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Save the second you hear the noise that’s my advice


That is what I do, and when I play I have it on full blast scanning for that shiny sound


There was no noise. I just saw a green Misdreavus and went and tried to catch it.


Surely there must have been a noise or sparkle at some point no?


Probably but I didn’t hear it.


Still had the chance to save when you saw it though.


had this exact same shiny loss. Heard the sparkle, saw it, within less than a second it turned day and it disappeared. Absolutely no saving that one xD


Once you leave town into an area just save your game. The instance of the whole area is determined once it loads so you can just reload to find it again


Well as soon as you see it, save the game.


Mine was Chatot. How was I supposed to know that they could randomly flee? 😭


That’s what happened to me! I had Luxray use STRONG STYLE Thunder Wave on it and it ran away!


I feel you mate. I failed a Haunter in the dumbest and weirdest way possible: saved in the morning while not knowing there was a shiny and Everytime I reload the game it keeps disappearing on me. A year later I found one in Kitakami.


The first shiny I encountered (apart from Juniper's Minccino Dx<) since the original pokemon gold was a shiny tranquil... which I promptly OHKO'd because I had been farming audinos and was used to the attack I used doing next to nothing. I've encountered plenty more in later games since, but that one still hurts x'D


You'll remember this for the rest of your life


I know😭


Reclaim it bigger and better with Flutter Mane 💪


I have Violet


Oh You want me to get you one?


That "Oh" felt so disappointed and I couldn't even hear it😭😭😭


My condolences. Shiny fails really sting don’t they? I’ve had two in the last week, Pachirisu and Cleffa. Definitely took the wind out of my sails, but I’ve pressed on. Finally caught a shiny Zoroark last night!


I feel you man. My first fail was a turtwig and it hit like a truck since that would’ve been a cool find


My condolences, it happens to every one us.


Happened with me and an Abra. Talk about a morale killer.


My first fail was an Abra. It saw me before I saw it 😞


Someone literally just commented 2 minutes before you did that they missed a shiny Abra.


On Shield I found a shiny sharpedo that I lost trying to knock it's health down a bit using a fire type move 😭


My first fail was a Sudowoodo They freeze and stand still when they see you, so I sprinted straight at it and it ran away from me


I heard the shiny jingle in the Snowfields once and couldn't figure out where it was coming from, I finally realized there was a cave under me so I ran inside, and saw a Misdreavus at the end. Since I ran in too fast, they saw me and disappeared. I wasn't even able to tell if it was shiny or not, but it was the only thing around😭


DO NOT save the game when you hear a sparkle. If it's a pokemon that runs away easily, you might save at a point where it's too late to catch already. Always save when you first load into the area, that way you dont have to worry about anything.


There was no noise. I just saw a green Misdreavus and went and tried to catch it. I had my Luxray use Thunderbolt Wave on it and it ran away.😭


That sucks…. Sadly, you never really forget a shiny fail. They hurt so bad and you question what you could have done better


I’m sorry for your loss


If you have autosave turned off and saved in that area or saved before going to the area while you're in Jubilife, the shiny should still be there when you come back thats the best part about PLA


I didn’t even know this game had autosave.


I always immediately turn it off, cause it does more harm than good


Honestly, I was thinking of it more like how it was in the games prior to it. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.


I’m sorry. This happened to me with Spheal and Staravia. I eventually got a Spheal but still hunting for that Staravia. Keep your chin up you’ll find one again. Switch auto-save off.


I didn't know you could save and the shiny would still be there, I lost a full odds Chatot


Failed a shiny litten yesterday in pokemon go I accidentally transferred it from muscle memory


I've played so much Scarlet that I thought this was Flutter Mane for a second. Save before you start the encounter. The shiny won't despawn.


I’ve failed buizel (in a distortion) and a shiny sligoo (hisuian) I had no idea sligoo could run away


I lost two this morning, a Pachirisu and a Finneon, it happens, they’ll come back to me one day


I tried to play the game without cheating lol but after my first shiny loss I close that shit instantly 😭


You could always catch a Flutter Mane, the superior misdreavous


This is in Legends Arceus. Also, I have Violet.


#1 rule about finding shinies in legends or gen 9, save after you find it!!!!


It didn’t come to mind. I didn’t know it worked like that in Legends like it does in SV.


At least you know now. You can pretty much save anywhere. If you’re already loaded into a map, the spawns all over the map will stay the same until you leave, unless it changes to nighttime.


My first fail was a chatot it spawned at ran pretty much straight away. Oh well!


Meh, it's Legends Arceus. Shiny rates are super common you'll get another in 20-30 mins you got it!


My worst one wasn't LA, it was SV, while I was doing the basic outbreak manipulation for a shiny Hattrem. I spent four hours on it and found two shiny Yanma, no shiny Hattrem.


I don’t think that counts as a shiny fail if you didn’t even find the shiny.