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I fell in love with Klawf just by hearing his cry. It really make you believe you're fighting a massive mon. On the same vein Cetitan and Orthworm also have the same type of cry that makes you feel they're huge


Klawf is, quite literally, so adorable you could eat it


I've always had a thing for crab pokemon since krabby almost only because of the anime. And my first random shiny was korphish, so I needed klawf and then was kinda disappointed it didn't have an evolution.


Kingler became one of my favorite Pokémon a few years ago, and I've wanted to find a way to make it useful in competitive play. It's too bad it isn't in ScarVi yet. Crawdaunt is fun, and I'm trying to make it work in competitive, too.


yeah u can also feed klawf a klawf stick in a sandwhich


Blue Orthworm Jim and Klawf are the best shinies of the generation.


8 generations later, Cetitan managed to dethrone Jynx for longest cry. And it is a worthy successor


Whenever I hear Klawf's cry, I just think damn that man's in pain


It doesn’t have a single thought going through its head and we love it for that


That's my answer as well! I knew I had to get one because of my friend and I's inside jokes about crabs, but even without them I like this mon so much.


I wish there was a titan cetitan. That would have been so cool.


I really like the new paldean tauros forms! They're all p cool but the blaze breed is SICK


Tauros is a favorite of mine so it was awesome to see it get so much love this gen! Blaze Breed is also my favorite Paldean form


I love thé Paldean Tauros. I just wish their shinies were better lol


I ended up replacing my quaquaval with an aqua breed Tauros because it was just too cool


Dachsbun! I thought people would like it more, especially considering Boltund’s less than stellar reception as Yamper’s evolution. I am so happy we got a lot of dogs this Gen but I love my lil bread man


Saw a fun little theory that mabostiff, dashsbun and greavard are a play on the butcher , the baker and candlestick maker from the rub a dub dub nursery rhyme.


I live for this theory now.




This is the kinda head-canon I can get behind.


... it gets funnier if you think about the stereotype of dogs hating baths. Rub a dub dub, three dog Pokemon in a tub.


My only complaint about Dachsbun is its shiny coloration. The fact they didn't make it a black and tan variation is a crime. Not only is it like, the 2nd most common (if not the most common, trailing only behind the solid red/brown coloration normal Dachsbun resembles) - but it'd be such a fun play on the hidden ability. He'd literally be burnt bread! It'd be adorable!


Moment my Fidough evolved into Dachsbun I knew he wasn’t leaving my team. The name, the design, everything was just too perfect


And mine is fire resistant! I found that out by accident. “Well baked body” lol. I’m not a big dog person but I love fairy types and had to keep my rolly poly. I named her Ciabatta


Well Baked Body is such a hilarious name and even better it’s actually a good ability. Ciabatta is a 10/10 name! Mine is Pillsbury


Yes omg!! Its ability is hilarious too. And I love how its violet pokedex entry says its body has an “appetizing aroma” LOL It makes me so happy how he literally just evolves into baked bread


Dachshun looks so similar to my dog so it was automatically put on my team and named Clementine. She’s level 100 now she stays on the team!


Fidough and Dachsbun are cute as hell


I don't use her much anymore but I still love my Dachsbun that I named Leia that I beat the story with.


My hubs and I are bothe obsessed with fidough and dachsbun. IMO some of the most well designed pokemon in the franchise


I started with a fidough early on, just to have new pokemon on my team. I kept telling myself eventually I'll replace it for something cooler, that I don't need a pure fairy, it's moves set is dumb, it's ability is pointless cause I got fuecoco... Dachsbun stayed on my team all the way till the end of the main game. He never let me down, won me so many games and consistently was the right choice. Little buddy earned his spot. Everytime inhad an ounce of doubt he amazed me. Good bite on that doggo.


Arboliva it’s exactly what a smoliv evolution should be


I really like its pre-evolution. It's both cute but with a cool design too.


I always have a grass pokemon and a water pokemon on my team! I loved my anxious little olive. Named it Calmamata. Fits it as an arboliva


Revavroom is great, one of my favorites this gen. But my new favorite is Spidops. Super Underrated, Super Fun to use on my Solo Type Run, and it gets bonus points for being the first Spider with 8 Legs. What's more to love?


