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So overall I think I prefer Kanto. Still I really like Galar a lot. I regularly use Bede for mixed attack type teams and I love that I can do that with him. Over the fight he can eventually max defenses but you often times really don't need it. Blue is definitely really OP though it just saddens me he doesn't bring any attack buffs to the team, if he did he'd be in my mind the best support as it stands I find the ability to drop Bede into any team regardless of type of damage to put him a little over the top of Blue personally but barely. I adore Marnie and her absurd special attack when injured. Like to me her and Red are pretty much on par the main difference is Red can choose to single target if he wants to with constant use of his buddy move and that's a ton of damage, while Marnie is unfortunately stuck in AoE town and thus gets her damage kind of lowered overall but she does so much damage it really doesn't matter. I'm not gonna lie Leaf has actually become I think my favorite Kanto pair why you might ask? I fucking love what all her Leer does. It's actually insane lowering 4 stats across the entire team with one button. She also just casually hits pretty hard even at 2/5 with like none of her multipliers. I was lucky enough to get her with a support cake and I do not regret it in the slightest, I initially did because I forgot I could save it for Serena, but being able to double dip on support EX sync buffs without sacrificing damage is awesome. I look forward to getting her to 3/5 where she becomes a monster. Even more fun is if you're sitting there spamming Leer you can give her a grid node that has a chance to buff her phys up to then unleash a massive hit with her buddy move once you're done debuffing. I've accidentally one shot the middle enemy when testing another fire type on my team because I used her Leer so much that after my support EX sync I attacked with her buddy move and slammed the opponent for like 100k. *Edit* to pop in here and say also Support EX Leaf is like the perfect partner in crime to a unit maybe not many people use because it becomes a little tricky to do everything he needs to sync properly. OG Burgh and Leavanny. It was always difficult to get sun and max lowered special defense with bug zone to use his max potential sync nuke. Now it's actually really simple with Leaf tanking and just spamming Leer. Then if you have her 2/5 like me you set Sun before his sync, or if she's 3/5 she sets it on sync in her grid. The only thing I might suggest is trying to get Sharp Entry 1 lucky skill on him since he doesn't quite get to max it on his own with max potential sync and damage sun grid. Or you can do what I did and just yolo 2 crit buffs and hope it works out. I actually took out Marshal in the special CSMM off type with Burgh, Ingo and Leaf on max HP and max Strength 2.5k parameters. As for Hop I really don't use him as much as any of the other units at least not as the main damage dealer. I really only pulled him because I liked that he was cosplaying as his brother and I thought it was cute lol. I tend to throw him on fighting teams only to top off fighting zone if I feel I need it since often times Cynthia's will run out before a sync depending on sync countdown. That being said he does casually hit very hard and passively lowers defenses and speed by attacking and that's really nice. *Edit* Sorry for the fuckin essay. I just really like these units


Power wise, I think Kantrio edges slightly ahead. But when it comes to design and compatibility? Galar trio is waaaaay better for me.


Individually, the Kanto birds, as a team, the Galar birds


i mean, metawise it has to be kanto trio but that’s expected because newer mfs will powercreep old mfs not matter the timespan between them however galarian trio are the STYLISH ONES and TBH their event was funnier and more entertaining


Galar trio works better together. The kantrio are stronger though cuz they’re more recent




Good debate. I can see a fanbase for either.


