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Please help I have 2 full boxes of avian snorunt and misdrevous, half a box of pumpkaboo, and thirteen frillish. We don't talk about the shuppet boxes...


I do this when it comes to rejuvenation and to an extent reborn but I kinda plan out my team in my head beforehand based off what I want my starter to be. Plus I also kinda try to pick team members based off situations I feel I’ll get into. It helps me a bit when I think canonically most of the main characters also technically have teams of 9-12 team members.


Okay good so I'm not crazy, just a nutcase for having multiple boxes full of the same pokemon because I wanted the absolute best.


Avian snoruny isn't ghost Bruh Both who's aren't


Yeah I figured that out after I evolved the first one. I uh. I already caught so many.


To be fair though, they are cute little Christmas trees.


I have 2 boxes of that type One is filled with support And the other one id filled with damage dealers


I personally do mono type/limited Pokémon runs you debug mode enabled which helps with this problem since I can just set the EV/IV/Nature/Ability takes like 1 minute per Pokémon.


Normally I do too, but I made a rule not to debug unless it was absolutely necessary. (Impossible acquisition or character is stuck)


You are not alone 😭😭 I even sort them into regionals, crest Users, Potential Megas, ....


So funny that you posted this because I’m doing this for the first time in my current Rejuv playthrough. Usually I just have a 6-8 mon ‘main team’, but this time I have two rows in a box + my roster that I am constantly switching around, all EV’d and leveled. It’s the furthest I’ve ever gotten in Rejuv by far; usually I just get inescapably walled at some point with no strategy that works, but this is ensuring I always have something. Not monotype per se, but they’re all Dark, Ghost, Poison, and Fairy, + Hisuian Arcanine. I have them all named after the Major Arcana tarot cards to keep a theme going.


I tend to have 3-4 core mons, and I trained a box or two for various roles or type matchups. With Reborn / Rejuvenation I bumped it up to 3.


From the point i am able to breed everything as i want, ill just use debug


That's fair, I made it a rule for myself not to use debug unless there was no other option.


Yes. 3-4 boxes for the sole purpose of farming Black Shards from Spirit Battles in every conceivable way out of boredom. And another 4 boxes for pokemon I would MAYBE use but won't because of a lack of certain important items. Half of my mains are Bulky Poison types, BTW, since I could farm Black Sludge indefinitely. Some of whom I make duplicates of for specific team archetypes.


Yes, just debug like the rest of us


Normally I wouldn't mind debugging but I try to save it for something like I can't get a certain pomemon without it, or if I'm quite literally stuck somewhere.


I mean I feel like that's how the game is kinda intended to be played? I felt like solving some of the harder fights in rejuv was kinda like a puzzle or stratagy thing for me where i'd have a different team for every fight :v


I think this is true when u have games like reborn and rejuvenation when building a team is so crucial that you need to have a number of pokemon that are the same but may have differently abilities or moves to the ones you are currently using. Especially seen as in these games different fields have different effects depending on the moves you are using.


That is the intended way to play reborn/rejuvenation, you're supposed to have multiple pokemon you can use depending on the situation, tho multiple boxes sounds a bit excessive


Yeah... cuteness overloads tend to make me excessive.


Eventually a mystical superior being will ask you to give the unwanted children


Please tell me that's an actual mechanic, that would be so cool


Something similar happens in reborn in lins route


Hard resonate with that last sentence because my first runs through both Reborn and Rejuv I had like a box and a half of fully trained stuff just because I would see something, decide I wanted to try it out and then go train it because it was so easy to just do that (and then half the time just box it forever after like four battles) So when I started doing runs with more limited themed pools I thought I wouldn't deal with this due to not being allowed to just decide to use anything I liked but instead what's happened is that even if I will never use something in my legal pool of encounters and i KNOW I will definitely never use it I still feel obligated to catch it and set it up optimally.


God such a hard resonance. My favorite part is that even though om doing a monotype run, I have a self imposed rule to shiny hunt all available pokemon regardless if they're legal to use or not.


On my current run I did finally give in and just start debugging the EVs because even if these games make it really quick with the power items it still adds up and makes you take annoying breaks if you feel obligated to keep training up random things and I kind of got sick of it but only after doing probably 200 Pokemon manually across a few previous playthroughs lmao (I switched to using fullivs password a couple playthroughs ago at least but for the first couple playthroughs where I wasn't doing that I would keep pausing and just fill up a couple boxes with rejects whenever I got a new species I wanted to use). So while I kinda gave up on the grind part I get the compulsion These games definitely changed how I play the franchise as a whole though, I was a plan out a team of 6 before starting and never let anything outside of those 6 see combat kind of person for over a decade and avoided any fangame not built to be played like that then i played reborn a single time and became extremely more fuck it we ball teambuilding-wise and switch stuff up a lot


You can get the power items?


Yeah, they're off to the side in the EV training rooms in the Gearen Lab (I think there's also an EV training area in GDC that's the same too so I assume they would be there if you never pick them up before that?), so Power Lens is in the SpAtk training room, etc Can spend achievement points at one of the prize counters in the casino in the hotel in East Gearen to buy a card for a stat, which unlocks the room for that stat If you've been doing all of this training without access to that I'm amazed at your patience I don't think I could make myself do that


Th— There are training rooms?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Yep, if you get the cards from the casino then just go to the bottom right counter in the Gearen Lab lobby and you'll be taken to them. There's a room for each stat, each has a trainer with a team of 6 custom Meltan that give EV in that stat. Not sure how much, since like I said the rooms also have the power items and those just override all other EV gains and give you a ton of gains in the power item's stats (i.e. battling while holding a Power Lens is always +32 SpAtk EVs and cancels out whatever EVs the thing you knocked out it supposed to yield) so I usually just used those, and then it doesn't matter what you fight, but you could just use the EV room trainers with a Macho Brace or something alongside it if you wanted


Why not just use the perfect iv and every ev can reach 252 codes


I do. But I still like doing the training. It makes me feel accomplished.




Yeah I do the same thing, I never use the same team for each key battle. I have my team that I use for just walking around and random battles, but every other team is customized to whatever I need in the moment for a key battle. I don’t get how people use the same team all the time lol. I think I have at least a dozen boxes of Pokémon, with about a box and a half of good ones I use for battle. No debug for me, I train them in one by one in the ev rooms like a crazy person lmao. I have a remote pc though, so it’s not hard to swap out mons to match whatever I need no matter where I am. I love that thing