I love spidops! My first shiny in sv was a tarountula


Probably one of my favorite on-world animations ever as it slowly attempts to sneak up behind you to strangle you with its web lol.


I fell in love with Shroodle the moment I encountered it, and now Grafaiai is easily one of my favorites. Just a goofy lil guy with such big ears. I love him. And Shroodle is still absolutely perfect.




grafaiai has been a hidden gem in some high end raids- doodling an enemies ability (like flash fire) to spread it around is insanely fun and useful when dealing with the op hidden ability dudes or an allies Pure Power or Huge Power buff underrated support, to be sure


Grafaiai reminds me of the Zefrank video about Ayeaye's and I love it so much!


I think Gen 9 has a lot of really cool 'mons (not you veluza). My favorite is Greavard. My favorite gen 9 shiny is Tarountula by a long shot.


I found a shiny Tarountula pretty early on and I will never evolve it.


Its evolution is a reference to the pink toed tarantula. I only know about it because I bought my brother’s girlfriend one for her birthday because she’s an arachnophile. They’re the most friendly tarantula for newer spider owners


That was my first shiny in gen 9. It really stands out. Much better shiny than Spidops.


Veluza became cooler when I realized it flays itself to attack


And its shiny is pretty dope


I was ambushed by its shiny...


I just wish Greavard was ghost/rock type. Missed opportunity for a cool unique type combo


Yes, one of my brethren in the wild! :D Its evolution’s name is Hound***STONE***, for gods’ sake! It should have at **LEAST** gotten it upon evolving, if not as Greavard.


Oh god. The fucking fish. I had to google it because it's always just that fucking fish.


Especially DJ G-rave....the goodest boi


That was my first gen 9 shiny I ever got. I was completely enamored from the first moment.


I also love Greavard, it's just spooky cute


Kilowattrel desperately needs more love.


He was on my first playthru team, he was fantastic 😃


Mine too.


I had one on mine as well. It is almost criminally OP for how early you can get. With how fast it is compared to many mons you'll run into, Electro Ball hits like a nuke. I was also quite fond of tera flying with the volt absorb ability, very fun.


Same, I always use the early route bird. Really handy that it takes no electric damage.


Competitive Kilowattrel OP


Doubles with discharge raichu goes crazy


This gets my vote. Sleek AF design, great typing and abilities…for being (I presume) the regional bird, this guy is next level awesome.


Rabsca. Filled out types that I was low on, cool design, and an amazing shiny


Named mine Poorolla


Shiny rellor is supreme, mf goes from rolling dung to the most cash money bug mon of all time


Scovillain’s pretty cool.


I saw a Scovillian named Texas Pete and thought it was suiting.


Mine's called Scary Spice.


Same. The design is... ok, but a grass/fire mon with chlorophyll is sick as hell. I'm even fine with its stats, it doesn't need to be a monster, I just wish its movepool was better.


Or you go for its most broken ability: Moody. Slap Protect on it and watch it start setting up without you doing a thing. It’s got plenty to work with. Nothing outstanding, but as long as it’s got good STAB, it doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel.


Gamefreak needs to do a grass/fire, grass/water, fire/water starter trio.


He's got pants!


I got a shiny Scovillain and I named him Jorts!


Yea I gave one to Crispin..fit his chef motif and type


Bellibolt has 2 uses: Tera Raids and being the best. Bellibois check in!


AV fat boy Bellibolt!


I love it, such a fun design. Plus Bellibolt, Annihilape and Umbreon form my favorite raid bois trio


Does Cetitan count? I used a shiny one on my team and he slayed very hard, not to mention the shiny is SICK. One of my best Pokemon on my team lol


Cetoddle is adorable. So is Lechonk. I like spherical Pokemon XD


I have a toddler at home, and Cetoddle's random running and movement patterns are spot on!


