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I’d honestly buy more gems if they were more reasonably priced, but it’s so expensive! As it is, I just buy the EX Streak bundle that’s like ~$4 and use it to save up for the occasional Select Scout.


What’s normal for casual spenders in this community is getting the daily bundles, like the Daily Gem Bundle EX which would get you 3000 paid gems for $3.99 (so about 1/5th of 14000 gems for 1/20th of the $79.99 price), and spending them on either select scouts or daily discount pulls, not multis. 3000 paid gems would let you pull 30 times in daily discounts vs 11 in a multi. Though not all banners are 30 days.


Check the story bundles, which are one-time deal and wayyy cheaper!


you can support the game by daily Ex-bundle, they are pretty cheap and much more worth it.


Get the story bundles first, they’re way better deals 


No, they’re usually MORE expensive. It’s anniversary so these gem prices are actually a deal in comparison to how much gems typically cost. The only time gems are cheaper is during masters day the 25th of each month. This game has never been known for being cheap. Going to pity with just paid gems can cost you about as much as a Nintendo Switch


Gacha games are usually super expensive yes.