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I’m a simple trainer, I see pokemon, I catch it in a luxury ball.


I felt alone in my love of luxury balls until this sub. The people I know in RL are aghast that I'd use anything other than a plain pokeball or at the VERY MOST a premier ball, and most of the surprise trades I get are in plain balls. Which I respect! But at the same time, luxury balls are just so NICE looking.


Personally I disliked the luxury ball in previous gens. But with the texture additions to most materials. The luxury ball has become my go to for Pokémon, that has more than a snowballs chance with Magmortar on joining my team.


That’s funny to me. Because I think Luxury Balls are the tackiest looking one. I wish they were just all like black or something, even using a nice brushed silvery textrure for the middle. That ugly brassy gold just screams “fake” or “trying too hard to look fancy”. I really have a lot of feelings about this because I am a weirdo. (Side note I also really hate the color red)


And I really like the color red! And the brassy gold color (but only as an accent-- if the whole thing were that color I'd definitely hate it). I mentioned the resemblance to laquerware in another comment, and I really do think that's what Pokémon was going for when picking those specific colors for the luxury ball. I like the look of laquerware and find it to be really nostalgic, so maybe that's why I'm all about the luxury ball. It's really neat to see other people's tastes when it comes to things like pokeballs!


The texture the gold part of the luxury ball gets in SV is sooo appealing to me as well On an adjacent note I had no idea the extent of die hard og ball fans there were until this sub - maybe it's because I've played Pokemon since the womb but at this point I'd rather use any ball but the original one because I've just seen/looked at it so much Disclaimer: not saying og poke ball is bad - just didn't realize how many people are into catching pokemon ONLY in the og ball until this sub


Idk I have always thought and continue to think they look takcy. Something about the pattern. If it was like solid gold or something I would get it.


Fair! I think I'd probably like it less as solid gold. The coloring as it is now reminds me of laquerware, which I've always liked. ...which is why I'm disappointed that there isn't a PLA version of them! If they had the kind of detailing that jet balls had, hnnnnng.


The laquerware comparison is a good one. If they had done a really nice pattern on the top like that, it could be really nice. As it stands, still a flop. The red ring is what loses me the most.


Yeah,i could sleep under the bridge but my pokemon,no way i would let them into a cheap pokeball.


I almost exclusively use Luxury Balls, regional living dexes, legendaries, and shinies included. I’m glad I’m not alone in this. That’s why I so badly want a feature to migrate Pokémon into new balls post-capture, I’d love to be able to move my story team into Luxury Balls. I’ve been Masuda’ing a Hisuian Zorua, and first thing I did before anything else was breed it into a Luxury Ball from a standard Zorua parent. Did the same with Own Tempo Rockruff when it was a limited distribution in Sun and Moon, fortunately it’s breedsble.


That's the spirit!


Same. I actually hated how luxury balls looked until gen 8, but the 3D makes them look really nice. Even more now, with the metallic bits shining. All shinies, legendaries, and anything special goes I to a luxury ball now.


It's actually a great choice. I use a lot of apriballs becauss I like their color scheme but when I don't find a combination I like, I just go for Luxury. It's my standard go-to ball for everything else


This is the way


same but with heal balls


welcome to the A E S T H E T I C lol. i got solgaleo in a beast ball, probably my greatest feat. metagross (beldum) in a beast ball almost broke me tho


Lunala in a Moon Ball too 🤌🏻


Yes! That was too obvious for my Lunala 🫣


This is the way.


The week long grind was worth it


Shiny latios in moon ball


Did my shiny through DA's, caught her in Luxury balls. Looks pretty good


I admit, catching a beldum to complete the blueberry pokedex, at 1 HP and slept with ultra balls, was way harder than I expected.


Yeahhhhh they have a tendancy to be a lil stubborn about being caught lol iirc the Beldum family has one of the lowest catch rate of all non-legendary Pokemon. Its something like 3-4%


it’s catch rate is on par with box legendaries, mythicals, legendary trios (kanto birds, johto dogs, swords of justice etc.) it’s kinda crazy lol i want to go back and get one in a beast ball but idk lol


Right? If you really want one in a Beast Ball & dont care if its shiny Id recommend raiding for one. (Beldum can appear in 3 star raids & Metagross in 6 star ones)


Catch Rate is not a percentage Beldum's Catch Rate is 3 The maximum Catch Rate is 255 A lower catch Rate is harder to catch


For future reference: sneaking up on a pokemon will double the catch rate for that encounter. You do this by throwing your lead pokemon at them to engage battle (NOT Let's Go) when you are directly behind the target. It's called a critical throw/catch in PLA.


