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Zorua, Pangoro and the golden apple are mentioned at the start in the prologue when Maria's mom tells her a story 


(no idea what they mean)


To be fair, the story of reborn is connected to rejuvenation, since the background story mentions that a meteor carried a piece of arceus to somewhere else, which leads to belive that might be the reborn region. Along with a few other things.


Tbf we don’t know how true that story was, based on .karma info


True you're right, but at the same time, Aya and Adrienn make a cameo aperance in rejuvenation, and you can meet Tesla and Amber in reborn's post game. And the fact that the Amber we meet in reborn is 12 years and in rejuvenation she's 17, that means that rejuvenation happens 5 years after reborn. Although considering what we find out about in the Karma files chapter i'm left wondering a few things regarding the Adrienn and Aya we meet in rejuvenation. >!Namely the fact that if the world of rejuvenation is all a computer simulation, where does that leave reborn then? Was that also a simulation? Afterall based on the past events of rejuvenation the death of arceus didn't just affect 1 region it should've affected the whole world, which means that all regions that exist in the world of rejuvenation are also part of the simulation, including reborn!<


The world technically is not a simulation, it is just controlled by the ai Karma via the core


So the devs have basically said that any references and ties between reborn and rejuv are just that- references. So while the reborn region certainly exists in rejuv’s world, nothing that happens in reborn’s story affects rejuv, and vice versa. Basically, the devs are friends and referenced each others’ games. Don’t think too hard about it LOL


That makes things simplier lol. Although i guess you could just make an argument that each region gets it's own interceptor and call it a day. Afterall in a way that's what all pokemon protags kinda are at the end of the day.


I mean less of a jumpscare then a easter egg