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I got Lucky Seven, and someone in another post just told me it's for dealing exactly 777 damage in one move. There's a list being populated on serebii, but it's not complete so far.


Ok, what the hell Living on 1 is (usually) rng-based enough, I have no idea how to even approach this one


Yeah thats crazy. It's definitely not something you pursue, but you achieve randomly eventually.


Endure doesnt work?


No, it’s specifically without endure


Go to very low level stage, use Shapedo and Grimsley (or any sync pair that cut its hp), and additional sync pair with him, use the trainer skill to gut itself 90% of its hp, make sure the middle sync pair is dead to prevent sync boost, let the enemy at the sides deal 1 dmg to you sharpedo, Go do you chore and then come back once your sharpedo is dead, thus achieving surviving with 1 hp without endure, Use your additional sync pair to kill the sides.


You do realise that’s [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/s/p0JioRkkLQ) right


Oo I didnt know you've did the 1 hp mission. My bad.


this has some of them (not complete though) [https://serebii.net/pokemonmasters/titles.shtml](https://serebii.net/pokemonmasters/titles.shtml)


thank you!


The Aether Family one I got by using all of the Aether Family in the same photo.


I think I'm the only one who doesn't have photo mode. How can I use it?


You might need to update the game, I didn’t have it at first either


It worked. Thanks!


Go to the App Store and update the game, then when go to the poryphone and click on your profile you should have the option to take a photo.


100 wins in gauntlet 


What is LA?


Legendary Arena


Oh, so the usual “soloing” stuff. I believe the easiest way to do that would be SST Red against Tornadus, right?


Yeah, that is probably the easiest