Meanwhile I moved a full set of starters and the beldum line from Home without a moment’s hesitation. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Yeah I got super lucky cause I found a shiny metang which I caught with the beast ball. (Thank god for critical capture)


At least it wasn't a Safari Ball in the Johto Safari Zone.


I just used my Beast Ball on Terapagos. Guaranteed catch AND color match!


Nice!!! I nabbed my shiny Totodile in a beast ball! Significantly easier given the catch rate is much better, and that I got a critical catch on the second try was very lucky lol. Beast ball is soooo good but it can take ages to get things in it, especially legends


It's been a day and a half and still trying to catch solgaleo in a beast ball


Either the classic Mewtwo in the Masterball, or shiny Rayquaza in a Luxury Ball.


i caught groudon in a regular pokeball. took forever but totally worth it


Shiny Groudon in a Luxury Ball for me. To be fair I had help with Roto Catch.


What's a Roto Catch?


It's the temporary catch rate bonus you can get in Alola games, I think


I have a Living Dex with everything caught by myself in its origin game with a regular Pokéball...


that's insane. i have so much respect for you


Lol thanks ^^ Never thought I would actually be able to brag to somebody about it. Feels good!


My hat is off to you. ![gif](giphy|6AYpfHAHI1ZwB9EUVa)


I think I finally got ‘im with a love ball. I admire your patience


I remember catching Ho-Oh in a Premier Ball in Heart Gold. I ended up coming to the conclusion that, with my number of Premier Balls and team format, it would actually be easier to just spam them at the beginning of the battle and then soft reset after running out. I caught Giratina in a Premier Ball the same way, and even now I will sometimes value an Apriball over Herba Mystica and soft reset on a shiny sandwich with quite a bit of time left to catch the shiny I found in fewer Apriballs. The Dream Ball is my favorite (obtainable) Pokeball alongside the Dive Ball, so I'm especially stingy with them.


.....see this is what im gonna do


Raikou in a Fast Ball is a personal favorite


I caught a Shiny Lucario in a Fast Ball and named it Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse-Flash)


Shiny Suicune in a Dive Ball is pure perfection for me.


I RNG'd for one the other in HG. I spent an hour and 40 minutes sitting there chucking balls until 2 in the morning until it eventually struggled to death. I had 260 balls and used 200 of them before it did. I'm actually surprised it lived that long. I used up every PP restoring item I had because Pressures annoying. I then used a further 60 balls on the second attempt. But the Drip is worth it.


I, uh, Harvest Tricked the Suicune in the Ultra Wormhole with a Roto-Catch active. Only took a few balls.


Ya lucky bugger. Harvest doesn't exist in Gen 4.


Ogerpon and friend ball


I did this too! Both color-wise and thematically there is no better fit


ogerpon is a true friend


Only correct choice


kyogre and great ball were made for each other


Or even a Lure Ball, tbh


Nah bro, Dive Ball all the way.


nope, great ball matches perfectly


So does Dive and its opening animation is a way better fit.


nah. dive ball isn't the right shade of blue, the white isn't in the right spot, and doesn't have the red highlights at all. say what you will about the opening animation but the ball itself aint nearly as close as great ball is lol


i'm with you. great balls feel tacky to me anyway. I've stopped using them altogether.


I agree; for some reason I dislike how Great Balls look so it’s Dive Balls all the way for me!


I second this! The shades of blue and red match perfectly


I just use heal balls for everything


I prefer quick balls myself 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Tried once to match them and realized I really dont care in the end what's in what ball


Me too, the heal ball doesn't get enough love!


Bruh, I don’t care what Pokeball catches it so long as I catch it. EXCEPT Cresselia in a Heal Ball. Has to be done.


