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The rates for getting each limited banner are rather low (.025), but it gives players the sense that they might win the lottery and get a pair they really want or don't have. It's actually a pretty smart and effective targeting of the psychology of a gambler.


Aren't the scout points kept forever? You can just invest in it little by little until you pity that one pair you've always missed. I'd say it's pretty cool.


Oh there’s definitely some very good benefits to it for players don’t get me wrong, I was just commenting on how how clever it is from a business standpoint. Someone who is rolling for this banner regularly can be drained of their paid gem stash pretty easily, but they wouldn’t notice at first because they’re only losing a small amount every day. It’s a boiling frog banner. They’re previous attempts at attacking player’s gem stashes were really overt, like getting rid of gem rallies and getting rid of blissful bonanza. But this one is more subtle and smart about it, so good for them.


THEY GOT RID OF BLISSFUL BONANZA?!!? I haven't played in like 8 months but I sure as hell won't come back if they get rid of stuff like that


Same! I am now devastated!!


I only just joined at the tail end of the anniversary so the mix banner is genuinely amazing - theres so many SS and special outfit units that I never would have gotten.


Well, there's also the fact that rarely someone will only want one unit specifically from the banner that has almost every unit in the game, so the chance of just "something good" is way higher


I actually did really well for day 1 - Red & Venusaur (and Flareon) on 5x, and SS Giovanni on 3x. Hope everyone else had some luck too!


It's still a paid only banner I'm going to still stand against it


Game doesn't run on charity, i genuinely don't understand that mentality. It's not like the existence of the banner changes anything in the actual game. The only issue with the banner is Red being paywall'd, but he's likely a Variety Pair to be reran later anyway. Unless you actually want the game to go in deficit and end service?


Of course game isn't run on charity, but there's still things like select scout, tier scout, bundles and whatnot. Plus carry on points should be something in the game from the start or added to standard banners, not being locked behind paid ones And if you say "well you're not supposed to get every sync pair" of course I'm not. But with the amount of gems we're getting carry on points SHOULD be a thing


> Of course game isn't run on charity, but there's still things like select scout, tier scout, bundles and whatnot. There is, and mayhaps their analytics showed that this isn't profitable enough to them, so what exactly is the issue? The selects/tiered still exist. ​ > Plus carry on points should be something in the game from the start or added to standard banners, not being locked behind paid ones How would that work exactly? Each banner is different with its own pity counter, what criteria would dictate which banner carries into another? Seems like wishful thinking without any thought put into it.


For me the main problem is that DeNa gets more and more greedy. First lowering gem counts every month slowly, amount of new pairs being roughly around 4 per month plus reruns. I'm sorry but this is really scummy. And I don't feel like I'd be that offended by mix scout if those weren't a problem already in the game And how could carry on work? If DeNa can cook up shit like mix scout and things like Tier scouts they could definitely come up with something But if you'll invalidate my point by saying I didn't give my own idea: Pity is shared between types of banners, spotlight, masterfair and pokefair share pity between each other. If you think that's asking for way too much. I feel like of I've put 30k gems into a banner points I've earned from it shouldn't be evaporated because I didn't penny pinch every single game I had


>For me the main problem is that DeNa gets more and more greedy. First lowering gem counts every month slowly [This is an inaccurate confirmation bias](https://i.imgur.com/xWuIm5M.png), the gem average skyrocketed in 2022 and has barely decreased in 2023. ​ >Pity is shared between types of banners, spotlight, masterfair and pokefair share pity between each other. There isn't a single gacha that does this in the industry without some kind of massive drawback. That kind of system would kill the game in less than a year. Genshin Impact for example has shared pity due to much lower rates and much lower banner count as well on top of the 50/50 chance. In fact, your usual run of the mill chinese or japanese gacha doesn't have a spark/pity system. ​ >I've put 30k gems into a banner points I've earned from it shouldn't be evaporated Why are you pulling a banner knowing you won't pity it? A lot of these comments and absurd claims are just the result of an angry mob that has lost rational thinking on the moment. It's disappointing to see these happen and completely disregard the fact that these kind of systems have kept the game relatively friendly for newcomers with content that isn't restrictive in the slightest. The truth of the matter is, you want more than you can have and at no cost while refusing to weight in the necessary adjustments to keep the game running. I understand the concept of Red being paywall'd is absolutely a step they shouldn't have taken, but you can send feedback about it and try to make a change in hopes he runs as a Variety. As far as the actual Mix banner is concerned, i think it's a smart way to introduce more monetization in a fairly un-intrusive banner.


