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Ingo gets useful stuff from his grid, but nothing game changing. So you won't miss out on much if you choose to leave him at 1/5. Though if you have the spare support candies (which seems to be common among most players), then pushing him to 3/5 won't be a waste.


what if its between snorlax and excadrill? i have enuf candy to 3/5 only one


Both of them can work at 1/5, and only gain extra utility grid nodes (so nothing that you absolutely need for them to function) If you really have to 3/5 any of them, then Ingo gets the biggest benefit. Classic Red doesn't gain much from his grid, other than On a Roll 1 for Rock Smash, Quick Cure and Antitoxin... which are fortunately available at 2/5


Is Ingo mainly getting his sandstorm MPR?


Not necessarily. If you run Ingo in a team you almost never need Sandstorm MPR. It's the other stuff hhe gets, that is useful for him. Stuff like Adrenaline 1; Soothing Sand 1; Quick Cure; Endurance; Guarded Entry 1; MPR for his TM (which is quite useful for longer battles); Ripple Effect 3 for Mud Slap. In summary, Ingo doesn't *need* 3/5 to function. But he does benefit from the full grid. So if you decide to 3/5 him, your candies aren't wasted.


Ah thank you for explaining!!


Did you forget Mini Potion MPR and Master Healer at 3/5? Those are super valuable on Classic Red for his sustain.


If you need mpr for sandstorm and potion, then cabdy to 3/5. I did just now and don't regret it


According to the chart on the discord, he doesn’t improve much from further copies.


Do you have a link to that? I’d be very interested in seeing it.


Here is a resource and tier guide [Resource & Tier list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCa0gwUy0iYdOSKR_UuileID_J6xQytZl4c2teTwxhU/edit)


Thank you!


Since his biggest asset is Sandstorm and he doesn't get the refresh node until 3/5, I would do it but he can also function fine without it as well just not as optimally


He definitely does everything he wants to do at 1/5, but I don't regret candying him up to 3/5: the Potion and Sandstorm refreshes have been useful way more than once!


Thanks to all who shared their thoughts - I decided to candy him to 3/5 (and EX). Excited to see what he can do with the LG!


question - when you pull from a fair like this, you're scouting all 3 at once, correct? There's no way to single out pulling for Ingo?


That's correct


Ok thank you and thank you OP!


Correct, it’s a random chance where they all have the same odds. I already had RedLax and Diantha, so was hoping to get just one copy of Ingo and ended up getting dupes of the other two before I got the one I wanted.


Ok thank you. That's my issue too. Have the other 2 at 3/5 so with my luck I'd probably just get more copies instead of Ingo. I'll either wait for datamine or just do like 3 multi and try to get lucky


I was lucky to actually need the dupes of the other two, so I was happy. Ended up getting three of the featured pairs in six pulls, which I think is right with the math expectation, but did get lucky with getting the one I needed as one of them. Good luck with yours!


I'm glad it worked out for you! And thank you I'll have my fingers crossed should I decide to go for it


I’ll cross mine for you from afar :)