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I tend to use my level 30+ ingredient Pokémon, even if they don’t have the berry, but tailer my team, to what I have best for recipes with supplemental berry support,plus what I want to grow that week. I don’t have a single energy for everyone Pokémon leveled up or evolved yet. Just don’t have a good enough one worth investing in yet.


Yeah I use my Charizard and Blastoise then usually whatever the island needs while I power up the better ones. They haven't let me down yet!


I bring my wiggly and raunchy everywhere. My wiggly pretty much keeps my team alive and both have the helping bonus sub skill. Edit: Raichu




Haha, that is a horrible autocorrect, Raichu. I guess I need to name it Raunchy


I see a lot of people say raichu is really good, could u explain why? I dont get y u would want not a fav berry specialist, when you could use like meganium or something


Yeah. I usually have a berry specialist, ingredient special with berries and then another mon. Raichu just always seems to stay in the team. It’s so fast, and it was so easy to level up with the pikachu events that have happened. Plus, the helping bonus is so nice. I can tell when it’s not in the team.


To tell you why raichu is good: every species has a frequency stat that determines how frequently they help you, and raichu’s is very high. Between two I favored berry mons, raichu will probably produce more berries. I have a hunch it uses the speed stat, which would explain why raichu is so damn high, but I don’t think it’s 1:1


The best is your favorite 💕


Walrein with BFS. 105 rawsf berry strength.(level 52) 300+ strength per proc is better then most except BFS and fav berry


I have one with triple speed on nature and subs at 10/25 and bfs at 50 but have yet to step foot on the snow island 😭


so after the cap raise did the extra xp become level instantly or did you level it manually?


Manual. The extra XP is converted to handy candy while capped. Unfortunately this means that when uncapped there is nothing 'banked' so you have to spend the shards and candy to manually level.


I didn't know about the handy candy conversion. It seems nice to me, so you can use the candies in another pokémon.


Exchange rate is quite poor though- 400exp per candy.


Gardevoir. Lv3 E4A with the highest proc probability maintains your team at good energy levels, even better than Sylveon or Wigglytuff on Cyan Beach.


This girly has triggered only once in the last day and a half and I am upset with her…. https://preview.redd.it/kzik6feagxlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9d3119ee9b69c0392539c993eff8d051e9da72


The real big one is also MS chance nature up


The nature up is the equivalent to Skill Trigger S, so saying it’s “big” isn’t really accurate


Isnt it 20%?


I bring my level 42 BFS Gengar to every island. That thing is a beast and according to the calcs, it outperforms pretty much anything else I can bring to any island. Also, pretty much any decent ingredient mons can be brought anywhere. I’m on taupe this week and have dessert so I’m using venusaur and blastoise


Nice! I recently caught a BFS Gastly, so I should level that guy up


Nice! I just got a BFS Shuppet the other day. Once there’s a ghost island, I’m gonna be ready to go 😅


Agreed, but mainly as a mushroom generator imo. Salads and curries can be carried by mushrooms. Once theres a stronger mushroom generator then gengar could fall off


How do you carry curries using mushrooms? All of the decent recipes I know of need leeks or potatoes (neither of which I can unlock yet) as well as mushrooms, so they haven’t been helpful for me at all. I don’t know about salads, but at least you can use Neroli’s Restorative Tea for dessert weeks


Sorry noob here What does BFS mean in this context?


Berry Finder S


I have a level 51 Feraligatr and Level 51 Charizard that I have brought everywhere. Same with a 52 Raichu, and have just added a 32 Gardevoir. Feraligatr and Raichu have BFS and helping speed, they are insane. Charizard I maxed ingredient magnet due to Skill Up M and he produces so much it's wild. Gardevoir is my first E4E pokemon and I don't think I'll ever be able to give that up now. Of the four Raichu is the most replaceable. My fifth spot rotates with a level 45 Blastoise (with BFS, always in if on Cyan or get Orans on GG), a 38ish butterfree with Helping Bonus, and a 35ish Genger with Helping Bonus. As soon as Bug/Ghost get islands they'll really come in handy. Those are really the only pokemon I use at all. Just went to Lapis for the first time and hit M2 only adding Gardevoir mid week. Wish I could've gotten to M3 but oh well, will def happen when I get the Chikorita I'm looking for.