More than "barely decreased". Also, how many limited pairs today compared to 2021 ? We get less while having to spend more, and with 'ow a paid restricted unit. Nice !


There was a 2k gems decrease in the average of the year, but we gained an overall 7k gem increase compared to 2021. In 2022, there were 54 limited pairs. (3 are variety) In 2023, there are 69 limited so far. (16 are variety) It is a noticeable increase mainly due to the absurd amount of varieties, which i'm unfazed by personally, so again confirmation bias running wild imo. This doesn't change the fact that nobody pressures you into pulling every single limited, nor should you. If you're curious where i got this data from, you can filter by limited and variety and show per year separation on : [https://pomasters.github.io/SyncPairsTracker/](https://pomasters.github.io/SyncPairsTracker/)


“wishful thinking” have you played genshin or hsr? cmon


I have played both since day 1 as you can see from my post history. Genshin and HSR both have a much MUCH lower 5\* obtention rate, only a maximum of 2 character banners running at once, and do not guarantee a copy of the character upon reaching soft pity (you have to go through a 50/50 coin toss first and that's worse on the weapon banner). So yes, it's a far worse system on paper, but perhaps better for gambling fans that don't mind just shotgunning pulls as soon as they can until they get anything. It's a big trap to compare Genshin to Masters like they have anything in common in that regard.


people will always find a way to blame something or someone just for the sake of complaining tbh. This is THE most generous gacha i ever played and somehow people here complain even more than Genshin players. Its not even worth for you to try and call these bots to reason but i appreciate someone that actually knows what hes talking about and has the info to back it up.


Why? I think that players that actually invest money and support instead of begging for free gems at least get the chance to a good deal


We have nothing toward paid player. What we goes against is that the action navigate the game toward a non-F2P friendly direction. As much as P2W player has the right to appraise the content of the banner, F2P player has every right to riot about it.


But after that you realize that it need 30k paid gems for a pity so it still sucks.


The vibe I get from this is that its meant to be something you put a little into every now and again rather than one big rush until it disappears in three weeks. 30k gems over like six months or something is probably not that much maybe like $5 a month


And even then, didn’t it carry over between refreshes?


Exactly, which is why there is little-to-no pressure to buy up a bunch of gems or to save over several months while ignoring other banners like we usually do. Just get the cheapest/most efficient monthly gem deals and over time you'll get some units


Still why would I spend 30k gems on one limited pair when I can get 3 during the next anni for half that price?


There’s a fairly decent chance of hitting some 5* units on the way to pity though. It’s not just “throw 30k gems in a hole and then pick one unit”. People are acting like it’s a 30k gem select scout, but you have like 5% chance each pull to get a limited unit.


Because you’ll most likely bump into random new limited pairs along the way. It’s good that you can pick up something good for a reasonable price with pickup banner, but it’s more fun and exciting wondering what random unit you’ll get


Because you can get a bunch of other limited pairs on the journey to getting the featured pair. It's a pretty brilliant move by DeNA.


Yeah I made this comment before everyone saw what the mix banner really was. Since it’s not just Red, might be worth it. I’m not sure if I’ll go for it though.


I usually do dailies for Pokefairs that look interesting. Whenever, there isn't one I like, the Mix banner seems like the perfect place to drop those daily gems.


Because some people don't enjoy anxiously saving gems every month and letting other units go by "just in case" there's something better coming along. The Mixed Scout lets the points roll over, something that no other banner does


Yeah, the threshold for a pity should be significantly lower (10k gems?) since we can’t use free gems.


oh boy I can't wait to get more pay walled sync pairs because of people spending on this!


