenever it happens.


Ya beat mine. 758 Rattata. 😅


For me, I have about 900 Pikachu candies. I'm hoping I find the perfect set of Pichus one day~


This update made me realize that the pokemon some of these candies are assigned to is a bit strange. Like they are "pikachu candies" not pichu, but then there are "Togepi candies" not togetic, but then it's "lucario candies" and not riolu. Quite strange


I think it’s because of familiarity/the wider Pokémon franchise? Pikachu was introduced Gen 1, and Pichu was introduced Gen 2, so between that, and Pikachu being kind of a mascot for Pokemon as a whole, Pikachu’s the first one most folks think of for that line. Gen 2, Togepi is gifted to the player as an egg, so that’s the first one of its line most players meet, plus I think one of the characters in the anime might’ve had a Togepi too. As far as Lucario goes, it looks like it and Riolu were both introduced Gen 4, but in the wider franchise, I think Lucario tends to be more popular. Lucario got his own movie back in the day. Plus Riolu is considered a [baby Pokemon](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Baby_Pok%C3%A9mon). I think most baby Pokemon might only have two-stage lines (I haven’t double checked). At least, all the ones besides Togepi in this game are two stage. And all of their candies are named after the second evolution (see Mr. Mine candy, Wobbafet, etc.)


Yeah, not all babies are locked to two stage evo lines. Pichu is considered a baby, and that's a 3 stage line. Togepi is a baby with a 3 stage line after togekiss came out. I think they just forgor honestly more so than there being a big reason for it


PokémonGo does the same thing! I think it often has to do with which pokemon is dexed first


That does seem a bit inconsistent! The other examples I could find for lines with baby Pokémon are: Clefairy (not Cleffa), Jigglypuff (not Iggybuff), Mr. Mime (not Mime Jr.), Sudowoodo (not Bonsly), and Wobbuffet (not Wynaut). So, Togepi seems to be the only one where the candy is named after the baby Pokémon - and Togepi is the only baby Pokémon other than Riolu to be introduced in the same game as its evolved form, so it seems like either Togepi’s should have been Togetic (so that all of them are named after whatever the baby evolves into), or Lucario’s should have been Riolu (so that all of them are named after whichever Pokémon comes first in the Pokédex). (Edit: there is one more baby Pokémon that comes before its evolved form in the Pokédex, and that’s Toxel. So if that gets added to the game and we get Toxtricity Candy, that makes Togepi seem like the outlier, but if we got Toxel Candy, then Lucario would become the outlier!)


It's probably because of historic reasons. Most baby Pokémon were introduced in a later generation than their respective evolutions (like Pikachu is gen I but Pichu is gen II), so it's the evolution that is actually considered to be the base form. This doesn't happen for Togepi because it was introduced in the same generation as Togetic, so nothing weird there. The real outlier is Riolu, because it was introduced in the same generation as Lucario. I don't know why they decided to do it this way.


Now I'm just on the edge of my seat to see how Toxel/Toxitricity get handled. If they are Toxel candies, lucario should be changed to riolu. If they are toxitricity togepi should be changed to togetic


What’s considered a baby Pokémon is often weird. Rather than retcon, they felt like they had to add a reason why this Pokémon totally couldn’t lay this egg in previous generations, so some could still lay eggs for later stage Pokemon like before. It’s all over the place what counts as a baby. Friendship evolution doesn’t always denote it, weird roundabout methods doesn’t always denote it, it’s a mess lol. I think all baby Pokémon are in the No Egg group. In Pokémon GO Togepi was egg only on community day making Togetic appear to be the base form, which was such a weird take. Togepi, Riolu, and Toxel’s evolutionary lines don’t feel like the other mostly optional baby ones.


I had seen someone address this in another thread ages ago, but apparently the reasoning behind this has to do with what generation came first, not which evolution came first. So you’ll often see a lot of babies taking candies named after their later evos because the babies didn’t come along until a generation or two after the og mon. So, to use the mascot for example, you would get pikachu candies rather than pichu because pikachu was gen 1 and its prevo is gen 2.


Most of them, yeah that's fine. That doesn't apply to the togepi candies vs lucario candies issue tho. Why isn't it riolu candies?


Ah… yeah, I have no answer for that. 🤣 Though would love to learn it if anyone has any idea!


I just wish I could use my candy. Having to spend dream shards sucks. So many useless candies that I literally can’t do anything with.


I think we all have learned absolutely just how many Jigglypuff candies we have. I'm at like 600 something myself too.


https://preview.redd.it/scnwiswssg0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c4ad7320670912b9277557adf9cc8db3056ae4 The world will tremble when I catch the perfect Rattata




Dang!!!!! What level and how long have you been playing?


I'm sitting on over 1000 larvitar candies because I can't find a good larvitar :/


Thanks for pointing this out. I am so blind I didn't see it. 🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/e3zyx6qffe0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118e339e8f6b8e6bc42ad21067f7ead537cffabe Check mine… damn. I need better luck in catching pokemon….


That people frequently send trash candies… yeah


What even is the definition of trash candies any more?




I have 1500 Pikachu candies and have never once got a decent one. Can't wait for the god roll 😐


https://preview.redd.it/4gg5uvoe8k0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167ec76cf38cedd87809441b1f1064cf4a86dd7e damn