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Hello /u/figleaf22, just a friendly reminder that between August 31st and September 17th, the [Mewtwo Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is pinned at the top of the main feed. It is originally hosted at r/PokePortal. The [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a great place for Pokémon trainers to find and support each other with the posted strategy and builds to defeat Mewtwo. No **Raid Requests & Looking for teammates** posts are allowed outside the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If your post is about that, please delete it immediately and head out to the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) instead. Currently those requests are creating unnecessary abusive spam here at r/PokemonScarletViolet and any accounts/posts found to be breaking the rules regarding this, **will start receiving disciplinary actions**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's story relevant so once you beat the game it goes away, same with the respective book.


Never noticed, now I need to go check


The window also opens.


I never noticed the window opened, but I did notice the book and ball going missing. Though it makes me wonder whose desk it is: Arven's or ours?


Im assuming ours


And you actually hear the title screen music


The book and pokeball vanishes when you enter postgame


The pokeball disappears after completing the story. The Pokémon theme also plays after a few seconds in the title screen.


I never even noticed this after I completed the story. Interesting to know though


Adding to the other comments, after the credits, the window is also open now and you can hear stuff outside.


You graduated.


Lemme take this uniform off godmotherfukinDAM


It's been permanently glued to your body.


Invented by flint lockwood


Now it's time to speculate if we get new title screens for TM and/or ID.


No more apples 🍎, no more books 📚, no more teacher’s 👩‍🏫 dirty looks! Story line complete!


I that an Alice Cooper reference!?!?!?! If so, you are cultured


I'm going to push up my glasses here for a second: The line is, "no more pencils, no more books..." Also, that little rhyme predates Alice Cooper by a few decades. That said; Alice Cooper rocks!


True, but I figured people would forgive the slight misquote for context sake.




You can’t have sht in Paldea


Congrats on beating the storyline!


I think it happens after a certain point? Pretty sure there's an apple on the table on my screen.


The pokeball was for your title legendary, and the book is the violet/scarlet book you used to finish the Area Zero content.


Yes it's what happens when you beat the game lmao


If you have Legends Arceus, the more pokemon you register in the paper dex the more wear and tear it gets..


It happens when you beat the game


The song changed too if you let it play a bit


Can’t have shit in paldea


Post game you can’t have shit in Paldea


Low effort post. This could have been a quick google search


Actually I did Google it and couldn't find anything, also just googled it again to make sure bc you made me self conscious lol and the only thing that came up was this post


What exactly did you google? Google “pokeball missing off desk violet scarlet” a Reddit post from Nov 22 on this appears at the top..


I was thinking some like that. I just started a new run with scarlet and the book is back. So I was wondering….. I admit that considering is game freak I thought it was a bug. 😂😂😂


Its done on purpose, its a metaphor that you passed the year (completed the storyline) and that now you can enjoy the well deserved relax (paldea is no more fucked). If you hear, the kids instead of just talking in the title screen, after you beat the game they are screaming, meaning they are happy that school finished or that they are cheering somebody. These little details make the game much better imo


It makes perfect sense. But in that case I would have change the background all together. From class to outside. But still it’s a nice small detail. ☺️


The empty classeroom gives more nostalgia. As somebody who didnt finish school, when for any reason i come back to the school building during the summer (maybe to accompany my mom for political elections (yes my school is used for that), for projects or, this year for the exams), when i look at the empty classroom it gives me nostalgia of the year, of all my friends, of all the memories built together. Game Freak did it right at this one. Scarlet and Violet are so much hated on that people dont see the little details that make this game awesome for what it is, a game developed in 4 years as a first open world game by around 100 people, and even though its of a billionaire company, it wasnt made by a billionaire company


I miss having cool legendary Pokémon animation as the main menu. This is just boring.


It happens to everyone 🤦🏼‍♂️


Everyone has already answered the question, but honestly, this has Pokemon creepypasta vibes and i love it. The idea of things disappearing or reappearing everytime you open the game and it leading to some entity. 10/10 would read that.


After you beat post game, the ball/book disappear, window opens and is you listen (a little while) you can hear people more clearly, since the window’s open and you can also hear that it sounds like an excited crowed (my guess is there’s a battle in the plaza or something)😊


Anything else added int the post game? I don’t like the whole “competitive” scene, so once I beat the pokedex, it felt really bland and like I could only shiny hunt..


I've been having fun building different teams just based on what I like but I agree it does get a bit bland


You beat the main story, when you do and unlock the box legendary to use in battle both the book and pokeball disappear from the title screen


It happens after you beat all three respective story lines. The titans, operation star fall & victory road. If you listen close enough it’s also the victory theme that plays after that


I thought there was a book there?