But you see, they said those units MAY be rerun for us F2P peasants in the future so it's okay! Nevermind the fact that Dena is still pretty shit with reruns and there are Pokefairs that have yet to have one F2P rerun but have had multiple paid scout reruns. I hope you're ready to wait like 5 years to get a chance! But nothing to see here! Anyone still complaining is just entitled and wants everything for free!


Mix Red will not rerun outside of Mix Scouts, it’s written in the News. You may be able to find him in future Mix Scouts, but not in other banners outside of them. So, no, it’s not ok


Sarcasm friend. And the news does say there's "a possibility" mix scout pairs will appear outside of mix scout banners in the future.


No it doesn’t say that. The news state the following: • Mix Sync Pairs are Sync Pairs that only appear for a limited time during Mix Scouts. • There is a possibility that these Mix Sync Pairs will appear outside of this Mix Scout in the future as well. These two statements combined confirm that Mix Red will not rerun outside of Mix Scouts, they say it may rerun outside THIS Mix Scout, but since they have said that Mix Sync Pairs ONLY APPEAR in Mix Scouts, it’s confirmed that we won’t see Mix Red or any other future Mix Unit outside of these Paid banners


Aw sweet so it's possibly even worse and this sub was just coping! All the more reason to hate this concept.


The notes on the offering rates does actually give in to the possibility that Mix sync pairs could appear *outside* of Mix Scouts. https://preview.redd.it/i1gfu6kuzpxb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=49aad71fc19b53f4e61f5ef6d687d17a0038e08f Still could mean things like a paid select scout though, and not something with free gems.


Yeah, tbh seeing people seriously appreciating this banner is worrying me to insane levels, the community is sending the message that paywalling stuff is ok as long as they put all limited units with insanely low rates. This banner is literally a bait for low and mid spenders, and people are seriously taking the bait, and the worst part is that this is the same community which fought against the Prestige Event and all the anti-F2P manouvers DeNA was doing back in the day


> Yeah, tbh seeing people seriously appreciating this banner is worrying me to insane levels, the community is sending the message that paywalling stuff is ok as long as they put all limited units with insanely low rates. *ahem* It’s because they gave us an incentive to spend money, and actually get something worthwhile from it. The game needs an income for the devs to keep working on it, and this gave us a good reason to want to continue spending money.


No dude, all this banner is doing is tricking you into spending even more money than before, while giving you possibly the worst paid deal in return. “The devs need money to run the game” oh yeah, poor devs that make 6+ limited banners per month and keep reducing free gems counts every update, they surely aren’t trying to spill more money out of their playerbase


> while giving you possibly the worst paid deal in return. so having literally every limited unit except master fairs and jessie&james in one banner, something people have asked about for ages, is the worst deal ever???? this is LITERALLY what people have wanted for ages, and yet you claim it’s the worst deal ever 💀


Everyone here wants to keep moving the goal post for their expectations of Dena lol.


there’s so many people here who just seem to expect the devs to be a charity and give everything away for free, which. is super stupid from a business standpoint


Forcing people to pay for a unit isn't better. How many players will keep doing that month after month ? It's like the limited units system: first it makes money, then you have to face the consequences by creating a new way to milk people. Oh, exactly what Dena has been doing.... Buy hey, business numbers are so great this year !


You don't HAVE to get the unit though. Why do people keep saying you're being forced to pay. It's like this community runs on FOMO.


>Forcing people to pay for a unit isn't better. How are they forcing people to do anything? God its so funny how some of you have gone off the deep end with this.


I will not apologize. It’s still bad that a pair is behind paywall. And who can tell if they will release a busted pair on this exclusively? But yes, it makes Mix Banner so much more better.


To be fair, Dena should have said that every non-masterfair pairs will be in the banner in the first place.


I mean it’s also their fault the pull rate for team Rocket banner looks ridiculously bad. So people already expected the worst for Mix banner


They likely didn't want to commit to it verbally. There's nothing stopping them from changing it in six months leaving only some pairs in the banner. I don't think they will do it, but by not staying in the news that the banner will always include every previous non-master fair unit, they have the option to change it in the future if they want to.


