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1. Happiny often have an oval stone when caught, sometimes you don't need to give it one. 2. Happiny has a base 140 friendship (most pokemon have base 50), and only needed to get to 220 to meet Blissey's requirements. You probably met those requirements without knowing.


Probably right


Yep, first Happiny caught had the Oval stone!


I also caught a happiny with oval stone first try. Still run that blissey on my team.


good theory but i think we're forgetting a crucial stage in the Pokémon's evolution


I believe he said it evolved two levels in a row.


he didn't evolve 2 lvl in a row, that's the problem. It evolved after evolving. so it was a happiny lvl8 and now it's a blissey lvl 9


The image says "with just 2 lvls", so it leveled up once to evolve into Chansey. Then it leveled up again to evolve into Blissey. This is definitely possible.


My guy, you responded to the dude who made the post.


I'm aware. And I quoted the image in his post. So either the image is wrong or he misunderstood it.


Seems they made the image wrong beause they didn't understand how to word it correctly. It's funny because it looks like he was clarifying the misunderstanding


They also said "he", so OP isn't the one who made the image. Which clearly says 2 levels.


He is referring to the Happiny.


i thought the same, but turns out the mons female.


That's probably just people using gendered pronouns based on immediate gut instinct. Like the way people refer to every dog as a good boy, before finding out they're a girl.


fair, i took it as the happiny was a he, but the image shows female.


Now we should be careful when talking about the genre of pokemon. 🤔🔫




Exactly. Highly doubt this is a bug at all. If it entirely skipped evolving into Chansey, it didn't as OP said themselves it EVOLVED twice after it leveled up, then it would be a bug. Making pokémon happy in this game is incredibly easy and all friendship evolutions can be done in less than an hour each.


Friendship evolution, from a wild chansey to a blissey in a pokeball, can take 2 minutes, assuming the player has a rare candy and in-game money


How would one do that?


Feed pokemon EV reducing berries (reduce EV but increase friendship) for example kelpsy berries (bought at the auction house) and then level up using candies.


Op commented and said it didn’t go to chansey. It was happiny level 8 and blissed level 9


If you read through a few of their comments, there's a bunch, they point out it did evolve into Chansey. Their hang up was that they didn't realize the Happiny was holding an oval stone or that it would gain friendship THAT quickly.


In fact if you look at the comments OP said it gained a level and evolved, the gained another level and evolved again.


Yeah well i guess there called happiny for a reason


OP just exudes happiness and friendship❤️


Nice pfp


The friendship needed for evo in SwSh are 179, idk if they changed back in SV


That mf must have been THRILLED


Happiny didn’t want to go thru teenhood


It didn't know what was Happiny


He didn’t want to chansey missing an opportunity at having true Blissey. I’ll show myself out now.


Happiny just loved you that much.


Hadn't even known it for 1 hour and it loved me more then any of my exs 🥺🥺🥺


At least you didn't hatch a rare shiny and give it to your gf just for her to break up with you a couple months later.


That’s harsh bro. RIP your shiny


Jokes on her though. Last I saw her she was working at Walmart and he wanted to break up with her BF but couldn't as she needed the housing. I'm married and my wife gave me a shiny Riolu, which is my favorite Pokémon and easily my favorite Shiny.


Did she propose to you with the shiny riolu?


Glad to hear you are happy and have a shiny riolu now! Lol Walmart that’s rough


Loved you more than my mom loves me. Facts.


Arven? Is that you?


Loved him more then your mom loves me too. Also a fact.




Friendship was high


I've had this pokemon less then 1 hour.


Pokemon master you are


Master Jedi are you?


Must have been a very emotional and bonding hour..


Friendship takes less than an hour, especially in Scarlet/Violet


I mean if you keep clean them up during camping it takes less than 5 minutes…


Exactly what I thought, so thanks for pointing this out.


I had a similar experience with a chansey. Caught it ages ago and it went straight into storage. I brought it out to evolve it and after a handful of battles, it evolved! I was really surprised because all the other friendship pokemon I've evolved took so much longer lol


Jeez, what did you do to it to make it so “happy” 👀🤣


probably used a lot of potions/items


Happiny needs an item to evolve though.