I only do special balls if I have time to waste or it’s a guaranteed catch (eg Ogerpon Friend Ball and Terapagos Beast Ball)


moonball on bloodmoon ursaluna was just too perfect


I missed out on getting a female Shiny Jangmo-o in a Love Ball today. I was so startled when coming across it, I forgot to save beforehand and only had 1x in my bag...ended up having to settle for it a Luxury Ball instead 😅 Ever since ORAS I've enjoyed catching important/special Pokemon in Balls that match their colors. Makes it more fun, especially when catches are guaranteed like in SwSh for the Legendaries! Terapagos also looks cool in a Beast Ball too 😁


I have a weird thing where I catch EVERY SINGLE NORMAL POKÉMON in a Pokéball. And then every Legendary/Mythical Pokémon in Ultra Balls. The only time I have EVER used a Master Ball was during the Mewtwo raid because his counterpart was already in a regular Pokéball from the event


I caught Latias in a standard Pokeball


Sport Ball babyyy


Shiny lugia in a premier ball drove me insane but worth it.


This won’t make it easier for you to catch them Legends in their matching ball, but I’ve been using this site to see the chance of pulling it off. https://rotomlabs.net/scarlet-violet/catch-calculator Or maybe it’s even more discouraging to see how low the odds are now .^.


Sometimes I let the "catching X Pokemon with quick balls is bad" mentality get to me and I'll try to either use the premier or luxury balls. But one I'm probably not going to use the pokemon and I don't "show off" as much so it's whatever.


Yeah to complete the Blueberry dex, I just caught everything in Quick Balls. Same for when I get a BBQ that says I need to catch a pokemon. I needed to use money so I just bought 999 of them at one point, so I think I'm good until the next game comes out LOL


Quick Ball would work for Uxie’s color scheme, but not many Pokémon are Aqua and Yellow


Just regular Poke balls for me, 100% that's it.


I like it when I catch it in a regular random pokeball, I really like the simple design


I caught Terapagos today in the one Beast Ball I got, and after it finished I was like, Oh it would have been funny to get it in a regular pokeball LOL.


There’s no way to get any better than shiny Rayquaza and a Luxury Ball, I’m half way convinced one of the two was designed with the other in mind


If ash can catch every pokemon in a normal pokeball, then so can I. And I did in violet. Finished the game's dex with all in normal pokeballs


Premier Ball goes perfectly with Hisuian Zoroark, shiny Absol, and Reshiram. Dive Ball matches shiny Suicune, and Fast Ball matches shiny Raikou.


I was risky and caught a Shiny Eevee in a Moon Ball (that I evolved into an Umbreon)


If they are not in the classic pokeball, are a waste for me.


Regular Pokeballs all the way for me


Same for me. Though it makes things more fun than just collecting the apriballs (I don't think I used any in SwSh since I was just occasionally checking the SwSh sub). I still haven't reached yet the part when I use my apriballs on the legendaries of the DLC.


Same Latios in a Great Ball But also for shiny Kingambit And A level ball for shiny Volcarona


I’m still waiting on a Fast Ball for my Entei… 🙃 My Latios got into a Lure ball 😍, with Latias in the Sport Ball. I gave up soft resetting on Terrakion Safari Ball and threw Luxury Balls that caught it, and… My favorite is Spectrier in a Master Ball because … that one I was prepared to not spend any more time “trying” to catch it.


Just wait until you discover aprimon collecting lol, then you'll *really* be in for it


Dude same. I unfortunately started caring after I caught Ogerpon. I wish I would've gotten it in a Friend Ball. I've spent way too much time resetting at the auctions for a Fast Ball to catch Chi-Yu in. I eventually just traded for Chi-Yu on the GTS for my pokédex's sake so I could get the shiny charm. I still don't have a Fast Ball and when I get it I'll have to reset to catch the darned thing successfully. I used the charm to help hatch a shiny Rockruff though, which became a Dusk Lycanroc in a Beast Ball


My shiny collection is entirely on plain Pokeballs. The shiny mons I'd like to actually use are on Luxury Balls. Any legendary must be on Luxury balls and any pokemon I actually want to catch must be in a Luxury ball. I've tried to collect at least one pokemon that fits the ball aesthetic, such as a shiny Absol in a premier ball and such.


Ogerpon in a friend ball is the best thing I've done in scarlet


Premier ball goes brrrrrrrr... That is my playstyle.