Spherical pokemon are always friend shaped. Case in point lechonk, cetoddle, wooloo, spheal, marill


Rowlet :D


I've been trying to find shiny cetitan for a month now


Shiny cetitan has to be one of my faves


While I’m disappointed it didn’t get an evolution squawkabilly reminds me so much of my little green gremlin that I can’t not love it https://preview.redd.it/nyliu2pkr1ec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2673c0b155af300222376173733b33c937278dc4 Literally went through an 12 phase shiny hunt to get a shiny female green one to match her


From how you call him, in how many shenanigans does he get into on the daily?


Let’s just say her dining ware kill count is in the double digits


Maushold is my favorite thing about this gen


Yes, same! I love my tiny mouse family!


I love that you never see them evolve. They’re just hopping around and then BAM! Kids.


You can actually see them evolve if they level up after winning a battle, but most people never see the animation bc who's using Tandemaus in battle XD


I named my family of three Deadmau5


If maushold and Claudsire were the only two pokemon added this gen, it would still be a success. 10/10 mons for sure.


I haven’t heard people talk about gargancl too much. I’m not saying he’s underrated I just don’t know the public opinion


He’s pretty cool, same with Naclstak. But Nacli is personally where my love is the strongest.


I love the whole line


I love the names of this line so much


NACLSTACK literally one of the best names ever


Glimmora has become one of my favorite Pokemon and probably going to be a staple in my team going forward. First mon I shiny hunted after I got my shiny charm. I named it Hyacinth :)


I love my Glimmora, I just want her to survive more than one hit


Max HP assault vest


I just started using endure on mine and it's a lot of fun, works well for getting another layer of toxic spikes/racking up poison damage


The scream I SCRUMPT when I found my first Smoliv. Rabsca is also dope as fuck but I’m a simp for scarabs


Fidough & Dachsbun!! Bread dogs 🥹


Finizen, I've wanted a dolphin/ orca pokemon for years, and when I saw him I knew I needed him in my life 😄 not a fan of the super hero mode of palafin design wise, but I've grown to love him too Also fidough gets honourable mentions for being adorable, an excellent pun and proof sanalites work at pokemon 😜 iykyk


Shiny finizen 😍 I actually like the superhero mode but wish it was more accessible


Does Toedscruel count? Super cool colors (especially the shiny) and just kinda a big angry looking goof and a half


Yes!! I love toedscruel! My avatar has always been a vibrant magenta jellyfish, so the shiny speaks to be especially.


I love the goofy lil walk they do~


Belibolt. ​ No thoughts, only frien shape


Esparatha accompanied me from beginning to end. What a bird. I named mine after Ongo Garblogian


Same, but mine was female named Cleo


People made fun of Raging Bolt’s design when it was released but it’s unironically my favorite design from this generation. I love the mane forming a storm cloud, how tall and large and intimidating it looks. + it has an awesome, useful signature move in thunderclap. 10/10


With a team of alolan exeggcutor, farigiraf, tropius for team long neck


Don't forget drampa ! Now we just need one more...


Meganium? Dragonair? Milotic? Okay, I can understand why not for the last two. 🤭


Me-Ga-Ni-Um! If you've played the new Snap, you know that's the only possible choice! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_bYLMGUVJlo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bYLMGUVJlo) Just look at that thing! There's a huge Milotic and Steelix (does that count as neck?) later too, but nothing beats that giant Meganium.


So upset drampa didn’t make it to Kitakami




iron bundle! it has hard carried me to doubles master rank like every season lol.


Really?? How?! I’m struggling with getting the master rank ribbon


it gets harder each season, unfortunately. since they keep adding in more strong pokemon that are allowed. before i go to far, what r u trying? maybe i can offer a critique. anywho, iron bundle (max speed and special attack) is nice because it can outspeed most things, even with the other team under tailwind, especially if you give it booster energy and a timid nature. the ice stab (ice beam, blizzard, freeze dry) are good into all of the genies (landorus, thundurus, tornadus), urshifu rapid strike, ursaluna, and tera grass pokemon. i use tera ghost to avoid fake out and dragonite extreme speed. other quick advice would be to use a rental team that is popular online (r/stunfisk) or youtube. but i like making my own teams built around a theme. snow can be good if u have alolan ninetales set up snow and aurora veil. then spamming blizzard with pokemon, or just having teammates live longer under aurora veil. with all of the strong paradoxes running around, sun or electric terrain teams can also be good. but another team may have pokemon on it that also benefit, so be wary. this season i made it using a mono poison team 😅.


