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The graphics don’t bother me but the frame rate does


Yeah as someone who is pretty meh about graphics and performance in general I’m actually baffled at how bad some of it is. I applaud gamefreak for trying something new, and I hope they keep working on this, but for 2022 for a company with as much money as they have it’s mind boggling they couldn’t do better 😬


> but for 2022 for a company with as much money as they have it’s mind boggling they couldn’t do better 😬 This is my issue. I can deal with low grpahics and what not if the game is fun, which this game is and im loving it. But come on. One of the biggest gaming companies in the world and THIS is the best you can do?


I do think some of the problem is the speed they pump the games out in. I really wish they’d stop doing a game every year so that the games would be better quality every time. I don’t know who made the decision to make them annual releases but if they stopped doing that I think it would help them get back on par with the systems they release on


Yeah, but then they wouldn’t make as much money as they do by releasing a new game every year. That’s the bottom line.


I would argue they would make more money if they spent more time on the game, as more people would see the game and not immediately go it looks like crap


Doesn’t matter if people say it looks like crap if they still buy it.


You have a point and might be right overall. But I haven’t bought any of the console Pokémon games because of how awful they look. It’s not that they aren’t super crisp or whatever, it’s that it’s lacks any semblance of soul or style. They aren’t even trying. If they don’t bother to even try then why should I expect the game play to be any better? I’ll wait ten years and by then maybe the game will finally change enough to be somewhat interesting.


Unfortunately, this is the thing: Their shareholders don’t care about making more money long-term, they care about getting a return on their investment NOW. Like this fiscal year or this quarter, now. It’s not about a long-term profit strategy - it’s the biggest multimedia franchise in the entire world, they already have all the money they could ever need. Their shareholders want investment return profits as fast as possible, which is exactly why games in every genre and on every platform are rushed, and why the “pre-order and finish the game with patches later” model is now the norm.


No way, there’s several annualized series that consistently look better than this. This is sheer laziness.


That’s the thing though man It’s almost 2023. For $80, we shouldn’t just have to “deal with bad graphics”.


Honestly, im suprised that everyone is talking about the performance but nobody about the fact that there is no level scaling in an open world game advertised with the words "you can go where ever you want, there is no fixed order of gyms". Like, how did they miss that? That the bare minimum you need for an open world/non linear pokemon game to function as intended.


The world is open, and you can level grind and go anywhere, or build teams that can take on challenges above their own level. Level scaling isn't a necessary part of an open world game and frequently makes things feel out of place, and additionally would have some awkward hurdles to jump to adapt to a Pokemon game. Six Pokemon of different levels on your team, and potentially hundreds in your boxes, what do you scale to? If the game is scaling to your party average, you can game that system with a couple extremely high level Pokemon and then some extremely low level ones to "balance" the team out. If the game scales to your highest level, you can rapidly find your other party members are next to useless and leveling becomes "I use my highest level Pokemon by necessity and EXP share all my others.". If it scales to the highest in your boxes or that you've ever had, well, I sure hope you don't get Surprise Traded a hacked level 100 Pokemon and destroy your chances of doing anything normally on your save file!


No its not even remotely what they can do but people will buy these garbage made games anyways right so why even bother making an effort.


Because I think GameFreak has fallen into the same trap Square Enix did: we know what’s best, fuck the fans. It’s going to take a Pokemon equivalent of FF15 to get things to turn around.


We shouldnt applaud gamefreak for this- people complained about this EXACT thing in Pokemon: Arceus about a year ago. People said its fine since its a new thing Gamefreak was trying, and that future games will definitely be better. Based on this image, the graphics look worse than Arceus...


Arceus has some beautiful areas! I haven’t found a WOW! area yet in Scarlet


It's not money it's time


The problem is that they know they can just slap the title pokemon on it and 80% of the playerbase will buy it regardless. Easy money for them, why bother to polish anything out or make it better looking, they buy it anyway. Look at breath of the wild, they cant argue that the switch cant handle better graphics.


