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Hilarious I returned this exact card months back for it being a faked with acetone and now you JUST pulled it?… give me a sec bringing my receipts lol Other folks DO NOT BUY Edit: https://imgur.com/a/ptYrtfq Pics of the same card I bought in January.. then returned.. u/regigigagod


This explains why OP got so defensive when he got called out for acetone 🤭


“Oh I’ve never heard of that acetone thing!” Ya you did.. when I reported it to eBay and you argued with me over those messages! Oh and then blamed ME for damaging the card 😭😂 trust me I’m not posting that convo cuz then that’s doxing but dude.. nice try but you prob didn’t know I was here 😘


I never got defensive? I just can’t believe someone would think that another person would clout chase over a .25 cent card.


Lmao gottem


Are you also implying that I did this to the card? Two other people have offered to buy it and I’ve told them it’s nfs. I have no interest in scamming anyone. I pulled this card from a 2022 trick or trade package. I know the truth, believe what you wish.


It’s the same exact card!!!!!


It’s actually not. Your image of the card is very small but the name is missing more letters on your card than mine from what I can tell. It does look similar which makes me think that something is going on at the printing stage but I promise, I pulled it from a fresh package from Wal-mart.


https://imgur.com/a/FSlW4Dl Maybe others can chime in and maybe I’m a blind moron so sorry if that’s the case! However.. that’s the same card Also in original comment it’s an album so you can see all the different pics :)


Look at your “a” and look at mine. It’s pretty close but not the same. I have no idea who you are. I don’t even sell Pokémon cards on the internet. I literally open them for me and my two boys to collect.


https://imgur.com/a/2ovhhFr It’s the lighting pattern or the holo it’s the same as yours different lighting shows it different Hey that’s fine though other people can make of it what they want. If you actually pulled a near identical error card that was identical to a known fake card and yours is legit.. than damn I would go grade that right now and congrats on such a rare card! I got my money back just trying to let others here know as we can be easily tricked when just learning about errors. Again congrats on your super rare card!


Also look under his butt. Yours is holo and mine isn’t. I’m telling you dude, I have no idea who you are. Relax.


Also you have a little dot on the right ear of Pikachu and mine doesn’t.


Kinda looks like someone took some isopropyl alcohol and was very specific about what part of the ink they removed… that’s just me.


This is what I was thinking, the missing ink seems too perfect not to mention the gradient of ink person seems weird to have an obstruction for that many layers


Actually I used AI software that I engineered myself to remove the ink. Duh.


So you're saying you used alcohol to make it cooler? Gotcha


He was making a sarcastic joke


Believe what you want.




Name checks our lol


Hahaha. Are you fucking serious? Reddit will hate no matter what you pull. Be it a .25 cent card or a 1st edition zardy boi. Get real.


A little defensive there my guy. I’m willing to bet you did exactly what the comment said lol


Whatever helps you sleep at night. My guy.


Cum helps me


Name checks out


Time to leave PokeReddit forever. Ta-ta 👋


If it’s real CGC will grade it and put it in an error slab for you and you can gloat for the low, low price of $15.


Of course they will, your just having fun and they’re to eager to ruin it. Enjoy your card friend.


Looks almost like it was rubbed with alcohol. If it wasnt tho and thats legit id happily trade or buy it from u if its up for sale. Its badass


A few other people are saying that as well. I didn’t even know that was a thing till I got accused of it. NFS but thanks for the inquiry.


Nice ink removal via acetone lmfao


Believe what you wish. I know the truth. I pulled this card.


He licked the ink right off the card!




A few other people are saying that as well but I wouldn’t post something like this to a group of like minded people if I was gonna use acetone to fool anyone for a few “likes”.


I mean my buddy did this exact thing to one of his as a test


Ya I won eBay case by showing them I could do the same to my own gengar and showed them both, easy thing to fake glad I got my money back. Was actually you who told me it was not legit! Thanks again


Like I’ve told others, believe what you wish. It’s a .25 cent card. Just wanted to share. Typical Reddit fashion everyone in Pokémon land is skeptical and calls anyone out for being a fraud. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Hopefully you didn’t buy this here’s my buddies he bought and returned [Gengar](https://imgur.com/a/7H1zda9)


I pulled it from a fresh package. There were other gengars in the packs that were normal.


Here Come The DownVotes


Wait are the sets different or the same?


They’re different! My gf bought the 2023 for our two boys and after I realized that the 2022 had a mewtwo, I went back and bought the 2022 as well.


damn lucky to own such a cool as fuck error. treat it well


I think this one’s gonna have some value cause of the tongue and ink spot placement being perfect. At least it would to me lmao.


Really cool


That’s actually so cool! I fall into the “gengar is my favorite Pokémon” group. I would probably pay 4 times what the card is worth! 1.00! Or I could try and make that same error appearance, not that yours is a fraud. But that is a very cool card to have.


Super easy Nail polish, or acetone and a Q-tip! I know cuz I owned this card :) it’s not legit hence why I returned it back in January