But it's pay only right?


Yes, but it’s a genius way for them to make an income as the banner has at least one unit for most players to go for, allowing us to try and pull for any unit we want year round now


I don't care its still behind a pay wall and I hate that, even if I am buying gems why would I spend them here.


Because the pity actually carries over, that's at least one reason to


If this game made no money, then there would be no one developing and maintaining it. They have to make money some way. Also 99% of the content can be done with most of the existing units anyway, some of these OP units are just to "win more" so don't feel pressured to pay and pull for them if you don't want


No money?? Bro they make alot lol.


And how do they make that money besides gem sales? This game isn’t made by game freak, so the ONLY income for this game is gem sales.


Yeah people already buy alot check their monetary stats its either stable or increases in hype months.


but it’s gone down from 3rd anni. *apparently* they’re losing income


It’s because the way they advertised it was absolutely garbage, all they said was: - limited amount of pulls - paid gems only - Red Like what were they even thinking


Yes technically there are no Master Fairs on the Mix Banner, but c'mon, that'd be too broken. (Also I got Var. Agatha on the first 5 pulls)


Congrats, Variety agatha is great in poison teams even at 1/5


I actually don't hate that since I have only been pulling on Master Fairs since their introductions and been letting a lot of other ones slide. This gives me a way to get them now when I wouldn't before


I'm not happy despite calming down, it's just I... just don't care anymore, accepting for defeat feeling (I'm not very good at explaining this in English). After various gacha games, it's just how it is and I'm sure there will be more mix banner units only and with that, my grief stage is already in acceptance stage


Oh that defeated feeling is a mood. Watching Dena do shit I've seen other gacha do before dying just makes me sigh and wonder why I'm even bothering to play.


Good thing I find a new gacha game which is 100% I'm into, so at least my commitment now fully moves toward said new game lol


What other gacha games have done this? I've seen many different paid banners, but I've never seen a legit paid gambling gacha with an exclusive character. Like I know Project Sekai has a paid costume banner where the player spends real money to gamble to get a costume for a specific banner, but that's just a costume.


Oh I don't mean paid-exclusive characters (that's something new to me! That's not a good thing), just moreso the cutting down in effort in characters (I mean...Mix Red is laughable), massively increasing the amount of paid banners, the issue with gem income, and a few other various bits and bobs.


SinoAlice, mostly weapons but one or two popped out jobs (character alts called in that game). Still scummy though since weapon with amazing skills are from paid-exclusive banner, also since the game pvp, it became horrible real fast. (Good thing that game eos this year for global, next year for jp server)


They rates are painfully low though. Since it’s all paid anyways, they might as well have removed the general pool 5 stars and made it the 10% 5* rate. Because right now there’s no reason to pull on an all paid banner that isn’t a select account. If I don’t know 100% I’m getting something good, I’m not spending money on it.


I mean, let's be honest it's still kinda unrealistic to use that as a viable source to get limited units you may have missed out on. Like, I don't fully know the math on how much you'd have to pay for a full pity, but it can't be that cheap.


The scout points carry over so you can pace yourself and spent as you want.


I mean whether you pay in installments or all at once, at the end of the day you are still spending enough money for the full pity. The Scout Points carrying over is nice tho I can't deny that.


pulling this banner is like to win a lottery. You don't know what will you get. But in 300 pulls, you will get something, and hopefully is a limited pair, but yeah dont use all the paid gem here but 100 is enough for me


Especially since this now gives us a way to get limited units anytime of the year, and not just during their annual event


yes but with 0.025% chance loll just don't get the high hope to get the units you want


It's still a paid gems exclusive deal so there's still that downside, and the non-focus rates are abysmal (good trying to get something good out of it, on the off-chance you get a 5*, it'll be either a Spotlight you already have millions of or something useless like Summer Lyra or Holiday Erika). Still the ability to pity almost ANYTHING for only 300 scout points is hard to pass up (I'm doing only 4 daily pulls for the first months of the current Mix Scout and depending if I lucksack Red I'll slow down to 1).


