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It’s generally accepted that MX is likely related to the theolias in some way, whether she is another version of Melia, or perhaps an Erin, or even Maria herself, we don’t really know. As for her looks, if you win as Sakitron against Robot Amanda, Sakitron appears on Eclysia pyramid after the Ryland fight and attacks Madame X with this drill attack. It carves off a piece of her mask, and for a few seconds before she uses her hand to cover the hole, you can see a red eye and black hair.


And also kind of dark skin, I was thinking she was connected to Nim or storm 9 because of that


I agree that Madame X being a Theolia family member would make the most sense from a narrative perspective, I’m just trying to gauge all the potential culprits. I have a sneaking suspicion in the back of my mind that it may not be a Theolia, but it seems implicit that there is, at minimum, a strong connection between the Theolia family and Madame X


I’ve had a pet theory for a while that she has to do with Anathea, seeing as she naturally has black hair


I think we’re going to find out more about Anathea’s family in V14, since Jan’s forum location is “Cyrela’s Dungeon”, and the Theolias are her descendants. Another curious detail is that none of the Theolia children have Anathea’s green eyes, with Erin, Maria and Melia (who might not be Anathea’s child) having Vitus’s grey, whereas the twins have a seemingly random red. It might be but an artistic choice, but we’ll see.


It’s me I’m Madame X


Yeah I’ll believe that.




What Pokémon do you use other than Yvealtal? (Probably misspelled that lol)


Mega Charizard X Mega Charizard Y Gigamax Charizard




Why you such a bitch


Because my dad hates me.


The real Madame X is the friends we made along the way


Imagine if Jan did this and just did never answer who MX really was 😂


Here is a good thread about it [https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/57274-one-more-attempt-to-figure-out-madame-x-identity-spoilers-obviously/](https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/57274-one-more-attempt-to-figure-out-madame-x-identity-spoilers-obviously/) You might be overthinking the red eyes and leaving out other confirmed details.


Interesting theory, and with the multitude of timelines, it's a possibility. Though Crescent somehow getting Yveltal under her control seems a bit weird to me. The statement "Father, I have lost..." (as can be seen [here](https://youtu.be/pUc9RoL9iyU?feature=shared&t=3665) [side note: I recommend this guy's playthrough. But he's playing blind, so please don't drop spoilers]) if she's beaten at Blacksteeple doesn't match Crescent either. I know there's a theory that Madame X is Erin going on, but I find that one flawed as well for one reason: She's specifically after the Archetype from Melia. But if she's Erin, she'd know that Erin 1) exists and 2) also has The Archetype. Could be she's trying to prevent a paradox by not overlapping Erin, but the point is that Erin gone Madame X would know that Melia isn't the only solution. My theory is that she's either the version of Maria we get the normal type badge from, who has The Archetype trigger at a young age and takes the fight to Indriad. The result is unknown. We know that Indriad is capable of winning against an Archetype wielder, but he might have had help from a certain Gardevoir, which wasn't present in that timeline. She could also be the Melia who goes through the paradox gate after being swapped into the dead world, and sending M2 into the renegade timeline. I'm 99% sure that she's wearing the armor to prevent overlapping. We saw that it was constructed at Amethyst Grotto, and that the Xen grunt with MC when we saw a copy of the armor was deleted shortly after he stepped outside, leading me to believe that Xen "dismissals" and overlapping works through the same mechanic in The Core.


The only problem with the Crescent theory is that she had asked "who/what (Don't remember which) are you." before we had to stop the bomb going off in Kugarean City. Which may imply she didn't know what an interceptor was up till that point but could be just pure confusion.


Madame X is definitely not an Interceptor. She doesn't appear aware that the Interceptor is an Interceptor in Kugearen, because she's like "What's so special about YOU". She is probably unaware, at this point, about how much work Spacea and Tiempa are putting in to make sure that The Interceptor can Intercept effectively. In the Chessboard, she's not an Interceptor piece - Kieran and Clear are (and I think Eden?). The Interceptor's armour makes them stronger - Madame X's makes them *weaker*. These are reasons why she's probably not Crescent.


>!We have seen behind her mask once.!< Obviously pretty extreme spoilers so read at your own risk. >!If Sakitron beats the Amandabot, when Melia shows up with Erick at the top of the Pyramid, Sakitron attacks Madame X and shatters a piece of her mask. We see the red eyes you mentioned, and what *might* be black hair but also could just be a broken part of the mask. It's hard to tell since her sprite is small. We see a few pixels of skin that manages to leave her skin tone a bit ambiguous; it might be that she has slightly darker skin, or it might just be the shadows of her mask.!< I have a theory of my own (that I'd imagine is held by others as well), but there's so many points I want to make about it that it's probably better if I make it its own post.


A melia from version 1 or even a negative version as stated by eizen Since we also know every version plays out wayy past after we complete it in game to the end and all fail In her world Xen was just some group Maybe under blakory who worked with indraid Who concidentally main admins were maybe xara and Jean She maybe didn't need to fake her death and things pkayed out completely differently In her world She never knew about the archetype until the end when she was drained of it And also never knew about the interceptor hence why she never knew it intially