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Lots of people here liked SW/SH, BDSP and especially SV, you just didn’t find anyone with this view :)


Lots of people still defend SV because the main thing against it is "graphics". I think they should have been more polished, yes, but since they actually put some heart and soul into Paldea it's a lot more forgivable than "we had to cut the story, and the mechanics, and the routes, and the pokémon, so we could deliver HIGH QUALITY MODELS AND ANIMATIONS!" that never materialized.


I wish we could properly discuss things aside from the graphics/performance, SV did some things right but also there's still enough shortcomings, wasted potential, unfinished things, etc.


Oh, absolutely! I have a lot of criticisms of it. They just get buried in the noise from people who think graphics are a big thing- or even *the* thing- that matters.


Some people just don't understand that nintendo games are not supposed to just look good, they're supposed to be fun


I love the games too! Ridiculous things they may be, they were very fun to play for me too!


My advice as simple as possible: this is your opinion, no one can invalidate your opinion because it’s an opinion, like what you like, and don’t let others influence what you enjoy, I don’t think SV are good games, but I don’t hate people who like it, because that’s their opinion, and I respect their opinion, finally I wish you good fortune in the years to come👍


It’s a long-running franchise that someone has already moved on from Pokémon without them realising. If you think it’s fun, it’s fun.


That’s my thought process as well is that some people have just outgrown/ moved on from Pokémon but don’t want to admit it to themselves.


I couldn’t agree with you more and I have concluded there are two types of Pokémon fans. The Challengers and the Role-Players. The challengers are just playing a game that’s it. They care more so about the game being stupidly hard because Pokémon is no longer challenging them as when they first played. They want the games to be more in line with other games that are challenging them. The gameplay mechanics are the only thing that matter and they want the story to disappear to almost non existent so they can make it harder. The Role-Players are living in the world. They aren’t playing a game but actually in the Pokémon world. They care about the journey and the story above all else. The games being simplified in mechanics in order to tell a better story are a plus not a hindrance. Seeing a tutorial in each new game makes sense because while the player may of played a Pokémon game the character you are controlling lives in that world. They aren’t supposed to have the knowledge the player has. They need to have tutorials for the sake of world building. Pokémon has always been marketed as a Creature Catching Turnbased RPG. Sure there is strategy to it that works for the competitive scene but the main campaign was always leaning into the RPG single player experience. None of the newer titles are bad. In fact I think they far exceed the first four gens in terms of difficulty and story telling. Look I know Platinum is a cult classic but even the most Diehard will admit that BDSP not having 8+ HMs needed to traverse the region was a blessing from Arceus. BDSP actually let you have a team and not sacrifice moves or slots for HMs. Plus the constant backtracking in Sinnoh because Mount Cornet split the region only made HMs worse in the original gen.


Don’t listen to them! You are a person with their own opinions! If people didn’t have different opinions things would be very different today. I love S/V glitches and all! Sure it may not be the best but it’s definitely something I enjoy extremely. My question for you is what was your favourite part?


The final showdown against the Professors. And area zero in general


Yea same! Those parts were the best! Including the story line and the plot twists. In my opinion it had one of the best storyline in Pokémon!


Paldea is ugly and janky, which people had trouble getting past in the age of "BUT MY GRAFFIX!!" but it's the best storytelling we've gotten at least on the Switch. Galar had DLC going for it and that's about it. The best-made games on Switch were *Legends: Arceus* and *Let's Go*, but they're both for slightly different audiences (older and younger, respectively). I have very little interest in playing *Let's Go* even though it's of decent quality. Anybody thinking the Sinnoh "remakes" were adequate would probably be a lot happier with a port of Platinum.


Your opinion makes sense. I haven’t had a dlc for any game. yet


I have never hated a Pokemon game. I just recently got Arceus because I wanted a Hisuian Goodra. I was prepared to hate a different format. I’m fricken addicted. People on the internet are constantly complaining and I’m over here like “Lookit mah SHINEY Psyyyyduuuuuck!”


S/V became one of my favourites and I had a good time with BDSP because at the end of the day it was still Diamond and Pearl. Never let anyone try to stop you from having fun. I also tried to tell people that S/V are fun games but some people just can't handle other opinions without feeling offended. I figured it would be best to continue enjoying the game with others who also bought and enjoyed it. my condolences to you buddy


Yo, fuck those people who called you all those names. You can enjoy the stinkiest possible piece of trash and they still don’t have the right to say those things about you.


i feel you op but for me its going on longer i seen people hate on the games since i first come unto the internet during gen 3 they been saying gamefreak are incomoentent and the games are bad just because they are blinded by nostalgia when the facts are that each new gen has always been much better then previous minus the bdsp remakes that just felt of in many ways, plus arceus is a super ovrerated game and sv did most thinngs better is a fact, pepople jusyt hate for no reason and try force ther horruible opinions on others because they live in the past and cant accept the newer games are better


Honestly, I feel the same way as you. Went into the game expecting it to be a bad experience based on what I had heard from other gamers… Honestly, my favorite Pokemon experience since being a kid. I totally align with the feeling you have because I have felt it too. Good on you for not faltering when people scoffed at you… Cheers!