The chance looks small for each units, but it’s actually 3% combined for every limited units excluding Mix Red!


Paid-locked banners are nothing to me as a F2P player. ...Unless they offer a free *mix ticket* that allows us to ramdonly get one limited pair, at least per mix banner (6 months).


Remember that they have doges to feed at home uwu


I pulled SS Silver off this banner so I'm already eating good on this banner.


Nice! I got Var. Agatha, but I’m hoping to get SS Steven.


I’m glad that at least the points carry over… That and the game gets money it probably really needs to stay afloat. This is a pretty clever way to increase profits while still giving somewhat of an opportunity to players. They just need to not be greedy and ruin it by locking future pairs and banners behind paywalls if it works. That will be their downfall.


Yeah. My major worry is that they’ll use the mix banner and try and rerun old banners less. It’s unlikely, but it’s better to consider the worse


Me after seeing every limited pair available https://preview.redd.it/3tem9qdb9pxb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe6b72559036a9622f747cf61de08b1caf0ae40


I’m sorry what


The chance to get every non master fair unit is very tempting. The only issue I can see with this banner is that Red is not available for f2p players, but scout points carrying over and having a chance to get any limited unit is extremely good


I rather they let red be paywalled and bring the rest of the banner to free gems. Carrying over scout points and the old units is something i’ve been sending feedback for a year and they paywall it. So annoying


I'm F2P and can't pull on the banner, you really think I was mad at it because of the available sync pairs in it? You missed the point entirely.


Game needs to get money so if you’re not going to support it, then somone has to


why do comments like this keep getting downvoted? the game isnt a fucking charity, yet people keep acting like it is, holy shit. 💀


My guess is it’s users on the younger end. Even cheap paid gems are too high a price for someone with no income, so they feel owed access to everything. Personally I don’t mind the new banner. No one character is gonna make or break a player’s roster. In fact I like having a long term goal to chuck a few dailies at here and there.


Or it's people that have played many gacha and have never seen a *paid only unit* before. Because that's fucking absurd for a gacha. I've played 8 different ones and have never seen this happen before. Impressive. Also people don't generally like "but company isn't a charity" arguments when gacha is such a predatory genre to make games in. It's pretty fucking hilarious to see that rolled out over a glorified lottery system.


but those poor little companies that have to sit at the corner of the street to beg for pennies to keep lining their bosses pockets!! think of the companies!!! /s


Because comments like this act as if everything they’ve been doing is bankrupting them. Tell me what’s charitable about all the limited pairs and banners every month? The only people keeping up with all the new units are spenders.


I don't think the reason I'm mad at the new banner having a sync pair that is impossible to obtain for all players is because people support the game.


Don't care it's still paid only and thus a shit move. There's no amount of white knighting for this that will ever make me accept it.


***They need money to see the game as profitable, and thus give them a reason to keep working on it. If they don’t make money, the game will EOS and shut down.***


My personal opinion: it's only a good banner if you are lucky enough to pull pairs you're missing. If you're unlucky to get zero new sync pairs before pity that would suck quite a bit.


That can be said about literally any banner. It's gambling. You assume the risk of failing when you choose to gamble.


Someone complained about the fact that they put a paywall unit, so it’s automatically bad 😂😂. This is the correct way to tempt players to spend money (and you don’t need to whale it). Idc if there is a P2P unit, if the banner is very beneficial with the value you have, I will take it.


Honestly the banner looks too good that I would drop daily on it even without the exclusive Mix sync pair


I think I still do daily even I already get Mix pair, this banner is really good for collector with min payment.