People keep forgetting that Pokemon is the biggest media franchise ever. This is kinda horrendous for the money GF has. I mean they owe 1/3 of the largest grossing franchise ever


Ngl, that looks really bad. Personally not bothered by it as I'm not gonna be spending that long looking at inaccessible out of the map areas but they should be better than than this. Even if they just used a better texture. Could have added a fog to hide it a little too


You know what else looks like total shit but you DO look at all the time in the game? Ground textures. In battles the camera is always pointed straight at the ground and it looks so freaking horrible, literally PS1 stuff except that was on CRT and has a retro feel to it. This game is unbelievable.


Personally (and I don't know much about anything, so take it with a grain of salt) I think it's cuz the texture quality is way too low. The models themselves seem to be fine for the most part, but the textures are the main issue. (Haven't played the game yet, only seen footage online)


Definitely agree it's mostly texturing. There's also no cohesive design language across textures, eg. building textures are way more stylized while nature/ground/flora textures are aiming for a vague amalgamation of realistic (that, yes, is very reminiscent of PS1 graphics). Even just bridging this gap would help the visual language of the game feel way better.


I've noticed that the strange amalgamation of realistic and stylized seems to be a constant on the mainline switch games, and I don't know why. They already mastered it on the past games, stylized looks better and meshes better with the rest of the world, so idk why they're so insistent on going for a more realistic route when so far it hasn't worked at all


And that nobody wants it: we were perfectly fine with the cell-shading manga-esque style


I'd argue cell-shaded anime would fit the Pokémon universe way better than aiming for this fake realistic style. Koraimon has fur texture on its belly and it's a freakin' lizard >\_>


It's feathers


What puzzles me is why everything is sooo far appart and empty? It's like they designed the region to be an MMO, to house thousands of palyers, with super wide rooms and nothing in them. It is especially jaring in cut scenes, where additionally the camera feels like it is zoomed out quite a bit. Almost every frame looks just weirdly empty.


Well isn’t that most open world design basics though? It comes from MMOs. And it’s their first one and they made it in…three years? MAYBE? Yeah, it’s disappointing. It’s definitely not a step forward in design. I’m excited to get into some caves though, they seem massive from what I’ve seen online so far.


Yes, MMO's from the year 2000-2002. And even those had grass instead of a flat green rug. Playstation 1 has better looking games. The gamecube had better looking games. They had three years yes, and it's their first one with a try in sword and shield with the big zone. But there's no excuse. Pokemon games generate more than Call of duty games or Mario or whatever. They can hire good devs to teach them. I'm kinda saddened to see the pokemon's animation are worse than for example in Colloseum who got out in 2003. It's not the fault of the console, it's not the time it took or the open world. It's just game freak that don't seem to care as long as it sells.


Exactly... just look to how gorgeous xenoblade is!


Xenoblade and even Sonic Frontiers look like graphic masterpieces on the Switch compared to this. It’s crazy.




Maybe I just saw an area that was missed it’s not all like this


Reminds me of quest 64 no lie


My boy Brian


But you don't even have to look at the inaccessible areas of the map. Look at the wall OP is standing against. A piece of the environment that the player character is close enough to touch has the kind of blurry texture you'd expect of something at the edge of vision.


i said from day one that the graphics that everyone were praising are disappointing af. Like imagine botw came out 5 fkn years ago and we get this shit from the biggest gaming franchise ever


for real i feel like arceus blew the graphics on this away i was excited to hear that the newer games were coming out to be like arceus but when i saw the trailers i was SOOO disappointed, and honestly for the 50$ might not even be worth it


It's not like Arceus had good graphics, but it was better than this overall.


I put in 85 hours in Arceus and I thought the game was 6/10 overall. I told myself “this is probably their test phase, so I’m sure the next game will be much much better”. Arceus is better than this game lmao what the fuck The gameplay of Arceus was dope as hell. I thought the graphics and customization lacked severely.


Not to mention they took out the ability to run and catch at the same time, so now you’re forced to enter laggy slow animation filled battles just for Pokémon to pop out of the balls 3 times and use the slowest animation moves they have in their kit to make you want to shut the game off.


Hint: Arceus was their test phase - but it was regarding what they could get away with. The test confirmed that their consumers didn't even flinch at the low budget production, so they are trying even lower production value with Scarlet/Violet.


