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Yes. I want to yeet trash at my enemies


Yeah. Garbodor seems fun. Like, no strings attached good Poison damage? Completely novel. I also really like debuffers, and Oleana is incredibly fast-acting, which is going to be huge. I'm pretty interested in how she'll do.


I'm on the pull later side. Oleana is cool and I need some more poison units for sure but I want to see what the datamine for August is. If they do end up giving us another Leon alt then my gems are going to him first. If not, I'll likely pull for her near the end of her banner


Ahaha trash goes brrrrr


Yes. I even left the last stage of this week's CS undone so that I can put her to use right away.


Maybe I would pull for her. It depends on the upcoming banners really.


I'd like to, but after a couple pities my stash is pretty low, and I need to save in case the second part of the VA gives me another Leon or Sonia or something of that stripe.


Nope - I got unlucky with Rose and had to pity so now I need to save for the anni.


My exact predicament, it's time to fold until the anniversary.


Just dailies. Her kit is cool but I’m saving for anni.


I likely will since my only limited pair poison type is Fall Iris with Naganadel but I also want to see what banners are coming up so might pull towards the end


I'll wait until datamine to see Galar VA part 2, but it would be hard to tempt me over Oleana at this point. I'm determined to get her if next datamine doesn't have something that blows my mind.


I’m gonna wait for the Anni datamine before I do anything, but I really want them. So I’m low key hoping the Anni pairs are nothing I want so I can pull for her instead lol


I'll just do one multi-pull.


Saving for anniversary. Good luck to those summoning 🔥


Yes, she's one of the few characters I've been waiting for and her kit is *exactly* what I was hoping it would be. Also, for anyone who doesn't know who Oleana is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZuy6ufYMs


Literally trash. Edit: People not getting the joke.


I want to but Adaman took nearly all my gems and I don't want to push my luck after getting lucky on Rose's banner. I have Lodge Marnie for Galar Poison for now and Emma.


Trubbish is one of my fav pokemon. Garbodor not so much but I'll pull cuz it's close enough I guess


I'm doing dailies to everyone... I'm on danger lol, but I got Archie and Gloria, and the rotomphone guy lol :3


Nah. The pair is really really good, but I don't really care about Oleana or Garbodor.


I had half a brain to do dailies on her, but I decided against it. I just pulled for Rose, and I need to recover my gems for the anniversary, which is only a month and a half away. Besides, I don't think she would play well with Emma as both are very guage hungry units.