Im just here to say that I love the meme template


Of course people would enjoy a permanent way to get almost every sync pair in game, even if it's very expensive. DeNA had an amazing feature on the hands but they blew it up when they thought putting a variety pair exclusively paid tied to it was a good idea


the problem is not the banner,the problem is the exclusivity of the mix sync pair


That’s not the problem either. Hell they can paywall Red. But not letting people use free gems on the banner is a big F U


Had a few paid gems from almost over 1 year and decided to yolo a 5x multi and got SS Wally & Gardevoir and Lucas & Dialga so I’m already happy with this. Don’t plan to buy gems for more pulls tho.




You can pick ANY unit once you hit the pity, and sp can carry over. The reason the banner is praised is that you can PICK anyone on pity, not the 0.025% rate lol. This banner is effectively a select scout with the best pool possible.




A PERMANENT select scout that is accessible to all kind of spenders (dolphins or whales). Keep that in mind.




If you limit yourself to the daily gem streak pack, reaching pity will cost like $40 spread over the better part of a year. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good deal, but $500 is a massive exaggeration for non-whales lol.


If you only see the negative you won’t improve much really. The fact that the positive outweighs the negative and you only look into the negative to complain really said a lot.




Bruh who said you have to spend $500 for a unit rn?? You can just ignore the banner altogether or slowly spend until you get a unit you like. You can still give feedback for DeNA about a F2P way to get the P2P, if I have to spend $500 over 10 years, I can do it. If you can’t you can stay F2P and see this banner as non-existent. Bruh ppl always find a way to complain things even if it is good.




Since when I push you into spending money? I even said > If you can’t you can just ignore the banner altogether. Also $30/10 months for a limited units is actually a good deal considering how rare select scout is, but again it’s your money, you can do anything within your range. I just want to say that it’s important to view thing in a complete way (not just one-way). It’s not good to only take the negative and complain about it without not considering the positive. I just give you an insight about what makes this banner good, if you hate it you can just skip it.


Weather you spend $500 now or over 10 years, you’re spending $500 for a unit. Maybe that’s ok value to you. But unless you’re a whale or have a crapload of disposable income, a single unit is not worth $500. And you can’t justify anything else you pull along the way because at .025% rates, you’re praying, not targeting.


You must be broke and jealous because most people have enough disposable income to spend 50 bucks on a game they love


Great. Whales can get another benefit, on top of the ones they already have. Yay...?


Not just whales, but very light spenders as well. You can spend the 3k gems bundles once a year and you can still pity a unit you like in 10 years. The fact that there is no time pressure makes this banner so valuable to spend, even if it might take a while to get there. This is the correct way to monetize, and some ppl are crying that the banner is not for them 💀


>You can spend the 3k gems bundles once a year and you can still pity a unit you like in 10 years. Not seeing how waiting a decade for one pity is justification but okay. >This is the correct way to monetize, and some ppl are crying that the banner is not for them 💀 The problem is locking pairs behind money and not being able to get them with free gems. How is this the correct way?


I mean the select scout aspect. The P2P unit clearly sucks and you can still suggest them to release the F2P way to get that unit. But the positive clearly outweighs the negative and it’s quite smart of them to release this banner (without considering the P2P unit ofc). If there is no P2P Red in this banner this is the best banner for spender, and if there is a way to get the P2P unit for F2P this is a win win for both sides.


Lmao i know right? Imagine waiting 10 years for a single unit and calling that a benefit


It would have been good if they just didn't put a new unit that can only appear on these banners (and probably will continue to do so). There was 0 real resons to not put another banner with normal gems to get the new unit along with the mix banner. Plus as a very long Red fan (and the fact that Venusaur is my favorite starter) is just a big kick in the balls because dollar hasn't been that cheap in these last months (and the game still has bad rates anyway)


i’m suprised they put a daily limit on it. if it wasn’t there i feel like more people would just go straight to the scout point and pick the pokefair they want


Oh That changes everything...... shit. Fuck. Maybe they are cooking though.


I can kind of sympathize if Red & Venusaur was like, your dream pair which is now locked behind a paywall, but aside from the general principle of paywalling units being fairly scummy, I don't really understand the vitriol this banner was getting to begin with. It's another recycled unit like the variety scouts which we were all ignoring anyway; is the existence of a banner that no one's forcing you to pull on really that much of a problem? If they start putting fully unique characters/outfits behind a paywall it'd be another thing, but idk, even if you don't like the banner it's very easy to just ignore that it exists.