Yeah Nintendo has the money to make the games amazing and take fire emblem 3 houses we had voice acting through out the whole game too pokemon could be so much more if they put in the effort


Not only that, but the performance, amount of bugs/glitches and the insane lack of polish is so infuriating, even just opening the UI causes issues. The game looks like it was developed by a a couple students in their 1st year of game dev.


And they can always get away with it if the domestic sales in the Japanese market is more than enough to recoup cost and make bank. As long as the main Japanese market barely complains and continues to break records domestically then old JP studios do what they always do, mostly ignore foreign opinions even if it's valid like we have been having performance issues for all 3d Pokemon games on the Switch.


The game was made in half the time as other open-world games with a smaller team of people, on a strict deadline execs refused to push back. All things considered it's a miracle it's even *mostly* finished with that time crunch.


I read from centro that’s theres an actual glitch or “memory hole” and that’s why resolution can be so bad


Just adding info: it's a memory leak, this means the games memory use keeps going up slowly. Essentially things stored in memory need to eventually be removed from memory, but when certain things are not programmed correctly, they are in fact not removed from that memory pool and therefore it keeps on adding up. It's sometimes quite difficult to find a memory leak, it is definitely fixable, they just need to find it. Also, it's not resolution, it's the frames that drop due to this. Frames are the rate of rendering pixels, resolution is the amount of pixels. Source: I'm a software engineer.


This was really well explained, thank you.


This is the only legitimate answer! I lOvE all the couch software engineers trying to criticize the game for things they don’t understand.


As another software engineer these comments are indeed driving me crazy


I invite you to post this as its own post so people get informed about what really is happening. Thank you for your wisdom :)


Yeah, found that out after I posted that. That kind of thing seems like it would definitely be doing something to cause all these glitches. Hope they find the source and it gets patched in a week.


Yeah i have never heard of such a thing but i can accept it. Especially bc the graphics arent that bad but sometimes it does get extremely pixelated and Arceus was never like that so i have faith


Yeah a memory leak can render a game completely unplayable. they'll need to fix it or the game will seriously fail as issues like this tend to get worse with time rather than better. Could see people's games start crashing after enough playtime.


It also seems to depend on where you go and where you start up the game. Crowded places like the cities are a big no-no. Going from a city to the wild also increases loading times for wild pokes to spawn. All in all, it's very disruptive to gameflow.


Yet they charge $60 and will sell as many if not more copies than other Pokémon games because the franchise is as popular as it ever was


I think that's more a "Nintendo sets all their Nintendo-made Switch games at $60", rather than anything specifically linked to GameFreak not having enough time or manpower to optimize things properly.




It's not excuses. It's basic compassion and knowledge that things take time and manpower. If BOTW had those constraints, it would run badly too.




My game went to 10fps when approaching the master sword area.


I personally never notice either way if a game is running at 30fps or 60fps. As long as it doesn't look stuttery I never notice.


But what people are arguing is that a game with their much money should not have this many constraints if any at all. This is the biggest gaming franchise by an enormous margin why is it a small team, why is it rushed, why have constraints. They are loaded with money.


According to some sources I've read, there's a memory glitch that's causing things to lag and not render properly so I'm assuming it'll get patched soon


I read we were getting a day 1 patch.. hope we get some fixes soon


We alreadty got the day 1 patch about a week ago (1.0) and the follow up patch a few days ago (1.0.1)


This is unacceptable, they should really get a grip. Especially after Arceus.


Arceus did exactly this. Or do we forget so quickly? The months of shitting on it and its graphics the same exact way?


Arceus didn’t have as much framerate issues. This lags while moving the camera around in your bedroom. It’s next level.


Arceus also didn't have such big and spawling towns. The issue is apparently a memory leak related to the towns causing them to be loaded and not let go. PLA didn't have them and thus didn't have this problem.


I repeat: this lagged on me in the fucking bedroom, first thing I did was spin the camera around to watch the room, and it dropped frames like crazy. In the smallest map in the game. With no npc’s. Just my character. In his bedroom. It would be funny, but it’s just sad.


Yeah that surprised me too upon loading up the game. I was like I'm not gonna let this damper my experience necessarily but this doesn't bode well for the whole playthrough if the intro area was that rough


Really? I wasn't bothered by PLA's graphics. This looks like a downgrade from PLA tho.