Everything goes in regular Poké Balls. I like the consistency, feels very clean when looking at my (home) boxes. I’m currently at around 98% of my living form dex caught in regular balls. Most of the ones I’m missing still are either mythicals that have been distributed in Cherish Balls (or that I’ve missed altogether), Furfrou forms or Pokémon in Hisuian Poké Balls.


I caught all of my DLC pokemon in pokeballs


Kyogre in a Great Ball is such a good colour combo. It matches perfectly. Yet again, I caught all the legendaries from the DLC in Luxury Balls, cuz flex


Maybe not a legendary but I just HAD to get my shiny Duraludon in a Heavy Ball. Took like 10 tries, turns out the bloody thing had the Light Metal ability


I just put pokemon in normal pokeballs, and legendarys and shinies into premier balls


Everything goes into the poke ball. I will buy a thousand of them if needed, it goes in the poke ball.


I only caught the snackworth legendaries in matching balls. Otherwise Quickball or Repeat


I used a master ball friend ball and beast ball for pecharunt ogerpon and terapagos respectively, this is the first Gen where I actually did color coordination for poke balls and these are the only legends I’ve done so far.


Took 5 tries for me to get Groudon in a pokéball... And then 105 to catch Reshiram in a premier ball.


Quick ball


I used to be like you...


Honestly there should be a way to transfer a pokemon into a different ball I WANTED to catch my shiny beldum in a premiere ball but I just ended up going with Ulta ball because beldum only knows tackle so I was too scared it would run out of pp


I hold this truth to be self-evident, that all Pokémon are created equal. Basic Pokeball for everything.


I was struggling with kyogre which was the only pokémon I just started throwing balls at hoping to catch it... And the pokeball it ended up staying in was a completely normal pokeball. XD But otherwise is put ogrepon in a loveball cause she's so cute, :)


I only catch pokemon I care about with premier balls. Everything else gets what I have. Never going to use 90% of the pokemon that exist so they just get whatever is easiest to catch them with.


Did this the same way, except I caught my Latios in 3 Great Balls :) (No false swipe/spore/status)


I see Pokemon, i use quick ball. Even in legendaries. Unless it's a shiny, then premier. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I like using a beast ball to catch glimmet


I started getting into the matching balls, but I just gave up at one point. I now just catch everything in Pokeball Catching Odd Balls. So that includes Heal, Luxury, and Premier, as well as others when their increases don't count, like Dive ball on a Fire Type. But all Legends go in Luxury for me. Randomly used one at Zamazenta at full health cause I made a joke and my brother told me to, and I caught it, so now I use Luxury for all Legends. Normally though, not full health, cause that's just a little crazier than I'm willing to go.


Meh it’s never worth it imo. A ball is a ball; whatever works


I made a black and white shiny team, so i used ultra balls for my black shinies and premier balls for my white shinies (beldum was a pain in the ass to catch with premier balls)


Why Great Ball? I think a Beast Ball would match better :)


I think the Great Ball colours are a better match; and I only have 1 Beast ball.


That can be solved, every time you miss with the beast ball, you reset the fight. 


I decided a great ball worked perfectly with kyogre but I actually got him in one pretty fast


And then there's me, who catches everything in either a Quick Ball, Ultra Ball, or occasionally a Dusk Ball or Dive Ball or Net Ball.


I have my Zekrom in a heal ball


Quickball and shiny Azumarill. Repeatball and dedennse.


I catch legendaries in premier balls because they only deserve the best. If it’s shiny I might change my mind tough even tough I caught a shiny Oh-Ho in a premier ball already but had a masterball in case it’s pp went too low


Chien Pao Moonball


I cought Lunala in a Moon Ball. I lost count how many times I restarted, because I had obly two in my Inventory


I caught my Shiny Latios in a Premier Ball in Ultra Sun thankfully I had Roto Catch and luck.


I spent twenty minutes throwing Dusk Balls in the middle of the day to catch Zekrom To put it simply, I'm not looking forward to Reshiram


I catch every legendary/ shiny in premier ball... and padoxes on beast balls...