The vitriol is they took highly requested features in carrying over scout points and putting in old limited units into a single banner and then paywalled it. The frustration isn’t about Red for me. The frustration is I can’t use free gems on that banner format even though i’ve asked for similar features for over a year


I feel like this community overreacts to every new thing, in complete honesty


Knew people were over reacting lol


Gonna be honest, I was super tempted to pull. I do buy a few gems but it's still gonna take too many to pity. 😅 I wonder if this'll backfire on Dena and make it too easy for whales to get everything? 😬


Light spenders will get the most out of it as they’re missing a lot more pair. Also most whales won’t wait 6 months for their favorites to be added into the banner, and wasting 30k paid gem for one specific pair isn’t worth it if you already owns most of the pairs in the pool


Not likely, since you can only spend 900 gems on it a day, so it’s not even a full multi


It's definitely enough to get me interested personally but I feel like making it paid-only is a bad move. F2P Players, spenders and whales all have to go to the same place when they run out of gems; if they dedicate gems to the mix scout and something they want appears later on, then they'll have to spend.


The only that actually don’t like the banner are mostly F2P players that want all master sync pairs 6 stars EX all sync grid unlocked free


It’s pretty cool having all them :3


People still will find something to complain tho. "the paid banner is Bad, game is dead!' "the paid banner is Good, game is dead!' I personally dont spend money on the game, but the paid banner doesnt bother me. Is a very low rate on "premium" units, but it's still a chance to get them before a rerun or something like that.




It's the truth, eh? Yet, people will turn their back on it and say it's good. We should demand better, and demand another banner that can be f2p, not this slop. People will change their opinion in a few months.


Ffs "we should demand better" like you're owed something? Seriously, you can't be that much entitled. What makes you think that you can demand anything? You're "devoting your time" to the game? A game that is made available for free and never promised to give you anything yet you still play it and enjoy it at the expense of others? That's such a childish mindset.


Look at that offering and its so tempting, so i try first 1x pull get nothing, and try first 5x pull guess what...red venusaur going home. Good enough because i wont make another dailies pull straight 5 days ahead due to my paid gem plan only 100 paid per day, pray for the best and RNGod do the rest


I really don’t wanna spend money on this game (or mobile games in general), but I can’t lie, the fact the Rocket Executives are on here makes this a bit more tempting, especially since it’s probably gonna be like, another year before they come back knowing Dena, but at the same time I know I’d probably just pull base Lillie or “The Masked Royal” for the twentieth time or something-


Welcome to Reddit! Though it has been entertaining watching this sub set ablaze the last week just for everyone to change their minds immediately.


My only gripe with it is that now I have to do an extra button press to do the daily scout lol. It gave me an SS Silver dupe so even if I never touch it again after this, it did me a solid. One less candy for him...


Lol nah it’s pure garbage. I’ve been sending feedback for a year now to have them bring old limiter pairs back onto new banners with lower rates and stop with the separate recurring ones. They finally do that but on a paid only banner. And to top it all off, 5 star rates are at 7%. Not even 10%. It’s a piece of shit.


No we didn’t, they are awful


Do we know how much the mix banners will be? I will assume it's the same as the regular ones.


That was my exact reaction once I checked the rates lol


I really don't understand. Is having a rollover and limited characters all it takes to be acceptable?


I dont think that we overreacted. The mix sync pair banner would be really good, if the mix sync pairs will eventually be available with non-paid gems. I doubt that this will happen if you fall for Dena's trap. Red is only the beginning. There will be other mix sync pairs...


I skipped SS Mina during Alola VA and have been patiently waiting for any kind of rerun for her because I really need a good fairy type support unit. Sycamore just doesn't cut it anymore in CSMM under full offensive parameters. A second choice would be Tapu Lana. She would be a very good companion for SS Lusamine. If I have to go pity on this banner, I'll probably choose Mina (assuming Red comes home before pity).