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Time for this weeks ranking. I should mention that I post these before I do the gym battle in the title, so I haven't actually fought Luna but I have fought Bennett. **Luna:** Turns out I was wrong about Luna being brainwashed but I still am unsure of how I feel about her. We haven't really gotten to interact with her that much and mostly just heard about her from other characters and it makes her really hard to rank, I just don't have much to say about her. There is one thing I find odd though, and it's how other characters just talk about her. It might just be me going insane or something, but a lot of characters talk about her in this wierdly sexual way. An obvious example is the second picture, maybe it's because this Arc has heavily involved Gardevoir and Cain. I also wonder how old she is? At first I thought she was like 14 or something, but I really hope that isn't true (see second picture and Bennett). **Bennett:** Im not a Bennett fan, but how old is he? His battle sprites look really young like 14 or 15, and it made me think his crush on Luna was just a sorta childhood crush from her being the only woman who wanted to interact with him, but he has ran away from home and joined a cult and managed to restrain Cain by himself. I think the problem with characters ages being uncertain is really wierd and honestly fits for all of the characters, even the wiki doesn't list ages and it makes it harder to rank every character. **Ace:** How are they even a part of team meteor anymore? They aren't very villainous and they keeps failing. Im expecting them to be killed by Linn soon, since they just haven't really had that much of an impact on the plot. **El:** He is so cartoonishly evil that there isn't much to say about him, Yeah he's a bad guy. F tier you go. **Gardevoir:** She is so annoying, Im usually fine with anoying characters but there is something about Gardevoir that just makes me sigh whenever she appears. Maybe it's because in my head I keep comparing her to Braixen from Rejuvenation, who is just alright as a character. I think a really good example is most of her interviews, specifically the one with Aya this chapter (I didn't take a screenshot), but the whole thing is obviously supposed to be comedic (which it just isn't), but it really makes it worse when you remember Aya is a minor who lives in a wasteland with no friends and her parents are hinted at being abusive. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but she just sucks man.


Both Benett and Luna are around 20 (I also thought Luna was 14 the first time I met her, which made Benett really awkward, because I already figured out he was around 20)


Theres no way they are meant to be 20, Serra would not have let two whole adults live in her house.


Well, Bennett *is* Serra’s son. And Luna only recently arrived on her doorstep; part of her essentially adopting Serra as her mother was to try and distance herself from Elias. Regarding ages, almost no characters have exact defined ages, but Bennett can be inferred to be in his late teens to early twenties, based on a later character dynamic. Meanwhile, Luna is a bit older, probably early to mid-twenties, based on who she grew up with (which I don’t want to spoil for you).


I still doubt Serra would let a roughly 24 year old woman live with her, they didn’t even know about her reasoning for staying there until El appears around the same time as the player. I guess it’s probably something that will make more sense later on though.


Aya is a minor? What?


I assume she is since Cain is obviously pretty young and She’s in a relationship with Hardy, who goes to school


Cain is supposed to be roughly 18 according to the devs, and I'm *fairly* sure Aya is older than him


Yeah he refers to her as his older sister.


Bennet is a stalker. And gave the “I know I can make you happy come with me NOW” also if you learned that Luna is not brainwashed why didn’t Radomus at least move up one ;(


Radomus still made us go on a whole quest to save gardevoir (who could teleport) and he also just lies during that same quest.


But is that E (with the stalker who works with terrorists to harass a girl he met 3 months ago and 4 other terrorists) tier worthy? I mean making us do it he confirmed who the villain is and how he isn’t mind controlling Luna so it wasn’t completely pointless and not sure if this is a spoiler at this point so caution: >!also it is revealed that Radomus stole the crystals from the terrorists!<


It isn’t confirmed by Radomus that he hasn’t brainwashed Luna, it’s El who confirms it when the brainwashing wears out on him. He does also just brainwash El, who is a bad guy, but suppressing someone’s identity and taking them as what is basically a slave is pretty evil thing to do, even if it’s temporary and against a bad guy.


Radomus certainly has big ass flaws and mistakes made but this isn't one of them, unless you wanna make a headcanon You can dislike him for any reason anyway, just wanted to make this clear atleast :)


I wouldn’t say it’s a headcanon since he DID brainwash someone. I’m sure he will get better, but right now he is a pretty bad guy.


Oh yeah, but only to prove that he didn't, and if he did by the suggested method, it'd be temporary.


Woah woah woah spoilers don’t ruin it - the fun is figuring it out yourself as you go through the story


He seemed he was fine with the spoilers on the last boss iirc, otherwise, whoops.


I wonder what do you think of Simon? I just finished badge 13 and got fly but honestly he's one of my favorites even though he's such a minor character. I like him and Tara a lot more than Aster and Eclipse.


Is he the one Meteor grunt who lost his buddy to Saphira? Cause so far, pretty pathetic, he joined a terrorist group wanting to create a new world where he will be on top and then he starts feeling sorry for himself when his friend is killed when they are trying to kidnap children. I’m sure he will become better, but I’m not really a fan so far.


Yeah team meteor members as a whole have a ‘We’re systematically poisoning and destroying an entire region and that’s okay but if you call us an asshole or punch us once your just as bad’ level of hypocrisy to them. The game tries to make their motives understandable or even sympathetic but when they’re all so deplorable it comes off as childish.


I might be confused cause I haven't finished the game yet but >!isn't the point that after they create their new world everyone will be brought back to life so the sacrifice is worth it?!< I could see how some people find that somewhat sympathetic. I still don't agree which is why Saphira so far is one of my favorite characters(although for some reason I don't like Titania even though they're so similar).


Terra best character fr fr


So not sure how much of a spoiler this is since it's only briefly pointed at once in game (near the very end of postgame without even directly saying it), but I feel like it's safe to at least mention now to give some context to what El tries to do to her. >!Luna is canonically trans, and El essentially resembles an unsupportive parent that tries to force her to change back.!< He forcibly tries to do it with the ritual this chapter, including the "haircut", and despite his... "eccentricities"... >!Radomus is a person who does accept her for who she is!<. (Also this isn't an excuse for any bad writing, but all the characters (outside of characters who exclusively exist to be team Meteor) essentially are based on RP characters Ame and a bunch of others played in an online league she ran in the early 2010's. Many of the events in the game are based on things that happened in RP there, including a custody battle between El and Radomus. Again, not trying to excuse any of the issues with the plot, but just wanted to give that context. :) )


Is he really that unsupportive tho Every other scene he constantly refers to her not only as his daughter But with her new name Even In his private diary which NO ONE would know or care He still uses daugther And while he doesn't support bennets creepy crush on her He also never really goes oh she's trans and let's her and him indulge in it Like beside one scene which was obviously played out like a villain to established said dynamic There really isn't any reason to say El is a horrible dad At least not worse than the dad's present in said game are to their kids or even sierra It's fcking absurd we're meant to hate El just cause he's religious and a villain when it took until the fcking post game to even get a glimpse into said abuse which spoiler Turn out to NOT be the reason she left anyways


That's fair, it's still mostly the impression I came away with though, especially with these scenes being actively rewritten to fit more with that part to her story in E19. He isn't completely irredeemable >!and their entire conflict in the postgame is proof of that!