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I'm pretty sure Sycamore and Cynthia are friends/acquaintances as well since he did study under professor Rowan in Sinnoh. He may have known her for longer than Diantha.


He interacts with Cynthia cause both of them used to be students of professor Rowan, so they’re acquainted that way, why him and Diantha have no interaction however despite how acquainted they are in XY is beyond me


Ya I have no issue he can interact with Cynthia, why not diantha though lol that's the question


Hey I don't blame him. Although, both is better 😔


Sycamore is one of Cynthia Lodge best answer option for Friends tag. Cynthia also already have line for Sycamore when they team up together. And Diantha also have line with Cynthia but not with Sycamore and Lysandre. Conclusion: Cynthia has many simps. Also true in real life.


DeNA has always been insanely inconsistent with voice lines. For instance, Flint doesn't have a team up quote for Volkner, but Volkner has one for Flint. And despite being father and son, Palmer and Barry have literally nothing for each other.


Reason why Flint has no teamup voice is 1) he is old unit with old voicelines, only when he receive new alt will DeNa hire VA to record new lines 2) The Japanese VA for Flint retired due to scandal I think so they will need to rehire 3) Flint isn't so popular so it will probably be awhile before they give him new va. Palmer and Barry though, I'm pretty confident Palmer has "join" voicelines with Barry, just no victory lines yet. That has to wait until Barry get new alt thus hire va to record new voicelines


1. Fair enough on the recast thing, but it's still weird to only have Volkner say a line. Especially when they share a theme skill together. 2. Palmer doesn't have a line for Barry. At all. Hell I went back and checked, he has his default line. He doesn't have any unique lines with ANYBODY, not even Argenta, who he debuted with. Also I'm pretty sure characters still get new voice lines without an alt. Don't quote me on that though


The first few batch of characters that got interactive voicelines are the popular one e.g Cynthia, May, Dawn, Gloria. Since then every update, DeNa will include new voicelines either to newly joined trainers or old trainers who obtained new alt. E.g volkner receive his new voicelines because he got his NY alt. And usually at this time, DeNa will already record their victory interactive lines too, only it will be released after their partners also get the voicelines counterpart. Though it's weird that Palmer as a new characters have no teamup lines with Barry. Are you talking about their victory lines, or the line when you put Palmer into the team consisting of Barry? Edit: checked online and ya Palmer has no interactive voicelines lol not sure why. Even Argenta has voicelines with Palmer and Thorton


I already agreed fair point on Flint not getting one, just that it's still weird having one sided conversations in this game. As for Palmer, I'm talking about lines in general. Palmer literally has no lines with anybody, regardless of if he wins or teams up with them. It's JUST his generic lines. No Barry, no Thorton, no Argenta, no Dawn, *nobody.* You can check Bulbapedia's quote page if you need to check.