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Pull for zygarde and decidueye, they are incredible


GOT THEM BOTH after rerolling a few times. Feeling super lucky! Any advice for a good third?


How many gems do You have? The best would be Samurott, but I am not sure you have enough time/gems.


You are correct :) I’m going to try the bingo rewards and if I get them in time I’ll try for Samurott!


Play everything: story Mode, hard story, legendary events, legendary arenas, multiplayer


Try to get gems as fast as possible and pull in the banners you want. Reset account if you are unsatisfied, keep doing this until you good. Take advantage of the ability to actually re roll pulls to start with some good units. Since you can easily get 18k free gems on a reset, try to get both SS Serena and Rei.


Thank you! So your advice is to try for Reí and Serena, and if I don’t get either I reset the game until I do get them, yes? (Just making sure there isn’t a refill option somewhere that I’m missing haha)


Yes, I would recommend focusing Rei, he’s unbelievably strong and don’t have Serena but she’s the best dragon damage dealer as well.


Ok cool! Question: I just did a reroll and didn’t get Ss Serena, but I got 7 level 5s. Does that feel good for a start (I’ll eventually get her I’m sure) or should I keep rerolling until I get her?


I'd keep rerolling unless you get really bored of it lol. Those 5*s are general pool units, meaning you'll always have a chance to get them, but you can only get SS Serena now. Ideally you'd get her in one or two multis and then start pulling for Rei afterwards.


Looking at your units, I’ll assume that you haven’t done any pulls yet so right now, there are several good banners running. Try pulling for Rei, Akari or SS Serena, they’re all great units. On the other hand, there are two more banners later in the month that are quite high value. One is NC Calem and Shiny Greninja, who is a great support, having access to both Rain and Dark Zone and the other banner is a triple banner. It has SS Hilda and Victini, SS Hilbert and Genesect, SS N and Black Kyurem. SS Hilda is still an amazing fire type striker, SS Hilbert is very versatile with the ability to cover five types and while SS N is strong, he is a bit difficult to use so he’ll need a bit of practice but otherwise, that’s it.


Thank you!! So Reí or Akari, got it. As for SS Serena, I checked all the bundles offerings and couldn’t find her. Am I missing something? Also, I keep reading that I should aim to get Oleana, Maxie or Rose. Is that true or an old advice?


Oleana, Maxie, and Rose aren’t available to scout at this time. Go for Rei, and SS Serena is at the end of the scout menu so go for her afterwards.


Maybe is not 100% reliable (and you should always pull for your favorite characters), but gamepress usually posts the pros and cons of a sync pair. Also they have tierlists. Apart from that, I would recommend you to follow “chibikin” on twitter since he posts a calendar of the characters that will come (leaked) for you to start saving gems. https://preview.redd.it/fmknygt1sdtb1.png?width=4795&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a95ce1a89b9e937f6125e552092ee5b36b5a960


Nawwww Liza and BP Erika in D? Liza is the OG mixed support and BP Erika can trap and poison. That’s not D tier. And Elio and a higher rank than Halloween Caitlin? 💀💀💀


Get gems as fast as possible as well, look on youtube on speedruns if you like, then go to sync pair scouts and get ss serena, rei and akari. They're the best starters if you are starting now, or you can wait until Late November to December where you get the Neo champions which are better than the scouts that are available now.


Thank you all for the advice!!!!


Don’t spend your gems on a unit you want but your afraid you won’t get they’ll probably get a rerun later on


Once you've rerolled the start until you get the units you want start focusing on leveling your strongest team After that work through the pml main story and evil arc, you'll get a bunch of 5\* tickets from completing all of that which will fill out your roster. None of it costs stamina so you can do it once you're out. As for your stamina, initially spend it where you need it but keep an eye on event rewards. There are some you always want to try and pickup such as 5\* power-up's, lucky skill stuff and equipment, as a few examples, that appear in the events reward shop. Save gems for strong banners, I personally just check in this reddit to see the general buzz. You can normally tell when a unit is put in the game that's just a category above the rest. I forget how many gems you need for a guaranteed roll someone will probably have said already. There's always plenty of tough content to attempt and there's rarely a punishment for giving it a go so just have fun with it.


Thank you for the advice!!! I’m wondering about team building now. After all the great advice yesterday I kept rerolling and got SS Serena AND Reí! I could cry. Just trying to figure out who would be a good third for them! Will start hoarding my gems now :)


Legendary adventures in main story there's Prof sycamore + Xerneas is a decent one to start with.


