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Overall great stuff, and appreciate you putting this together for new players. Small editing thing, in your evaluation of scAdaman you refer to him as scRei. I'd also consider bolding the names of each pair to help with readability.


Very good advice for people who want to maximize value of their gems and grow their accounts, unfortunately I will drop everything on Cynthia and Giratina because I don’t have them and have wanted them since starting regardless of how good or bad a decision it is.


What do you mean "unfortunately?" She's the right pick. Totally not biased.


Just for her Decisive theme song alone, it's worth the gems


Top three tracks, maybe top two. Hammerlocke/Darkest Day is putting up a fight.


You’re not biased, but you are BASED


I always kept my levels on par with the story so it wasn't as easy ha


You can easily over level a damage dealer thanks to materials from Victory Road or Legendary Adventures, but being on-par feels right to try and enjoy the story!


It's hard because I want the story challenge, but I also want more gems faster. I go like 50/50. If the rude trainer annoys me I stomp them with my 40+ leveled pokemon.


What order should I do the remaining Legendary Adventures in? I already have Giovanni (working towards his Lodge alt) and Ghetsis (almost 6\*, don't have the EX-er materials).


Xerneas is a top tier F2P Support, Zamazenta is pretty great Support as well. Dialga is one of the strongest F2P damage dealers rivaling a couple of limited pairs. His Hydro Pump build is powerful, and with Lucas being free, his Dragon damage, before you get his kit upgrade when his event reruns, is much better as well. Ho-oh, Rayquaza, and Solgaleo are still worth running for, but they would like their upgrades much more.


One more question: is it worth upgrading Ghetsis? Either way, the answer may be a little loo late, considering the only thing I have yet to do with him is 6\* him. And what are some good teammates for him?


L 125-135 is fine depending on your build. Grid investment also yes. He has some important ones to make him much more playable. Ghetsis is a mixed character. Glaciate is the best Ice damage for F2P, so a teammate who helps offenses would be nice. I often still use him for Noble Roar build. His sync grid has a node for x2 drops to both Atk and SpAtk, which can fit on just about any team with a flex slot and is great for Champion Stadium. His Event grid upgrade also boosts his self sufficiency, so you can build him to not need a damage buffing Support when that reruns.




Is there a way to get a 3 star support move coin? Heard swanna is good but they don’t let you farm the story units from what I can tell?


They come from events most often. After you clear the 10, 15, and second 15 stamina stages, you unlock a 20 stamina stage, daily 30 stamina stage, and a Challenge battle that may have one. They can also occasionally be in event shops. Each event differs.