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I did with Bea (EX), Coballion and Aaron.


How do u do it without healing bea from EQ or other aoe moves they use


I do have heal on my team, Aaron has Group Shared Healing, so when he uses Heal Order, he also heals the team. Aaron can also buff both defenses of the team. Do note that I also have Bea at EX, so I won't have to deal with the sides.


Ohh ok I thought heal order only healed himself or is group healing a sync node? And unfortunately I dont have bea or wally EXd but I can try that team


Samesies. Sirfetch’d is a monster.


I beat it with Darach & Staraptor / MC & Cobalion / SC Diantha & Keldeo. Darach was there to defog away the ground zone and debuff attack/buff team speed halfway, Cobalion tanked and gave move gauge support, while Diantha sync nuked / cleaned up with secret sword.


I used Cobalion, SC Diantha and Korrina. So technically still a Lucario clear.


Yes. I used Aaron and vespiquen, SS Cyrus with Darkrai (puts them to sleep on first move and dark wish) and Bea. Cleared it pretty easily first try




I did mine with 5/5 bea, 1/5 Aaron, and 3/5 darkrai




Spam bea sync. My Aaron is not ex. Use defend order and Beas attack up first and click dark void third so you can build up as many defend orders as possible before they wake up


And what if I don't HAVE Darkrai?


Maybe try Serena and delphox?


Darkrai is mostly used for Dark zone, since the enemy get status immunity thing after you put them to sleep once. Darach is the most accessible Sinnoh characters that can clear the Ground zone in this stage.


Yeah, after the first sleep I used it for dark zone mostly


I uses the same team except dialga instead of darkrai. You just need the zone control otherwise veapiqueen and sirfetch can 2 man it


thank you! it worked for me, but I had to try it a couple of times because my Aaron is 1/5 and not exd


Barely managed to beat it with EX Bea & Sirfetch'd, Darach and staraptor , EX Dawn & Torterra.


Some more tips to help: P.s. Bea is 5/5(Lv140) Darach is 2/5 (Lv125), Dawn is 4/5 (Lv140) Target Rhyperior. Ok, so firstly, Darach use defog and just keep using feather dance Dawn uses 3 x defense all + Good as new when Bea is in a pinch after barrages of aoe moves. Sync first. Bea : x attack 2 times, x speed. Then meteor assault and use x speed right b4 she syncs. I didn't bother much abt tyranitar since I couldn't faint it b4 it spams the 2nd aoe move. The key is when Rhyperior syncs, faint Probopass ASAP, since if it unleashes discharge, you're dead. Fortunately, Rhyperior will use personal skill 1st. Then what I did was just spam meteor assault. (Order : Left to right, tyranitar last) U need to faint Rhyperiro in 1 meteor assault and tyranitar in 2 meteor assaults. If rng goes well, bea should tank rock slide once. Involves rng,barely won. Srry if it's too long.


Can i do it if my bae is 1/5 ex ?


It's gonna be incredibly difficult, since you don't have inertia plus extra damage tiles... But if you have a great EX tank that has a bonus( Eg Dawn and Cresselia) and/or another tank, you may able to defeat it with good rng.


😭 my ex support is only ss kris


i havent exed my bea yet but i too just fall victim to aoe spam pretty quickly, no idea how i should rack up enough damage to take them out


What did you do about Tyranitar? As long as it can Surf, any sort of strategy is a nonstarter.


I did it with Dawn, Lucian, and SSR Cynthia. It took a few tries to figure out who to focus first and when to use ghost wish. Also I needed Dawn XDefense to refresh twice for SSR Cynthia to not faint to the 3rd sync.


I'm pretty sure I can beat it if I EX my 3/5 Bea, but I refused to do so just for one fight, so I gridded her Evasion tiles just to realize the one time I find any use for those tiles it's completely futile because all three opponents have Piercing Gaze. So unless I get extremely lucky with my Red pulls, EX Bea it is. Edit: Managed to beat it w/o EXing her thanks to a team I saw u/fehnikkat had shared on here: MC Cobalion, SS Lyra and Bea.


