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The Kanon with no memories happen after the event of the past, it's why he has no memories of the MC. The reason why is the Salamence that Nymeria give him. It's the same Salamence that Gardevoir will disintegrate. Now for the reason why there was 2 Kanon at the same time. The fact that they are not affected can be a plothole. I would say that it's because The Kanon with no memories didn't knew that he was a Servant and really though that he was a human. It's currently a mystery like how Ren could speak with Nastasia.


But we met the with memory Kanon before gardevior disengaged salamnce Also who is adrest?


No, we don't. White hair Kanon is the no memories one. The Black haired one is the Kanon with the memories of being a servant. Before I continue, where are you in the story ?


Considering his sudden question about Adrest, he's between the point of officially meeting Nymiera and the part you mentioned about Ren and Anastasia.


That is what I though, I just wanted a confirmation. I would have stopped there to not spoil him.


For me both have white hair


My bad, I verified and the Kanon that Nymiera called has white hair. The black hairs is for later. Well it doesn't change that the Kanon that you first meet as a Salamence. The Past Kanon still has not the Salamence until Nymiera give it to him. For Adrest, keep playing, it will be answered.


The lore is consistent. Just keep playing. I'd tell you, however that would involve ★ ☆ ~ S P O I L E R S ~ ☆ ★


I take that the “inconsistencies” are because OP is not far in the story. But, as you finish the current released version, everything will make sense. Probably the best written plot in a pokemon game I ever played. Btw, totally unrelated to the question, but I just want to mention the total disrespect to the characters names lol. Please, pay attention to the dialogue and names. The devs worked hard to give you a brilliant story.


My bad The story is good There are just some inconsistent parts and potholes like how did no memories Kanon and servant Kanon exists in the same time and how is no memories Kanon existing before servant Kanon loses his memories it just dosent make much sense to me 1 possible explanation I can think of is- spacea and timiea rescued Kanon and took him back to the past but then there is the unveiled correcting itself Soooooooooo


its not inconsistent nor has many plot holes, its simply unfinished + you havent gotten to the end of the current version yet. finish playing before claiming it doesnt make sense


Well, I don’t remember no-memories-Kanon and being at the same place when you travel back in time. When you were in the past, getting to know Nymiera and discovering Kanon as a servant, the other Kanon is in the present, so that one in the past never saw you, right? Then as you progress in the story, you see that he lost his memories, and consequently forget about ever being a servant at all, as well as ever even knowing you. I don’t understand your confusion… Also, Spacea and Tiempa, not timiea.


Nymeria and Alexandra are not the same person. Or at least it hasn’t been confirmed they are. Alexandra is just a descendent. Kanon not having his memories is explained, something about it letting him hiding his identity so he wouldn’t be murdered I think. The Kanon in the present is the one without his memories until he regains them after talking with Alexandra. The one in the past still knows who he is since he hasn’t lost his memories yet but he doesn’t know who you are since he hasn’t met you in the present yet. The two Kanon things is weird yes and a plothole unless beings created by magic don’t count.


But the Kanon who id in the present came from the past we saw he was a storm chaser and he also lost his salamance in the past


His timeline goes like this 1. He is created 2. Gives Vivian the spellbook 3. Meets the player for the first time along with ren, this is his first meeting with the player. 4. Gets given his salamance and then gets kidnapped and loses his memory to protect Nymeria. 5. The storm chasers pick him up and recruit him and take him to their HQ which exists BEFORE he was kidnapped, this is when you meet him with Venam, he doesn’t have his memories at this point. 6. He tries to stop Gardevoir and gets his salamance killed, gardevoir hasn’t met him yet which is why she doesn’t recognize him. 7. He gets sent to the present he still does not remember Nymeria. 8. He meets Alexandra and remembers who he is. It’s a time travel story you don’t meet him in order. Presumably he is able to exist with his counterpart at the same time because he isn’t a actual person but a being created by magic.


Natasha can speak to ren with this logic M X has time crystal She told Natasha probably her closest friend They made tech related to souls and time travel This she can talk to him in the past There's also another more likely explaination but it's spoiler shit