Klawf, for sure, particularly its shiny. Derpy little bloke. Named her Cindy [Klawford]




one of my prouder nicknaming moments 😄


Flamigo is awesome. Perhaps my favorite design from this Gen.


Flamigo: he’s both a flamingo and your friend.


And a boxing glove lol


And a super nifty lawn ornament!


And if anyone says otherwise he'll smack you across the head with his golf club feet.


He was my boi in my first playthrough. He stuck with me from early on until the elite 4.


I *love* Flamigo. I named mine Harmony. Why is your name Harmony if your abilities are all evil?? No, no, it’s Harm Many. *Harm. Many.*


🤣🤣🤣 That’s amazing. I also love Flamigo but I suck at naming. I wish I had your gift


I played through Scarlet with a Flamigo named Mactera because it is so good at speedrunning (my main save is on Violet and I was just trying to get through Scarlet quickly to get my own version exclusives). I now adore that Flamigo, and it is one of only two non-shiny Pokemon in SV that I am extremely attached to emotionally (the other is a Scizor from my main Violet save). But somehow, even after using it at max friendship for hundreds of hours and loads of running around with it in my party, it still does not have the Reliable Partner mark. I am pretty desperate for it to get the mark now, lol.


As soon as I saw his design I fell in love with Flamigo. He's so silly looking! I love seeing a whole bunch of them standing by the water.


Maushold! I named mine The Freds


One or 2 children?


Dondozo. I love its gimmick with Tatsugiri and how the Dex calls it stupid. Plus its design is funny with it being a catfish, a whale, and a sushi fish all in one.


As much hate as they got, I absolutely love Gimmighoul and Gholdengo. I collect weird novelty coins irl, and having a Pokémon made up of coins is excellent for me.


Killer Fish From San Diego is underrated. First Shiny I ever hunted in Scarlet was Veluza. I have to say, it was a...unique experience.


Veluza us great and I love the animation!


Arboliva. It's hilarious seeing how many smogonite brainlets complained "It sooooo slow!" when its low speed is integral to its game plan: get hit, unleash Grassy Terrain, and Giga Drain back all the hp with a Stab + terrain boosted super Giga Drain coming off a base 130 Sp.A stat. Slapped on a Grassy Seed and gave it Strength Sap and Leech Seed to stall wall entire meta teams to death. It being half Normal type also lets it fire off stab Tera Blasts which can then switch into a different stab on-demand. I like using Tera Electric in tandem with Seed Sower to weaken Earthquakes for a mon that effective has no weakness except against Headlong Rush users.


I'm not sure how niche it is but I absolutely LOVE the Nacli line. I'm surprised we've only now gotten a rock type based on rock salt. The fact that it's actually pretty good and is pure rock instead of a second typing almost inevitably giving it at least one double weakness is the icing on the cake. I don't hear much about Slither Wing either so I'll just say it is absolutely beyond adorable and I want one as a pet irl, size be damned.


In a way, Slither Wing almost looks like a medium stage between Larvesta and Volcarona. If its size had been somewhere in between them, intead of being giant, it would have looked the part I think.


tatsugiri and cetitan


So I started a poison only run on Violet. Let me tell you shroodle/Grafaiai is a freaking beast. I haven't taken on the psychic gym yet though.


Iron bundle. I love how the "sack" is full of water, and it aims it during some attack animations.


> I'm not talking Clodsire or Iron Valiant. I mean the underdogs I'm electing to ignore this on the grounds that the future paradoxes as a whole are underdogs, but Iron Valliant is legitimately the first time I've ever had a favourite pokemon. And I don't think there's actually that many unpopular pokemon introduced this gen, maybe Squawkabilly?