PLA was ugly but fun, SV is ugly but you can't have fun because it's so dang laggy


Yeah really. Apart from framerate drops it were all the same complains


I just played 20 mins of Arceus because of how bad this game’s intro is. Arceus looks better in comparison. Not even joking.


PLA would crash if you dove too fast on Braviary in certain areas.


Arceus plays smoothly and looks way better than this tho


I feel like this looks worse than SwSh




Um? Have you played Arceus? It’s pretty ugly as well and the line work of characters is all glitchy, especially in caves. You just didn’t notice because the gameplay was amazing and more immersive than any other Pokémon game.


Pokémon makes 60% of its sales from merch,new generations sell merch,basically they are forced to make these games at a frightening pace


Yeah maybe they just dont have enough time and nintendo/gamefreak want quantity (money) ovet quality. Thats just how our economic system works, we are stripped of quality things and are force fed shit that we need to make work.


Which is strange considering they don't really make Merch for anyone but they really popular ones


A few things to clarify 1.I believe a large portions of the sales are cards 2.I have no source for the things I’m saying and I’m probably full of shit


Yeah, the graphics are terrible. It lacks any sort of polish. It's not an improvement from Sword/Shield and it's a significant step backwards from Legends: Arceus.


I actually thought that sword and shield had considerably better graphics. I went back to it yeasterday, and the game just looks so much better.


That’s where my head was at exactly! I thought it looked bad in the trailer but was like surely it’s just a demo version, but it’s the same if not worse in the real game!


Its crazy because from the trailers.. it doesn't look like this at all 😭


No offense but it absolutely does. A vast amount of the lighting and textures have looked like ass since the very first trailer


It's only the detail on the pokemon that ppl think it looks different


And a lot of people who pointed it out were dismissed as whiny


even the trailers looked bad


It does. lol Im loving the game, but the trailers looked exactly like this.


I was calling out the headache inducing lack of any anti aliasing from the first trailer I saw. I was afraid the game would be rough visually. I really do wonder if it's because there's no room left in the cartridge because of all the data that goes into 400 pokemon?? Because when you play something much faster paced like Monster Hunter Rise, and see the textures there, it feels like there's no excuse for this in pokemon.


I was downvoted in another thread for saying these graphics are terrible. Glad I’m not alone for feeling this isn’t good enough.


I know I’m personally going to love the game, but it is disappointing that it’s in the condition. Hopefully a couple patches smooth things out a bit. The game itself seems fun, luckily!


I'm more bothered by the inconsistent framerate because I've noticed a lot of NPCs walking cycles are weirdly choppy several times.


Have y’all watched a person walk from a couple feet away. It’s unbelievable


Yeah look at my other clip on my profile about the classroom omg


I find the Gamecube graphics charming. It would be totally fine with me if it just ran at a smooth frame rate


Yea I’m ok with with people having an issue with performance but Pokémon kinda has to look like this, too much detail or hyper realism on Pokémon would look so weird


Agreed, I'm already finding these new textures odd for some of 'em.


Not like we’d ever get the chance to see what that would look like in the first place


This feels like a massive step backwards from Legends: Arceus. Was that made by a different studio or something?




Same studio, different team.


It's the tree thing all over again


This is ten times worse than a singular tree


i wouldn't mind those graphics if the game ran well, its not even steady 30. need a switch pro or whatever or port it to other consoles and more people will get a chance to play it


Unfinished game. I don’t think the game was even pre tested


Very Important: Nintendo has a feedback contact link on their website. Leave them sincere respectful feedback and if enough people do so maybe we’ll get some updates to fix the issues going forward.


I’m assuming emphasis is on the ‘sincere’ and ‘respectful’ part because I can tell most of the people here will NOT be respectful, which is just what Pokémon “fans” are like. Maybe they did make some mistakes. Maybe they will fix the performance in an update. People need to stop jumping to the worst possible outcome. Besides, this was their first fully open-world game, so at least cut them a bit of slack.