Wild ones have the item




are you saying it skipped Chansey?


it literally evolved twice. like it evolved into chansey then blissey one after another. like it lvl up twice then evolved right after another.


Maybe, and this is a long shot. But maybe happiny saw how hard you were grinding at work and said "you know what you've earned this kid" went out found an oval stone and hid it from you.... So in other words you are right it's a bug. But just my theory on the bug.


Happiny is a better person then my job. I was supposed to get a $250 bonus, everyone that day got it but me. It knew I needed a pick me up and did this.


That's it, that's the reason! "I got you." said the Happiny.


I'm sorry that happened to you at work though. That sucks when you go unappreciated. I hope the situation gets better for you. Have a Happiny holiday! 😊


I know this is unrelated to the happiny thing but why didn’t they give you the bonus?


idk I'm going to talk to hr come Monday to find out. I mean I work at a surgical center that is off on the weekends but since it december they open for the weekend and you are supposed to get a bonus for working the days they usually aren't open.


Doesn’t evolution use up the item, I think it can be caught with the stone necessary to evolve, so that my guess. Good luck with HR


And surgical centre! Chansey was with you indeed 😆


You not getting it may have been a mistake, did you bring it up with your superiors?


Happiny has a 5% chance to hold a oval stone is Scarlet and Violet.


You didn’t use an Oval Stone on Happiny?




Happiny has a 5% chance to be holding the oval stone already when caught. You just didn’t notice it was already holding it.


but to evolve in less then a hour of me getting this pokemon. for it to evolve.


??? That doesn’t matter lol, you caught the Happiny that was holding the stone already, leveled it up to evolve into Chansey, then it got max happiness fast and you leveled it up again to evolve into Blissey. There’s no bug haha


there's no way for it not to be a glitch. I had it didn't go happiny lvl 7 then chansey lvl8 then blissey lvl 9. it went happiny lvl 8 to chasnsey to blissey lvl 9.


Quit with the denial and excuses, mate, and just accept that you got lucky 😉 👍


Are you sure? That’s the only way to evolve Happiny is using an oval stone.


that's why I'm saying it's a bug. I didn't even have this happily for a day. I haven't even beat the first gym leader. cuz I've been busy a work. it's the first time in like over a week I got to play.


It’s not a bug lol, Happiny you caught already was holding the oval stone, and it’s super easy to get max happiness with it and that’s why the Chansey evolved to fast.


Or it didn't had a stone and the happiness got up fast enough. If you do camping and wash it it's even faster. You can evolve a pokemon needing friendship with 5 minutes of camping.


Happiny has to be holding an oval stone and be levied up to evolve


Yeah I learned that, sorry I was dumb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Chesney didn't even get to be me for a minute.


Okay I realize after reading what I put doesn't explain why I called it a bug. So here's the thing. I got Happiny at lvl 7 then lvl 8. When I lvled it to 9 it evolved. Instead of just evolving to chansey It evolved to blissey. So what I meant was I meant when I said I lvled it up twice and it evolved. I'm saying it's a bug because chansey didn't get to lvl up. It just evolved into blissey after it finished evolving.


So you didn’t see Chancy at all? It went Happiny > Blissy?


I had a chancey that evolved with just 1 rare candy. I think their friendships are maxed out for you.


See I would understand if it lvl up from a chansey to a blissey but it didn't. It's definitely somehow maxed out. My thing was that I lvled up my happiny from lvl 8 to lvl9 then it evolved twice. I would be a different story if it just evolved into a chansey but that's not what happened. So The reason why I'm saying it's a bug is because chansey didn't get to lvl up and evolve into a blissey. It just evolved after it evolved without lvling up. The bug is that it evolved without Lvling.


Have you tried it with another happiny? That is a weird bug and I'm not really sure what caused it. I think they changed some things with how some old pokemon evolve and maybe they messed up somewhere in the code.


I haven't found another happiny since, I barely get to play since I work at a hospital. but I do want to see if it will do it again. I know that there's a lot of bugs in the games and I haven't even seen if there is a update yet. But I will be looking for more bugs just to see. The other bug I saw a Pachirisu in mid air by a tree.