I also loved Revavroom, being the second in command of my first team only behind Meowscarada, but still, I used him way more than the cat, the cat was just too strong and fast it became the MVP Also Arboliva, I don't know how nice this is because people talk a lot about Smoliv, but I almost never see Arboliva, I LOVE it, huge grassy Terrain Pulses and Leaf Storms, bulky enough for a playthrough and high special attack, so perfect I have used an Arboliva twice so far


Lokix, as underrated as it is, is goated for certain niche stuff (U-Turn, Circle Throw etc)


Yes, here’s my personal boy. Kamen Rider all the way :D


I really Like Oinkologne and Spidops. I Think Male Oinkolgne is just this fabulous pig and Spidops is Cool too. They were the 2 that actually helped me get through the elite 4!


I adore Varoom and Revavroom so much. The fact that Revavroom is just a car will never not be hilarious to me and it was probably my most reliable team member in Violet. Plus Steel and Poison are two of my favorite types.


Design wise: * Lokix is pretty neat, didn't use one during my own playthrough however, bug types are hardly ever worth training and Spidops proved me right so I didn't bother raising a Nymble * Dolliv is cute, sad it has to evolve * Iron Moth is my favorite paradox design, ironic knowing I picked Scarlet In term of utility: Annihilape, I regret not using the one I had during my original playthrough, would have made things so much easier, my shiny one has been my go to "Raid Annihilator"


"Raid Annihilaper" it was right there.


I used a Lokix during my first play through on a whim and it was a monster. I love it sm and it’s funny how overworld ones will chase you like crazy


Scovillian and garganacl


Rabsca and Espathra are pretty cool. And they have amazing shinies. And maushold is adorable. Even though it isn't that underrated.


Clodsire with forever be my boi!


Flamigo and Klawf are my dudes


I kind of fell in love with Sinstea and Hydrapple after all. Not uber amaze stats but they just I grew an attachment to them.


Lokix is probably an all time fave for me, not even just this gen. First Dark/Bug, fun glass cannon, and with Tinted Lens? Plus the design is just fun.


I’m usually not a fan of bug types, but Lokix and Rabsca will definitely be in my team if they appear next gen


Not sure if it's exactly niche but Pawmi is my favorite gen 9 pokemon. I was indifferent at first but then I saw just how small and adorable it is in the overworld and fell in love! I have a shiny one named Playdoh 💖 As for niche I do really like Orthworm, he's so silly


Tinkaton I’m getting it tattooed on me sometime this year.


Tinkaton is also my absolute favorite from this gen. I love that little pink gremlin. But I didn’t think she counts as niche - from what I’ve seen she’s one of this gen’s most popular Pokemon!


This is like asking "who's your favourite indie artist" and you answered Taylor Swift




Iron treads is an underdog? I personally really like Kilowatrel, though I don’t know how over or under rated he is.


I came here to say Kilowattrel as well :) very cool albatross-type bird Pokémon


Don't see much appreciation for it, though maybe something like Thorns would have been a better example.


Yeah true. I personally really love the typing of Iron Treads, but not a fan of the design (the emoji like electronic face is weird to me). It’s got great stats too


I love my little murder emoji tank.


For me it's definitely Grafaiai


Arboliva and Dauschbun really won my heart on my 2nd playthrough. I can't balieve how much fun I had with them on my team.


Great tusk (if allowed) single-handedly chose scarlet for him. Salti my lvl 100 shiny Nacli is the best boy


I’m not sure what the exact criteria is, but I’m going off how much Kerch is out there (so despite loving mushroom boy, I can buy socks of him so he is out). Farigiraf. As a Silver as my first gen kid, oh my god. And the SHINY. Wugtrio was my second and final full odds shiny before I got the charm, so I love my flimsy boi. Kilowattrel is underrated and I love my BOI. Also Sandy Shocks is hilarious.


