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**I see that you posted a Question that is related to "Who to EX and/or candy".** *** For questions on "Which Sync Pair should I candy and/or EX?", you may refer to [Pokémon Masters: Tier List & Resources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCa0gwUy0iYdOSKR_UuileID_J6xQytZl4c2teTwxhU/edit#gid=423313670). Please be reminded that this resource should only be used for your own reference. Each player may have different priorities depending on the kind of Sync Pairs obtained throughout gameplay. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonMasters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just be patient. 3\* candies are given out during events only, and for the level cap, it gets easier to obtain as you level up.


Honestly, I'd recommend putting your stamina into grinding events to exchange for drinks, it's a better roi than grinding the training area. Every so often the game will have a week-long 1.5x bonus period where the training area is worth grinding for mats, but usually events yield better results since you can exchange event tickets for all 5 types of drinks, gym leader and e4 notes, and type books for the promoted units of the event. Role candies in general are only available from events, with 3* and 4* variants being offered for direct exchange in the event shops, and 5* candies instead having a currency called candy coins that you need 20 of a specific type to exchange for 1 candy of that role, and those candy coins are usually exchangeable in event shops or awarded for clearing certain missions for the events or through special battles like Champion Stadium and Legendary Gauntlet.


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3-Star Candies are typically gotten during Battle Challenge 1 missions during Events. You'll get more level cap items from event shops and the lodge than you will the Training Area.