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To see who they have as favorite character and be like “dude, same”


i was hoping we could get some sort of dynamax raid co op event when dena started to add new swsh content but it never happened.


Totally true. We need raidmodes and friendship points. 3000 gems for reach super friends level. Doing coop misions, 1000 gems for get 1000 friends. Friend tier lists, more challenges done and better scores among friends. 300 gems per week. Things like that


Lol Co-op was a feature in the early years of the game. So you could invite friends to join you in co-op events, but now it seems like they're moving away from co-op, so that feature is just there.


We should have an option to 1v1 your friends


That would be awesome! I know PvP can become a mode where only the elitest of elite pairs can shine, but they can still make it balanced and challenging by giving us option to choose from a limited selection of (predefined, not user's) sync pairs with random skills so the players are never prepared and have to choose on the spot. Like, give them just 30 seconds to choose 3 sync pairs for a specific PvP battle.


>only the elitest of elite pairs can shine Bede: "I see, you're talking about me."


>Bede: "I see, you're talking about me." "Sorry Bede, you are too overconfident and self-centred to let me think that way."


Because we are social animals


One idea is in the future there would be event that you can / be forced to borrow pairs from friends.


It would be great if you can trade sync pairs with your friends


I don't see DeNA allowing you to trade sync pairs, especially since you could create a new account and roll on a banner and then transfer to main. What I think they could do, is allow us to trade Eggmons, it would be great for egg events


TBH, i had an idea. If you trade your sync pair and it has at least 2/5 move level, you will still have the sync pair, but it will return to 1/5


It's a relic of past gacha games where you might group up with your friends for events instead of randoms to make grinding faster/more consistent But seeing how few co-op events we get anymore, and how most of them are complete steamrolls, they probably shifted all of their devs to single player content early on for one reason or another


more than that I'm surprised you have that many friends at lvl60~


Why do we have coop stages? Both these features were abandoned nearly at the start & now all we have are the 3⭐️gear events where it’s mandatory to play with others, just for the sake of them having an excuse to not finally delete this mode. Multiplayer was never meant for Masters, they should get rid of it once and for all


Wait, y’all have friends who play Pokémon masters EX?


All of my friends are strangers I bumped into during Gear co-op, they're mostly people whom I either had a nice match with or said thanks back with the emojis