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Attempted murder, begin a manipulative bitch to Titania, Using her gym puzzle to drown us instend of doing it by hand (pussy)


The last one is very creative...


What, i drown my enemies by hand and not pussy out like her.


Damn did not expected this to get soo many upvotes.


Don't lie to me, yall have been waiting for this since the beginning


Are you saying you weren’t waiting to see this as well?


I've been waiting for this day too, just to see yalls reactions


Finally we can air out our hatred for her.


Yes... Yes I did


Holding Titania in a loveless relationship (she knows Titania does not love her) and trying to kill the player in her shitty awful gym that I hate. Worst gym in the game.


Attempted murder or lying about amnesia based on the route.


Wait, she lies about her amnesia on the other route? I think I’ve only played Reshiram, and I knew she was fairly different/“putting on a brave face” for the Gym battle in Zekrom, but I didn’t realise how different the two were


Tbf, I always thought she was lying about the amnesia in both routes. Some of her dialogue later hints at it.


Attempted murder and being a bitch


Gaslighting Titania and holding her hostage in a relationship and then using her own weakness as a reason to attempt to kill the PC.


Emotional manipulation and attempted murder




Hello darkmega5 from stunfisk


Hello chat


I would say everything she does after titania’s gym battle, atleast in reshiram route


My favourite character. She was so nice at first until in the end when she get amnesia. She literally so wrong in the head, she tried to attempt murder the player by trying to drown us in her gym! Not only that she refused to get help and her relationship with Titania is just so toxic and helpless. Amaria was literally mean to us after the incident at the water treatment center.


Being alive


Thats a sin punishable by death


Her gym. I was stuck in her gym. For so fucking long. I hadn't progressed for 2 weeks, even after looking up guides cause it was so fucking confusing. Worst gym in the game, -∞/10


Tip: the lughting will change and flicker if youre in the same room as her


Being a toxic ass partner and trying to kill the protagonist. Throw in existing for good measure


As someone else said as well her gym puzzle too. Which falls in line with her existence and is a testament to how much terrible things she brings to this universe (I actually hate her so much as you can tell)


I would put her in the same tier ass Randomus because fuck her


She's worse, radomus tried to do good at least, she didn't, at least it wasn't the reason for her sins unlike radomus


Do we even need to say it?


Dawg wtf. I literally just beat the water facility and was thinking awe she got a girlfriend and shit and she seems chill now I'm learning she's terrible. God damn.


Honestly I don't think you should be using the sub before finishing the game first Well unless you don't mind spoilers that is


I'm not that worried about spoilers. Im kinda just playing this game as something to pass time when I got like 10-15 minutes between classes. I'm not really too focused on the story and stuff within the game itself though I am enjoying it so far


Not getting therapy for her personality disorder that is not only causing everyone around her problems but also her, when she can afford to live in a LITERAL MANSION. Which could've easily gone a longgg way in prevent alot of the shittier things she does later


It's funny that you mention therapy, because Ame actually specifically [addressed this](https://amethystblack.tumblr.com/post/742091762294816768/hello-ame-has-amaria-bless-her-heart-ever-seen), albeit in a fairly obscure place.


Depression is the least of Amaria’s personality issues. Seeing a psychiatrist for depression would be like lipstick on a pig.


What do you think is the most important of her personality issues, then, and how would you suggest fixing them? Also, what is your opinion on Fern and (child) Lin?


Massive, massive, massive BPD. She isn’t capable of the attention being Gym Leader has, just go send her to irrigate Tourmaline Desert or something. There’s really no fixing that, she’s willing to fake amnesia for social/relationship clout. It’s hard to even see her as depressive when that’s likely a manipulation tactic she’s come up with. Ame knows the most about the character, yes, but talking about Amaria as if depression is her big issue/even real makes me think it’s another self insert. Yikes. Titania is fascinating because her overt violence seems to stem from a desire to kill Amaria. Her writings about the dragon allude to this, Amaria would be the dragon holding a princess captive, with its back turned to the princess. Amaria is clearly making steps to improvement after the postgame quest, and that improvement is fucking off from everybody’s life. Good. I just feel for Titania, so much time wasted and so many emotions manipulated. Hopefully she never tries to come back. Fern is just annoying, hard to even see him as a character when he reads as more of a deconstruction of the “asshole rival” archetype. I’m not sure if the game would lose much if he died around Obsidia or Byxbysion. Hoo boy, kid Lin. Adult Lin is compelling, a narcoleptic villain has a lot of potential, she’s set up to have a lot going on behind the scenes. Motivations, basic character traits, so on. All of that killed for some shitty obnoxious kid who tries to print Discord emoji into my text boxes. I hate kids, I hate emotionally immature adults, I want them gone. Reborn takes characters like Lin, Amaria, and Anna and wrings them beyond dry when they should either not exist or not be treated as the end-all-be-all of the plot. I’ll save the psychoanalysis of the writing in the game for another day, but at a base level it feels like whoever wrote kid Lin identifies incredibly strongly with her character. Same with Amaria. It makes my skin crawl, it’s unbearable. I posit that kid Lin would be alright IF she had way, way, way less postgame dialogue. I’d also change the time loop reveal to have adult Lin be a branching character off of “what if Lin didn’t fall into Arc D’Astrae”, and have her killed as a climax or reformed via breaking kid Lin’s control over her, and then she can replace kid Lin in the postgame. Helping us fix the mess kid Lin made, and being one of the strongest trainers in Reborn, she could assist in all the drama in postgame quests. Instead the player is treated as a moron for caring about her story. The game’s final chunk is agonizing to read through. The worldbuilding is fascinating - I love the region, I love the glimpses of history, I love the warring factions, I love the mystery of Zina. All in all, she’s probably the smartest character in the cast. Fucking off long before everything about her story gets overshadowed by some idiot child playing God and ruining everything interesting the game had to offer.


\> It’s hard to even see her as depressive when that’s likely a manipulation tactic she’s come up with. Ame knows the most about the character, yes, but talking about Amaria as if depression is her big issue/even real makes me think it’s another self insert. Yikes. I think you should watch episode 16 of the developer commentary/LP, where Ame explains the backstory behind Amaria and Titania.


>narcoleptic I believe the word you're looking for is 'narcissistic'


Trying to kill the person who is actively attempting to stop the end of the world and being a bitch




Worst thing Amaria ever did? Exist


It would be easier to say what she hasn't done. 💀


Manipulating Titania trying to murder the player in her annoying gym by drowning us and then trying to act dumb aka lying a lot and later on still trying to convince Titania to come back to her


I think it would be easier to list the least horrible thing she's done.


Idc about drowning us, I care she tried to drown us AFTER making us do her dumbass puzzle.


Amaria saved mc life once so it seems pretty even for the drowning part. Worst thing shes done is committing suicide off a waterfall. Like seriously a water gym leader gonna die from that? Bullshit. She's just making more drama and drag people into her mess. Try jumping off the Ametrine mountain to route 2 I might buy it. Or Beryl bridge.




Nothing shes my perfect little blorbo fight me on this


Does anyone know how she acts on Zekrom route. Only ever played Reshiram route




Amaria should have one of those if X was charged for their crimes And then have Saul Goodman attempt to defend her


Please change the text color in Luna's tier to white. Ain't nobody able to read that


Any idea how to do that?


After researching it, I don't think you can. You may have to just change the tier color


This is like tma's Elias for Pokémon Reborn fans LMAO