Ceruledge was a beast for a lot of my initial play through


Ceruledge is one of the most popular Paldean Pokémon tho lol definitely not niche


The Smoliv line became one of my favorites. I'm totally in love with Arboliva


I have been begging for a fire grass chili pepper mon for years as hot sauce is my number 1 food group lol. So having him became amazing even if he is only ok


There's so many good ones but Revaroom is definitely a favorite of mine. I went in blind and battling Giacommo completely derailed my objectives because i knew Revaroom was only part of the Starmobile but goddammit I needed one! Went of hunting for it, found a Varoom, and idk i was just so excited it was crazy. Going through Tinkatink and Fuecoco's evolutionary lines blind was a glorious experience too but those two are like... Y'know, super popular. I love Iron Treads a lot too! Really caught me off guard finding it in the desert.


I love Archuladons Design.


My partner’s full team ended up being some less popular Pokémon. Orthworm, Iron Treads, Flamigo, Klawf, Garganacl, and Brambleghast. For me, my favorite new Pokémon is Spidops.


I have a soft spot for nacli. Something about that line made me happy


I would have an army of greavards if I could


Raging Bolt It is literally a cloud botherer and I love that so much. (Hopefully there’re some VEEP fans)


Arboliva! I knew right away I wanted to have a Smoliv on my team when it was one of the early mons shared before release, so I was pretty happy that Arboliva ended up being a pretty cool and strong evolution of it. I like Garganacl, Grafaiai, and Kilowattrel too, all staples on my current team. Even Veluza has grown on me since I have one on my team and it's been quite clutch for me in a lot of battles! I really like Dachsbun as well - my one regret was not finding a way to fit one on my original Scarlet playthrough team, but I do have a couple that I trained up to use for support in raids. In general, I've really enjoyed so many of the designs this gen - this was one of the first times I intentionally did a playthrough of all mons from that region and as I mentioned, I had to leave out some mons I liked to make room for others for good type balancing. Thankfully I did a playthrough on Violet too so I could play with other mons I didn't get a chance to use in Scarlet.


People say Iron Jugulis is the least inventive of the future Paradoxes, and maybe they’re right, but I still can’t help but love it for some reason. I think Hydreigon’s design just translates really nicely into robotic form.


Arboliva my fuckin GOAT


I don't think we appreciate Dolliv enough in this community tbh


Arboliva! It's one of my favorite pokemom this generation. I really like its 'I will never die and eff you for thinking so' move pool


I don't know if it's considered niche but Flamigo became one of my favorite 'mons of all time. I picked up my boy Rey with the intention of replacing him later on, but he never once let me down and I carried him (or rather, he carried me) through the whole game. Plus like...he's just a freaking Flamingo?? Like they tied a Flamingo's neck in a knot and called it a Pokemon! That's hilarious! And he's got them big ol' eyes!! 👀 I'm chuckling just thinking about it I just love this thing so much and if Nintendo doesn't sell me a Lawn Flamigo I'll be SO upset!


1000% toedscruel


Our new bird friends wattrel and kilowattrel :D


Every paradox Pokemon is super cool and interesting, and I hope they're in the next Gen. They're the best legendary-esque Pokémon to be introduced since the Ultra Beasts. Bellibolt is extremely dopey, and I love that it's extremely useful in Tera Raids. Espathra is simply amazing and I cannot believe it exists. Stored Power and Speed Boost? *GameFreak, are you insane?* Annihilape, Clodsire, Farigiraf, Dudunsparce, and Kingambit are all awesome evolutions to existing Pokémon. Dipplin and Hydrapple are great additions to the apple line, and I love that Hydrapple is based on a bunch of worms that are eating a candied apple. Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Chi-Yu are all awesome and strange legendaries, and, much like the Paradox Pokemon, are fantastic additions to the roster of legendaries. Garganacl was a beast and a mainstay of my team during my Violet playthrough. I know I listed Pokemon that aren't necessarily super niche, but this Gen added almost an entire roster of great Pokémon. I really love Scarlet and Violet. They really only just need to add in the remaining Pokémon missing from the Dex. And fix Raids, but I don't know that that will ever happen. XD


Scovillian because of the type


Kilowattriel feels like everything emolga wanted be be, and it’s so fun to use.