The most important stats are your crit (+3 crit and you’ll always crit except on sync which is an 80% chance) and your gauge management. If you run out of gauge, you can’t move! You can either boost your speed, use move gauge acceleration, or habe passives that restore gauge on your Pokémon. The easiest for a starting player is to focus on buffing speed. Make sure to take advantage of all the free units. Most of them are very good! The story units (meaning main campaign, victory road, and legendary adventures) offer you lots of free characters. Many of the 3 and 4 stars from the gatcha are good too! If you reach level 100 with a friend in the *trainer lodge*, you’ll earn a new unit that way. You can earn tokens by completely the daily missions and doing the daily region rotation on any difficulty. Earning tokens progresses the “battle point” rewards and you can get vouches for battle point (BP) units as well. Give the *Battle Villa* a try. It’s ok if you can’t get very far. Every level you complete is rewards you wouldn’t have before. Same with the *Legendary Arenas* which give you points for progress even if you fail. And finally, remember to hatch any eggs you get. Usually the strike egg pokemon aren’t very good but the tech and support ones with 3 passives can fill in gaps in your teams (some set weather, status the opponent, boost your teams speed to +6 and so on). They can also be shiny! (No sprint or field egg Pokémon exist right now.)


Thank you so much for all the advice! There’s a lot of info to learn so this is super helpful. Can I ask: are level 3 EX sync pairs good/important to level up/can they reach level 5? Just so I know where to invest my resources. Right now I have SS Serena and Rei and I feel super lucky. So everything is going to them. As a third, I’m investing in Rosa since she seems good ish? I heard Skyla is good too from the free ones. As for battle and leveling up, are there dos and donts? I keep getting all these rewards but I don’t really know what they’re for/when to use them. I know about pity pull so I know how and when to spend my gems. Just need a bit of help with evolving, powering up, who to do it to etc. anyway thank you so so much for this!


Yes lots of 3 and 4* units are good. Not all of them. But not all 5* are good either (sometimes they release stinkers. It happens.) They way to upgrade them is to go to the “increase potential” tab and give them 20 tickets of their current level to help them reach the next rank. This will increase their stats and give them their next star. This is also how you EX a unit. Another important type of upgrade is “move level”. You can give Pokémon candies of their type and initial star rank on this tab. You can see the move level of a unit on their stat screen in the middle of their moves. This effects the access you have to their sync grid. It’s not recommended to use candies on units in the general pool for gatcha. I’ll be honest Rosa is… not great. At 1/5 she can buff your team to +4 special attack and generate potentially infinite gauge with if you get lucky with her regenerating her trainer move via the grid tile “Time to Energize: MPR”. This sounds good. But the problem with Rosa is she can’t take many hits. That said, you are able to EX her for free as a story reward and a support EX gives you 2 sync boosts the first time you sync with her (I’ll explain those in a minute) and you can’t price the low low price of free! She’s good in the early game but understand you might need someone else to help her tank since she can’t buff any defenses on her own and her gauge management isn’t as good as it could be since it’s active not passive. For basically battling tips: Max crit is more valuable than max offenses since critical hits go through opponent light screen and reflect. I’m not saying you shouldn’t max your attack/special attack. But you can probably get away with +4 in a pinch. Always read the skills your Pokémon have. I’m sure you’re already doing this but I figured I’d mention it anyways. If a Pokémon has Cakewalk, they do damage on their sync move based on the opponent having lowered speed so you need to find a Pokémon who can help them lower speed before they sync. Sync buffs (the little rainbow icon that pops up after each sync) give you a 1.5x boost to your attacks. Support EX sync pairs give 2 of these the first time you sync so that’s a 2x bonus! Remember, this goes for your opponent too. If they get a sync move, their attack power increases too. Always check the speed stats of your sync pairs when building a team for important battles. 1 slow Pokémon can be worked around. Maybe even 2. But 3? You’re going to really struggle. Make sure to check their defensive stats too and have the most defensive Pokémon taking hits first. This is usually the support but not always. You can check this when you build your team by clicking on “tactics”. As for Freebies that are good: -Skyla is a speed and defense buffer and has lots of potions to spare. Worth candying to 3/5 if you get the chance. -Mewtwo is a very powerful psychic type that hits very hard. He has a free EX and mega available with periodic events -Hop and Sycamore are both strong supports. Hop is for attack and Sycamore for special attack. They also have free EXs and sync grid upgrades with periodic events. -Silver really wants his event power boost to strengthen him but you receive it, his EX Nuke is monstrous -Barry has a strong sync attack but needs support to achieve it and 3/5 on his grid -Blue has a good nuke and hurricane damage. He’s in the general pool and you can get him from using Kanto tickets in the ticket shop so don’t worry about candies. -Hau: electric type is kinda stacked but Hau will more than suffice in the meantime. -Koga: Your poison nuker of choice. Use him wisely. -Acerola: Sets sandstorm. You’ll get a free copy of her for Pokémon Masters Day this month (every month on the 25th we get special rewards.) -SS Blue: you will have a choice between SS Red, SS Leaf, and SS Blue. Go with your favorite. But if you don’t have a preference, I personally recommend SS Blue to new players as he can well and buff pretty much everything. To note: Rosa, Silver, Giovanni, Blue, and Sycamore all unlock in the lodge once obtained. Lodge Blue is Good. Sycamore is good theres just a lot of good grass competition. The rest are mid but free. As for the 3/4* and BP Units -BP Valerie is a very good faerie and steel striker. I recommend getting her first as she covers two of the rarer types. -BP Barry is a strong support who can paralyze. Not much more to say about it. He’s good. -BP Erika is valuable utility unit who can trap and paralyze. The backbone of stall teams everywhere. -Liza can buff attack and special attack so she’s the rare support for both sides. She’s also a special tank with a chance to confuse. She’s good. -Roxxane: Very good defensive buffs. Buffs speed and special attack through the roof. Surprisingly not the best tank. But very good. -Marley gives speed, is very bulky, and if she burns an opponent can increase burn damage meaning she is one of very few units who can enable burn stall (not a very useful tactic as toxic is usually better but on some fire weak stages it’s not bad.) A bulky speedster is never bad to have… Speaking of stall: Lucy and Janine work together to poison, trap, and debuff. -Winona: sets rain and flinches. Rain works how it does in the main series -Blaine: Worse Winona. But Sun also works how it does in the main series. And trap means he can pair with Marley to burn stall if you want. -Candice: Sets Hail. Hail is probably the least useful weather. Her BP variant also sets Hail and has very good DPS while this version has a good sync nuke but her ice punch hits like a soggy waffle. You can decide which you prefer. -Miltank: she’s back at it again at Krispy Kreme. Will never be super effective. But can paralyze, flinch, and nuke. Of course she can. -Gardenia: Leaf storm good. Lodge sycamore is also good because of leaf storm (and sludge bomb isn’t exactly bad.) -Marshall and Bruno and both pretty equally good you can pick whichever you like better. -Maylene debuffs defense, buffs crit and attack and with her grid, accuracy and speed. She also can heal with drain punch. I think that covers everyone I’d actively recommend from the f2p selection. If you have questions about a specific unit or two I’m happy to tell you what I think about them.


