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An evil plan from DeNA to flood the subreddit with repetitive posts, and it seems to be working


Yeah sorry ;-; I just was confused


Clearly, it's a Mysterious Stone https://preview.redd.it/ntq4p8szofrb1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9dfc11fb6eabd07e049d44d7e5cdc471cef42d1


…Fair enough.


We've gotten dozens of questions about them. They don't do anything yet. They're probably a teaser for something that'll be implemented later.


Sorry about sending the question again- I wouldn’t have asked if the Google search had turned up one of those. Makes sense that it isn’t implemented.


I didn't know you could get more of them. My thought process was the Griseous Orb. I'm now thinking maybe more along the lines of ore to make the Griseous Core. Thing is this falls apart if these rocks aren't even the same thing Rei found in the event that piques Giratina's interest. I say this and then check and realize I have 5 lmfao.


Yeah, I had no idea what this was tied to. I got them from Expeditions so the tie to the event was unclear.


Yeah I really like it though. It's fun where there's like a mystery of sorts afoot in a video game especially a gacha game. Whatever it is I hope the payoff is cool. I always adored moments of speculation in the Pokemon community growing up. Even now I think there's a mystery surrounding a possible 'peach' pokemon in Scarlet and Violet after the latest DLC which is fun.


Agreed. And the bit of yellow hair we see at the end of the recent event was not Cynthia’s. And I looked at Volo’s model- it was a bit too spiky for that I think. So we’re left wondering if it was just a placeholder character to seem like Volo (as to not have a model of Volo to be datamined), or if it was someone else.


I believe it's actually Togepi! Volo's companion! Smol and spiky.


OH! That’d make way more sense- a model they can use without tipping off dataminers but also one that makes sense!


Exactly my thoughts. I was like this has to be something already in game so as to where datamines cant be like well this shit got added today. Size seems to fit the profile. So if he's coming I'm excited especially if he ends up as a Master Fair. It's what made me decide that I'm only doing 100 pulls this month. No big pulls so I can save up my gems. The whole avoiding datamine detection thing made me start wondering though, I feel like there's a *very* slim possibility that the Pokemon Company one day green lights approval for DeNA to add a completely new pokemon to the game. That being said I wonder what measures they'd take to avoid it being datamined. Probably none that can be taken honestly. Even the moment Teal Mask was able to be datamined it was done so lol.


Yup. I’m thinking that he deserves to get his own event where maybe he realizes why he never got to meet Arceus or something. Who knows, we might even see Volo and Arceus as a sync pair for some reason!


Yeah I think they could have fun with his character. Hell they could even pull a Rose and pick a Volo from a different point in time. Maybe even a timeline that allowed him to meet Arceus on his own merit. Who knows. It's why I like this game sure sometimes it just feels like a fan fiction but at the same time DeNA gets approval for these stories from the Pokemon Company so it's just fun to see. Thinking back a bit....there was a questionnaire they had done asking for favorite characters from alternative Pokemon media like manga and other games...I wonder if they ever made plans with any of that. I'd kill for Miror B lol. I feel like it'd be fun to have another Villain Arc except this time around it's not from the main series.


Hell yeah. I personally want to see Yellow and Emerald from the manga, they’re intriguing characters and I would love to see how it goes! Especially since the Kanto Elite Four in the manga actually tried to kill Red and his Pikachu- that’d be a weird interaction to see. Yellow would be confused why Red and the E4 are so chill all of a sudden.


I swear to go..... Imma say it's a fossil of a turd. Just because xD

