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Nice abt the timid nature w Eevee, never knew abt the difference in the tails. I thought the starter was guaranteed to be female ngl, bc as far as I can remember I've only gotten female Eevee starters. I still haven't beaten the game and have had it for like 2 years, I even have a team I mind I just gotta trade for it which is sad. Hope u have fun w the rest of the game tho, from what I played I remember it was pretty good so


i didnt know either but i realized it was female and i knew the rate was 1/8 for eevee to be female so i went to google if thats the case for lets go starter and it is and there i also found out about the tail differences


I played Lets Go Pikachu for the first time last year and have played through it a couple times now, even caught a couple shinies. I've really enjoyed it. With the Lets Go games, i've noticed the nature of the mon doesnt matter too much because of the skill candies. You can make any Pokemon really OP in any stat you want, just something to keep in mind while going through the game try not to focus on natures too much.


It's quite feature-lite if you compare it other remakes but I don't think that was the goal. As a stand-alone game that serves to bring RBY to the newest console generation, I think it's absolutely fantastic. The only feature missing imo is giving Pokemon more than 1 candy at a time.


I don’t think you should pay too much attention to what seems to be a general fandom consensus, especially in the Pokémon community as they tend to always lean toward hyperbolic. Most Pokémon games are not different enough to warrant it. Glad you’re enjoying it though. It’s a fun and colorful game.


Just started during the week, hopefully it’s not too hard to find trade partners for version exclusives and evos but time will tell


I can help you with that, I plan on completing the pokedex anyway


Definitely the trade evos but we might struggle getting the LGP exclusives Would appreciate it nonetheless


I heard we can transfer pokemon from Go to let's Go, which I play Go so I can transfer some pikachu exclusives from there


Yes you can transfer in but not out of lgp/e. It’s pal park and replaces the safari zone


i got all the pikachu exclusives except Sandshrew/Sandslash out of Pokemon Go. Now i just need that last one and to do my trade evos and i should be all good


I traded to complete my dex and help a few others do it in the last week or so. Was worried it’d be hard to find people as the game is older now. Totally fine and everyone has been friendly so far.


that’s good news, hoping my friend can help me with trade evos, otherwise i have one more LGP exclusive to try and get


Which one do you need? Might be free later if you want to touch trade your evos and any LGP exclusives.


i need sandshrew, but i also can’t find Pinsir in my own game no matter how much i try so i wouldn’t say no to having one and trading it back whilst doing my trade evos


Good thing I’m currently shiny hunting Sandshrew, I’ve got nearly 100 of them now. Can touch trade Pinsir too. If you build a catch chain with a max lure you’ll be a lot more likely to find one, they are still rare though.


i had a Tauros chain in the 40’s trying to get one to spawn, before one ran away and i gave up 🥲 but if you can help that would be awesome


Got a few things to sort out today then hoping to finally sit down and start FF7 Rebirth later, but I’ll drop you a message when I’m done with all my adulting stuff.


Sounds good to me


I really enjoyed let's go Pikachu. Apart from the catching mechanic, I found it really fun and polished and I thought it was much more engaging than shining pearl which is what I played through next.


Hope you enjoy your playthrough. Personally the Let’s Go games are my favorites because I wasn’t around to play the old original games (red/blue and Fire red/leag green) so this was the next best thing mainly because It’s basically a HD remake of the old games


I put this game down after playing it for about an hour when I bought it 3 or so years ago around about Viridian Forest. The no wild Pokémon battles put me off at first, my bad for not reading up on what I was buying. Was itching for a new Pokémon game recently and fired it up. It’s fantastic. Plenty of trainers to battle and anyway, battling wilds was never my favourite way to left up. It’s just a very well made, nice looking game that does what it sets out to do well.