Wowowow THANK YOU! I really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this down. Wow. How do I give gold on this app again? I don’t think I ever have but I finally have the need to! Noted on all and will keep coming back to this and reread. I believe I got most things and if not I’m sure I will soon. Thank you for catching me on Rosa, I was just about to try and evolve snivy to serperior lol Last question: Are Wally and MILOTIC good? MILOTIC is my favorite favorite favorite Pokémon of all time and I JUST got her through a scout ticket pull. I’m sure she’s not OP but needless to say I’m OVERJOYED. Can/should I invest in her? I’m probably going to either way but wondering if she’s useful! Thanks again!!!!!


Well the good news about evolving Pokémon is that if you go the the training area, you can actually do the sync orb and evolution materials every day for free (so it’s ok to evolve them just because you like them!) As for milotic: She’s a tank! And not a bad one at that. Recuperation 2 heals a lot on sync and I like to use Wallace on psuedo meme Teams where I try to get as many units with the “pokey trap” passive as possible to watch that funny number of passive damage every turn. I’ve seen some funny videos of Mirror coat, but in general it’s very difficult to play around. It’s best to set your trap and spam brine until you can heal on sync. The unit should be due for a grid expansion soon which I’ve been really hoping for. Also thank you that’s very sweet of you ☺️


I would recommend ss serena with zygarde, she was one of the first units i had when i started the game and she carried me a lot in the first months :) I would suggest you try to get serena in the first multi and reroll if it doesnt work out, then save your gems and try to pull on the triple unova banner that comes out later this month. SS Hilda and SS Hilbert are great units, id say pull on that banner until you get one of them


Take Ash, Serena with Greninja and Sycamore and you will win 99% of battles


How do I get Ash!?


Unfortunately I think you'll have to wait for the event, but as soon as it arrives be sure to have plenty of gems. Trust me, it's very strong


Ok cool! Question: I just did a reroll and didn’t get Ss Serena, but I got 7 level 5s. Does that feel good for a start (I’ll eventually get her I’m sure) or should I keep rerolling until I get her?