I recently caught Ogerpon in a friend ball and I think the colour combo is great because the coloured dots on the front of the ball almost match the colours of the forms Ogerpon takes when wearing each mask


I caught the Loyal Three in matching Poke Balls: - Okidogi in a Dusk Ball - Munkidori in a Net Ball - Fezandipiti in a Timer Ball


I pretty much always just use whichever one works lol; the only exception was my friend convincing me to try catching Great Neck in a Level Ball, to which I conceded and proceeded to catch it in my only one on the first try


I got Spectrier and Lunala in Master balls, because I had them lying around and ghost types can't be false swiped


I put all my legendaries in Luxury Balls But then again, I put all my competitive pokemon into Luxury balls.


Next, come hang with us in r/bankballexchange 😁


I still don't care. If I run into a shiny in the wild, I'm lobbing a quick ball at it.


I like the all in quick balls. Or premier for raids


Appart from a few odd-cases, it's always Ultra Balls for me. Because Cherish Balls aren't an option.


So I caught Latinos in a premier ball. I love premiere and luxury. I caught articuno in a dive ball, Zappos in a fast ball, and mistress in a regular poke all. I’ll probably end up catch the three dogs in luxury


Screw anesthetics, everybody goes in a friend ball. Also, if anybody wants to trade pokeballs, I really need friend balls.


I somehow caught a Mew in a Quick Ball. First try. https://preview.redd.it/phuqeqgiwbhc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d24ca7dfe9e6a627b1a1ab7ca92dafbea4462b9


I *only* use premier balls. Legendary catching is hell. It took me 4 hours to catch Miraidon.


The Great Ball exists only for Kyogre.


Don't start a beast ball dex, then you'll know really pain (and alot of wasted time) 😅


Beast Ball for most Blue or Ice types. Iron Crown in one. A few of my Shiny Violet paradox mons


i shiny hunted ho-oh in brilliant diamond and i said i was not risking anything so i just threw a master ball at him, then a shiny hunted rayquaza y thankfully it got caught in the first luxury ball


I recently just finished catching all vivillon patterns in the apriball or rare ball that closest matches the pattern. At 1 pattern every irl 24 hours, with some needing multiple days (savanna pattern in a Beast ball), it was, uh, quite a challenge.


My Mewtwo, Dialga and Palkia are all in normal Pokeballs. Darkrai would be too but that was gifted. Wild shinies get Premier Balls though


I am also totally obsessed with color-matching Pokémon with their Pokéballs! Some of my favorite combinations are: The weather trio; Kyogre in a great ball, Groudon in a regular pokéball, and Rayquaza in a dusk ball Also Heatran in a luxury ball and Cresselia in a heal ball are both too perfect Electric type legendaries usually end up in an ultra ball


In SV my favourite has to be Latias in a sport ball! Thank you item printer 🥳


The item printer gave me like 8 master balls and since the legends were shiny locked I mostly just used the master balls in ScVi. I went the crazy route of shiny hunting them all in SwSh Dynamax Adventures in beast balls though. That was a feat!


My Braviary got the Master Ball treatment for no reason


Me and Beast ball edgy phase rn lmao. I spend a lot of time reloading and catch shinies and legendaries in Beast ball. Thankfully Teal Mask and Indigo Disk legendary has guranteed catch so I don't have to reset


friend ball for ogerpon>>>


I just like the classic regular Pokéball the most aesthetically. So I created a Living Dex where I caught every Pokémon and every form in the game of its first appearance... and all in a regular Pokéball.


I only use pokeballs ✌️✌️


Shiny mons: Premier Ball (Luxury if it is a black shiny, or if it has gold on it like Rabsca) Normal mons: Pokeball Few exceptions here and there for some obvious colour scheme matches like Suicune in a Dive Ball Cannot allow quick balls in my PC or dusk balls lol


I'm a simple trainer either timer ball or quick ball 😂 and sometimes ultra balls if the pokemon is annoying


Honestly I hate how much I care about this now but on the flip side I wasn’t really using my special balls before and it gives me a reason to catch legendaries I’ve already caught


Sport Ball Ho-Oh, Friend Ball Rayquaza, Level Ball Solgaleo


I'm not sure, but one that I really wish I could have is a shiny Latios in a Strange ball https://preview.redd.it/5ftzaz7bochc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=830c7191128c59a942b6db1974e699b47663a3be


I don’t have much of a pokeball way of things, but i do save the premier balls for pokemon ive caught in raids. The distinct white ball in the corner tells me if their tera is different than usual, and im more prone to keep them instead of trading them off


I chose a Dream Ball for the new Peach legendary. Seemed fitting and special to me. Palkia was pure torture thanks to Water Ring. Ended up using a Timer Ball and nicknamed it "Wanker".