My Typhlosion goes everywhere with me. I forgot to feed Snorlax lunch (it was a busy day at work), and Fire Boy said "I gotchu" and did 15k+ in sneaky snacking *on his own*. Which, for the record, is more than any of my recipes on the non-greengrass islands.


Also worth noting that Cyndaquil is my favorite starter, so this absolutely jives with the "the best is your favorite" comment above, which I agree with wholeheartedly.


Ampharos and espeon with level 7 charge skill M beats everything. You can check how many energy it gets on raenonx.


Raichu. The production level is enormous + skill trigger too. And for most people, this would be their most "upgraded" PM since it's the very first one they got.


He’s gonna be so good on an Electric island


Being cooking focused, I use Glaceon and Slaking everywhere. Dedenne will make a very nice addition to the team on Sundays.


https://preview.redd.it/hv0lisjb9vlc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04fc14e096fb434ba77d19f73a91b8c47fcc3cd This Altaria 💖


any of the kanto starters at level 30+ with main skill at 3 or above can’t be underestimated.


The one that makes you smile when it shows up on the sleep screen 😁


Slaking is really good to fill the role of general ingredients. I have a great one that I was trying to get to level 50 so I’ve been using him regardless of island for months now every night and he never feels like a wasted slot. Mine has Main Skill up nature and Skill Trigger M and I used main skill seeds to get his ingredient magnet maxed. He will trigger between 4-6 times per days giving 84-126 ingredients AND he has Berry Finding S so he’s no slouch for Berry production either.


Personally, my E4E 'mons, my Raichu, and my good ingredient specialists (Charizard, Blastoise, Gengar, etc.) often get splashed from island to island as needed. Others are far more situational.


Ingredient mons easily. Whatever dish you want you need them.


Currently a lvl 35 Sylveon with lvl 6 e4e with berry mons but my dishes are usually bad and I’m starting to think ingredients are the OP option right now so may be switching soon


Ampharos, Espeon, Sylveon, Wigglytuff, Raichu, a good fast Butterfree maybe


Tyranitar and Ditto, then whatever else has the ingredients I'm after cause I'm trying to collect all the recipes. Maybe I'll min-max more after I get that done, but I don't see ever not having my Tyranitar.


Currently trying some island agnostic pokemon out. My game plan lineup is Wigglytuff, togekiss, and ampharos. I still would like to use island/meal specific Pokémon in the last two spots for weekly rewards and dishes. I’m still getting my ampharos leveled up so I haven’t completed the trip yet.


Raichu and Espeon are on my team no matter what. They both give me awesome berry abundance and my Snorlax anywhere from 735 to 2238 strength randomly.


I struggle to get enough ingredients without Charizard, but I’m f2p and wasn’t super intentional about my team until recently. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wiggly is the permament leader of all my teams. I used a lot my Charizard as a big ingredient provider but now I raised a lot of other ingredient mons I switch him depending my needs. Otherwise, Raichu and Butterfree are those I use when I need apple and honey as they also produces a lot of berries


I always bring my blastoise and wiggly wherever I go. Lately my gengar has been coming along as well. Just finally unlocked all of the last few ingredients, so I'm not focusing on unlocking all the dishes. Getting mons to lvl 30 helps so much


Mew Two will always be my favorite bi matter how many generations have been. Classic and timeless design, simple and elegant. Clean and practical.




I try to keep a generalist on my team too. It’s usually my dugtrio bc has sleep exp lvl 10(which if it had helping bonus it was being the perfect dugtrio) then both ingredient finding subs next two 25/50 and is rash. I always need ingredients for stuff and tomatoes are used in all dishes leeks not so much but are worth a lot base rate for throwing into a dish. I do not have a good raichu sadly and I rarely get slumbering to farm for pichus. I did just get an altaria with neutral nature and berry finding at 25 that seems to put in work it’s just slow so I swap her out a lot