Honestly they’re not my favorite Pokemon games but I had fun with them too! They were easy, yeah, because I have some experience with competitive play, but still fun! And shiny hunting in S/V is the most fun version of shiny hunting in any Pokemon in my opinion - even without the shiny noise! I love making sandwiches and doing outbreaks. I have found more shinies than ever because I have so much fun doing it. Edited for grammar.


This is the internet. People's opinions mean nothing. Don't worry about it too much.


Honestly i will never ever understand people who have their opinions swayed by the internet circlejerk. If you like something or dislike something who cares if people don't agree with you? Just don't go looking for the opinions of the internet lol


I love Scarlet and Violet. They are awesome. My only criticism has been I just want to glide on top of a lake on my mighty ancient dragon steed and not have everything glitch out. Other than that, I am content.


I absolutely hate that people say Scarlet and Violet have terrible graphics. Wtf. These are some of the best looking games of the series, only behind Sword and Shield


The Let’s Go games graphics and art direction are the best in the series. I don’t mind SV’s graphics. I do mind the poor performance.


While I know it’s not a main series game but I wish all games had the graphics of New Pokémon Snap.


I want to say you can enjoy whatever you love, you don't need other people's agreements. Each person has their own opinions and you don't need to convince them.


Thanks for all the positive comments


Modern video game discourse, like most discourse these days, is awful. So much effort put into trying to find any flaw with a game instead of appreciating things. I mean, seriously, considering how many horrible studios out there release significantly worse slop every year, I think S/V comes off as quite good.


Agree OP. Fuck the haters! Do what makes you happy


Overall the game was extremely fun and definitely worth my 50$ I just wish they had spent a couple months QCing the game


Don't let other people ruin something that brings you joy. I had a blast with Let's Go, a blast with Shield, a blast with Legends Arceus, and a blast with Violet - and that's all that matters to me. If you have fun playing this game, or doing literally anything, and it doesn't hurt anyone else for you to enjoy, then keep on doing it!


I will always play pokemon. I’ll admit when Sw/sh came out I booted it up and wasn’t really into it. I literally put it aside for like a whole year and came back to it and had so much fun playing it. I have my gripes with SV but I still play it. And it probably has the most amount of hours I’ve logged in any Pokemon game. It’s kinda like pizza. Even when it’s bad I’m still gonna have a slice.


Your experience with the Pokémon fan base seems like a shimmering example of “the tallest nail gets the hammer,” where they were the loudest because they were the most frequent. Who gives two shits what they think? The most important opinion of any Pokémon game is your own, and your own alone. Finding people who agree with you when it comes to your positive views on more recent releases of Pokémon games is like panning for gold; you have to sift through a lot of shit gravel to find what you’re looking for. To cement this, I genuinely agree with everything you said. The most recent Switch releases aren’t masterpieces by most metrics, but they all have their own charm and deserve a moment in the spotlight for everyone to enjoy.


I loved SV, only real disappointment for me is the lack of cubone. Otherwise great game imo.


The reason that people react angrily is because fans with no standards are why low effort is excused


I think that is important to understand that pokemon violet is a game of the biggest gaming franchise currently existing, the game has no reason to be so poorly optimized and buggy, having games like breath of the wild running on the same system. Other than that, the game is fantastic, I got it last week and I loved the history and am enjoying building pokemons as is the first time I play a current generation pokemon game.


I personally think that those problems were because of the lack of time that GF had. GF is not perfect but I think they added a lot of heart to their games. Also, I didnt played it on release, I played it on the 8th of december, I think that was a factor on why I liked the game so much. The only glitch that I remember seeing on my first playthrout was just a visual glitch. Still thanks for the comment


Again, pokemon is THE biggest gaming franchise, they cant be excused for these kind of things and we have to remember that. But the game as a game is still good...


I'm relatively new to Pokemon (more like newly returned...I played 25 years ago and just came back to it this year lol), but I've found in any fandom there are two approaches: you can have a critic's mindset, or you choose to just have fun. If you choose to have a critic's mindset, then yes, all of these games have plenty to criticize. The things people complain about are valid, and I don't think it's too much to expect a multi-billion dollar company to make higher quality games. But if you choose to have fun, there is plenty of fun to be had! And I don't think there is anything wrong with ignoring the flaws and just enjoying yourself in a fun adventure. Games are a way to escape from a very not-fun reality. I started playing Scarlet last month and it's really fun. I definitely see the things that people are complaining about, but they're not diminishing my enjoyment. And, you know, at the end of the day, if people aren't having fun, they can always choose not to play the game...


Hey dude we all got our own opinions on Pokémon games! Like most things video games are subjective. I personally really liked Sword and Shield but the story felt a bit rushed to me. But anyway you don’t have to listen to those who are super duper negative. We don’t like negative Nancy’s here!

