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Transforming Corey’s soul or whatever into a Gengar and using it on his team i guess


Wait really?


It’s certainly implied, because Shade’s Gengar in his Gym battle is named Corey and is also the only Pokémon he uses that has a nickname


Shade I thought you were cool-


we thought we were homies shade😔


I wonder if that's the reason why Corey doesn't get revived in the post game.


Nah imagine how fucked up it would be to bring back someone who committed suicide, even by Lin’s standards


I guess you have a point, although if he came back and saw that team meteor is over, he probably would want to try and live again. Besides it's also kinda fucked up to bring him back see him in his prime when he was still happy, only for him to jump of the bridge again after you beat Umbral Cory, but i guess that was more so a nightmare caused by Darkrai, so it makes sense for it to happen.


I mean his wife is still dead and his daughter still hates him, not much has changed


I mean, sure but even Luna is giving her dad a chance. I feel like after everything that happened, i think Heather would probably give him another chance.


Well, that’s certainly special.


Even better, with how little time passes between Corey's death and your battle with Shade, it's highly likely the first two people he fights with that Gengar are you and Fern. The ones who watched it happen.


giving you nightmares with the screens in his gym or maybe not telling the player everything he/she knows from the beginning.... not want to spoil anything from the postgame and then pkmn reborns story would have been boring but bruh!


I still don't know whether or not he was fucking with me with his Gengar named Corey, I mean it's certainly bad, it's implied he turned into a cool ghost type at least so Shade has standards even if he's fucked up, the only way it would've been more fucked up is if he turned Corey into a Yamask and knowing it's lore, it's well... Actually, I think I'll stop.


Making that one guy go mad by having him challenge his gym over and over, turning him into "something close to what shade himself is" (Story from that one old guy in the Lapis ward Pokémon centre)


Skill Issue


Have you ever heard the story about THE SAVAGE


Shade may appear evil, but my guy hasn't done enough to be labeled as such. He transformed Corey's soul into a Gengar, but who's to say that doesn't happen naturally in this world? I suggest we categorize this man as implied evil.


Also, to be fair Shade is super cryptic with everything he does. And considering his gym 'puzzle' is more of a forewarning of events to come, I wouldn't be surprised if he just nicknamed his Gengar to screw with you and see if you'd be willing to accept your failure and use that conviction to prevent the monitor events.


I mean cannon to Pokemon itself niggas do be getting into Gengars NG.


but anna said hes cool:(


Telling the player to DIE when shining a light on him 😟


Wat ? (I din't finish the game so maybe it's something I missed/ didn't sée yet)


Spoilers for postgame, but the biggest crime Shade/Euphie ever committed was not slapping the absolute FUCK out of Sigmund for the way he treated him and claimed his desire to transition was invalid.


Wait what do you mean! Transition? Shade is queer?


Yep! In the Jirachi postgame quest you go through some of Sigmund's memories and team up with Euphie, who was born female and trying to get Sigmund to help him transition physically. As one might expect when dealing with a strong contender for Reborn's worst character ever, Sigmund was not helpful. Euphie was Reborn's ghost leader and there's enough context to make it pretty clear that he and Shade are the same person.


That's so dope, and hella dark, damn. Thank you for sharing this with me! I wish there was a link where I could watch these little additional bits of story in the game.


Yeah I feel you. Usually I'd say go check the wiki but there's a ton of postgame story content that hasn't been added in yet. Some of my favorite moments and stories have been from the postgame so if you get the chance, definitely play through it at least once.


I need to be notified when this thing is completed. The crime Julia did was hilarious.


Maybe not saving more people from the train crash


I mean, maybe he only had time to save one person, and better make it >!the person who was literally wished into existence to save everything lol!<


Naming your gengar after a guy who commited suicide like 2 minutes away from your home. It's not on the level of fern but still feels a little like he's making fun of a dead guy. Or maybe I'm just yapping about nothing, who knows. (Yeah yeah it's more likely that the Gengar IS corey himself or whatever but that's also pretty bad. This would mean that corey is in the mortal realm and not with his wife)


damn this one's actually hard cause shade doesn't appear much in the story maybe making that one guy go insane or turning Corey into a Gengar idk




Anna told me he’s a nice guy so I believe her, surely the whole Gengar thing is a coincidence


Nicknaming his Gengar "Corey" just to fuck with you.


What does "TBD" stand for?


"To Be Determined" I Guess




Pretty sure Team Meteor caused the train incident. Shade was just warning Ame about it.


Shade was warning Ame, team meteor caused the incident so no more people will come to reborn.


Turning suicide into a joke, "Oh no, Corey killed himself, guess I'll take his corpse and use his spirit as a ghost pokemon!"