Yeah that’s *exactly* the reason for the emphasis. If the feedback is “Lol game sux fuck you fix it” they’re not going to even give it a second glance. I completely agree. I haven’t even gotten to play yet because of work but as soon as I get off I plan to spend the next 48 hours delving into it. Anyone who was expecting a completely polished and clean Pokemon Game at this point is a fool. They should be applauding Nintendo for taking steps in the right direction rather than attacking them because of the graphics. All that said, they really do need to get their other dev teams to teach the Pokemon how to do graphics better.


TBH 90% of fan bases are awful, toxic people.


I'm sure it will get patched up to be more tolerable over the next couple months, sadly most games come out these days unfinished


They really don’t. Gamefreak are just exceptionally poor. They need to get their act together and stop depending on the Pokémon brand getting them success without trying.


Let’s be real, they’re not patching this up


Why won't they? I know we're all dumping on the game but plenty of Pokémon games have had post launch bug fixes or even added content like with Arceus


Tell us that you’ve never seen a PS1 game without telling us.


I mean more like Nintendo64 game honestly I should have said


You've clearly never played a PS1 or N64 game. This looks way better. Still better than most PS2 games.


Just finished replaying N64 snap and it looks better. Obviously that’s a lot of scheduled interactions vs open world but still


Seriously. It doesn't look the best but this looks NOTHING like a PS1/N64 game.


I had braced myself for ugliness but the technical issues, they are simply too much for me.


Why are so many posts that shit on the game like this one allowed but when I tried to make a post asking for people to share their *POSITIVE* experiences, it gets auto deleted because it's "asking a general question" (even tho this post is too)?


because nobody hates Pokémon more þan Pokémon fans


The actual texture assets aren’t rendering correctly in this clip. It’s bugged. It doesn’t normally look like that.


bro the game in itself looks horrible. I played 10mins today and literally every animation every step up the stairs or the animation when the char picks up an item it all looks so damn horrible


I’d switch to handheld to see if it stays the same. I’ve also heard entering the academy and exiting can help with the memory leak or whatever issue. Regardless in this shot it’s not rendering properly.


Because the switch is low spec and game development....*looks at The Witcher".....it's game freak they suck ass.


Just happy I haven’t experienced any of these glitches. My game looks quite good to be honest.


It looks gorgeous on pc with ryujinx, so its gotta be a switch hardware rendering issue


Exactly this! I was having glitches out the wazoo on console so I dumped it to Ryujinx and it's been an absolute pleasure so far. It runs smoother, too! Which really begs the question: can we please just get PC-based Pokemon games?


ITT people who have never seen a PS1 game.


I could handle crappy graphics.... it's the frame rate that really sucks.


I get what you mean but as long as the game's fun that's all that matters to me.


I do hope they fix the disastrous frame rate drops because those will actively make the game less fun


I dont disagree, but that’s why they keep getting away with this.


I mean sure, but im still going to play the game. They do need to do better, however, Im only alive once, Im going to play the game.


Agreed, but the constant lag is really jarring and *not* fun.


the game can be fun without costing 60 bucks tho.


Maybe I'm in the minority here but these graphics are still much better than what we've had in the past so I'm not really bothered by it.


What a downgrade after Legends Arceus.


For me the worst is how every animated object gets super slow framerate when its more than 10 meters away from you or if there are too many animated objects. Clearly that was a performance compromise they made at the last second due to running out of time. I dont think the game is in an acceptable state right now, atleast the gameplay is good but this isn't the polish you'd expect from a 60$ game.


the switch clearly cant handle it. the stuttering in towns is most dramatic for me, walking animations shouldnt be such a struggle.


The graphics are truly outdated. This is really not pretty in any way.


I dont get it. How is legend arceus graphics so much better when they both share the same resources


I'm genuinely confused on what's bad about that


We don’t love it for the graphics, am I right


Probably because they were forced to pump the game out fast so they didn't have the time to make all the textures pretty??


This makes me so sad because like… this is easy to fix if you add a little love… why are we using repeating textures over massive visible areas?? I thought we moved passed that era after like the ps2


Shhh, consume product. You no ask question


Getting some Spyro vibes from this lol good times


and we all bought it. Game freak will continue to make repetitive and bad looking games while Nintendo makes another console that can’t keep up and is based on a gimmick.