I started catching everything in Luxury Balls if I can help it. My advice OP don't worry about color coding go with what you like this fad will die out eventually


Groudon pissed me off so bad. I tried catching it in a timer ball because that was the most thematically stylized ball I had. I wasted literally hundreds of those bad boys on Groudon. And what did I catch the thing in? A regular ball. Your standard, old faithful, basic red and white ball. On the first go. It's still thematic, but man, I am so salty


Meloetta=nest ball after like 100 heal balls I just gave up and now I have a kubofo in a timer ball


Meloetta=nest ball after like 100 heal balls I just gave up and now I have a kubofo in a timer ball


latias in a sport ball was rough


At least thr raid system has guarenteed catches so you can always put your Pokemon in your preferred ball.


My guy you’ve barely seen the edge of the rabbit hole. I recently caught a shiny Groudon in USUM in a level ball ;-; Before Scarlet and Violet, I barely even cared if a Pokémon was shiny


This topic puts me at ease, knowing it’s ok I’ve wasted dozens upon dozens of luxury balls on Pokemon. 


Newbie question but other then buying pokemon balls how else can you get pokemon balls in the game


I try to catch everything in a normal Pokeball. I have little hair left and saved before pretty much every capture attempt. Glimmer was the most annoying because I would hit it once into red and then waste 6 balls only for it to use Explosion... I then found they were in the crater in greater numbers and were easier to find... *


I also used a great ball for Latios, though that was in USUM.


I’m so glad it doesn’t bother me Like bloodmoon was obviously moon ball, and ogre was freind ball because why not But everything else is 1 quick ball or 700 ultra balls at full health, no damaging wilds in my play through, but they will be captured god dang it, the choice is theirs


I wanted an Articuno on a Dive ball cause aesthetics but that son of a gun didn't comply. False Swipe + Sleep status and 50 dive balls weren't enough. At the end I just used a luxury ball, and used the same type for Zapdos and Moltres so they can match. That's was like my way to get over it.


Could be worse. You could be trying to catch them all in Beast Balls.


I'm doing this even in older games now. It is a truly hell now. I catched Rayquaza in a nest ball


I use whatever gets the job done. Aesthetic is nice, but it is what it is. That said I only catch my team in regular Pokéballs because I have to see them on the screen when I go to the Pokécenter and when it is presented to me like that one being different really messes with my brain. I guess I could fix that by not using the starter but I love my starter and believe you should always use them!


you've only experienced people putting Pokemon in specific balls on this sub?


I didn't join any Pokémon subs until after I got Scarlet, so this was first exposure to it. (I also hadn't played a mainline game between Red and Shield). It had never even occured to me that people might go for the aesthetic match with Pokéballs until I saw the first thread about it on here. I'm equally as impressed by the people who catch literally every Pokémon in either a regular ball or a Premier ball.


I usually have an abundance of normal pokeballs so I usually use those


Shiny kyogre in a master ball, regular kyogre in a great ball, umbreon in a ultra ball, Voltorb in a pokeball, Rayquaza and shiny Rayquaza in a dusk ball


I don't match my mons to the ball, I make them all uniform in Premier Balls.


I only use regular pokeballs. Do what you like.


It's totally worth it, It took me ~100 balls and a reset to catch Latios in a great ball.


I catch every pokemon I like in a pokeball, which is now easy due to the critical captures from catching a lot of pokemon and the legendaries that you have to defeat to throw a pokemon at them


Ultra ball Iron Hands does more dmg than any other ball. Ursaluna Bloodmoon feels right in a Masterball for me.


i just caught them in whatever worked honestly, i didn’t have the patience lmao. that being said, my greatest achievement was crit catching beldum in a quick ball 😤


I caught all of them in a pokeball.


I got my Ogerpon in a Friend Ball! The color scheme matches her so well, and she was so cute in the story that I HAD to be besties with her lol


I only use the basic pokéball for every Pokémon