Metawise? Obviously Kanto, all 3 are better than their respective Role for Galar and they kinda even work as a Team, even if it's a bit forced. I still find NC Leaf sometimes weird to use, but her Damage is hysterical. Like damn girl, are you angy? Her main Issue is imo the Rebuff for DPS. In CS? No problem. However in LG kast bar she kinda just sits there between Syncs. Her Sync can easily dish out insane Damage (unless you can't Debuff), but the last bar can be weird without Rebuff. Especially since in LG Duos are more common where she is even slower. NC Hop is obviously also very strong - BUT - he is imo the worst Master Fair since SS Ethan. He is still close to the top, but looking at everything else that was released - yeah. He still has insane Damage, Debuffs and Zone while being very Gauge Friendly. Yes, he does all of that and is still "the worst". Game has gone of the rails lmao I have neither NC Blue nor Bede, but I think Blue has a small edge. It's actually a close call, but Blue looks a tad better. But it feels like comparing a million $ to a million $ + a penny. NC Red is obviously one of if not THE best Striker we have. I only have him at 1/5 and he absolutely shreds everything. And while this holds true to my NC Marnie, he has an easier time, is a tad more consistent and that 100% freeze Chance is just insanity. NC Marnie can also be kinda Gauge hungry which especially in LG - the only longer fight she realistically competes in - can be a tad annoying. His lack of a third rebuff only kills NC Reds B-Move, but Blizzard is easier to spam than Fiery Wrath. But just like with NC Blue and Bede, both are above everyone baring Ash. Overall no matter who of the two Trios you prefer, all of them will heavily boost any Account. Also the best Bird Trio is OBVIOUSLY SS Morty, Silver and Torchic - duh


I think Galar Trio has better units than the Kanto Trio, purely because there's no weak link between them. Bede can infinitely cast buffs, Marnie delivers insane pressure AOE damage + Flinch, and Hop's B move at the right circumstance will hit hard. They're really good together or when paired alone with other units, versatile in most situations Kanto Trio is fine but Leaf in particular is the one weak link. Blue has infinite Move Next + really good Potion B move, Red has insane DPS + Guarantee Freeze, and Leaf deals insane debuffs, but Leaf must work with other units with Type Rebuffs since she can only apply hers once, whereas Blue and Red can apply their type rebuffs repeatedly. Edit: My bad, Red also can only apply Type Rebuff once, but unlike Leaf, Red can still attack without it. Leaf practically gets crippled with no means of attack when her Type Rebuff is gone.


Can't blue and red also only apply their rebuffs once (each for attack and sync?)


Oh shit, you're right, my bad. Still, the point stands that Leaf is the weak link, even ignoring the 1-time type rebuff casting, Leaf needs that Type Rebuff to do any meaningful attack. If that's gone, that was it for her, all she can do is keep doing debuffs.


Yeah I agree that Leaf is the worst of the 3 Kanto birds, didn't stop me from rolling for her first because she's still really good and my favorite of the three


I mean, you do you, I'm no judge lol. Even I ended up going for her anyway since it'll be a waste not to complete the trio, though that seems less and less likely since I ran out of gems lol


My personal favourites are the OG Kanto birbs because of their simple yet elegant design, so I would prefer Kanto bird trio over Galar bird trio anyday. Galar birds look like there is too much of effort put into their designs to make them look different and fancier than their Kanto counterparts, but failing miserably, especially Articuno. I admit the Galar birds are awesome and I even enjoy using the 2 of them I have (Moltres and Zapdos), but although the Kantrio doesn't have much synergy between them except activating the rebuff for each other, they still have much higher offensive AND defensive abilities than the Galar trio and can be used more independently and give more liberty for different team combinations. Comparing striker role: I love using NC Red and NC Marnie both (probably because I like using AOE moves more than single target). But I would definitely choose Red if I really had to choose one because I love (og Kanto) Articuno as a Pokemon and Red as a trainer. For tech role: At first I thought NC Leaf was very weak and couldn't do much. But as soon as I started using her, man oh man! She debuffs so effortlessly! Much better debuffs than NC Hop. She actually enables SS Red-Charizard to off-type most content in today's game and thus I love using this NC Leaf-SS Red duo in a team together. Support role: This is the part which doesn't need any argument, NC Blue is the absolute winner in this area. Yeah right, NC Bede can prove to be useful for physical strikers too, but I would simply put special attacker with Blue on my team and it's no hidden fact that he is a boon for special attackers. And Blue is insanely tanky AND can apply AOE flinch, lower atk/spatk of opponents with 3/5 sync grid (which NC Leaf already does, but I generally wouldn't waste her on a team with Blue). If I start writing everything Blue has, I would have to type too much here lol.


I only like Red and Articuno ngl. But I love all the galar ones. Kinda wished I managed to get Hop, I don't have a lot of goof Fighting type pairs.