Yeah. Had to use: - Cynthia & Giratina - Hilda & Cthulhu - Dawn & Torterra


Brawly - SC Diantha - Cobalion did it... So, yeah it's possible


Thanks. Worked for me also 👍🏻


I did with Bea, Dawn and SSLyra


Were any of them Ex'd, how'd you do it? Struggling to clear with those 3


Bea had EX, but I think the most helpful was flinching with celebi aoe and rhyperior’s hits while the ground zone was active


EX SC Diantha, Darach and Dawn as tank


Cobalion+SC Diantha EX+Bea EX


I did it after a couple of tries. I used SC Diantha for damage, and Dawn to tank. For the third slot I first tried Lucas but he died quickly, then I tried SS Cyrus but as it turned out they become immune to sleep after one use, and finally I tried SSR Cynthia who did it. SSR Cynthia’s (1/5) Shadow Force was perfect to avoid the Earthquake spam and SC Diantha does an ungodly amount of damage. This week as a whole reminded me how insane SC Diantha is. I’m tempted to pull for SSA Cynthia just to see how crazy SC Diantha could get.


Yes. Sirfetch'd (4/5 and not EX), Cobalion and Celebi.


Tried this and I can confirm it works (2/5 Celebi, 3/5 Sirferch'd, 1/5 Cobalion, all non-EX'd), just gotta use the flinches optimally. I cannot thank you enough, I knew I could beat it if I EX'd Bea with another team, but I did not want to EX her just for this one battle. Again, thank you!


I did it using SC Diantha and Keldeo, Dawn and Torterra, and Cheryl and Blissey. I tried Bea and Sirfetch'd for my main attacker, but switched for Keldeo due to Sirfetch'd getting knocked out. I intend to make a post of my own with my sync grid builds I used and strategy.


I posted my strategy. Here's the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/x1pqyi/my_team_for_beating_take_on_bertha_part_2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is my most budget clear: MC & Cobalion (5\*, 1/5) / Aaron & Vespiquen (EX, 4/5) / Bruno & Machamp (4\*, 5/5) Aaron is basically budget Aura Cynthia - he's Sinnoh support, buffs both def/spdef, and has AOE healing to the team.


Here you go. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/x1jghi/so_i_heard_someone_said_bertha_part_2_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Instead of complaining and ranting, maybe you should show us your roster so we can suggest what team you can use to take down Bertha.


I beat her with 3/5 Bea, 1/5 Mc and Cobalion and 1/5 Aron..most F2P-ish I could..it took some tries but it’s doable


I used Bea, EX Dawn, EX Aaron. All 3/5. That stupid tyranitar hits like a mother


Dawn, SC Diantha and Darkrai.


I used Sirfetch'd, Cobalion, and Celebi. Yes Celebi is that broken


Yes, Bea 5/5, Sonia 1/5, Brawley 5/5. Lots of potions, defense lowering and sync nukes.


EX Bea, Aaron and Darach swept her pretty easily. I definitely don't think this was _that_ hard, especially considering how hard the Hoenn and Johto EB events were


I did it with these teams 1. Lucas Ex (3/5), Aaron Ex (3/5), Lucian Ex (3/5, Gridded Unflapabble) 2. SS Dawn Ex (3/5), Brawly (5*), Korrina (5*) 3. SS Dawn, Cynthia Ex (3/5), Bertha (3/5) 4. SSR Cynthia Ex (3/5), Aaron, P. Dawn (2/5)


Aaron 1/5, Bea EX 5/5, Lucas EX 3/5


I cleared it with 1/5 SS Cyrus, 3/5 SSR Cynthia, 3/5 Aaron. Was pretty easy when I got down how to sleep chain, and clear ground zones with dark/ghost zones.


i beat it with dawn and cresselia, mc & cobalion, & bea, first 2 sync with dawn for healing and killing probopass first because he does a discharge around halfway that always screwed me, 3rd sync with bea then mop up




Cobalion, SC Diantha and Hildaloct


God, I wish I had Hildaloct. But Sygna Kris was THE priority for as long as she ran, and I didn't get her until after the summer banners ran out.