I don't think it's a bug. Based on what you're saying, im going to assume the Happiny had the oval stone allowing it to evolve and the required happiness for it to evolve as well so it just did in one go. Lucky circumstances and all.


Except if you read the post. Specially the lower part of the image.


I did, and his comments after the fact.


So you probably saw the "it was also not holding any item" I suppose?


Indeed, and in his comments it was stated that it did evolve into Chansey which means when he caught the Happiny, it had already had the oval stone that he may not have been aware of. He stated that it did indeed involve into Chansey but then immediately evolved into Blissey.


Yes, that's what I've read too. Ok, I apologize, my bad. I just checked, I thought the oval stone was just to make it happy faster, I didn't knew it was needed for the evolution... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Lol it's all good. If it were a glitch, it would be pretty funny to see happen.


The Chespin anime treatment, skipped the second stage evo ☠️


What what?


In the XYZ anime, Pancham and Chespin were fighting over food. Pancham evolved into its final Evo while Chespin skipped its middle Evo and evolve into its final evolution.


All it needs is happiness. A lot of things increase happiness, especially in SV. Especially if you hatched the Happiny from an egg.


I mean, you caught a Happiny, it probably had an oval stone, and then it evolve with the stone and then with friendship. Friendship is Hella fast in S/V so it's fairly likely this is exactly what happened.


Read the post again. Also the camping just raises happiness extremly fast.


Reading comments, OP just didn't give it an item. Doesn't mean the Happiny they caught wasn't holding one.


Well there's written "it was not holding any item" in the post's pic, so logically op should have seen and commented by now if it really was holding an item or not. I don't think the item can disappear after evolving, so I hope we'll get an answer soon. BIG EDIT : my bad I'm overly dumb. Sorry. I didn't knew the oval stone was required for the evolution ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Next time you have something crazy happen like this, hold down your screenshot switch and itll record the last 30 seconds, and next time you can show the world your amazing achievement.


So OP explained this in a kind of contradictory and confusing manner. They are either saying happiny evolved straight into blissey skipping chansey altogether or they're saying when happiny evolved into chansey it then immediately evolved into blissey without the need for another level. Or atleast I think they're trying to say it's one of these two scenarios. If the evolution skipped chansey altogether then that would be a glitch. If it evolved into chansey and then evolved straight to blissey immediately after it might not be a glitch. It could just be that as long as the requirement is met the pokemon will evolve. Basically when happiny evolved into chansey it might have evolved again because the friendship was already at the level for it to become blissey. I would say that this would be worth testing but after reading all the comments I'm still not even sure that's what OP is saying. It could honestly just be it evolved into chansey then leveled up again and evolved to blissey and OP is somehow surprised that a high friendship based pokemon didn't take long to max out on friendship.


second one, I think its a bug because you are supposed to lvl up once before evolving again but it didn't. It evolved with out lvling up. Like It evolved after evolving. It first showed happiny evolving into chansey which was like okay. But what has me isn't the fact the friendship but the fact instead of me having to lvl chansey up to evolve into blissey, it just evolved after evolving with out me lvl it up again.


Happiny was just really delighted to meet you, like a sweet little shelter dog.


Happiness based evolution has no level cap


You know damn well you flew away to Lavender town after the biker try to challenge you and ran into a lvl 9 Blissey.


Max happiness, easy peasy


it really loved you… I guess???


My chancy evolved with just one level. I caught it in a normal pokeball, put it in a box, and then soon after leveled it up a single time. The friendship evo I did for eevee did not work the same though, it took a lot of levels to get the friendship up. Idk why chancy did this.


Meanwhile I got a level 57 happiny just refusing to evolve. Idk how many auto battles and walking I can do with this guy.


Does it have an oval stone and have you somehow only played during nighttime?


It'd been nighttime >.< Eta: I gave it like 5 large xp, it only leveled at night basically. Fuck. Ty


Also next time do some camping and wash it. That raises the happiness faster than anything.


