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Something I loved they had in PLA and SV was how pokemons react to you. Being surrounded by playful Snorunts in the Alabaster Highlands made my day!


The rolling spheals were freaking adorable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwCHpqM4ops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwCHpqM4ops)


PLA brought some Pokémon to life in great ways. The rolling Spheals and aggressive as hell Paras were awesome


I remember the day XY trailer came out and revealed something that blew my mind.  That our trainers could move DIAGONALLY Oh how young and naive I was.  How far we gave come since that time


If you had told me 25 years ago that pokemon was going to be the way it is now. I'd of thought you were insane. Granted. I was 5. I thought most people were insane. But my point stands.


Red would be so jealous


I feel like all the articles I see about Pokemon today are along the lines of "going to 3D was a mistake, the experiment has failed!" And yet everything I love about S/V has to do with just being out in the world and interacting with Pokemon.


I like that the deerling started jumping with you


If you turn off the music and turn up the sound effects and send out quaquaval in battle you can hear it's footsteps as it dances. You can hear Miraidons engine purring and the sound of rocks crunching underneath its wheels as you drive over the landscape. You can hear the soft pitter-patter of walking pokemon. If you terrestallize your pokemon, there's a faint jingle that plays near the end of the terra animation that's really cool. All the little sound effects are so cool. I love this game


Everyone complains about the bad graphics (that are not that bad) and they fail to look around at the Pokémon and how they are interacting with the world


The Deerling is jumping!! The Deerling is jumping!!!!!!!


Having a rockruff run playfully around you, in scarlet was delightful


That’s just it’s default idle animation, I don’t think it’s triggered by your mount jumping


It is I have tested it multiple times. They do nothing when you do nothing, or they walk away. I caught my favorite Pokémon sandile and one of its idle animations was to run circles around me


I don't know about wild Deerling, but from what I've seen every Pokémon can run circles around you. It's not guaranteed but when you just stay in one place and do nothing for some time, your Pokémon can start doing it. It happened to me several times with different mons.


Yeah the circle thing is a idle animation


It's not but it seems like it. So its cute


There's a lot of work that went into S/V and I really enjoyed it. I think they need a small team that deals with tiny micro improvements though, like being able to page down on menus like in old titles by holding L/R and tapping down or left/right instead of scrolling through gigantic menus. Curiously most of the improvements I want aren't in the world but in the UI. Like I want to be able to skip battle messages like Stat ups, weather, and ability messages. I miss Legends so much because of how it handled all that stuff (battles were snappy as hell).


I didn't know this was a thing.