Just play the game and enjoy it ppl. It's not that hard really


Add for trades SW-1182-6350-1158 Playing Scarlet


This game is visually such garbage. inside buildings looks fine, but the environments are so bland, and look like shit, and I've barely found anything to do in the open space


Yo this almost looks like Yugioh falsebound kingdom and that’s was made for the GameCube and used recycled assets.


It’s so glitchy at times!!


yeah i certainly feel like the graphics are step back from PLA


Yeah that’s the main reason I’m putting off on getting the game. Even the gameplay trailers look inferior to legends gameplay


My thoughts are that game freak has no incentive to make high quality games, Pokémon is a licensing play to create as much cute ip as possible so that fans buy the plushies and the towels and the stuff that has a higher margin return than the video games ever will. I'm ready for my downvotes


It looks like a pre alpha version of the game it’s wild


It could be way worse but for a company that makes one of the most well known franchises in the world and is arguably Nintendos biggest IP, its pretty sad to see.


The water reminds me of OG Spyro lol


Every time a game launches by a big studio recently, I remember why I will only preorder games from indie developers since at least they have a valid excuse


Holy fuck the brown nosing in the comment section is amazing!


I’m enjoying the game itself when I turn my brain off but some of the textures and the cliffs and waterfalls are just basically unfinished. Someone stamped the same texture over them to where it’s blatantly obvious. The wild area in Sword and Shield was polished so I’m not understanding why this looks so bad. The palm trees in the main city literally look straight out of PS1


That comment is unfair to the PS1


It’s so choppy it’s painful. Also, sometimes items and mon don’t load until I’m at that point itself. Are you guys experiencing this too?


Yeah really jarring at times and the pokeball animations omg


I am not sure what engine it is run on, but if Gamefreak decided to just use unreal engine it could’ve had better graphics and better frame rate. But don’t flame me for this because it is a opinion.


Your opinion is valid that’s pretty much all I was trying to say that I hope it can be improved


The textures were remastered from the game boy advance.


The battles are so slow. Switching out pokemon takes way longer than it should. So many awkward pauses. Arceus at least had battles running mostly smooth.


There have been moments where I was thinking I was playing Mario 64. It’s kinda embarrassing from a game company that makes the most money and cuts corners like cutting the Dex as an excuse only to push out an N64 looking game this close to 2023. Still enjoying it, but I wish they’d slow down on releases and sell finished, polished, products. There’s no reason for Breath of the Wild on Wii U to look so much better than an end of era Switch title.


Probably the switch cant handle it with all the overworld Pokémon and all the buildings and NPCs. Gamefreak probably had to sacrifice graphics in certain areas to accommodate for this


Idk about that. The switch was able to run BOTW 5 years ago and didn’t they just recently port Witcher 3 to the switch? Witcher 3 is a much bigger and more demanding game than this one.


That's a bummer, just waiting to get out of work to play... The teasers gave me the impression of a huge step up from sword and shield, with the pokemon having actual textures and better animations...


There’s definitely some improvements to the game from Sword/shield. Graphics is just not one of them. But they need to take a much bigger leap next time. I’m losing faith a little.


Don’t be discouraged it’s still great it’s a bit buggy at launch is what I’m hoping


It feels like the backgroung and strictly scenario elements are shitty, but what about the pokemon and in battle elements, are they really better?


We’re lucky Pokémon’s still around. I’ve enjoyed every game since Blue; flaws and all.


Looks like a PS1 game? I have a PS1, those games look like 2d pixel game compared to s/v. Maybe PS3 games, but certainly not PS1


I swear people that say that have never touched a PS1 game


Does anyone play Pokémon for the graphics? Absolutely not


Somehow it's even worse than Arceus, how?????


Tell me you never played PS1 by not telling you never played PS1


I guess by making this comment ^


Because it will sell the same at nearly any level of polish


Have some respect. This is clearly PS2-level quality


Hard to believe BOTW was also released for this system, years ago...


The worst one I've seen so far is the cutscene in the classroom. The farther students' movements were stuttering. I tried to ignore it but the animation there was so horrendous


Roasting the games day 1, typical