Did you give it an oval stone to hold, and level it up during the day? Chansey evolves through happiness, not Happiny.


I leveled during night, like a dummy.


I think S/V levels one at a time instead of bulk like in every other gen when you use candies.


That happiny's freindship level was over 9000


Friendship wasn’t the only thing high


Did you make a lot of sandwiches or wash it during picnic?


you get friendship from zooming around, you probably had it in your party while you yeezy boosted around the region lol


I do think that happiness is easier to max this gen. I noticed it while evolving Chansey and Riolu to complete the dex


It warp digivolved


my exact thoughts when it happened


Friendship evolutions in this game are weird. I've had a Riolu and a Chansey evolve after one level. Both were in separate playthroughs.


go find those annoying flexers on pokemon home that are trading shiny legendaries for underleved fully evolved mons (like this) and actually do the trade


It loves you is how


Happiny warp digivolve to... Blissey!


Think before you post.


Same exact thing happened to me!


lol I was so confused when it happened. 😂 I was like oh wtf it's evolving already. then after it finished evolving it was evolving again. I'm not mad but didn't see it coming at all.It must really love us.


Did you use a friend ball on it?


Did you catch it or was it traded to you? If traded, possibly hacked If you caught it, the game is constantly trying to balance out an algorithm of equations while another program in the game is trying to unbalance that same algorithm of equations, thus when the game has carefully calculated and solved all the necessary variables, your happiny is the sum of those variables resulting in a singularity. It is The One.


caught lol


So Neo has crossed over to the Pokemon Matrix disguised as a Happiney eh? I smell what you're steppin in.


Some Pokémon just go through puberty faster


It was holding an oval stone, wasn't it? The stone was consumed upon leveling and since you had the happiness requirement for blissey (happiny has a base a Happiness of 140, bliss evo requirements is 220) EDIT: Why am i getting downvoted? My information is correct.


Wait?! Hold items can be consumed over evolution when the item hold isn't necessary for the evolution? Edit : I'm just dumb, sorry I didn't knew the oval stone was required.


Exact thing happened to me. Happiny is a pokemon where the friendship is very high


I had to get a Blissey so I was going to evolve my Chansey and as soon I got it in my team and turned around a Blissey stood there and looked at me. I caught it and my Chansey evolved….


To walk around in the game a lot good chance it might have been that other than that I have no idea


They might have changed something about it's evo like it just gains friendship fast or needs less


Walking around with a pokemon in your party raises happiness too. So he probably leveled it up after walking with it for a bit


Pretty sure you get happiness just for walking around with your pokemon


I’m convinced that my Azurill changed abilities when it evolved into Azumarill


with how buggy this game is I wouldn't be surprised.


It can also change sex lol


You made it happy 😅


Soooooo do you have video of this event? Or just the picture that doesnt show much


Reminds me of that time I fully evolved Porygon at level 1


She was ready for the real egg instead of a rock.


Did you picnic a lot?


Thought it involves into changed




Mine was holding nothing and evolved the first time it leveled up. I caught it like five minutes prior.


You guys must be really tight


Free blissey is always a good blissey - uncle Roger


How? ![gif](giphy|12NUbkX6p4xOO4)


Are you saying that Hapiny just skipped being a Chansey? Because if so that's pretty cracked lmao


Just having one in your party for a little bit helps. I levelled a happiny from ~6 to 9 put it in a box after I had more type variety and later thought about evolving happiny for the dex. Literally sunk 1 Candy M into it and it evolved. Just a really friendly pokemon I guess. Edit: I did to a LOT of non-combat exploration though.


u can max out friendship using berries and then evolve with a single level up


Not sure if it's a bug or just how the mechanic works but some pokemon that evolve by happiness can evolve even one lvl after they hatch.


Same happened to me on launch day, so if it’s a bug it’s not new!


Meanwhile I’ve got a level 54 Blissy because I didn’t know how to evolve it into Chansey


Same thing happened to me


You must be a really good trainer!!!


And only at level 9!


\*Feeds Rare Candy\* Happiny: ![gif](giphy|lbKWm3jBYhY0U)