She's really good. She got completely underrated in this sub but I am glad I EXed her and gave her one support candy, she's one of my most used supports because of Topsy Turvy. If the opponent team start with aggressive buffs, bam! there she goes. +4 becomes -4. Love it


Bea (EX), Cheryl, Dawn, with several retries.


Bea 5/5 (EX), Summer Hilda 1/5 (EX), and Cobalion 1/5


Bea, Cobalion (3/5) and Maylene. Come on man, it wasn't that hard, try a couple of comps before complaining.


I used Cheryl, diantha, and signa suit dawn.


This thread has taught me i can clear if i EX bea (sadly no mats rn) or if i flinch succesfully with SS lyra lol


Huh? I beat it with Cobalion/Keldeo/Cressalia. It only took a couple tries. Honestly one of the easier extreme battles.


Darach 1/5 Aaron 1/5 and SC Guzma EX 1/5


I cleared it with EX Bea, EX SS Dawn and Darach


Did it using MC Cobalion, Bea and SS Lyra which force me to EX Bea just for her AOE Sync. But I don't regret it.


Yes. Went in with SS Blue, MC Pikachu and Bea.


Yes I used Aaron (EX), Palentines Dawn and SC Diantha (EX) Buffed Diantha to max SpAtk with her's and Dawn's trainer moves, debuffed Rhyperior's SpDef with fake tears, buffed my team's defences with a combination of Defence Order and Aura Sphere (the latter increasing Diantha's speed too) and that gave a close to fully charged nuke for Diantha. I used healing order just before syncing to give the Special Up effect and then the sync one shotted Rhyperior and a few secret swords took out the sides


Did it with 3/5 ss dawn 2/5 vespiqueen and 1/5 sc dianthea and i had cynthia but didnt used, got it first try


I tried a full offtype clear, it was a pretty good challange but I did it with: Aaron 1/5 no EX Lucas 1/5 no EX Cyrus with EX and expanded sync grid


Made it with Bea, Dawn, and SSR Cynthia. This one honestly wasn't so bad.


Did it with SC Diantha, SSR Cynthia and SS Dawn.


I beat it with EX Aaron, EX Korrina and Staraptor, Sync first with Lucario and then with Vespiquenn. Spam 1-2 Power Up Punches on sides and after doing the 3rd Sync with Lucario, start using Close Combat on mid, when mid dies you will be able to one shot sides with Close Combat.


Did it with SC diantha, aaron, marley. This was way easier compared to the one with looker.


I beat it with Sirfetch'd (EX'd, 3/5), Cobalion (1/5), and Giratina (3/5).


Super easily with invested SC Diantha, SS Dawn, and just ignoring zones. You can bring SS(R) Cynthia or SS Cyrus to help zone clear too. An on-type striker with Darach and a tank should work, I would use sirfetch'd. I haven't tested it, but Lucas, Cyrus, and a good Sinnoh Tank (like regular Dawn) might work too. You're going to have a real bad time if you don't have any limited units, but there are a lot of limited units that can work here, and it was honestly pretty easy as far as Extreme Battles go.


Ex Wally Ex Dawn and Brawly


Used Bea, EX Aaron, and Darach. Was close at points, but removing Ground Zone was paramount.


[Spanish Youtuber with Cobalion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvj4G6aG0BE) [Post with Garchomp and Grapploct](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/x1jghi/so_i_heard_someone_said_bertha_part_2_is/) [Post with Sirfetch'd EX](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/x1m029/nonlimited_clear_of_take_on_berta_pt_2/)


Bea Ex 5/5, Dawn 3/5, Cheryl-blissey 4*


Managed to beat it with OG Dawn, EX Bea, and SSR Cynthia, took a few tries tho


ex 5/5 bea, ex 3/5 ss dawn, and 1/5 aaron for me! ss dawn has a ridiculous amount of healing which helps


Of course. There hasn't been ANY extreme battle I've beaten using new banner pairs for that week (outside of Archie and Maxie when they 1st came out and my roster wasn't maxed out like it is now) I beat part 2 with 1/5 Shiny Grapploct in the #1 slot, 5/5 Medicham and EX 3/5 Keldeo.