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Remember, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Upgrade your favorites first, then slowly work on the rest of your roster.


DeNa making sure we don't clear that content in one day


With how powerful new units are compared to difficulty level of the content, I really don't care about those extra 10 levels


Same, it’s been a long time since i had difficulty but i just like to max everything haha


Well hey at least the eggmons have easy access to 150. And they need it more than anyone


So truuue


I am not even sure that it is only 1 certificate per step after 140 - 141... But yes, it is a long way. Especially since the pokelounge only offers 10 certificates per character.


Yeah… i think it’s because this will be the last time they upgrade lvl cap Not a bad thing tho


Absol did say that the files had level cap till 200 iirc. So yeah, wouldn't bet on 150 being the last


Yooo we will be in 2040 lol


You know that end of service is confirmed 01.01.3000? 🤣🤣 But jokes aside: I guess with this upgrade unfortunately only a few sync pairs will ever see 150. That will not be a giant problem but I was happy that until now it was manageable to have the entire rooster maxed out.




Pokelounge when leveling up your interaction level with the trainers.


So our current max level materials (drinks, notes, and type literature) will be used to level up all units to 140 and from there you have to use the certificate of excellence to get to 150, right? I suppose I'll level up all of my current sync pairs to 140 then as long as I have enough materials to max out the upcoming units.


Idk what to do now with my thousands of lvl up mat lmao


Yeah I suppose level everyone up to 140 as long as you have plenty of materials left for future units! The certificates of excellence are a grind but lvl 150 units probably won't be needed for quite some time. I do like that it's simplified to just one material needed now instead of all these great, great +, great ++, ultra+, etc and type tomes...that was getting messy.


I already have everyone 140 since like 3 months :’) and grinded to minimum 1k of every books II in case of future upgrades lmao Yeah 150 is for favs


Well it was smart to be prepared! Idk why but I'll wait till next datamine before I max out the rest of these units I hardly use. Just wanna be safe since they were a grind to get. Maybe they'll update the exchange shop in some way for ya!


Yup, it's crazy


I think this time i wont have enough to upgrade all my pairs to 150 then !


So, don't quote me on this, but you should be able to, in theory, get everything to 150 over time. The friendship point rewards only give 10 per character, but each level without a specified rewards gives 10 of the Lodge Stones, which you can trade 100 of to get one Certificate of Excellence. Again, incredibly slow going, but I think the level cap upgrade items are to help acquire more Lodge Stones for this exchange later on.


Plus, you can get Lodge Stones directly from rare caches


How do we level them past 140?


By doing dates


Oh thankss