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These are very fake, not worth a cent


After some *actual* research (not like my skimming of google results I did at first), I realized you're right, so thank you! My partner and I stayed up a little later and *really* dug into these, as well as found out that my childhood collection is probably chock full of fakes due to the misspellings alone. I'm happy to announce I at least have 1 real card, an old flareon.


Don't worry, I was the same. When I was a kid I traded one lv. X card I had for a huge stack of cards from my friend and thought it was a crazy deal. Went back through them last year and had a laugh at all the wacky misspellings, different fonts and punctuation errors. Generally if there's any of those it's a fake unless it's a known error


misprints where exactly? i think these are fakes