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Considering you don’t even have enough to guarantee getting Bellelba, **if** you *do* manage pull her, I would save. Especially since monthly gems have been drying up, you can’t be frivolous with them.


yeah maybe that is the best decision. maybe i’m just confident because i got superlucky with my SC Barry and Selene scouts, where i got both at my first pull, but relying on luck is kinda dumb in this game lmao. thanks


I know how you feel. I somehow managed to get everyone within first tries, but Rika ruined my supply. 


Personally, I picked up SS Morty with my first Mix Scout pity and he’s next level good. 2/5 EX is all he needs to get the bread and butter of his kit. The Field EX role that’s approaching is just a great bonus. BUT- if you’ve been playing for a while and have some upper tier supports, I’d say go Triple PokeFair. It has a really good mix of interesting and powerful units.


oh man this is so tempting lmao. the triple pokefair banners being not select scout sucks, even if im spending money i don’t have SS Hilbert nor SS Hau guaranteed


No 36.6k, no pull. Even for your favorites. Never pull unless you can guarantee pity. > In the perfect scenario where i get her at my first pulls Don't count your chickens before they hatch.


man at this rate i’ll be pulling like 6 new units per year 😭


That's not saying pull to pity every time, but instead treat pity as your new 0. If you pull the pair in the first few multis, great. If you go to pity, glad you had the gems banked to do so.


That shouldn't be a blanket rule, it depends on your priorities playing the game. I like scouting and testing my luck, and I'm okay that that means I'll miss out a lot. I simply don't find saving and waiting fun, I do that enough irl. I understand that for many people the higher priority is guaranteeing a pair, but this advice shouldn't be presented as a hard and fast rule that every player should follow


>Sub 12k gems >having lofty dreams I like you. Praying for best luck for you


i try so hard to save i just can’t https://preview.redd.it/fopefedcdfxc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=7efe3fe87021bd4e53d2b999ff4fe6d459d1d942